Raspberries (2024)

      RHS Growing Guides

      Our detailed growing guide will help you with each step in successfully growing Raspberries.


      Getting Started

      Section 1 of 7


      Raspberries (1)

      These delicious berries can be quite expensive to buy, so it’s well worth growing your own
      ​Juicy, sweet and easy to grow, raspberries (Rubus idaeus) are among the most popular summer fruits, suitable for any size of garden and even containersif you choose a compact variety. There are two main types – summer fruiting (floricanes) and autumn fruiting (primocanes), and if you grow both you can enjoy harvests for months on end:
      • Summer-fruiting raspberries usually grow to at least 1.8m (6ft) tall and form bushy plants that need plenty of space. They fruit from early to late summer, depending on the variety. Newly planted, they will usually fruit from their second summer onwards

      • Autumn-fruiting raspberries are generally smaller, less vigorous plants, usually 1.2–1.5m (4–5ft) tall, and crop from late summer into autumn. They are easier to prune and suitable for smaller plots. New plants will fruit in their first year

      Raspberries are hardy, vigorous plants that grow well in most locations, especially in coolerregions. They do need annual pruning and support for their tall stems. It's also best toprotect the crop from birds, by either growing ina fruit cage or covering plants with netting while the berries are ripening.

      Month by Month

      Jobs to do now
      • Plantif the ground isn’t frozen
      • Plantif the ground isn’t frozen




























      Raspberries (2)

      Most raspberry varieties ripen to rich red...

      Raspberries (3)

      ...but why not try a yellow variety too, such as ‘All Gold’?
      There is a huge range of raspberry varieties to choose from, for early, mid-season and late-season crops. If you grow a selection, you can harvest delicious fresh berries from mid-summer to mid-autumn. Different varieties also offer a choice of plant sizes, some with spine-free stems or resistance to diseases. The fruits come in various sizes, flavours and even colours – there are yellow-fruited raspberries as well as the more familiar red.

      If you’re short on space, consider more compactautumn-fruitingvarieties (such as‘All Gold’ and ‘Autumn Treasure’) and less vigorous summer-fruiting varieties (such as ‘Glen Ample’, ‘Malling Jewel’and‘Malling Minerva’) and dwarf ‘Ruby Beauty’– these are good options for growing in large containers too.

      When choosing varieties, look in particular for those with an RHS Award of Garden Merit (AGM), which shows they performed well in trials, so should crop reliably. See our list of AGM fruit and veg. You can also see many soft fruits, including raspberries, growing in the fruit and veg plots at all the RHS gardens, so do visit to see how they are grown, compare the varieties and pick up useful tips.

      What and where to buy

      Raspberries are available as either bare-root plants (without soil around the roots) or in containers. Bare-root plants (or canes) are mainly available from fruit nurseries and larger online plant retailers by mail order, while containerised plants are available in garden centres too.

      Bare-root plants are only sold during the dormant season, from autumn to early spring – they tend to be cheaper and sold in bundles of five or more, so ideal if you want to plant a row. Raspberries in pots are often available for a longer period, but may be more expensive. For the widest choice of varieties, go to fruit nurseries and online fruit specialists. Take care to buy plants that are certified virus-free, as raspberries are prone to virus infections, which reduce their vigour and cropping.

      Recommended Varieties

      Raspberries (4)

      'All Gold'

      Autumn fruiting Bright yellow berries that are sweet and aromatic.

      The RHS Award of Garden Merit (AGM) helps gardeners choose the best plants for their garden.

      Wild bees and other pollinators are in decline. The Plants for Pollinators initiative helps gardeners easily identify plants that encourage them back into the garden

      'All Gold'

      Raspberries (5)

      'Glen Ample'

      Summer fruiting Mid-season variety producing lots of large, well-flavoured berries. Disease resistant.

      The RHS Award of Garden Merit (AGM) helps gardeners choose the best plants for their garden.

      Wild bees and other pollinators are in decline. The Plants for Pollinators initiative helps gardeners easily identify plants that encourage them back into the garden

      'Glen Ample'

      Raspberries (6)

      'Glen Magna'

      Summer fruiting Large crops of sweet, dark-red berries in mid-summer. Good disease resistance.

      The RHS Award of Garden Merit (AGM) helps gardeners choose the best plants for their garden.

      Wild bees and other pollinators are in decline. The Plants for Pollinators initiative helps gardeners easily identify plants that encourage them back into the garden

      'Glen Magna'

      Showing 3 out of 9 varieties



      Raspberries are usually planted in the ground, although smaller varieties can be planted in containers. Autumn is the best time to plant, but they can be planted at any time while dormant, between November and March, providing the soil isn’t frozen.Raspberries prefer fertile, well-drained, moisture-retentive soil that is slightly acidic (ideally pH 6.5–6.7). They dislike shallow chalky soilandwon’t tolerate waterlogging, especially in winter. To improve drainage, consider planting in raised beds.

