Swimming cap: obligatory in Italy? (holiday tip) - This is Italy (2024)

On holiday in Hungary (yes, something different for once ) I spoke to a Dutch couple. They had actually wanted to go on holiday to Italy for years, but did not like the obligatory swimming cap in the pool. Until now, that had even prevented her from booking a holiday in Italy: it became Lake Balaton instead of Lake Garda.

It's not the first time I've heard this story, so I thought I'd write a blog about it.

Is a swimming cap compulsory in Italy?

First of all, the answer to the pressing question. Is a bathing cap mandatory? Yes, according to the letter of the law it is mandatory to wear a bathing cap in public swimming pools and swimming pools on campsites. This has to do with strict hygiene requirements according to Italian legislation.

Because hardly anyone thinks of packing bathing caps for the whole family in the luggage, you can often buy them on the spot. Or you get such a disposable copy at the swimming pool or the spa and wellness center.

You also sometimes see renting or borrowing. But I find that completely strange. Talk about hygiene.

Swimming cap: obligatory in Italy? (holiday tip) - This is Italy (1)

Why a swimming cap in Italy?

Good question that is often asked to Google, as we noted earlier. It is just like with the obligatory swim briefs (the so-called Speedo regulation) in France. It has to do with a kind of Mediterranean obsession with germs.

From a hygienic point of view, you should therefore generally wear a bathing cap in every swimming pool. Much to the chagrin of many tourists. Most find it annoying, especially for children: in the swimming pool, swimming cap on, out of the pool, swimming cap off.

And also if you're on the decorating tour for a handsome Italian or Italian such a bathing cap is but a turnoff, of course.

Does it work?

There will be those who say that a swimming cap prevents the water from getting dirty with dander, hair and other filth that can come off your head. But that dirt can of course also be in other places on your body.

In addition, you often see that the bathing cap is only pulled over the head because it has to be: the tufts of hair or sometimes even long hair often just come out from under. A bit like feminist women wear the obligatory headscarf in Iran.

Moreover, it is not the case that Dutch or Belgian swimming pools are very dirty because we do not have to wear a swimming cap here. So I think it's more of a cultural thing than a hygienic necessity.

Instead of a swimming cap, it is better to ask people to take a shower before entering the pool. If everyone does that, you are already a long way further with hygiene.

Anyway, country wise, country honour. In Italy we simply have to deal with the swimming cap.

Swimming cap: obligatory in Italy? (holiday tip) - This is Italy (2)

Are there any exceptions?

In almost all public swimming pools of any depth you will have to wear a swimming cap and in principle it is also mandatory for campsites. Especially for campsites where many people come, such as those around Lake Garda and in high season.

Campsites can apply for an exemption from the swimming cap requirement and some have done so in recent years. For example, because they have received many complaints from their Dutch and Belgian guests.

The campsite will have to demonstrate that it has taken measures to ensure that the water remains clean.

If a campsite has been granted such an exemption, the bathing water must then be checked extra for pollution. And many campsites are not interested in that.

Swimming cap: obligatory in Italy? (holiday tip) - This is Italy (3)

Never worn a bathing cap before

We have actually never put on a swimming cap in Italy before. The campsite had an exemption for it or the campsite did not enforce the injunction.

Incidentally, it is not always enforced on campsites without a bathing cap exemption. That's how it often goes in Italy: there are rules, but you don't necessarily have to stick to them.

And we never go to public swimming pools, because we always have a private swimming pool, a lake, a river or the sea nearby.

But if you're concerned about the swim cap, I can imagine you don't want to take this risk.

Update: we also have experience with a swimming cap campsite and it must be said: once you get used to it, it's not that bad. Everyone has one on, so you're not the only one walking/swimming for l*l.

Campsites without a swimming cap

There are quite a few campsites where you don't need a bathing cap. Not even according to the official rules. In any case, you see it less often at smaller campsites or campsites that are not located in the tourist areas.

You can often deduce from the photos on Google or those of the campsites themselves whether there is a swimming cap requirement or not. Or take a look at the camping regulations that you can often find on the website. And otherwise Zoover or another review site often offers a solution.

