One Year of Budgeting Review! Plus Summer Spending Reports - Clo Bare Money Coach (2024)


It’s been a year since I started budgeting and sharing my budget posts! Pretty freaking cool, yeah? I’ve learned a lot in the year that I’ve started managing my money. I can’t believe how much I’ve learned in the last year and also how far I have left to go.

But before we get there, let’s talk about where I was at last year:

  1. I was $67,866 in debt.
  2. $9,899 of that was a car loan.
  3. $57,967 was a student loan with almost 8% interest
  4. I had $1,400.11 in savings.
  5. $630.35 in checking.
  6. My 401k had $10,242 in it and I put in about 4% of my paycheck into it.
  7. I brought in about $2,200 every two weeks from my full time job and I also did some freelance that brought me in an extra $200-$400 a month.
  8. No credit card debt.
  9. No real budget.

I was super spendy and had no handle on my money at all, no plan for how I wanted to pay off my debt, and felt like I’d probably work until I died. When I started, I didn’t have a lot of goals because I didn’t know what I was doing. I knew I didn’t want to pay off debt until I died, but I also had no idea how to get myself out of that debt and my spending habits.

One Year of Budgeting Review! Plus Summer Spending Reports - Clo Bare Money Coach (1)

When the Shift Occured

It wasn’t until I started making decent money that I realized I’d have any opportunity to become debt free someday, so I came up with my “get debt free by 33 plan“. And so in September 2018, I decided to start tracking everything I spent money on so I could create an informed budget.

And I was horrified.

I blew almost $600 in two weeks on eating out, drinking, and going out on dates.

Yep. You can read about that over at “Holy sh*t I need a Budget: I am $67,866 in debt” post.

So this bitch started budgeting. And look where I’m at now:

  1. I am $51,185 in debt, a $16,681 difference.
  2. I put down $19,460 on my debt– on average $1,622 a month. (f*ck YOU INTEREST! This is why my total debt is only $16,681 difference because of interest. SEE HOW IT MAKES A DIFFERENCE?!)
  3. I refinanced my student loans to take my loan from 8% interest to 4.75% interest.
  4. Now I have a budget and track everything I spend.
  5. Stuck to my budget 8 out of the 12 months.
  6. Paid off my car loan several years early.
  7. I have $13,400 in my savings.
  8. I have $800 in my checking.
  9. Now I have about $27,304 in my 401K and I put 11% of my paycheck into it. That means I put in almost twice as much money than I had in the previous THREE YEARS TOTAL.
  10. I got a raise and then a promotion and depending on how many hours I work, I bring in about $2.5k to $2.9k every two weeks.Currently no freelance, but considering opening up a side hustle again that works with my goals.

My Feels on a Year of Budgeting

Not bad right? From zero to this, I’m pretty proud of myself. $20k on debt in a year? That’s f*cking badass! Paying off my car a couple years early? f*ck yeah!


Don’t let me fool you.

I f*cked up too.

When I ran the numbers, I really had my fingers crossed that I’d end up having spent only 50% of my income, living off of and saving the rest.

But that’s not what happened. Turns out, on average, I went way over budget on a month to month basis.

Take a look how only a few decisions to go over budget on certain months or spend big on a new couch or trip or shopping spree ended up impacting my entire YEARLY budget averages.

By the Numbers: A Year in Review

Actual Yearly TotalCost Per
Month Average
Groceries$300$3,170$264Under Budget
Clo Bare$100$2,331$194Over Budget
Health/Medical$150$1,698$142Under Budget
Home$850$11,439$953Over Budget
Transportation$175$3,714$309Over Budget
Personal$200$4,934$411Over Budget
Entertainment$300$3,803$317Over Budget
Utilities/Cell Phone$280$3,263$272Under Budget
Travel$797$9,567$797Had no Budget
Debt$1,800$19,460$1,622Under Budget
CBBB$40$204$17Under Budget

Total Spent October 2018 to October 2019: $63,583

Over budget on average $507 a month.


Look at that.

The f*ck-Up’s For the Budgeting Year Explained

I went over budget on average in 6 out of the eleven categories. And by a lot. I spent $63K in a year, $20k of which was on debt.

