Story Games by pika - Bakery Story - Leveling (2024)


In Bakery Story, you start out at level 1 and as you reach the experience (XP) needed, you level up. The "official max" level used to be lv 96 but was raised to lv 99 on March 27, 2012. All those who had enough experience (XP) for the new levels were automatically adjusted accordingly.

Slots indicate the max number of free appliance slots opened at specific levels. You start with two and you open up your third at level 5 and your maximum (18) at level 73. Expansions indicates the level the particular expansion is unlocked.

Leveling Spreadsheet - Complete information along with some other calculations.

Noteworthy levels:

On the forums, to ensure least amount of trouble, feel free to direct people to my profile where I put the link to this site since you can't post "unapproved" third-party URLs. ;).

If you need to let me know something, fill out my comment sheet by clicking on Comments on the left. However, do keep in mind, I don't always comment back and I don't know any extra information beyond what's in the forums and possibly even less now that I don't haunt it (especially why TL makes stupid decisions, i really can't help you there...).

Disclaimer: I, pikachu4ever88/pika4ever88 [aka pika], claim no ownership to TeamLava, creators of the Story games line, or their products or any other non-TL products/companies within this site. I am not a staff member either. I have no information about future releases. I am not privy to secret cheats or workarounds for the games.

Story Games by pika - Bakery Story - Leveling (2024)
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Name: Kelle Weber

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Introduction: My name is Kelle Weber, I am a magnificent, enchanting, fair, joyous, light, determined, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.