NSE Stock Market Investment & Trading Advisory Startup Market Place for Sale (2024)

NSE Stock Market Investment & Trading Advisory <a class="als" href="https://bizraw.com/forums/startup.7/" title="Startup" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Startup</a> Market Place for Sale


We have sent the verification OTP Code on


Resend OTP


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Or,Give us a call to verify your mobile:
+91-8000 422 133

" + "

" + repo.state + "

"; return markup; } function cityformatRepoSelection(repo) { return repo.text; } $(".type_of_firm_pop").select2({ placeholder: "Select type of firm", minimumResultsForSearch: Infinity, language: { inputTooShort: function() { return 'start typing to choose'; } }, allowClear: true, dropdownAutoWidth: true }); }); function setTimer(min) { var fiveMinutes = 60 * min, display = $('#time'); startTimer(fiveMinutes, display); } function addattrfunction(repo) { $(repo.element).attr('country_id', repo.country_id); return repo.text; } function countryformatRepo(repo) { if (repo.loading) { return repo.text; } var markup = repo.country; return markup; } function initTimer(min) { var fiveMinutes = 60 * min, display = $('#time'); startTimer(fiveMinutes, display); } $("#resend_otp").click(function() { $("#otp_mesg").hide(); $("#otp_clock").show(); clearInterval(set_timer); setTimer(2); }); function preMobileVarification(mobile_number,location_id,location_text,country_text) { old_num = mobile_number; $("#user_selection").hide(); $("#ppimodel").modal('hide'); $("#popupmodel").modal('hide'); $('#popupmodelotpnew').modal('show'); $("#mobile_number_otp").val(mobile_number); $("#current_mobilenum").text($("#mobile_number_otp").val()); //$("#country_code_otp").val(original_country_code); //var country_text = $('#nl-form #country_list option:selected').text(); if(country_text == ''){ var country_text = 'India'; } if(country_text != 'India'){ $("#p_loc_div").hide(); } else { $("#p_loc_div").show(); } $('#country_code_otp').append(''); $('#basicaddon2').css('visibility', 'visible'); $(".otp_popup_header1").text("Complete your free account setup"); $(".otp_popup_header_small").text("We are glad to see you here!"); if($('select[name=country_code_otp]').val()){ $('#basicaddon2').html("+" + $('select[name=country_code_otp]').val().split("|")[1]); }else if($('select[name=country_code]').val()){ $('#basicaddon2').html("+" + $('select[name=country_code]').val().split("|")[1]); } $('#pop_location').append(''); setTimer(2); } function inactiveUserMobileVarification(country_code, mobile_number,original_country_code) { old_num = mobile_number; // / var country_string=original_country_code+"|"+country_code; $("#user_selection").hide(); // $("#p_loc_div").hide(); $('#popupmodelotpnew').modal('show'); $("#mobile_number_otp").val(mobile_number); $("#current_mobilenum").text($("#mobile_number_otp").val()); // $("#country_code_otp").val(original_country_code); $("#country_code_otp").val("IN|91|102"); $('#basicaddon2').css('visibility', 'visible'); $('#basicaddon2').html("+" + country_code); setTimer(2); } function apiMobileVerification(response) { var checked_selection = $("input[name='reg_type_sel']:checked").val(); old_num = 0; if (checked_selection == '' || checked_selection == undefined) { $("#user_selection").show(); $("#type_selection").hide(); } else { $("#user_selection").hide(); $("#type_selection").show(); set_checkboxinpopup(checked_selection); } if(response.user_name && response.user_name !=""){ fullname = response.user_name.split(" "); }else{ fullname =""; fullname[0]=""; fullname[1]=""; } if(response.source && response.source=="Whatsapp"){ $('#waba_optin_status').prop('checked', true); // $('#p_loc_div').show(); $(".wa-login-block").show(); $("#country_select_div").hide(); $(".wa-update-block").hide(); } if(response.country_code && response.country_code !