      Choose a sunny planting site for best results. Raspberries will fruit in light shade, but will produce a smaller crop and be less robust and healthy. Raspberries are usually grown in rows, ideally running north to south so the plants don’t shade each other. A sheltered site is preferable too, as strong winds can deter pollinating insects and snap thin fruiting side-branches.

      Before planting, clear any perennial weeds, as these are difficult to control once raspberries are established. Then dig in lots of well-rotted manure or garden compost – at least one bucket per square metre/yard – and add a high potassium fertiliser such as Vitax Q4 or blood, fish and bonemeal. Also put supports in place before planting – usually a system of posts and horizontal wires (see Supporting plants, below). If you don’t have room for rows, you can just use a single post or sturdy bamboo canes to support a couple of plants.

      Space plants 45–60cm (18–24in) apart, with 1.8m (6ft) between rows. Take care not to plant too deeply – the first roots should be no more than 5cm (2in) below the soil surface. Use the previous soil mark on the stem as a guide. After planting, spread mulch over the soil in a layer 7.5cm (3in) deep. Garden compost is ideal – avoid alkaline mushroom compost .

      Most raspberries should be pruned straight after planting – cut the stems (or canes) down to 25cm (10in) tall. However, don’t prune summer-fruiting raspberries bought as‘long canes’, otherwise you will lose the fruit for that season.
      Related RHS Guides

      Where to plant fruit

      Planting in containers

      Smaller raspberry varieties can grow well in large pots in a sunny, sheltered spot:

      • Choose a container at least 38cm (15in) wide and fill with 80 per cent peat-free multi-purpose compost and, to add weight for stability, 20 per cent peat-freesoil-based potting compost

      • Plant a single raspberry in the centre, at the same level it was previously growing

      • Insert bamboo canes for support and tie in the stems


      Plant Care


      Raspberries need plenty of moisture to sustain their lush foliage and swell their fruit, so keep them well watered in dry spells, especially when flowering and fruiting. It’s best to water at ground level – a drip irrigation system or leaky hose is ideal. Keeping the foliage, flowers and fruit dry helps to reduce the risk of fungal diseases.

      When growing raspberries in a container, water throughout the growing season to keep the compost consistently moist. In hard water areas, use rainwater whenever possible.


      Apply a thick layer of mulch, such as garden compost, around raspberry plants after feeding in early spring (see below). This helps to hold moisture in the soil and deter weeds. Leave a gap around the base of the stems to avoid rotting.

      Related RHS Guides

      How to mulch


      In early spring, feed with a high potassium general fertiliser, such as Vitax Q4 or fish, blood and bonemeal. Scatter one and a half handfuls per square metre/yard around the base of plants. If growth is weak, apply sulphate of ammonia at 30g (1oz) per square metre/yard or dried poultry manure pellets at 90g (3oz) per square metre/yard. 

      When growing raspberries in a container, feed with a liquid general-purpose fertiliser on a monthly basis throughout the growing season.

      Supporting plants

      Raspberries are usually planted in rows and supported by a system of posts and horizontal wires – the two main methods are outlined below. If you don’t have room for a row, you can just grow a couple of plants supported by a single post (see below), or one compact plant in a container supported by bamboo canes.

      Single fence

      This system of posts and horizontal wires is ideal for summer-fruiting raspberries:

      • Install a tall, sturdy post at each end of the row, plus extra posts at 3.6m (12ft) intervals if necessary. They should stand about 1.8m (6ft) tall

      • Attach three lengths of strong galvanized wire horizontally between the posts, at 60cm (2ft) intervals

      • Plant the summer-fruiting raspberries and tie in the stems along one side of the wires

      • Keep all the fruiting stems on one side, and the young new stems for next year’s crop on the other side as the season progresses. This way, the fruited canes can easily be pruned out and the young canes will be separate along the other side of the wire

      Single or double fence with parallel wires

      This system is ideal for autumn-fruiting raspberries, and for summer raspberries in a small space. Tying in individual canes isn’t necessary, as they are fenced in by parallel wires either side. However, harvesting is a little more tricky, and there is a greater chance of fungal problems due to more crowded conditions.

      • Install a sturdy post at each end of the row – they should stand about 60cm (2ft) tall for autumn raspberries and 1.8m (6ft) for summer raspberries. Add extra posts at 3.6m (12ft) intervals if necessary

      • Attach short lengths of timber horizontally to the top of each post, plus another 60cm (2ft) below on the taller posts for summer-fruiting raspberries

      • Attach strong galvanized wire to the ends of the horizontal timbers to create parallel wires along each side

      • You can also add thinner wire or twine between the parallel wires as cross ties, every 60cm (2ft) along the row

      • Plant the raspberries in a row between the posts. The stems don’t need tying in, as they will be supported by the parallel wires and cross ties

      For a double fence, insert posts (as above) along each side of the row rather than in the middle, then fix horizontal wires to the posts at the spacings described above. You can also add cross ties if you wish.