Travel (again)

Plus! One HUGE budget item, travel, I never even thought to have a yearly budget for it. So I spent $10,000 on that this year.THAT’S INSANE!


Home (dat green couch doe)

For the first time in my life, I have my own furniture now. And that comes with a price. When my roommate moved out, she took all her lovely furniture with her, so I decided to furnish my place. I purchased a couch, a settee, some chairs and a side table, and that all ran me a little less than $2k. Didn’t plan on making those purchases this year, but now I should be set for several years and for when I move out on my own once my lease is up.

Transportation (WTF?!)

Transportation cost me about double what I thought it would per month. I think that’s because I didn’t plan for things like stickers or Ubers or tickets or registration fees or all the random expenses that come along with owning a vehicle in Chicago.

Personal (Goddamnit, again)

Personal I also almost doubled and that makes me mad at myself because that’s just frivoulous spending. A lot of the time it’s me saying “yes” on a whim to things I probably shouldn’t– like donating to everyone and their mom’s charity, going to a show I don’t care about or some other event that I feel some sort of obligation to show up to.

The personal category is the perfect example of how often I enter the “f*ck-it” mentality only it’s really more the “Can I afford it?” mentality. Sometimes I’ll get asked to do something or tempted to buy something and instead of asking “Do I need it?” I ask myself “Can I afford it?”.

Problems with the “Can I Afford it?” Mentality

That, my friends, is a tricky trap especially if you’re a decent earner with ZERO responsibilities other than yourself and your student loans.

Let’s just talk about some of the few moments that I thought “Can I afford it?” and answered “yes instead of asking myself “do I need it?” Let’s see how, just this tiny example impacted my budget in a big, real way. I’m using real life examples here from this year of spending, my friends.

Here’s a few impulse purchases I made because I knew I could afford it:

  1. A “treat-yo-self” birthday where I spent $700 on myself for my birthday including $125 in donations, $160 on a new pair of shoes, $350 on a massage/spa day, and $100+ on some other sh*t that I don’t remember.Food probably.
  2. $300 on three pairs of shoes that I should’ve researched more before buying over the course of a year.
  3. $1700 on a last minute trip to Mexico with my current boo thang because why the f*ck not.
  4. $200 on another last minute trip up to Traverse City immediately following Mexico because it’s my bestie’s birthday so I CAN’T NOT GO!?!
  5. $200 on expensive as f*ck throw pillows for my new green couch because I can’t be bothered to go to a store and get a decent deal. I suck.

Just five examples that actually happened this year total $3,100 which means on average bringing up my budget $258.33 a month. And that’s just FIVE impulse purchases. I MADE MANY MORE IMPLUSE/f*ck-IT PURCHASES THROUGHOUT THE COURSE OF A YEAR. MANY MORE. MANY MORE.

One Year of Budgeting Review! Plus Summer Spending Reports - Clo Bare Money Coach (2)

Let’s Break the “Can I Afford It/f*ck-it Mentality” Down Further

Even if I only made one $700 impulse purchase in a year, that would increase my monthly average budget by $58.

One $300 purchase, $25 a month.

One $1,700 purchase, $141.67 a month.

One $200 purchase, $16.67 a month.

See how those little things make a huge impact on my yearly numbers?

I never thought about it this way before because I was constantly asking myself if I could afford it.And the answer was always yes– I had the money. I could afford it. I always thought the numbers would just magically work and by the time I ran the numbers for the year, everything would even out to exactly as I had planned.

Wrong. Wrong af.

Look at how these impulse purchases, even as low as $200 ONE TIME impact my overall numbers.

THAT’s INSANE!!!! I used to spend $200 on the dumbest sh*t, and look at how it can completely unwind a budget!

This was really eye opening to me.