="91"){ $("#p_loc_div").hide(); } if(response.mobile_number && response.mobile_number !=''){ $("#mobile_number_otp").val(response.mobile_number); } $("#otp_block").hide(); $("#editmynumber").show(); $('#popupmodelotpnew').modal('show'); $("#ppimodel").modal('hide'); $("#popupmodel").modal('hide'); $("#footer_call").hide(); $("#api_user_name").html(response.user_name); $("#country_code_otp").val("IN|91|102"); $('#basicaddon2').css('visibility', 'visible'); $('#basicaddon2').html("+" + $('select[name=country_code_otp]').val().split("|")[1]); if(response.user_name && response.user_name !=""){ $(".otp_popup_header1").text("Welcome, "+response.user_name); }else if(fullname[0] && fullname[0] !=""){ $(".otp_popup_header1").text("Welcome, "+fullname[0]); }else{ $(".otp_popup_header1").text("Welcome"); } // $(".otp_popup_header_small").text(response.user_email); $(".otp_popup_header2").text( "Start your journey with IndiaBiz to access and explore business opportunities, articles, business valuation & more" ); if(fullname[0] && fullname[0] !='' && fullname[0] !=null){ $("#fname").val(fullname[0]); } if(fullname[1] && fullname[1]!='' && fullname[1] !=null){ $("#lname").val(fullname[1]); } $("#info-source").text(response.source); $("#info-source").val(response.source); } function editNumberVarification(mobile_number) { old_num = mobile_number; $("#user_selection").hide(); $("#editmynumber").show(); $("#otpBody").show(); $("#close_div").show(); $("#otp_block").hide(); $('#popupmodelotpnew').modal('show'); $("#action-buttons-div").css("padding-bottom", "3%"); $("#action-buttons-div").css("padding-top", "3%"); $(".modal-footer").hide(); $("#otpSuccess").hide(); $("#mobile_number_otp").val(mobile_number); $("#current_mobilenum").text($("#mobile_number_otp").val()); $("#country_code_otp").val(original_country_code); $('#basicaddon2').css('visibility', 'visible'); $('#basicaddon2').html("+" + original_country_code.split("|")[1].replace(/"/g, "")); setTimer(0); $(".message_otp_response").hide(); $("#edit_link").hide(); } $("#edit_my_num").click(function() { $(".message_otp_response").hide(); $("#edit_link").fadeOut("slow"); $("#googledetailsdiv").fadeOut("slow"); $(".const_info").hide(); $("#editmynumber").fadeIn("slow"); $("#number_update").val("Save number & Send otp"); clearInterval(set_timer); $("#time").text('02:00'); }); function number_update_callback(status) { $("#editmynumber").hide(); $("#edit_link").fadeIn("slow"); if (typeof set_timer != 'undefined') { clearInterval(set_timer); } setTimer(2); if (otp_referrer == "change_number") { $("#otp_block").fadeIn("slow"); $(".modal-footer").fadeIn("slow"); $(".message_otp_rset_checkbox_popupesponse").show(); $("#otp_mesg").hide(); $("#otp_clock").show(); } } function set_otp_window() { $("#user_selection").hide(); $("#otp_block").show(); $("#footer_call").show(); $(".otp_popup_header1").text("Mobile Number Verification"); $(".otp_popup_header_small").text(" "); $(".otp_popup_header2").text("Please verify your number using the OTP sent to activate your account"); setTimer(2); } $("#country_code_otp").change(function() { var country_code_otp = $("#country_code_otp").val().split("|")[1]; var country_iso = $("#country_code_otp").val().split("|")[0]; var mobileNumber = $("#mobile_number_otp").val(); if (country_code_otp == '91') { $("#p_loc_div").show(); } else { $("#p_loc_div").hide(); } if (!country_iso) { $('#country_code_otp').html("Please Select Country from list."); return false; } if (country_iso == "Country" || country_iso == "00" || country_iso == undefined) { document.getElementById('err_country_code_otp').innerHTML = "Please Select Country from list."; document.getElementById('err_mobile_number_otp').innerHTML = ""; $('#basicaddon2').css('visibility', 'hidden'); $('#basicaddon2').html(" "); } else { $('#basicaddon2').css('visibility', 'visible'); $('#basicaddon2').html("+" + $('select[name=country_code_otp]').val().split("|")[1]); document.getElementById('err_country_code_otp').innerHTML = ""; document.getElementById('err_mobile_number_otp').innerHTML = ""; if (mobileNumber && mobile_validation_otp(country_iso)) { $("#number_update").prop( "disabled",true); mobile_exists_otp(mobileNumber); } } }); $("#fname").blur(function() { var name_regexp = /^[A-z ]+$/; var first_name = $('#fname').val(); if (first_name == '') { $('#err_name').html("Enter First Name"); data_error = true; } else if (!name_regexp.test(first_name)) { $('#err_name').html("Enter First Name without special characters"); data_error = true; } else { var last_name = $('#lname').val(); if (last_name == '') { $('#err_name').html("Enter Last Name"); data_error = true; } else if (!name_regexp.test(last_name)) { $('#err_name').html("Enter Last Name without special characters"); data_error = true; } else { $('#err_name').html(""); } } }); $("#lname").blur(function() { var name_regexp = /^[A-z ]+$/; var last_name = $('#lname').val(); if (last_name == '') { $('#err_name').html("Enter Last Name"); data_error = true; } else if (!name_regexp.test(last_name)) { $('#err_name').html("Enter Last Name without special characters"); data_error = true; } else { var first_name = $('#fname').val(); if (first_name == '') { $('#err_name').html("Enter First Name"); data_error = true; } else if (!name_regexp.test(first_name)) { $('#err_name').html("Enter First Name without special characters"); data_error = true; } else { $('#err_name').html(""); } } }); $("#mobile_number_otp").blur(function(event) { event.stopImmediatePropagation(); var country_iso = $("#country_code_otp").val().split("|")[0]; var country_code_otp = $("#country_code_otp").val().split("|")[1]; var mobileNumber = $("#mobile_number_otp").val(); if (!mobileNumber) { $('#err_mobile_number_otp').html("Please enter mobile number."); return false; } if (country_iso == "Country" || country_iso == "00" || country_iso == undefined) { document.getElementById('err_country_code_otp').innerHTML = "Please Select Country from list."; document.getElementById('err_mobile_number_otp').innerHTML = "Mobile number is not valid for selected country"; } else { document.getElementById('err_country_code_otp').innerHTML = ""; document.getElementById('err_mobile_number_otp').innerHTML = ""; var old_number = $("#current_mobilenum").text(); if (mobileNumber && mobile_validation_otp(country_iso) && old_number != mobileNumber) { $("#number_update").prop( "disabled",true); mobile_exists_otp(mobileNumber); } } }); function mobile_validation_otp(country_list) { var country_code_otp = $("#country_code_otp").val().split("|")[1]; var mobileNumber = country_code_otp + $("#mobile_number_otp").val(); var mobileNumberWithoutCC = $("#mobile_number_otp").val(); var mobile_regex = /^[0-9]*$/; var mobile_zero_regex = /^[1-9][0-9]*$/; if (!mobile_regex.test(mobileNumberWithoutCC)) { document.getElementById('err_mobile_number_otp').innerHTML = "Mobile number should contains only digits."; return false; } if (!mobile_zero_regex.test(mobileNumberWithoutCC)) { document.getElementById('err_mobile_number_otp').innerHTML = "Remove '0' from the begining of your mobile number."; return false; } if (mobileNumber && !isNumberValid(mobileNumberWithoutCC, country_list)) { document.getElementById('err_mobile_number_otp').innerHTML = "Mobile number is not valid."; return false; } else { document.getElementById('err_mobile_number_otp').innerHTML = ""; return true; } } function mobile_exists_otp(mobileNumber) { var country_iso = $("#country_code_otp").val().split("|")[0]; var str = 'https://www.indiabizforsale.com/business/'; var dataAjax = { mobilenumber: mobileNumber, country_list: country_iso, get_userid: true }; var url = str + 'user/mobilenumberduplication'; $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: url, data: dataAjax }).success(function(result) { setTimeout(() => { $("#number_update").prop( "disabled",false); }, 500); var result = JSON.parse(result); if (result.error == true) { document.getElementById('err_mobile_number_otp').innerHTML = result.message; return false; } if (result.mobile_duplicate == 1) { document.getElementById('err_mobile_number_otp').innerHTML = result.message; } else { document.getElementById('err_mobile_number_otp').innerHTML = ""; } }); } function skip_registration(){ loginurl='https://www.indiabizforsale.com/business/index/skipregistration'; $.ajax({ type: 'POST', url: loginurl, async: true, success: function(result) { var response = JSON.parse(result); if (response.allow) { dataLayer.push({'event':'close_pop_up', 'method':response.registeredBy, 'route':response.registeredByPopup }); location.reload(true); } else { } }, error: function (jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) { setNotification('Error', 'Some strange error occurred.' + errorThrown, 'danger'); return false; } }); $("#popupmodelotpnew").modal('hide'); } function skip_otp_registration(){ loginurl='https://www.indiabizforsale.com/business/index/skipotpregistration'; $.ajax({ type: 'POST', url: loginurl, async: true, success: function(result) { var response = JSON.parse(result); var str = 'https://www.indiabizforsale.com/business/'; dataLayer.push({'event':'close_pop_up', 'method':response.registeredBy, 'route':response.registeredByPopup }); if (response.allow) { if(response.isuserlisting && response.isuserlisting=='1'){ location.reload(true); }else{ if(response.registration_type==1){ window.location.href= str+"business/sellerbusiness"; }else if(response.registration_type==3){ window.location.href= str+"buyerlisting/buyerlisting"; }else if(response.registration_type==2){ window.location.href= str+"business/sellerbusiness"; }else{ location.reload(true); } } } }, error: function (jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) { setNotification('Error', 'Some strange error occurred.' + errorThrown, 'danger'); return false; } }); $("#popupmodelotpnew").modal('hide'); } function skip_socialotp_registration(){ loginurl='https://www.indiabizforsale.com/business/index/skipsocialotpregistration'; var str = 'https://www.indiabizforsale.com/business/'; $.ajax({ type: 'POST', url: loginurl, async: true, success: function(result) { var response = JSON.parse(result); dataLayer.push({'event':'close_pop_up', 'method':response.registeredBy, 'route':response.registeredByPopup }); if (response.allow) { if(response.registration_type==1 && response.profile_complete_status==1){ window.location.href= str+"business/sellerbusiness"; }else if(response.registration_type==3 && response.profile_complete_status==1){ window.location.href= str+"buyerlisting/buyerlisting"; }else if(response.registration_type==2 && response.profile_complete_status==1){ window.location.href= str+"business/sellerbusiness"; }else{ location.reload(true); } } }, error: function (jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) { setNotification('Error', 'Some strange error occurred.' + errorThrown, 'danger'); return false; } }); $("#popupmodelotpnew").modal('hide'); } function