      Single post

      This system is ideal for very small spaces:

      • Install a sturdy post that stands about 60cm (2ft) tall for autumn raspberries and 1.8m (6ft) for summer raspberries

      • Plant two or three raspberry plants around the base of the post and tie the stems to it with twine.


      It’s easy to make new plants from existing raspberries, to extend your row or start new ones. Simply dig up any healthy suckers that appear outside the row and replant in the new location. You can also divide large clumps.

      Only propagate from recently bought plants that are certified virus-free, as raspberries are prone to a number of diseases and viruses as they age, which would infect the new plants too, reducing their vigour and cropping potential.


      Pruning and Training

      Raspberries (7)

      Pruning autumn-fruiting raspberries is very simple – just cut all the stems to the ground in late winter
      Raspberries should be pruned and trained regularly to keep plants healthier, neater and fruiting well. Summer and autumn raspberries are pruned in different ways, as detailed below. Also see our video guide to pruning.

      Pruning summer-fruiting raspberries

      Summer-fruiting raspberries (floricanes) produce fruit on one-year-old stems (the previous season’s growth). They should be pruned and trained straight after you finish harvesting the crop, as follows:

      • Cut all the old, woody, fruited stems right down to ground level

      • Then select the strongest young green stems that have grown during the current season – around six to eight per plant – and tie them to your horizontal wires, spacing them 8–10cm (3–4in) apart. These will fruit the following summer

      • Cut any other young stems to ground level

      • If the young stems are taller than the top wire, loop them over and tie them in temporarily. Then in February, trim back these long canes to a bud about 10cm (4in) above the top wire

      Pruning autumn-fruiting raspberries

      Autumn-fruiting raspberries (primocanes) produce their crop on the current season’s stems. They are easy to prune:

      • In February, cut back all the old, fruited stems to ground level. New ones will start growing in spring, which will bear fruit later in the year

      • In early summer, thin out any very overcrowded clumps if necessary, removing weaker stems so the remainder are about 10cm (4in) apart

      Pruning autumn raspberries for double cropping

      Double cropping is useful if you don’t have space to grow summer-fruiting raspberries as well. You’ll get a modest summer crop, and a slightly reduced autumn crop, but the combined harvest should be at least five per cent larger.

      To prune for a double crop:

      • In February, instead of cutting all the stems to ground level, select six to eight of the strongest ones per 1m (3ft) of row, and prune off just the upper fruited part

      • Cut all the other stems to ground level as normal

      • After the half-pruned stems have fruited in summer, cut them down to ground level, leaving the current year’s stems to fruit in autumn

      Use this method only on well-established plants that are growing strongly. Varieties such as ‘Joan J’and Himbo Top are particularly suitable.

      Removing suckers

      All raspberries will send up suckers, or new canes, in spring. Any that sprout up outside the intended growing area should be removed. If you want more plants, the suckers can be replanted in a more suitable spot, as long as your existing raspberry plants are young, healthy and virus-free.



      Raspberries (8)

      Raspberries come away easily when fully ripe – be gentle, as they are easily squashed
      Early varieties of summer-fruiting raspberries should be ready for harvesting from June, with later varieties ripening into September. Autumn raspberries start cropping from mid-August, often continuing until the first frosts.

      Harvest regularly, to get fruits at the peak of ripeness, when richly coloured, plump and easy to pull off. Pick on a dry day, as damp berries can soon turn mouldy. Raspberries are best eaten fresh, when juicy, sweet and delicious. If you end up with a glut, theyfreeze well and make lovely jams, sauces and desserts.



      Section 7 of 7

      Raspberries generally grow vigorously and crop well for several years in most locations. However, they can be affected by various problems, including:

      • Viruses and fungal diseases – including cane blight, spur blight and rust. Raspberries are particularly prone to viruses, which cause stunting and distortion. Affected plants should be removed quickly, as viruses are easily spread by aphids and other sap-sucking insects

      • Birds and squirrels will eat the fruit if given the chance, so protect ripening crops with netting or afruit cage

      • Insects and mites– including raspberry beetles and leaf and bud mites
      • Magnesium deficiency – foliageturnsyellow between the leaf veins, sometimes with reddish brown tints

      Buy raspberries at RHSplants.co.uk

      Every purchase supports the work of the RHS

      Buy raspberries at RHSplants.co.uk

      Raspberries (2024)
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      Author: Rob Wisoky

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      Name: Rob Wisoky

      Birthday: 1994-09-30

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      Introduction: My name is Rob Wisoky, I am a smiling, helpful, encouraging, zealous, energetic, faithful, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.