What Do You Love About Your Job? - ZipRecruiter (2024)

In the spirit of this lovely Hallmark holiday, we asked employees from all over to answer a question:

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“What do you love about your job?”

Below, some of the most greeting-card-worthy responses.


“I love my job because everyone shares the same vision and is dedicated to the mission. This truly creates a family environment where everybody is there for each other,” Philip George, Marketing and Communications at Healthcare Businesswomen’s Association

“I love my job because people care about me as a person and about my professional growth. There is a genuine spirit of cooperation and shared goals all revolving around helping the customer that I have not found at other corporations,” Beverly Butler, Vice President at Wells Fargo & Company

“What I love about my job is the collaborative environment. A lot of companies want to break down their silos, this company fights against silos as if they’re the Borg,” Shannon Mouton at Topaz Consulting

“I love having a voice. My boss listens to my ideas and the whole team works together to make them happen. We all support each other and work together to offer creative feedback and then make our ideas a reality. I love being appreciated and listened to,” Christine Crum, Public Relations at Veodin Software

Work-Life Balance

“I love that I have a great degree of control and freedom within my job. I work full-time on a flexible schedule, both in and out-of-office, and my boss trusts me to produce high-quality work and results. I work hard to maintain that level of trust, which keeps me engaged and excited — but at the same time, I love that my job enables me to love and enjoy my other passions in life,” Kelsey Berry, Associate at Mom Corps NYC

“Being my own boss, I love that I have flexibility in my schedule. Even though I work a lot…I can arrange my time so as to pick up my kids from school, take them to karate and dance class, and even have lunch with my wife once a week,” IanAronovich, Cofounder & CEO atGovernment Auctions


“I like the autonomy I have because my bosses allow me to innovate. I also love the people I work with,” Naresh Vissa, Senior Producer & Special Correspondent at KFXR 1190 AM, Dallas-Fort Worth

“The ownership group has given me complete and *absolute autonomy* over my responsibilities. I select the time, tasks, team, and strategies. They supply the goals — Life has never been better!” Bob Shirilla, Marketing Director at Keepsakes Etc


What Do You Love About Your Job? - ZipRecruiter (1)“It is always changing — always evolving — and I get front row seats watching the process of a simple idea grow into a nationwide business. Every day is different, and it is a constant adventure. I love my job!” Lydia del Rossi at StepnSoak

“The variability of my job is what gets me up in the morning. We provide professional services to trade associations and membership societies and I am able to contribute my experience and skills in marketing, social media, public relations, management, strategy and design to a wide variety of clients. Each project presents unique challenges,” Brian Reuwee, Vice President of Sales & Marketing at AMR Management Services

“The diversity of the work that I do ensures that no day is like any other, and I am always focused on bettering the community, which makes you feel good when the day is done!” Lori Harasem, Recreation and Culture Development Manager for City of Lethbridge


“I love our weekly foosball tournaments. A positive organizational culture is key to feeling motivated and inspired at work. It’s amazing how a table of tiny wooden dolls can turn serious, senior executives into high-fiving, air-pumping adolescents. It’s really a great bonding and team-building exercise,” Clea Baker, International PR Manager atCarpooling.com

“I’m a circus clown. In the average day at work, I get to blow things up, throw pies, slap my co-workers, toss buckets of water on them and drop my pants. Not only does human resources NOT frown on this behavior, I’m actually given bonuses and raises for doing these things well!” Pat Chasin, Boss Clown atThe Cashin Comedy Co.

“I love that wearing suits Mon.-Thu. is mandatory. These days, guys do not get many chances to rock a suit, so it’s nice to have a reason to wear one. People treat you differently as well,” Eric Younan atUHY Advisors

“I now work for a busy but creative organization where everyone on the staff truly gets along and pitches in to get the job done — even if it’s not written in their job description. No egos, no politics, no gossip. After more than 30 years in the workplace, this is a first for me,” Lisa Hanock-Jasie, PR Manager atOneClub


“I love how my boss constantly believes in me. She pushed me to endeavor on projects that I thought were way beyond my abilities for both my age and knowledge, and I am so grateful for her insistence. I’d be in a rut otherwise,” Sharon Rosenblatt atAccessibility Partners

“Feeling a sense of accomplishment when I am up against a deadline and we only have one shot to get it right, and it turns out better than we could have imagined. Having a boss that appreciates the work I do and always thanks me for the hard work at the end of the day,” Dawn Wickwire, Production Assistant to the CEO at The Grocery Game

“I love the challenge of coming in every day and trying to figure out how I am going to get more people around the world on my website today,” Raj Sheth, CEO ofRecruiterBox

“It doesn’t require sitting in a cubicle all day long — always traveling to one city after another and always challenging my creative side to raise the bar on how our next event will top the last one,” Hillary Bessiere, Director of Business Development atBishop Mccann

Helping Others

“I’m a Wedding Planner, Author, and Speaker and what I love most about my job is helping to create (write and speak about) the most magical day of a couple’s life. I love the fact that it’s filled with the start of all their possibilities and in a small way I am part of that!”
Bláithín O’ Reilly Murphy, Wedding Consultant, Author & Speaker

“I have an opportunity every time I speak to an audience to help someone make a positive change in their company or life. It’s poetic justice that I now get paid to do what used to get me in trouble in school — speak!” Tim Richardson, Author & Certified Speaking Professional

What do you love most about your job?

What Do You Love About Your Job? - ZipRecruiter (2024)
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Author: Kerri Lueilwitz

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Author information

Name: Kerri Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1992-10-31

Address: Suite 878 3699 Chantelle Roads, Colebury, NC 68599

Phone: +6111989609516

Job: Chief Farming Manager

Hobby: Mycology, Stone skipping, Dowsing, Whittling, Taxidermy, Sand art, Roller skating

Introduction: My name is Kerri Lueilwitz, I am a courageous, gentle, quaint, thankful, outstanding, brave, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.