How Do Influencers Make Money from Social Media? (2024)

Make no mistake: the days of social media being nothing but a fun environment to hang out in are over.

While many of us can still have lots of fun on social media, it has still become highly commercialized.

Early on, advertising in the form of paid social and display ads paid the bills for networks. It still does, for the most part. However, social media has also become a place where influencers make money, often in ways you don’t realize. How do influencers make money? Let’s take a look at their options for monetizing their influence.

How Do Influencers Make Money?

How Do Influencers Make Money from Social Media? (1)

As with many parts of the mass media and internet space, influencers have several options for making money. They generally choose based on niche, individual talents, opportunities presented, and more. Besides this, there are options that require larger levels of commitment that an influencer might not be interested in.

Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is one of the oldest answers to the question, “how do influencers make money?”

With affiliate marketing, influencers and website owners place special links or coupon codes into their posts. When people click on the links or use the codes at checkout, then the influencer gets a small fee. One of the most famous affiliate marketing programs is Amazon Associates. There’s also a specialized influencer program.

Display Advertising

How Do Influencers Make Money from Social Media? (2)

Another option is display advertising.

Most of us think in terms of programs like Google AdSense, but this one mostly works on blogs or other websites. People with Podcasts can easily add sound bites into the program. In this situation, the ad is similar to radio commercials because it interrupts the program. YouTube also has options for display advertising, such as the inclusion of a merch shelf.

Sponsored Posts

Nowadays, sponsored posts are a major option when it comes to how do influencers make money.

In this case, sponsored posts can be any type of content creation on a commissioned basis.

So, an Instagram star might create a single post, series of posts, or Story. YouTube and TikTok influencers can make videos, and Twitter people send out Tweets. The product being promoted is usually incorporated into the content somehow. In addition, an FTC disclosure should be added for compliance reasons.

Photo and Video Sales

How Do Influencers Make Money from Social Media? (3)

Instagram is known for its awesome photos. To that end, travel influencers and others who create frame-worthy pictures may be able to sell them. In this case, photo sales are typically prints that you can buy through their website. Sometimes you can buy the rights to them, as well. Videos are often licensed.

Digital Courses, Subscriptions, Ebooks

Social media is full of people with specialized expertise, and many of them have become influencers within their industries. For this subset of influencers, selling digital products is a great way to make money.

You will see a lot of this with fitness, food, and finance influencers. For the fitness set, selling different training options is quite effective, as is offering a subscription. Food bloggers can sell an ebook of recipes, and financial gurus often market subscription-based services.

Promote Your Own Products

How Do Influencers Make Money from Social Media? (4)

Naturally, some influencers have their own products. Professionals in particular often have written books or work as consultants offline. For them, answering how do influencers make money is as simple as “being an influencer is part of my marketing routine.” Other influencers end up creating products after gaining influence.

Co-Create Product Lines

Also referred to as an “influencer collab(oration),” co-creating product lines is very lucrative for some influencers.

This technique involves an influencer helping an existing brand to design or develop new products.

For instance, many sporting goods companies will collaborate with athletes to improve a product, then slap their name on it. Influencers in the beauty space might design an eyeshadow palette or beautiful lipstick cases. Typically, an influencer will get a portion of the proceeds.

How Much Do Influencers Make Per Post?

How Do Influencers Make Money from Social Media? (5)

When we ask how do influencers make money, it’s natural to wonder how much money they make. Prices for more advanced monetization techniques like subscriptions vary widely, so that needs to stay outside of the scope of our discussion. However, there is some information available on prices paid for sponsored content.

Price per Blog Post

According to Nomad With A Laptop, your price per post should be based on unique monthly visitors and domain authority.

If you remember, domain authority essentially refers to how seriously Google and other search engines take your website. Anyhow, the rates listed range from a bare minimum of $75 for someone with low DA and few visitors, all the way to $5,500 for large blogs with high DA. Another suggestion is to pay a flat $60 for each 1,000 monthly unique visitors.

Price per Instagram Post

Pricing Instagram posts is relatively difficult.

A while back, I did a post on Instagram rate calculators. The same information yielded wildly varying results.

Fortunately, there’s a rule of thumb which is slowly gaining acceptance. For each 1,000 followers an influencer has, you should pay $10 for each post. Keep in mind, if you’re doing a Story or series of posts, the numbers should be increased to reflect this.

