13 Ways to Get Chubby Cheeks (2024)

There are a number of natural methods and home remedies trusted by many to get fuller cheeks. These include doing specific exercises, applying topical products to hydrate your skin, and eating specific foods that are high in healthy fats to gain weight.

1. Perform facial exercises

Also called “facial yoga,” facial exercises tone the facial muscles for a more youthful appearance. A small 2018 study of people doing 30-minutes of facial exercises daily for 8 weeks yielded faces that were “firmer and more shaped like a younger face.”

In general, exercising can make muscles bigger by strengthening them, which can increase the thickness of muscle fibers.

Some facial yoga exercises include:

  • Lift the cheek muscles while pursing your lips together and smiling. Then, put the fingers of each hand on either side of your mouth and lift your cheeks by sliding your fingers up to the top of your cheeks. Hold the position for 20 seconds.
  • Closing your mouth, fill your cheeks with as much air as they can contain. Hold the position for 45 seconds before slowly blowing the air out.
  • Open your mouth into an “O” with your lips over your teeth and smiling. Then put the fingers of each hand on the tops of the corresponding cheek and gently lift and lower your cheeks for a period of 30 seconds.

2. Apply aloe to your skin

While applying aloe to your skin can’t make your cheeks become rounder, it may help reduce signs of wrinkles and give your skin a hydrated, plump appearance.

A 2021 research review of the medicinal properties of aloe vera described its use in cosmetics, including gels and creams. Applied to the skin, aloe vera can act as a moisturizer to help bind moisture to the skin and decrease the appearance of fine lines.

Among other ingredients beneficial for skin, aloe vera contains the antioxidants vitamin C and vitamin E. For this reason, many people believe that applying aloe to the cheeks can contribute to more youthful-looking skin.

3. Eat aloe

In addition to antioxidants like vitamins C and E, aloe vera also contains vitamin B12, which is involved in the production of collagen in the body. Because of these natural vitamins, many people believe that eating aloe can benefit the health of your skin.

Antioxidants also neutralize free radicals, which are unstable molecules that can contribute to wrinkles on your skin.

A 2015 study showed that aloe sterols stimulate collagen and hyaluronic acid production, and women who consumed aloe as part of the study saw reduced facial wrinkles. This may or may not help you get fuller cheeks. Be aware that some people may be sensitive or allergic to aloe.

4. Apply apple skin care products

While there haven’t been any scientific studies yet to prove it, many consider apples and apple-containing skin care products as options to help the skin maintain a youthful appearance. This may be because apples have high amounts of:

  • collagen
  • elastin
  • antioxidants

One of the ways to use apple to get more youthful-looking cheeks suggested by these proponents is an apple “mask.” Grate an apple, rub it on your face, and leave it there for 20 minutes before gently washing the mask off with water.

5. Eat apples

You’ve probably heard the old adage, “An apple a day keeps the doctor away.” Apples are said to have a number of health benefits.

Many people believe that, because they contain antioxidants and vitamins A, B, and C, apples should be eaten regularly to prevent tissue damage. Some claim the collagen and elastin in apples keeps your skin looking soft and plump.

Plus, swapping out a less nutritious snack like chips in favor of an apple or a vitamin-rich citrus fruit may benefit more than just your skin.

6. Apply glycerin and rose water to your skin

Many people suggest that a half-and-half combination of rose water and glycerin rubbed on your cheeks before bedtime will keep the skin clean and hydrated, promoting a youthful appearance.

Rose water has anti-inflammatory properties, and it may even have antimicrobial effects, according to a 2014 study.

7. Apply honey to your skin

Many believe honey can create a youthful look on the cheeks because of its moisturizing and antibacterial properties. Some suggest making a mask of equal parts honey and papaya paste. Rub the mixture on your cheeks and wait 10 minutes before rinsing it off with warm water.

Raw honey, compared to refined honey, may contain more of its healthy nutrients, which may be lost during processing.

8. Eat honey

Some people suggest that eating quality honey a day will supply, among other nutrients, antioxidants that benefit skin. Honey is high in sugar, so it is best enjoyed in moderation and as a substitute for other sweeteners.

Honey is also high in calories, with 64 calories in 1 tablespoon (21 grams) and may contribute to weight gain.

9. Apply milk to your skin

Many people feel that applying milk to the cheeks will clean and moisturize them. This is because milk contains water, fat, and proteins.

Dairy milk contains lactic acid, which is an alpha hydroxy acid. These acids are commonly used in skin care products. They can stimulate new cell growth and remove dead skin cells, according to a 2018 study.

Proteins and amino acids, which are found in milk, may also have a hand in healing damaged tissue.

However, more studies are needed to determine if applying milk to your face is an effective form of skin care. Learn more about the potential benefits of applying milk to your skin.

10. Drink milk

Eating and drinking foods rich in nutrients and healthy fats may help you gain weight in your face.

Milk contains many nutrients that promote healthy skin:

  • amino acids
  • calcium
  • riboflavin (vitamin B12)
  • protein
  • vitamins A and D
  • lactic acid

Many people suggest drinking milk daily in moderation to promote healthy skin.

11. Apply oil to your skin

A 2017 research review showed that certain oils applied on the skin of the cheeks will moisturize and enrich the skin. This may promote a rounded, healthy appearance.

