Taller men have prettier girlfriends, studies show (2024)

Men and women alike have long been fascinated by height, and when I say long, I mean always. We are talking since the beginning of time. It doesn’t matter what you believe in, we humans can’t just accept our height as just height. Short women want to be tall and tall women want to be short, while short men want to be tall and tall men want to be taller.

I am only 5’2” and I still don’t understand women’s obsession with being tall, but I think I have finally found the root of man’s desire to be tall. One study suggests how taller men have prettier girlfriends. You can’t believe everything you read on the internet, so I took it upon myself do a little more research.

The research

Turns out, there is no actual cause and effect relationship between men’s height and the attractiveness of their girlfriend. I know, you really wanted this to be true, but no need to despair. While no causal relationship can be found directly linking men’s height and the attractiveness of their better half, the two really are correlated. Studies have found undeniable proof that women like to feel small next to their husband, even while wearing 6 inch heels, which means women like a man who is taller than them. Standing next to a tall man makes us feel petite and protected. Men also like to feel big next to their girlfriend, which is why tall men continue to date short women.

This research supports the fact that women prefer tall men. Because women find tall men more attractive, taller men generally have more options and they choose the prettiest woman they can get. Let's straighten this all out; we know that women prefer tall men, so we all chase the tallest, most manly men and then those men get to pick the one woman they want from their crowd of admirers. No surprise, they pick the one they find most attractive. Bottom line, ladies: our preference lets the taller men have prettier girlfriends.

The exception

This is, of course, not true on every occasion. I’m sure we can all think of that one beautifully tall and attractive man that married someone nowhere near as attractive as himself; or that beautiful woman with a shorter man by her side. Sometimes it is just a weird fluke, but occasionally there is a reason for these apparent oddities.

Women are much more likely to take personality into account when choosing a mate and lots of time the short guys are the funny and nice guys too. The studies mentioned above also show that attraction grows with closeness and sometimes love blooms from relationships of geographic convenience. Confidence is also an attractive trait and so shorter men and women with an abundance of self-confidence will often appear taller to those around them.

Those same studies also found that some men are too tall. The most attractive height range for men is between 5’11” and 6’3”. Men that get into the “freakishly tall” stage find it harder to date “beautiful women”. Fortunately science backs up the claim that looks aren’t everything when choosing a partner. While tall men may have a leg up to start the race, they don’t always stay ahead of the game if they don't have a likeable personality.

The application

I hate to say it, but there really isn’t one. This information is nothing more than interesting, but it truly is that. If your man is tall, you should feel beautiful. Maybe you picked him for his height, but chances are that was just an added bonus once you fell in love. If your man is short, you should feel beautiful. He picked you and you picked him. You two fell in love and that was that. Height is genetic. It is only about the luck of the draw, so take a second and think about all the reasons why you love your spouse. His or her height probably didn’t even make the top 10 qualities of why you love them.

This research about beauty relating to height is a fun fact that I have definitely already shared with all my girl friends, but in the end love is a choice and you chose each other. So, make that list of reasons you love your partner, hold them close and never ever forget them.

Kelsey Robertson, FamilyShare

Kelsey is a student at Brigham Young University studying to broaden her horizons through the written word. She loves the outdoors, family, car washes and punny witticisms.

Taller men have prettier girlfriends, studies show (1)
Taller men have prettier girlfriends, studies show (2024)


Taller men have prettier girlfriends, studies show? ›

The research

Are taller guys more attractive to girls? ›

1. Women prefer to date taller men; tall men attract more desirable partners. On average, women have a strong preference for tall men. In fact, women care more about dating taller men than men care about dating shorter women.

What's the most attractive height for a girl? ›

As for women, 21 percent of respondents stated that the ideal height for a woman should be between 5 feet 5 inches and 5 feet 9 inches.

How much more attractive does height make a man? ›

For males, the relationship between height and attractiveness was less clear Females expressed a general preference for dating males taller than themselves and reported dating taller males more frequently but did not rate their tall male dates as more attractive.