Price per YouTube Video

On YouTube, influencers frequently must do a lot of work to put out a video. Scripting, shooting, and editing take a lot of time. For that reason, my suggestion is a minimum of $20 per 1,000 subscribers. However, with exclusivity agreements and other factors considered you might need to pay more.

Further Reading: How Much Do YouTubers Make in 2024?

Price per TikTok Video

TikTok an emerging arena for influencer marketing. However, that’s not to say getting a post sponsored is cheap. Right now, the suggested rate is $25 per 1,000 followers. Some of this may be due to the smaller supply of influencers up against other networks.

Further Reading: 8 Easiest Ways How To Make Money on TikTok in 2023

Price per Podcast Episode

According to longtime podcaster and friend John Lee Dumas from Entrepreneurs on Fire (JLD from EOF), the podcast industry has a well-defined pricing structure for sponsorships. In a nutshell, the rate is set per thousand listens (CPM), how long the spot is, and where it is placed into the episode.

  • For a 15 second preroll, expect to pay $18 per 1,000 listens. These are placed before the main content.
  • 60-second midroll costs $25 per 1,000 listens. Midrolls are in the middle of the episode.
  • Finally, a 30-second postroll sets you back $10 per 1,000. A quick call to action at the end.

How Does an Influencer Get Paid?

If you’re wondering how do influencers make money, then you also should know how they get paid.

The answer to this depends to some extent on the way that they’re making money. In some cases, they get paid directly by people who purchase their subscriptions. These subscriptions are paid on a regular basis. However, for other methods of making money the payment schedule works differently.

Getting Paid by Brands or Services

In the case of sponsored content a brand will typically send them the money after publication of the content. They’ll also verify the content is up to their standards.

Influencers with some sort of commission-based agreement, like affiliate marketing or collabs, will likely get paid at intervals. This allows for brands to ensure that services are rendered before paying. Commissions also need accurate calculations before payment.

Finally, product promotion or display ads pay out a bit differently. Ad services like Google AdWords send checks or electronic payments at predetermined intervals. Payment resulting from an influencer’s own products is often governed by third-party agreements. These are quite a bit more complicated, however.

Paying Taxes

Most influencers are considered independent contractors or suppliers. If they are based in the United States, they typically get sent a 1099 form each year. These forms come from every brand that pays them a total of $600 annually. Then, the income is reported on their tax forms. Other countries have different procedures.

Using Intermediaries

Finally, keep in mind that some people use influencer marketing agencies and platforms.

In these situations, the agency sources influencers on behalf of brands. Or, the platforms accept payments and forward them to the influencer. These arrangements mean that the brand doesn’t pay an influencer directly. At the same time, the influencer might be getting the 1099 from that agency.

Is Being an Influencer a Real Job?

Well, probably not.

Most influencers consider this “job” to be a side hustle.

Remember, many of them grew into their niche as a hobby. Crafting influencers, for instance, typically just love to pass on their know-how and share their latest project. Making a little money at the same time is icing on the cake.

Alternatively, professional influencers such as consultants and company executives explicitly intend to have a day job. If they quit, then they’d lose their edge. Part of the draw for these professionals is feeling like you “know” them or benefit from their wisdom.

Another thing to consider is that sponsored content doesn’t pay a lot of money unless the influencer can get a large number of impressions.

Some influencers, such as celebrity chefs or major makeup artists, become hugely influential. Hiring these people can get very expensive. But it’s a bit like trying to become a professional musician or athlete: many people try, but few succeed in being famous. Getting a lot of subscribers or web traffic is too competitive.

Generally speaking, those who can make ends meet in this industry have a thorough understanding on how do influencers make money.

Typically, they start small then go on to greater things. Developing a product personally, then selling it, is one of the few ways to rake in a lot of cash. One example of this is in the beauty industry: many of the best influencers, such as Kylie Jenner, have developed their own cosmetics lines.

Similarly, some influencers make a lot of money by using their products creatively.

Chefs might sell their set of cookware, which makes a lot of money. But in addition, they might use those products to work with another one, such as a gourmet food item. They’re selling both the food and the cookware at the same time. Or else they are showing cookware customers some new tricks. That might bring these customers back for more. Over time, the money can really add up.

In conclusion, the answer to “how do influencers make money” is, “several different ways.” While monetization options come in limited categories, there are many variations of each option. You could even argue that the need to be creative makes options nearly unlimited.

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How Do Influencers Make Money FAQs

How much do influencers make per post?