I needed literally none of those things. At the end of the day, I don’t regret spending the money on travel but the shoes and the pillows and the treat-yo-self birthday? That’s $1,200 on a couple of purchases that impacted my bottom line.$1,200 in impulse purchases means increasing my monthly budget by $100 bucks! While I definitely shouldn’t beat myself up over it, those impulses stack up and it’s no wonder I went way over budget for my yearly expenses. Absolutely none of the impulses, save the travel experiences, are worth having to work 40+ more years just to buy stupid sh*t. I’d rather cut those 40 years down to 30? Maybe even 20? And that means making the “sacrifice” of not dumping cash on dumb sh*t now.

One Year of Budgeting Review! Plus Summer Spending Reports - Clo Bare Money Coach (3)

My New Question: Do I need it?

This year, my new questions are “If I can afford it, do I actually need it? Am I willing to not hit living off of 50% of my income for this?”

I need to stop saying yes to things I don’t need or REALLY, really want so that I can start saying more to a life I really want.


Ok, so enough with the bad news. I was more spendy than I thought I was BUT, I stuck to a budget! For the first time EVER, I put almost $20k on my debt! I made more money than last year and I understand where it goes now and I have a better idea of where I want it to go in the future!

Those are all good things. My values align with where my money is going, much more closely than it did this time last year, and that excites me.

My biggest expenses this year were:

  1. Rent
  2. Travel
  3. And debt repayment

That makes me feel much better than having my biggest expense being entertainment. If I had kept on the trajectory of spending $600 every two weeks on eating out and boozing, my highest category would’ve been debt and entertainment at $14,400 a YEAR!

I’m so glad that’s not where my money is going anymore. I feel very comfortable knowing my money goes towards my home, my travels and getting myself debt free.

After a year of budgeting, what’s next?

With all this information I have a better idea on how to start budgeting on a yearly basis.

First, I’m going to start a yearly budget to keep track of how I’m doing each month when I create a new budget for the month. I think it’ll help keep me on track so I don’t get to the end of the year thinking I did a great job only to realize I completely f*cked up some of my categories. I think having a year long budget in addition to my monthly budget will give me a “big picture” of my money and help me to stay focused.

Secondly, I need to budget for travel. And I think I should probably cut those travel costs in half. I can still travel, but I don’t need to spend $10k on it in a year. This year was special because I wanted to take that two week trip to Italy and not worry about money– which I did and it was awesome. But I could’ve done it for much cheaper. Probably half the price. So now, that’s what I’m challenging myself with.

Travel for less.

Live with less.

Buy what I need, not what I can afford.

And create a yearly budget to keep track of where I’m at in the big scheme of things.

Woo! Having a plan is a relief. I feel better prepared to do this next year and I’m glad I took a moment to check in on how I’m really doing. I’m going to put together my yearly budget this week, and have it to share soon.

One Year of Budgeting Review! Plus Summer Spending Reports - Clo Bare Money Coach (4)

Your turn!

How do you budget? Have you ever done a yearly budget for yourself? What does that look like? What major surprises did you encounter in your first year of budgeting? Share in the comments below, and if you liked this post, be sure to share!

One Year of Budgeting Review! Plus Summer Spending Reports - Clo Bare Money Coach (2024)


What is the #1 rule of budgeting? ›

Oh My Dollar! From the radio vaults, we bring you a short episode about the #1 most important thing in your budget: your values. You can't avoid looking at your budget without considering your values – no one else's budget will work for you.

What is a good yearly budget? ›

The final step is setting a goal. The budget parameter that many experts recommend is the 50-30-20 budget, where 50% of your take-home pay goes to your needs, 30% to your wants and 20% to savings for your financial future. Watch the video to find out more about how to set an annual budget for the New Year.

How to budget yearly salary? ›

We recommend the popular 50/30/20 budget to maximize your money. In it, you spend roughly 50% of your after-tax dollars on necessities, including debt minimum payments. No more than 30% goes to wants, and at least 20% goes to savings and additional debt payments beyond minimums. We like the simplicity of this plan.

How do I get good at budgeting? ›

Budgeting is an essential part of a healthy financial life.
  1. Create your budget before the month begins.
  2. Practice budgeting to zero.
  3. Use the right tools.
  4. Establish needs versus wants.
  5. Keep bills and receipts organized.
  6. Prioritize debt repayment.
  7. Don't forget to factor in fun.
  8. Save first, then spend.
Feb 22, 2024

Can you live off $1000 a month after bills? ›

Living on $1,000 per month is a challenge. From the high costs of housing, transportation and food, plus trying to keep your bills to a minimum, it would be difficult for anyone living alone to make this work. But with some creativity, roommates and strategy, you might be able to pull it off.