What's the most attractive height for a man? ›

Ideal mates
  • Women of about 5'7” and shorter consider the ideal height of a man to be 5'11”
  • Women taller than 5'8” consider the ideal male height to be taller than 6'1”

Is 5 ft 8 short for a man? ›

No, 5'8” is about average for men.

There have been a lot of studies on this. The average height for adult men is actually 69 inches (180 cm), which translates to 5'9”. So, at 5'8”, you're taller than about 90% of women and about 45% of men. In other words, you're like most guys.

Is 5 ft 11 tall for a man? ›

In a general consensus, a height range of 5'9" to 5'11" (175-180 cm) is considered average [2]. Some people consider 5'11" to be tall for a man, while others may not view it as outright tall because it is still an inch under 6 feet, which is commonly recognized as noticeably tall [3].

Can a 5 5 guy be attractive? ›

You may think that short guys struggle with dating, but in truth, women like guys of all shapes and sizes. So, can short guys be attractive? Absolutely! Dating is about connection and giving your best, truest self to another person.

Is 5 ft 7 tall for a girl? ›

Based on the most recent available data, the average height of an American woman is slightly less than 5 feet 4 inches tall. The average heights of women worldwide range from just under 5 feet tall to around 5 feet 7 inches. Female height (and height in general) is primarily influenced by genetics.

Is 5 feet 9 inches short for a guy? ›

Frequently asked questions about the average height of males

If you're looking at global statistics, the answer is yes. The average height for a man worldwide is 5 feet 7.5 inches. The average height for a man in the United States is 5 feet 9 inches.

Which height looks most attractive? ›

As far as the most safe or desirable height overall, most women typically prefer the common model heights which are from 5′11″ to 6′2″. Just as many women consider 6′3″ too tall as those that consider 5′10″ too short. The same goes to greater degrees with heights of 6′4″ and 5′9″ and so on.

At what weight are you most attractive? ›

These studies have found that a low waist to hip ratio (WHR) of approximately 0.7 [9] and a low Body Mass Index (BMI; weight scaled for height) of approximately 18–19 kg/m2 [10] are perceived as most attractive in female bodies, while a low waist to chest ratio (WCR) of approximately 0.7, and relatively high BMI ( ...

What is the most attractive weight for a man? ›

The average ideal male height and weight, according to respondents, was 6 feet tall and 168.3 pounds.

Why are tall guys so attractive? ›

Tall men are seen as protective and strong.

While short men are just as capable of looking after their partners, tall guys exude a sense of safety that many women appreciate. When a shorter woman is with a taller man, she might feel like she doesn't have to worry about her own security or protection.

Is 5 5 too short for a guy? ›

Originally Answered: Is 5'5 unbelievably short for an adult male? It is on the shorter side of average, but certainly not unusual. People come in all shapes and sizes and those who are not right in the middle of average may tend to stand out a bit. It doesn't need to adversely affect you.

Is 5 ft 10 tall for a man? ›

The average American man stands just under 5 feet, 10 inches -- or about 5 feet, 9.3 inches to be precise. That's roughly 176 centimeters.

Do girls prefer tall guys or short guys? ›

Heterosexual women are generally attracted to tall men due to evolutionary, biological, and social reasons, according to Avigail Lev, founder, and director of the Bay Area CBT Center in San Francisco, which specializes in cognitive behavioral therapy.

Do tall guys prefer small girls? ›

Tall men typically prefer petite women for short-term relationships while women always prefer taller men, a study has found.

Do guys find shorter or taller girls more attractive? ›

“Our results partially corroborate previous findings, namely that women generally prefer taller men, and men generally prefer shorter women, relative to their own heights.

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Name: Dean Jakubowski Ret

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Introduction: My name is Dean Jakubowski Ret, I am a enthusiastic, friendly, homely, handsome, zealous, brainy, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.