close_pop_up_ga4_event_call() { dataLayer.push({'event':'close_pop_up', 'method':'NA', 'route':'NA' }); } function startTimer(duration, display) { var timer = duration, minutes, seconds; set_timer = setInterval(function() { minutes = parseInt(timer / 60, 10) seconds = parseInt(timer % 60, 10); minutes = minutes < 10 ? "0" + minutes : minutes; seconds = seconds < 10 ? "0" + seconds : seconds; display.text(minutes + ":" + seconds); if (--timer < 0) { timer = duration; $("#otp_mesg").show(); $("#otp_clock").hide(); clearInterval(set_timer); } }, 1000); } function displyIcon(ele_s_id, ele_f_id) { $(ele_s_id).show(); $(ele_f_id).hide(); } function addSuccessClass(ele_div) { $(ele_div).removeClass("has-error").addClass("has-success"); } function addErrorClass(ele_div) { $(ele_div).removeClass("has-success").addClass("has-error"); } $(".pop_location").change(function() { var optionSelected = $(this).find("option:selected"); var location = optionSelected.val(); if (country_code_otp == 91 && location == 0 || location == '' || location == null) { setNotification('Error', "Please select 'Location' field1", 'danger'); $('.loc_err').html("Please select your Location."); return false; } else { $('.loc_err').html(""); } }); $("#wa_email").blur(function(){ var email = $('#wa_email').val(); var email_regexp = /^([a-zA-Z0-9_\.\-])+\@(([a-zA-Z0-9\-])+\.)+([a-zA-Z0-9]{2,4})+$/; var str = "https://www.indiabizforsale.com/business/"; if(!email.match(email_regexp) || email==""){ $('#err_wa_email').html("Enter valid Email ID"); }else if(email){ var dataAjax = {emailId:email}; var url = str+'business/emailduplicationedit'; $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: url, data: dataAjax }).success(function(result) { if(result == 1) { $('#err_wa_email').html("Email ID is already exists."); return false; }else { $('#err_wa_email').html(""); return true; } }); }else{ $('#err_wa_email').html(""); } }); $(".organization").blur(function() { var organization = $('.organization').val(); var alphaExp = /^[a-zA-Z0-9& ]*$/; if (organization == '') { displyIcon(".fn_org_f", ".fn_org_s"); addErrorClass(".fn_org_div"); $('.err_organization_reg').html("Please input your Organization name"); } else { displyIcon(".fn_org_s", ".fn_org_f"); addSuccessClass(".fn_org_div"); $('.err_organization_reg').html(""); } }); $(".type_of_firm_pop").on('change', function() { var element = $(this).find('option:selected'); var select_val = element.attr("value"); if (select_val == 0 || select_val == null) { displyIcon(".cn_firm_f", ".cn_firm_s"); addErrorClass(".fn_firm_div"); $('.err_type_of_firm').html("Please select type of Firm."); data_error = true; } else { $('.err_type_of_firm').html(""); displyIcon(".cn_firm_s", ".cn_firm_f"); addSuccessClass(".fn_firm_div"); } }); $("#number_update").click(function(e){ e.stopImmediatePropagation(); var email_regexp = /^([a-zA-Z0-9_\.\-])+\@(([a-zA-Z0-9\-])+\.)+([a-zA-Z0-9]{2,4})+$/; var email = $("#wa_email").val(); var firstname = $("#fname").val(); var lastname = $("#lname").val(); var country_id = $("#country_code_otp option:selected").attr("country_id"); var old_number = old_num; var new_num = $("#mobile_number_otp").val(); var country_code_otp = $("#country_code_otp").val().split("|")[1]; var whole_number = country_code_otp + new_num; var optionSelected = $('.pl_location').find("option:selected"); var location = optionSelected.val(); var reg_form = $(this).attr("reg-form"); var reg_form_with = $(this).attr("reg-form-with"); var type_of_firm = $('.type_of_firm_pop').val(); var user_registration_type = $(".social_registration_type").val(); var source = $("#info-source").val(); var country_iso = $("#country_code_otp").val().split("|")[0]; var organization = $('.organization').val(); var alphaExp = /^[a-zA-Z]+$/; if ($("#waba_optin_status").is(':checked')) { var waba_optin_status = 1; } else { var waba_optin_status = 0; } var error=""; // if ($('#err_mobile_number_otp').html() != '' || $('#err_country_code_otp').html() != '' || new_num =='') { if (email =='' && source =='Whatsapp') { $("#err_wa_email").html("Enter Valid Email"); setNotification('Error', "Enter Valid Email", 'danger'); error=1; savehalfprofile(); }else if(!email_regexp.test(email) && source =='Whatsapp'){ $("#err_wa_email").html("Enter Valid Email"); setNotification('Error', "Enter Valid Email", 'danger'); error=1; savehalfprofile(); }else if($('#err_wa_email').text() != '' && source =='Whatsapp'){ $("#err_wa_email").html("Email Already Exists!"); setNotification('Error', "Email Already Exists!", 'danger'); error=1; savehalfprofile(); } else if (($('#err_mobile_number_otp').html() != '') || ($('#err_country_code_otp').html() != '') && (new_num =='') && (source !='Whatsapp')) { var actual_message = $('#err_mobile_number_otp').text(); if(actual_message !=''){ $("#err_mobile_number_otp").html(actual_message); setNotification('Error', actual_message, 'danger'); error=1; } savehalfprofile(); } else if (country_code_otp == 91 && (location == 0 || location == '' || location == null)) { setNotification('Error', "Please select 'Location' field", 'danger'); $('.loc_err').html("Please select your Location."); error=1; savehalfprofile(); }else if ((otp_referrer == "api_registration" || otp_referrer == "gen_api_registration")) { if (($('#fname').val() == '') && (source !='Whatsapp')) { setNotification('Error', "Please enter valid First Name", 'danger'); error=1; } //if ($('#lname').val() == '' && (source !='Whatsapp')) { if ($('#lname').val() == '' && (source =='direct')) { setNotification('Error', "Please enter valid Last Name", 'danger'); error=1; } if (!user_registration_type || user_registration_type === undefined) { setNotification('Error', "Select a suitable option", 'danger'); $("#err_registration_type_reg").html("Select a suitable option"); error=1; }else{ $("#err_registration_type_reg").html(""); } if (user_registration_type == 2) { if (type_of_firm == '') { $('.err_type_of_firm').html("Please select type of firm"); error=1; } else { $('.err_type_of_firm').html(""); } if (organization == '') { $('.err_organization_reg').html("Please input your Organization name"); error=1; } else { $('.err_organization_reg').html(""); } } if(error){ savehalfprofile(); return false; } if (user_registration_type == 1) { var disclose_contact_div = '.se_disclose_mobile_email_popup'; var disclose_recent_div = '.se_recentactivitydisclose_popup'; } else if (user_registration_type == 2) { var disclose_contact_div = '.con_disclose_mobile_email_popup'; var disclose_recent_div = '.con_recentactivitydisclose_popup'; } else if (user_registration_type == 3) { var disclose_contact_div = '.bu_disclose_mobile_email_popup'; var disclose_recent_div = '.bu_recentactivitydisclose_popup'; } $("#number_update").prop( "disabled",true); //setTimeout(() => { if ((new_num && mobile_validation_otp(country_iso)) || source=="Whatsapp") { var baseurl = 'https://www.indiabizforsale.com/business/'; var url = baseurl + 'index/gmailapisignup'; old_num = new_num; $.ajax({ url: url, type: 'POST', data: $.param({ mobile_number: new_num, email: email, source:source, registrationType: user_registration_type, country_code: country_code_otp, country_id: country_id, location: location, disclose_mobile_email: $(disclose_contact_div).is(':checked'), recentactivitydisclose: $(disclose_recent_div).is(':checked'), waba_optin_status: waba_optin_status, type_of_firm: type_of_firm, organization: organization, firstname: firstname, lastname: lastname }), async: true, success: function(response) { response_login = JSON.parse(response); $("#number_update").prop("disabled",false); if (response_login.success) { if(response_login.process=='registration_initiated'){ dataLayer.push({'event':'proceed_to_register_with_social', 'profile_option':response_login.profile_option, 'country':response_login.country, 'location':response_login.city, 'firm_type':response_login.firm_type, 'organization_name':response_login.organization_name, 'method':response_login.registeredBy, 'route':response_login.registeredByPopup }); }else{ dataLayer.push({'event':'save_and_send_otp', 'user_ID':response_login.user_id, 'user_status':'guest', 'profile_option':response_login.profile_option, 'country':response_login.country, 'location':response_login.city, 'firm_type':response_login.firm_type, 'organization_name':response_login.organization_name, 'method':response_login.registeredBy, 'route':response_login.registeredByPopup }); } $(".show_div").hide(); $(".skip_div").hide(); $(".skip_otp_div").hide(); $(".skip_socialotp_div").show(); if(response_login.otp_email_send==1){ $(".mobile_otp_verify").hide(); $(".edit_num").hide(); $(".email_otp_verify").css("display","inline-block"); $("#current_emailid").text(response_login.otp_email); }else{ $(".mobile_otp_verify").css("display","inline-block"); $(".email_otp_verify").hide(); $(".edit_num").show(); } set_otp_window(); number_update_callback('success'); setNotification('Success! 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', response_login.message, 'success'); $("#current_mobilenum").text(new_num); return true; } else { setNotification('Error', response_login.message, 'danger'); return false; } }, error: function(xhr, status, errorThrown) { setNotification('Error', 'Some strange error occurred.' + errorThrown, 'danger'); }, cache: false }); } /*else if (old_number == new_num) { number_update_callback('fail'); $("#current_mobilenum").text(new_num); return true; }*/ });function savehalfprofile(){ var firstname = $("#fname").val(); var lastname = $("#lname").val(); var email = $("#wa_email").val(); var source = $("#info-source").val(); var country_id = $("#country_code_otp option:selected").attr("country_id"); var old_number = old_num; var new_num = $("#mobile_number_otp").val(); var country_code_name = $("#country_code_otp").val().split("|")[0]; var country_code_otp = $("#country_code_otp").val().split("|")[1]; var whole_number = country_code_otp + new_num; var optionSelected = $('.pl_location').find("option:selected"); 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Please email on info@indiabizforsale.com.', 'danger'); } } else { if (data.status == "SUCCESS") { setNotification(' ', data.message, 'success'); } else { setNotification('Error', data.message, 'danger'); } } } }); } function concat_set_otp() { var otp1 = $('#digit-1').val(); var otp2 = $('#digit-2').val(); var otp3 = $('#digit-3').val(); var otp4 = $('#digit-4').val(); var otp = otp1 + otp2 + otp3 + otp4; $('.otp_text').val(otp); } $('.inputs').find('input').each(function() { $(this).attr('maxlength', 1); $(this).on('keyup', function(e) { var parent = $($(this).parent()); if (e.keyCode === 8 || e.keyCode === 37 ) { var prev = parent.find('input#' + $(this).data('previous')); if (prev.length) { $(prev).select(); } } else if ((e.keyCode >= 48 && e.keyCode <= 57) || (e.keyCode >= 65 && e.keyCode <= 90) || (e.keyCode >= 96 && e.keyCode <= 105) || e.keyCode === 39 || e.keyCode === 229) { var next = parent.find('input#' + $(this).data('next')); if (next.length) { $(next).select(); } } }); });