Influencers earn differently depending on the platform. For blog posts, the price is based on the domain authority and unique monthly visitors. An influencer with low DA costs $75 per blog up to $5,500 for large blogs with high domain authority. Instagram costs $10 per post for every 1,000 followers. A YouTube video costs a minimum of $20 per thousand subscribers while a TikTok video costs $25 per 1,000 followers.

How do social media influencers make money?

There are few ways on how social media influencers make money on the internet. The most common way is getting paid by companies, brands, and services. Typically, they need to create content and get paid by the agreed rate. Some do commissions too — just like in affiliate marketing and collaborations. Another way is through product promotion or displaying ads on their content. This is commonly used on YouTube.

How much do influencers make a year?

The influencer’s rate is greatly affected by his/her follower count and outreach success. Based on a report, an average influencer earns between $30,000-$100,000 yearly through product promotion. Meanwhile, sponsored posts range between $50-$50,000. For influencers with 1 million followers can take home more than $100,000 up to $250,000, per sponsored post. Nano-influencers who have few thousand followers can earn between $30,000-$60,000/year.

Who is the highest paid influencer?

The professional Portuguese football player is currently the highest paid influencer, specifically on Instagram. He has the most number of followers on the platform with a massive 268 million followers. Based on reports, Cristiano has earned $47.8 million for a sponsored Instagram post. On average, he takes home $975,000 per paid post on the platform. He has represented big brands like Nike, Clear Haircare, Six Pad Europe and Herbalife.

Is being an influencer hard?

Yes, being an influencer is hard. It is more than just taking pictures, filming videos, and creating blog posts. Especially now that there are a lot of influencers that marketers can find, you need to do ways to stand out. You need to be constantly creative and deliver high-quality content. The world of the internet is fast-paced so influencers also need to always come up with fresh ideas to stay relevant and keep their audience engaged.

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Allow me to introduce myself as a seasoned expert in the realm of social media and influencer marketing. With an in-depth understanding of the evolving landscape, I've closely followed the trends and transformations in the industry, staying abreast of the latest developments. My expertise is not just theoretical; I have hands-on experience navigating the intricacies of social media monetization, making me well-equipped to shed light on the various facets of this dynamic field.

Now, let's delve into the key concepts addressed in the article about how influencers make money:

  1. Affiliate Marketing:

    • Definition: Influencers use special links or coupon codes in their posts, earning a commission when followers make purchases through these links.
    • Example: Amazon Associates is cited as a famous affiliate marketing program.
  2. Display Advertising:

    • Definition: Involves the placement of ads, similar to Google AdSense, on blogs, websites, podcasts, or YouTube videos.
    • Example: YouTube's merch shelf is mentioned as a form of display advertising.
  3. Sponsored Posts:

    • Definition: Content creation on a commissioned basis, where influencers incorporate a promoted product into their posts on platforms like Instagram, YouTube, TikTok, or Twitter.
    • Example: An Instagram star creating a single post or a series of posts featuring a sponsored product.
  4. Photo and Video Sales:

    • Definition: Influencers, especially on platforms like Instagram, may sell their high-quality photos or videos, either as prints or through licensing.
    • Example: Travel influencers selling framed prints or the rights to their captivating photos.
  5. Digital Courses, Subscriptions, Ebooks:

    • Definition: Influencers with specialized expertise sell digital products, such as fitness training programs, recipe ebooks, or financial advice subscriptions.
    • Example: Fitness influencers offering various training options or financial gurus marketing subscription-based services.
  6. Promote Your Own Products:

    • Definition: Some influencers, particularly professionals, leverage their influence to market and sell their own products, such as books or consulting services.
    • Example: Influencers in the beauty industry developing and selling their own cosmetics lines.
  7. Co-Create Product Lines:

    • Definition: Collaborative efforts where influencers assist existing brands in designing or developing new products, often receiving a share of the proceeds.
    • Example: Sporting goods companies collaborating with athletes to improve and market products with the athlete's name.

The article also touches upon the pricing structures for influencers, considering various platforms like blogs, Instagram, YouTube, TikTok, and podcasts. It provides insights into how influencers get paid, including direct payments, commission-based agreements, and intermediary involvement. Additionally, it addresses the question of whether being an influencer constitutes a real job, highlighting that many influencers consider it a side hustle or part of their marketing routine.

In conclusion, the comprehensive overview of influencer monetization strategies and the nuanced details of the industry presented in the article reflects a deep understanding of the evolving dynamics of social media and influencer marketing.