Swimming cap: obligatory in Italy? (holiday tip) - This is Italy (4)

There are certainly big ones too campsites on Lake Garda without a swimming cap obligation:

  • Camping Bella Italy
  • Campsite Piantelle
  • Campsite Du Parc
  • Camping Lido
  • Campsite Piani di Clodia
  • Camping Village Weekend

You will also find a number of these campsites in the list with the most beautiful campsites around Lake Garda!

If you know of more campsites around Lake Garda without a swimming cap obligation, please let us know.

More and more campsites realize that not all tourists are inclined to pull a piece of plastic over their head.

Swimming cap: obligatory in Italy? (holiday tip) - This is Italy (5)

Camping Village Weekend on Lake Garda has installed extra filters and pumps for this holiday season and then applied for an exemption from the government, I read The Telegraph.

The Dutch director Loek van de Loo explains: 'There are 80% Dutch people on the campsite. Everyone is happy with the abolition of the swimming cap requirement. You immediately saw no one with a swimming cap on. We are now getting extra checks from the authorities, but that's fine.'

All I'm saying is: if you really want to go to Italy, don't let something like the swimming cap obligation stop you. If you don't want to wear one, there are plenty of options.

You can easily find out via Google or the campsite itself whether swimming caps are enforced or not. Some booking websites even offer search filters to find the 'campsites without a swimming cap'.

What do you think about the obsession with swimming caps in Italy?

Swimming cap: obligatory in Italy? (holiday tip) - This is Italy (6)

Swimming cap: obligatory in Italy? (holiday tip) - This is Italy (2024)


Are swimming caps mandatory in Italy? ›

The swim cap in Italy

A swim cap is compulsory in many Italian (campsite) swimming pools. While the French don't allow long and loose-fitting swimming trunks in many swimming pools, Italian campsites prefer you to wear a swim cap in the pool.

Is it mandatory to wear a swimming cap? ›

Is wearing a swim cap necessary? Nope! It is not required for swimming, but if you have hair that is 6+ inches or longer, we highly recommend wearing one. It's perfectly acceptable for both men and women to wear caps.

Are Speedos mandatory in Italy? ›

When in Italy, you are required to wear footwear at all times at public swimming pools – no bare feet! That's why you may see Italian glamazons in bathing suits and heels when at the pool.

Why do you have to wear swimming caps in Spain? ›

The main reason for the mandatory swimming cap is of course the maintenance of the hygiene of the pools, the health and their well-being of the customers.

What happens if you don't wear a swimming cap? ›

Swim caps help prevent hair, especially long hair, from floating through the pool and building up into a hairball. When you swim without a swim cap, your hair does shed – much like it would out of the water. This then builds up in the water and either sticks to someone's face.

What happens if you swim without a cap? ›

Hygiene: People who swim without a cap lose hair in the pool and this ends up floating in the water and clogging up the filters. Warmth: If you swim in open water a swim cap will help to keep you warm in cold water.

Should I wear a swim cap in the sea? ›

Racing against the clock and other open water swimmers means every hundredth of a second count. To swim faster, wear a swim hat. It keeps the hair out of the water, reducing drag and preventing the hair strands from weighing you down. It also makes the head hydrodynamic when moving through the water.

Do you sweat under swim cap? ›

Also, if the swimmer is wearing a swim cap, they will sweat underneath the cap. The sweat will stay there, and they'll lose even more electrolytes. Out of the water, it is pretty easy to tell if you are sweating.

What is the meaning of swimming cap? ›

: a tight rubber cap worn while swimming to keep the hair dry.

Can tourists wear shorts in Italy? ›

You can wear shorts in Italy and look perfectly normal.

I am so glad I decided to pack some shorts! What is this? On the first day, I wore some light khakis. We went to the Vatican and found that there were plenty of men wearing shorts.

Can tourists wear jeans in Italy? ›

Are jeans appropriate to wear in Italy? While Europeans tend to dress up more than Americans, you still can wear jeans in Italy. However, avoid acid wash and extremely distressed denim and opt for medium-dark blues and blacks. Black skinny jeans always look chic in Europe!