Suggested oils include:

  • almond oil, which has emollient and sclerosant properties to improve complexion and skin tone
  • avocado oil, which is good for chapped skin
  • coconut oil, which also protects against ultraviolet radiation
  • olive oil, which has anti-inflammatory properties

Perform a patch test when applying any new product to your skin before applying it in a large area. Some oils may not be suitable for people with certain skin conditions, such as acne.

12. Apply shea butter

Shea butter has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties because it has a high percentage of:

  • triterpenes
  • tocopherol
  • phenols
  • sterols

Some shea butter proponents suggest mixing 2 cups of shea butter with 1 1/2 cups of granulated sugar to use as a post-shower cheek regimen. Massage the paste into the cheeks for 5 minutes, let sit for 10 additional minutes, and then gently rinse off with warm water.

13. Nuts and seeds

Like milk, nuts and seeds contain healthy fats and may contribute to weight gain. Eating foods that are high in calories may help your cheeks fill out naturally.

Proponents of eating nuts and seeds for younger-looking skin indicate that their benefit comes from the healthy fats they contain.

  • Wear sunscreen. When outside, sunscreen on your face will protect your skin from harmful ultraviolet rays.
  • Avoid wearing makeup if you choose to do so. Allowing your skin to breathe should help it keep a youthful appearance. Always remove your makeup and thoroughly wash your face before you go to bed.
  • If you smoke, consider quitting, and if you drink alcohol regularly, limiting your intake. These habits can make your skin look less youthful by causing your skin to lose elasticity.
  • Drink water. Keeping your body properly hydrated will help your skin maintain a youthful appearance.

A fuller face with plump cheeks can make your skin look youthful and healthy. There are many ways to get full cheeks, including surgery and injections.

Some people also believe you can get full cheeks naturally, although these methods are not proven medically. You may find that these methods, from facial exercises to direct facial application of natural ingredients to eating specific foods, might work for you.

Before you try any home remedy, be sure to check with your doctor to make sure that it is safe for you to try.

As someone deeply immersed in the realms of skincare, facial anatomy, and natural remedies for facial enhancement, it's evident that achieving fuller cheeks involves a multifaceted approach. The article you provided discusses 13 natural ways to achieve chubbier cheeks, ranging from facial exercises to the application of various natural ingredients and dietary changes. Let's delve into each concept mentioned in the article:

  1. Facial Exercises:

    • Facial exercises, often referred to as "facial yoga," involve specific movements to tone facial muscles.
    • The study mentioned supports the idea that regular facial exercises can lead to firmer and more youthful-looking faces by strengthening muscles.
    • Examples include lifting cheek muscles, filling cheeks with air, and gentle lifting and lowering of cheeks.
  2. Aloe Vera:

    • Aloe vera is known for its medicinal properties and is commonly used in cosmetics.
    • Applied topically, aloe vera acts as a moisturizer, binding moisture to the skin and reducing fine lines.
    • Aloe vera contains antioxidants like vitamins C and E, contributing to a more hydrated and youthful appearance.
  3. Aloe Consumption:

    • Aloe vera contains vitamin B12, involved in collagen production, potentially benefiting skin health.
    • Antioxidants in aloe neutralize free radicals, which can contribute to skin aging.
  4. Apple Skincare Products:

    • Apples are suggested for skincare due to their high collagen, elastin, and antioxidant content.
    • An apple "mask" involves grating an apple and applying it to the face for a youthful appearance.
  5. Apple Consumption:

    • Apples, rich in antioxidants and vitamins A, B, and C, are believed to prevent tissue damage and contribute to soft and plump skin.
  6. Glycerin and Rose Water:

    • A combination of rose water and glycerin is recommended for nighttime application to clean and hydrate the skin.
    • Rose water has anti-inflammatory and potentially antimicrobial effects.
  7. Honey Skincare:

    • Honey is believed to create a youthful look due to its moisturizing and antibacterial properties.
    • A suggested mask includes a mixture of honey and papaya paste for 10 minutes.
  8. Honey Consumption:

    • Quality honey is suggested for daily consumption, providing antioxidants that benefit the skin.
  9. Milk Skincare:

    • Milk, containing water, fat, and proteins, is applied to clean and moisturize the skin.
    • Lactic acid in dairy milk can stimulate new cell growth and remove dead skin cells.
  10. Milk Consumption:

    • Drinking milk is recommended for gaining weight in the face, providing nutrients like amino acids, calcium, riboflavin, protein, and vitamins A and D.
  11. Oil Application:

    • Certain oils like almond, avocado, coconut, and olive oil are suggested for moisturizing the skin and promoting a healthy appearance.
  12. Shea Butter:

    • Shea butter, rich in triterpenes, tocopherol, phenols, and sterols, is recommended for antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.
    • A shea butter and sugar mixture is suggested for a post-shower cheek regimen.
  13. Nuts and Seeds:

    • Nuts and seeds, high in healthy fats, are believed to contribute to weight gain and fuller cheeks for a more youthful appearance.

In addition to these specific methods, the article emphasizes the importance of general skincare practices, including sunscreen use, makeup habits, hydration, and lifestyle factors such as quitting smoking and limiting alcohol intake. Always consult with a healthcare professional before trying any home remedy to ensure safety and suitability for individual health conditions.

13 Ways to Get Chubby Cheeks (2024)
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