How Do Influencers Make Money from Social Media? (2024)


How much money do social media influencers make? ›

Social Media Influencer Salary
Annual SalaryMonthly Pay
Top Earners$91,000$7,583
75th Percentile$68,000$5,666
25th Percentile$41,000$3,416

How exactly do influencers make money? ›

Influencers make money with sponsored promotions.

Sponsored promotions include product placements, brand stories, event coverage, product reviews and more. Some influencers receive small payouts and free merchandise for sponsored content. High-level social media stars can receive enormous paychecks as compensation.

Who actually pays influencers? ›

Many influencers earn money on Instagram by working with brands on sponsored content. In 2022, Instagram launched a test of its Creator Marketplace, which connects brands and influencers directly on the app.

How are influencers typically paid? ›

Determine compensation models: Decide how you'll compensate influencers. Common methods include monetary payments, free products/services, affiliate commissions, or a combination. Some influencers might also accept a negotiated deal based on your specific campaign goals.

What qualifies you as an influencer? ›

What is an influencer? An influencer is someone with a loyal and larger than average social media following. Some influencers have as few as 3,000 followers! Influencers are paid by brands to create and post promotional content.

Do influencers pay taxes? ›

Influencers work as independent contractors for the companies they promote. Independent contractors are considered self-employed. “In addition to standard federal and state income taxes, self-employed individuals are also obligated to pay self-employment taxes,” Pianoforte said.

How many followers do you need to become a paid influencer? ›

Mega influencers have more than 1 million followers, macro influencers have between 100,000 to 1 million followers, micro-influencers have between 10,000 to 100,000 followers and nano influencers have between 1,000 to 10,000 followers.

Does Instagram actually pay influencers? ›

Can you make money on Instagram? Yes, you can make money on Instagram. According to CBInsights, Instagram is one of the top platforms where influencers and creators can monetize their content and lure more followers (Learn more: how to make money as an influencer).

How much do Amazon influencers make? ›

How much does it pay to become an Amazon influencer? These programs pay based on a commission model. Creators earn a commission every time someone purchases a product with their link. Farzin said he makes a commission of between about 1% and 20% on each sale, depending on the product.

How much do TikTok influencers make? ›

The latest industry data shows that TikTok influencers earn an average salary of $121,765. While that's certainly an impressive number, looking at the average salary can be a bit misleading. That's because mega-influencers — also known as “TikTok royalty” — can sometimes pull in seven or eight-figure salaries.

How much does it cost to hire an influencer? ›

Instagram influencer pricing

Based on surveys of Instagram influencers, the average sponsored Instagram post costs around $1,300. Estimated rates break down as follows: Nano-influencers (500–10,000 followers): $10–$100 per post. Micro-influencers (10,000–50,000 followers): $100–$500 per post.

Where does the money come from to pay influencers? ›

The majority of influencer payments involve some form of sponsored content, where the business pays the influencer or gives them free products. The influencer may also enter into a partnership with the brand, in which case, commission payments are more appropriate.

Who is the highest paid social media influencer on Instagram? ›

Cristiano Ronaldo. No one has a bigger social media presence in the world than the Juventus soccer megastar and five-time Ballon d'Or winner. Ronaldo comes out top on the highest-paid Instagram influencers list, making $3.23 million per sponsored post.

How much do influencers make with 1 million followers? ›

Mega influencers – like those with 1+ million followers – can generate some serious income on Instagram. A survey from HypeAuditor found that mega influencers earned about $15,356 per month. Other sources say that mega influencers can charge $10K-$15K for a sponsored post.

How much do 100k influencers make? ›

Average Influencer Earnings in 2024
Earnings per postEarnings per post
100k followers$1,000 – $3,000
200k followers$1,000 – $3,000
300k followers$1,000 – $3,000
1 million followers$5,000+
1 more row
Mar 14, 2024

How much does an influencer with 1,000 followers make? ›

The more followers you have, the higher your earnings potential. However, brands also want to see a good engagement rate. According to marketing tech firm HypeAuditor, influencers with 1,000 to 10,000 followers earn an average of $1,420 per month, while those with more than one million followers rake in about $15,356.

How much do 500K influencers make? ›

Recent data shows that influencers with 1 million followers make anywhere from $5K to $25K for a sponsored post. So, if you had 500K followers, you could estimate that you'd make anywhere from $2,500 to $12,500 from sponsored posts alone. Remember that these figures are just for sponsored posts.

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Name: Carmelo Roob

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Introduction: My name is Carmelo Roob, I am a modern, handsome, delightful, comfortable, attractive, vast, good person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.