Are you allowed to wear flip-flops in Italy? ›

But if you just can't part with your shorts, save them as a beach cover up. Don't Bring Flip-Flops. Italians can spot an American from a mile away; because, well, they are wearing flip-flops. And yes, this is a real thing, Italian's just don't wear flip-flops.

Why do the French not allow swimming shorts? ›

The French actually have two reasons for this swimming pool policy: hygiene and the environment. People often wear long swimming trunks as a pair of shorts. For example, you wear them to the beach or while walking through the city. If you then swim in the swimming pool in the same shorts, you will pollute the water.

Who should wear a swim cap? ›

4) If you are an open water swimmer or do swim often in very cold water, it is a very good idea to wear a swim cap as it helps with retaining your body heat. Most of your body heat usually escapes through your head, so by placing a swim cap on it will keep you warmer for longer.

Why do people wear two swim caps? ›

The first one is used to cover their hair, as latex clings to the head better. The second silicone one doesn't crinkle as much as latex, so it smooths any lingering bumpiness on the head. Without the second cap, there is more drag in the water because the first one could wrinkle.

How long should a swim cap last? ›

Swimming caps last from one month to three years depending on the material they are made from, how often you use them, and how well you care for them. A swimmer who is in the swimming pool 8 or 9 times a week wearing a latex cap, may get a month or two use from the cap if they dry and powder the cap after each use.

Does a swim cap keep water out of ears? ›

Wear a tight fitting silicon swimming cap. This reduces the amount of water entering your ears. More protection can be achieved by using ear plugs.

What is the easiest swim cap to put on? ›

If you've been using latex caps, try a silicone or even a LYCRA® one. They're made of softer material and may not pull your hair as much. Some swimmers even layer a rubber cap over a LYCRA® one. The LYCRA® cap easily contains their hair and makes it easier to put on the latex or silicone cap.

Do swim caps help with hair damage? ›

Wear a Swim Cap

While it is not possible to guarantee a water tight seal, swim caps are very effective in minimizing the damage that comes from washing your hair through chlorinated water.

How tight should a swim cap feel? ›

The cap should be tight enough to remain on your head throughout a race or workout, but not so tight that it leaves a line or begins to hurt your head. If you're worried your cap may not stay on, try a swim cap with a chin strap that comfortably holds your cap into place while you're swimming.

How do girls wear swim caps? ›

Bend over slightly and place the inside of the front of the cap over your forehead. Then, pull the cap over your head until the back of the cap snugly sits over the bottom of your hairline.

How is swimming cap worn? ›

Tilt your head down and place the front of the swim cap at your forehead in between your hairline and eyebrows. Allow the swim cap to catch at your forehead, and use your hands to pull the swim cap down and back to cover the rest of your head.

What is yellow cap in swimming? ›

Stage 3 (Yellow Hats)

By completing this Award, without flotation equipment or support, swimmers will be able to: 1. Jump in from poolside and submerge to a minimum depth of 1.0 metre.

Can you wear sneakers in Italy? ›

The best ones to pack are those that come with a rubber sole and cushioning for walking. If you prefer to keep your feet covered, closed-toe sandals light summer sneakers are also a good choice; however, make sure they are truly breathable as the temperatures in Italy can be scorching!

Is it illegal to walk around without a shirt in Italy? ›

24. Walk around shirtless or in your swimwear in any metropolitan area. This state of dress is strictly restricted to the beach or lido. This is especially true in Sorrento, where you could be fined up to €500 for breaching the dress code.

How should I dress when I go to Italy? ›

Summary of What To Wear in Italy
  1. Get travel clothing that fits you well.
  2. Invest in a few quality pieces of merino wool for a versatile capsule wardrobe.
  3. Linen is the unofficial fabric of summer in Italy.
  4. Short shorts are the way to go (for men and women )
  5. Dust off that travel blazer and look like a local.

Are white pants OK in Italy? ›

Pile on the neutral colors

Meanwhile, the “no white after Labor Day” rule in Italy doesn't exist: Locals love winter white, especially for jeans and sweaters.

What colors to wear in Italy? ›

Wear classic colors like navy, black, and white.

While certain Italian styles utilize loud, bold colors, most Italian fashion prioritizes a more understated, timeless elegance. Wear clothes with a more classic color palette like dark blue, black, cream, white and tan.

