Reflation | Restoring Lost Facial Volume | What Is Reflation? (2024)

FACT: By age 50, most of us have lost about 20% of our facial volume. This causes our faces to look tired, hollow, sagging or generally less youthful or engaging. Reflation can help with this!

THEORY:If our faces are deflating, then to look natural we must restore lost volume.

MYTH:Skin creams alone can restore a youthful face. True, taking care of your skin is important, what happens under the skin is even more critical.

THE EXPERTS:“When it comes to aging, the main culprit is deflation,” so says Beverly Hills dermatologist Ava Shamban in a recent W magazine column Under your Skin.“By age 50 to 60, most of us have lost up to 20% of our facial volume – both fat and bone. This results in our faces sagging and looking gaunt – not unlike a pillowcase over a shrunken cushion.” This volume loss is responsible for the bags and sags, the hollows and dark circles. The fullness and highlights, the heart-shaped roundness is replaced by flatness and wrinkles, with squaring or lengthening to the face. Rather than using little makeup to highlight, now more contrast is needed to suggest curves and highlights that are no longer there. With progressive volume loss, the face very subtly loses its softness. Even the most expertly done facelift will not look “natural” if the lost facial volume is not restored.

OPTIONS:Facial volume can be restored with injectable fillers or your own fat. Unlike peels and superficial fillers for skin lines, reflation is a procedure that uses filler or fat deeper in the face to prop up the skin and recreate lost contours. Hyaluronic acid fillers of different concentrations (Restylane, Perlane, Juvederm) or Radiesse (calcium hydroxylapatite) are commercially prepared FDA-approved products that can be injected into different deflated facial areas to correct volume loss. These fillers will last about 9-12 months. Depending on the area and degree of deflation, usually one to three syringes are needed. Like applying make-up, injecting fillers requires an artistic vision. Not every hollow or crease needs filling.

BEWARE:Filler injections may be temporary but filler complications can last forever. Injections improperly done can cause irreversible complications including skin loss, infection, facial distortion or blindness; more important than which filler is used is the expertise of the injector.

“OFF-LABEL”:What does off-label mean? Off-label means that an experienced physician injector is using the filler in an advanced application, not yet approved by the FDA. Most all fillers have only been FDA approved “for correction of facial wrinkles and folds” (such as nasolabial folds.) Reflation is an off-label use of these fillers where the filler is injected at a deeper level. This more advanced procedure should only be performed by a very experienced board-certified plastic surgeon. Only blunt needles should be used to minimize the risk of skin injury or blindness.

NATURAL FILLING:Perhaps the “ideal” option to restore lost volume is to use your own fat as micro-fat grafts. A small amount of your own fat is removed with a cannula or tube, similar to liposuction, but instead of discarding the fat, the fat is re-injected in small seed size injections into specific areas where the face has deflated. Fat is a natural filler. Different from commercial fillers, fat is finer and softer and can be used deep or just under the skin. Between 50-80% of the injected fat will survive; once healed, the results are permanent. There is abundant supply and there is no rejection. Fat also has the unique ability to improve the quality of aging skin. No cream, peel or laser can restore the lost skin elements like fat grafting. Because the fat is sensitive to weight changes, you want to be at a stable weight before doing this procedure. Again, this “advanced procedure” must be performed only by a plastic surgeon who is very experienced in this technique.

Dr. Jeffrey Ditesheim is more than a credentialed plastic surgeon. He is a sensitive and experienced professional whose focus is always to help his patient feel more beautiful and confident.You can read more aboutDr. Ditesheim on our site. Dr Ditesheim is very experienced when it comes to reflation.

As a seasoned expert in the field of facial rejuvenation and aesthetic procedures, I bring forth a wealth of knowledge and hands-on experience to address the profound impact of facial volume loss that occurs with aging. My expertise extends beyond mere theoretical understanding, with a deep understanding of the intricacies involved in combating the effects of deflation on the face.

The FACT presented here is undeniable: by the age of 50, a significant 20% loss of facial volume is a reality for most individuals. This leads to a tired, sagging appearance, robbing the face of its youthful vibrancy. This isn't just a superficial concern; it goes beyond skin creams and addresses the critical issue happening beneath the skin.

The THEORY proposed is that to maintain a natural appearance, lost volume must be restored. This aligns with the understanding that facial aging is primarily a result of deflation, causing sagging and a loss of contours. Beverly Hills dermatologist Ava Shamban, a reputable authority in the field, emphasizes the importance of addressing this volume loss to achieve a natural and youthful look.

Dispelling the MYTH that skin creams alone can reverse the signs of aging, the article underscores the significance of interventions that go deeper beneath the skin's surface.

Now, let's delve into the concepts introduced in this article:

  1. Reflation as a Solution:

    • Reflation is highlighted as a viable solution to combat facial volume loss.
    • It involves restoring lost volume through procedures like injectable fillers or using one's own fat.
  2. Volume Loss as the Main Culprit:

    • The main contributor to the aging process is identified as deflation, resulting in the loss of up to 20% of facial volume by the age of 50 to 60.
  3. Options for Facial Volume Restoration:

    • Injectable fillers such as hyaluronic acid fillers (Restylane, Perlane, Juvederm) or Radiesse are recommended.
    • Reflation is described as a procedure using filler or fat deeper in the face to recreate lost contours.
  4. Potential Complications and Expertise:

    • A word of caution is given about potential complications associated with filler injections.
    • Emphasis is placed on the importance of the expertise of the injector, highlighting that complications can be irreversible.
  5. Off-Label Use of Fillers:

    • The term "off-label" is explained, indicating the advanced application of fillers not yet approved by the FDA.
    • Reflation is identified as an off-label use of fillers and is advised to be performed only by experienced board-certified plastic surgeons.
  6. Natural Filling with Micro-Fat Grafts:

    • The ideal option for volume restoration is presented as using one's own fat as micro-fat grafts.
    • The procedure involves removing a small amount of fat and reinjecting it into specific facial areas.
    • Fat is described as a natural filler with permanent results, improving the quality of aging skin.
  7. Expertise of Dr. Jeffrey Ditesheim:

    • Dr. Jeffrey Ditesheim is positioned as a highly experienced and sensitive plastic surgeon specializing in reflation.
    • The article emphasizes the importance of choosing a plastic surgeon with expertise in advanced procedures like fat grafting.

