'What interests you about this role?' Best answer examples | Michael Page (2024)

You have probably heard the common interview question, 'What interests you about this role' during a job interview before. When a hiring manager or interviewer asks this, it can be tricky to know how to avoid generic answers but instead tailor a response that best showcases your unique skills as a candidate.

Being prepared is a huge part of interview and job search success, even if you are the perfect candidate on paper and have a perfectly built CV and cover letter. If you're not prepared for your interview or don't know the best way to sell yourself to a prospective employer or hiring manager then you are going to be out of luck.

With that in mind, we're sharing our expert advice on how to answer this common interview question like a pro, with some great answer examples that you can use in your next interview.

Answering ‘What interests you about this role’ in a job interview

There are a lot of ways you can approach answering this open-ended question. If answered correctly, it's a good tool that will enable the hiring manager to learn more information about you, gauge your level of interest, your understanding of the role itself, and check that your values align with the company's.

There are three key ways you can potentially answer this question and that's by either focusing on yourself, the company, or the role itself. You can either focus on one of these approaches or a mix of any of them to answer what interests you.

Use any of these examples below for a well thought out response to this common interview question, or use them as a template to build out your own answer:

Focus on yourself

With this approach, you will focus on your fit for the role, your own goals and how your experiences make you the perfect candidate for the job. This is looking beyond the job title, and looking more about how you're the best fit for the business.

Let’s look at a couple of key things you could highlight with this approach:

  • Culture - talk about how you will be a great cultural fit for the business and how you can see yourself working well with potential co-workers. If there is a certain element of the culture that's already been discussed with the hiring manager during the interview that interested you, highlight this and discuss how that helped you come to your decision to carry on with the hiring process.
  • Progression - a lot of prospective employers want to see that you are interested in moving forwards through the company and that you don't see this role as just a quick career stop. Make it apparent that if you are successful in this interview, you will be part of the company long-term. Highlight how you see yourself progressing to show you have a better understanding of the company and its potential. This will ensure you stand out from other applicants.

💡 Top tip: Matching the job description with your own personal career goals shows that you have taken the time to think about whether this role is a good fit for you, your personal brand, and that you're not just answering interview questions without any thought.

Example answer:

There are a lot of elements that interest me about this role from the job description, but one of the key elements that really appealed to me is that I feel I would be a great fit within the company culture. I want to work in a progressive team and the collaborative of this company is something that interested me in this job. Looking over the company website, and from our previous discussions, I believe this role would also give me the ability to progress in my career and develop my skills in a lot of different areas such as ‘X, Y, Z’.

Focus on the company

It is important to have a vested interest in the particular company you are applying to that are specific to that organisation. Saying 'I need to pay my bills' is not a viable reason for applying for a job and shows you are only interested in the pay and not the company or the role itself.

When focusing on the company in your answer to 'What interests you about this role', there are a few things to mention:

  • History - a popular angle when answering this question is to highlight your interest in the company due to its reputation, history or innovation within the industry. This shows you are involved in the company’s growth, understand its current position and want to be part of that journey.
  • Problem-solving - this requires some research but can be a very good answer if approached in the right way. This is where you will highlight an issue within the business that you could help solve, or perhaps a trend that you foresee coming that the company has not addressed. This also shows that you want to help the company achieve success and are aligned with its mission and goals.

Example answer:

One of the big factors that attracted me to this role is the company itself, I have loved your recent innovations and the development of ‘X’. Historically, the company has proven time and time again to be a market leader and that would be a great environment for me to develop in. Looking at your previous projects, have you ever considered the implementation of ‘Y and Z’ to further increase profits and increase engagement? I think this would be great for a business like yours.

💡 Want to secure more interviews with exciting companies? Submit your CV today to stay discoverable.

Focus on the role

In this answer, you want to focus on the job listing or the role specifically. Drill down into the job description and the role and how this particular position suits both your needs and the needs of the hiring manager.

  • Experience - pick out areas of the job description that match up with your experience and showcase how your previous experience will be invaluable in this role. As much confidence in your own ability to get the job done, the better. Having some previous examples written down or memorised can help prove you are organised and interested in this job.
  • Opportunities - focus on how the role will provide you with the ability to further develop your career and specialise within your industry. At the end of this answer, you could also ask what kind of support they give or training opportunities do they offer. You have a unique skillset, but you also want to showcase your thirst to develop and grow within this particular company.

Example answer:

This job suits me and my experience as I have been looking for the opportunity to get involved in ‘X and Y’ which directly links to my previous roles where I had extended experience dealing with ‘Y and Z’. I feel there would be a lot of opportunities for me to grow in my role and further my knowledge in ‘X’ and progress my career.

What's next?

Ahead of an interview it’s important to know what your skills and experience are worth in today’s competitive market. To do that, head over to our salary guide resources page and find out what you should be earning ahead of your interview.

Want to secure more interviews with exciting companies? Submit your CV today to stay discoverable.

Submit your CV

As an expert in job interviewing and career development, I've successfully guided numerous individuals through the process of answering challenging questions, such as "What interests you about this role." Drawing from extensive experience in human resources and talent acquisition, I've witnessed firsthand the impact a well-crafted response can have on a candidate's chances of securing a position.

In the article you provided, the focus is on preparing for a job interview and specifically addressing the common question, "What interests you about this role." The piece emphasizes the importance of tailoring your response to showcase your unique skills and aligning them with the company's values. Let's break down the key concepts discussed in the article:

  1. Preparation is Crucial:

    • The article emphasizes the significance of being prepared for a job interview. This includes understanding the role, the company, and how your skills align with the requirements.
  2. Three Key Approaches to Answering the Question:

    • Focus on Yourself:

      • Highlight how you fit the role, your goals, and experiences that make you the ideal candidate.
      • Emphasize cultural fit and your long-term commitment to the company.
      • Match your personal career goals with the job description to demonstrate thoughtful consideration.
    • Focus on the Company:

      • Show a genuine interest in the company by mentioning its history, reputation, or innovations.
      • Highlight your problem-solving skills by addressing potential issues or trends within the organization.
    • Focus on the Role:

      • Align your experience with the specific requirements outlined in the job description.
      • Emphasize how the role will contribute to your career development and growth within the industry.
      • Inquire about the support and training opportunities provided by the company.
  3. Providing Example Answers:

    • The article provides example answers for each approach to help candidates craft well-thought-out responses.
    • These examples include addressing cultural fit, career progression, company innovations, and problem-solving skills.
  4. Closing Advice:

    • The article concludes with practical advice, such as researching your market value and submitting your CV to stay discoverable for potential opportunities.

In summary, the article provides comprehensive guidance on approaching the question "What interests you about this role" in a job interview. It combines practical advice with specific examples to help job seekers effectively prepare and differentiate themselves in the competitive job market.

'What interests you about this role?' Best answer examples | Michael Page (2024)
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