How do Italians greet each other? ›

The common verbal greeting is “Ciao” (Hello). This is quite casual. People may also say “Buongiorno” (Good day) or “Buonasera” (Good evening) to be more formal. Address a person by their title and last name, and continue to do so until invited to move to a first-name basis.

What can I not bring to Italy? ›

Italy Prohibited and Restricted Items
  • All forms of asbestos fibers.
  • All products containing the biocide dimethylfumarate (DMF)
  • Animal skins.
  • Atlantic red tuna fish (Thunnus Thynnus) originating from Belize, Panama, and Honduras.
  • Biological Substance Cat B, UN3373.
  • Books: hardback/paperback non-comm.

Do they wear shoes in Italy? ›

Most Italians don't shell out for custom shoes these days, but they do pay attention to their footwear and even athletic shoes are worn clean, perfectly maintained, and coordinated with the rest of the outfit.

What do you wear to swim in Italy? ›

Wear bikinis and swim trunks.

A woman wearing a one-piece bathing suit, or a man in anything other than swim trunks may be perceived as much older than their actual age.

Do you have to cover your knees in Italy? ›

Cover Your Shoulders and Knees in Italy's Churches

In Italy, churches are considered sacred places, and therefore, have strict dress codes that visitors must adhere to. The basic rule is to cover your knees and shoulders, and to wear proper shoes.

Do people wear caps in Italy? ›

From the streets of Milan to the Tuscan countryside, flat caps, fedoras and berets have been a staple accessory for Italian men of all ages and backgrounds for over a century – so much so that it was often said that no Italian man was truly dressed without his hat.

Is it OK to wear jeans in Italy? ›

Are jeans appropriate to wear in Italy? While Europeans tend to dress up more than Americans, you still can wear jeans in Italy. However, avoid acid wash and extremely distressed denim and opt for medium-dark blues and blacks. Black skinny jeans always look chic in Europe!

Are jeans allowed in Italy? ›

Skinny jeans or capri trousers are stylish spring options for women. But remember, Italians tend to go high-end even with their denim - so keep 'em rip-free! Men should typically avoid anything they might wear to the beach, gym, or football game, and instead opt for stylish loose linens or fitted chinos.

What do people wear to beaches in Italy? ›

In Italy, a two-piece bikini is a must for women, while men usually wear swimming trunks. Keep in mind that a one-piece swimsuit is considered to be too conservative, so dress as the Italians do and wear the newest style in two-piece suits.

Can you wear sandals in Italy? ›

A cute pair of flat sandals will be enough if you don't want to wear heels. But definitely stay away from hiking boots. Especially if you're visiting summer in Italy and you're not hiking! One of the biggest Italy travel mistakes you can do is dressing like no one's looking.

How not to stand out as a tourist in Italy? ›

  1. Drink The Tap Water. ...
  2. Don't Hail A Taxi. ...
  3. Dress Up For The City. ...
  4. Appreciate The Fine Art Of Doing Nothing. ...
  5. Learn Some Italian. ...
  6. Don't Eat In Tourist Hotspots. ...
  7. Know The Difference Between Lunch And Dinner. ...
  8. Eat Your Pasta Like A Local.
Jan 8, 2023

Can I wear a short dress in Italy? ›

In religious places it is considered immoral to dress too revealingly and they will not let women in with their arms showing or a short skirt. Skirts must be ankle length, or wear pants.

What is a cap code Italy? ›

Codice di Avviamento Postale (Postal Sending Code) is the Italian post code numeric system, consisting of five digits, such as 20121 Milan. Created in 1967, they are commonly known as CAP.

What is the national dress of Italy for female? ›

The basis of the female national costume is a pleated skirt (called "gonna"), a white embroidered shirt (camicia) and a corsage. The costume was complemented by a bright apron and a headscarf (fazzoletto). These are the main elements of a women's Italian costume, found in all regions of the country.

What do most Italian people wear? ›

The women wear colorful embroidered skirts and bodices over light-weight chemises or blouses, with elaborate hats decorated with flowers or fruit. Men's traditional clothing tends to be simpler, but doesn't lack from attention to detail, with embroidery and metal buttons and pins.

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