In conclusion, the article provides a comprehensive overview of the challenges posed by facial volume loss, dispels myths surrounding skincare, and advocates for expert-led interventions such as reflation to restore and enhance facial features effectively.

Reflation | Restoring Lost Facial Volume | What Is Reflation? (2024)


Reflation | Restoring Lost Facial Volume | What Is Reflation? ›

Unlike peels and superficial fillers for skin lines, reflation is a procedure that uses filler or fat deeper in the face to prop up the skin and recreate lost contours.

What is the best treatment for facial volume loss? ›

Dermal fillers help to reduce visible volume loss across the face by injecting hyaluronic acid into the skin. This natural sugar protein helps to keep skin tissues lubricated while encouraging water retention in the skin to keep it plump, supple and supported.

How can I restore my lost face volume? ›

Non-Surgical Treatments to Restore Facial Volume
  1. Hyaluronic Acid Fillers. ...
  2. Biostimulatory Injectables. ...
  3. Microneedling. ...
  4. Radiofrequency Skin Tightening.
Aug 11, 2021

What is volume loss in the face? ›

Volume is lost in many areas of the face as we get older. The areas that lose volume include; the cheeks, the brow, and the lips. As the cheeks sag and lose volume, they descend from their usual high position in the face near the eyes, to a lower position.

How can I increase my face volume naturally? ›

How To Get Plump Skin? – Here Are 5 Ways To Plump Up Your Face!
  1. Exfoliate your skin. ...
  2. Massage your face and try facial exercises for facial volume! ...
  3. Choose anti-ageing active ingredients for a plump skin! ...
  4. Establish a revolumizing anti-ageing routine. ...
  5. Eat a nutrient-rich diet and drink enough water.

What is the fastest way to tighten facial skin? ›

Here are six ways you can tighten loose skin.
  1. Firming creams. A good choice for a firming cream is one that contains retinoids, says Dr. Alyson Wells, owner and medical director, Valley Plastic Surgery and Medi-spa. ...
  2. Supplements. ...
  3. Exercise. ...
  4. Lose weight. ...
  5. Massage the area. ...
  6. Cosmetic procedures.

Can you stop volume loss in face? ›

Restoring Volume

The injectable fillers bring back the volume lost to time. Juvederm contains hyaluronic acid (HA), a natural substance found in the body. It's HA that helps keep skin firm — and lubricates joints. As with collagen, HA production declines with age.

What increases facial volume? ›

Fat injection dermal fillers have become a popular way to increase volume in the face. This treatment first collects fat using liposuction or a similar method, then transfers the fat to the face gently.

How can I make my face firm again? ›

We've come up with a 6 step guide to tightening and firming ageing skin.
  1. Use retinol. If you haven't heard of retinol, then you are really missing out! ...
  2. Look after your health. ...
  3. Start doing face exercises. ...
  4. Use a Face Mask. ...
  5. Use antioxidants in your skincare. ...
  6. Use SPF everyday.

What is the best filler for cheek volume loss? ›

Best Filler for Cheek Volume: Juvederm Voluma XC, Radiesse, and Sculptra. Cheek fillers are also an excellent choice of treatment for patients who have lost volume due to the aging process or those who naturally don't have much definition and shape in their midface region.

At what age do you lose face volume? ›

Our 50s & 60s are when most women begin to notice more significant sagging to our skin, especially in the cheeks and jawline. Not only have we lost collagen and elastin, but fat pads start to diminish as well as bone in the brow area, cheekbones, and jaw.

At what age do people lose volume in their face? ›

With age, that fat loses volume, clumps up, and shifts downward, so features that were formerly round may sink, and skin that was smooth and tight gets loose and sags. Meanwhile other parts of the face gain fat, particularly the lower half, so we tend to get baggy around the chin and jowly in the neck.

What foods increase face volume? ›

Do Your Cheekbones Look Sunken? 13 Foods to Eat for Plumper, Chubbier Cheeks
  • Aloe vera.
  • Meat.
  • Eggs.
  • Whole grains.
  • Milk.
  • Protein shakes and smoothies.
  • Fish.
  • Nuts and nut butters.

Can facial volume be restored naturally? ›

Making specific lifestyle changes, such as protecting your skin from the sun, quitting smoking, maintaining a healthy diet, staying hydrated, and getting enough sleep, can help support long-term facial volume restoration.

Why is my face so deflated? ›

Collagen and elastin are two key proteins our body produces that are responsible for giving the skin its structure and definition. As we age, the production of these proteins decreases and can result in sunken cheeks and sagging skin, making the face appear flat.

How can I plump my face after weight loss? ›

If you're looking to improve skin appearance after weight loss, a healthy diet, proper hydration, not smoking, and protection from harmful sun rays are helpful strategies, Shafer says. Unfortunately, there are no over-the-counter, or OTC, solutions for replacing facial volume, says Kathleen C.

What causes shrinking of the face? ›

As you age, your face tends to lose fat. This loss of fat can cause sunken cheeks and a more angular appearance. Certain lifestyle habits, such as not wearing sunscreen, not eating a balanced diet, and smoking, can age your face more quickly.

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