Is 45k a low salary? ›

Is 45k a good salary? It can be, but it depends on your lifestyle and circ*mstances. First Republic explains that the median annual wage in the US in 2022 should be around $54,132, based on median weekly income, which means $45k is technically a below-average salary.

Is 45k a good salary for a single person? ›

How a Salary of $45,000 Compares to Other Individuals In The United States. According to data from the US Census Bureau for 2022, the median income for Nonfamily households in the United States was approximately $45,440 – which means that half of all individuals earned more than this amount, and half earned less.

What is the 60 20 20 rule? ›

If you have a large amount of debt that you need to pay off, you can modify your percentage-based budget and follow the 60/20/20 rule. Put 60% of your income towards your needs (including debts), 20% towards your wants, and 20% towards your savings.

What is the 50 30 20 rule? ›

The 50-30-20 rule recommends putting 50% of your money toward needs, 30% toward wants, and 20% toward savings. The savings category also includes money you will need to realize your future goals.

What is the 50 30 20 rule of money? ›

The 50/30/20 budget rule states that you should spend up to 50% of your after-tax income on needs and obligations that you must have or must do. The remaining half should be split between savings and debt repayment (20%) and everything else that you might want (30%).

How to budget for beginners? ›

Start budgeting
  1. Make a list of your values. Write down what matters to you and then put your values in order.
  2. Set your goals.
  3. Determine your income. ...
  4. Determine your expenses. ...
  5. Create your budget. ...
  6. Pay yourself first! ...
  7. Be careful with credit cards. ...
  8. Check back periodically.

What are the 5 basics to any budget? ›

What Are the 5 Basic Elements of a Budget?
  • Income. The first place that you should start when thinking about your budget is your income. ...
  • Fixed Expenses. ...
  • Debt. ...
  • Flexible and Unplanned Expenses. ...
  • Savings.

What are the 3 most important parts of budgeting? ›

Answer and Explanation: Planning, controlling, and evaluating performance are the three primary goals of budgeting. Planning: Budgeting is a planning tool that enables businesses to establish quantifiable financial targets for the future. They are able to prioritize tasks and allocate resources more wisely as a result.

What is the 70/20/10 rule money? ›

The 70-20-10 budget formula divides your after-tax income into three buckets: 70% for living expenses, 20% for savings and debt, and 10% for additional savings and donations. By allocating your available income into these three distinct categories, you can better manage your money on a daily basis.

What is the $27.40 rule? ›

Instead of thinking about saving $10,000 in a year, try focusing on saving $27.40 per day – what's also known as the “27.40 rule” because $27.40 multiplied by 365 equals $10,001. If you break this down into savings per day, week, and month, here's what you're looking at in terms of numbers: Per day: $27. Per week: $192.

What is better than the 50/30/20 rule? ›

“Where the 50/30/20 rule and the envelope system get complicated, the 80/20 plan gets simple. Instead of having to categorize every single expense into what is essential and what is not, you simply take 20% of your paycheck and deposit it directly into your savings account.

How much does Dave Ramsey say to save? ›

According to the Ramsey Solutions post, the recommendation is to invest 15% of your household income for retirement. The article uses the example of a household income which is $80,000 annually. Based on these earnings, each year you need to invest $12,000 towards your retirement savings.

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Author: Msgr. Refugio Daniel

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Name: Msgr. Refugio Daniel

Birthday: 1999-09-15

Address: 8416 Beatty Center, Derekfort, VA 72092-0500

Phone: +6838967160603

Job: Mining Executive

Hobby: Woodworking, Knitting, Fishing, Coffee roasting, Kayaking, Horseback riding, Kite flying

Introduction: My name is Msgr. Refugio Daniel, I am a fine, precious, encouraging, calm, glamorous, vivacious, friendly person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.