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  1. Businesses
  2. Delhi
  3. NCR
  4. SL004192

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Business Name Available on request
Website T*********
Name K***** G*****
Email k*****@*****.com

Mobile 99******3

NSE Stock Market Investment & Trading Advisory Startup Market Place for Sale (3)

Listing ID: SL004192

Posted By: Owner

Last Active: 1+ year ago

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NSE Stock Market Investment & Trading Advisory Startup Market Place for Sale (16) Industry Finance (Other) NSE Stock Market Investment & Trading Advisory Startup Market Place for Sale (17) Location NCR NSE Stock Market Investment & Trading Advisory Startup Market Place for Sale (18) Asking Price 50 Lakh-1 Crore
NSE Stock Market Investment & Trading Advisory Startup Market Place for Sale (19) Entity Type Sole Proprietorship NSE Stock Market Investment & Trading Advisory Startup Market Place for Sale (20) Started In 2017 NSE Stock Market Investment & Trading Advisory Startup Market Place for Sale (21) Interested In Full Sale
NSE Stock Market Investment & Trading Advisory Startup Market Place for Sale (22) Sales/Turnover INR 5.00 LacFY 2016-17 NSE Stock Market Investment & Trading Advisory Startup Market Place for Sale (23) Employees 1-10 NSE Stock Market Investment & Trading Advisory Startup Market Place for Sale (24) EBITDA Available on request
NSE Stock Market Investment & Trading Advisory Startup Market Place for Sale (25) Operational Status Running

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NSE Stock Market Investment & Trading Advisory Startup Market Place for Sale (27)Phone

NSE Stock Market Investment & Trading Advisory Startup Market Place for Sale (28)Google

NSE Stock Market Investment & Trading Advisory Startup Market Place for Sale (29)LinkedIn

NSE Stock Market Investment & Trading Advisory Startup Market Place for Sale (30)Facebook

  • Product / Service
  • Reason

Product / Service

An Excellent future business opportunity available for acquisition. It's a website and mobile app, connecting India's leading SEBI (Securities and Exchange Board of India) registered Research Analysts and Investment Advisors with Investors and Traders.Business Description: The business was started in 2017, built with a vision to create a trustworthy, reliable, transparent platform for all Analysts, Investors and Intraday traders in Indian stock market. The Investor gets highly reliable and expert advice from Advisors and Analysts at an affordable subscription on a single platform. It serves as a medium that bridges the gap between the investor and the advisor, and help them sail smooth in the financial market.Basically, it is an intermediary, through its website and mobile app, that connects India's leading SEBI (Securities and Exchange Board of India) Registered Research Analysts and Investment Advisors with Investors and Traders.The company runs on the subscription model and provide subscription for 1 month, 3 months, 6 months and yearly ranging from INR 2000 to INR 6000, depending on the services. For now, the company clocked the Revenue of Average INR 70,000 per month.The Asking Price will be discussed with the genuine buyers.


Lack of Working Capital for expansion. Funds will be used to expand the Business, hire people, build Social Marketing team etc.

Business Name Available on request
Website T*********
Name K***** G*****
Email k*****@*****.com

Mobile 99******3


Finance (Other) business opportunity for sale in NCR, Finance (Other) business for sale in NCR, Acquire Finance (Other) business for sale in NCR, Buy Finance (Other) business in NCR, Purchase Finance (Other) business for sale in NCR

Business Tags

Finance fintech futuristic product Running successfully startup Stock subscription based

₹10 to ₹200 Cr

Complete Investment Banking Solution in 120 Days

Seamless Fundraising/M&A transactions

Start your growth journey with our 25+ Years of Experienced Professional Team.

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"; return markup;}function formatRepoSelection (repo) { return repo.text;}function cityformatRepo (repo) { if (repo.loading) { return repo.text; } var markup = "

" + "

" +"




"; return markup;}function cityformatRepoSelection (repo) { return repo.text;} function getsubcats(arr){ var data={ type:"IN", industry:arr }; $.post('/business/user/getsubleveldata',data,function(rdata) { data=JSON.parse(rdata); var selected=subcatSelect.val(); subcatSelect.empty(); if(data!=null) { selected = $.grep(data, function(value) { return $.inArray(value.id.toString(), selected) > 0; }); var final = $.map(selected, function(value) { return value.id; }); subcatSelect.select2({ data:data }).val(final).trigger("change"); } else { subcatSelect.empty(); } });}function setmessage(){ var askingpriceoption = $("#askingpriceHiddenOption").val(); var listing_price_id = $("#listing_price_id_seller_popup").val(); var listing_price = $("#listing_price_seller_popup").val().trim(); var budget = $("#askingpriceValue").val().trim().replace(/,/g,''); if(budget>100000){ $("#minval_err").html(''); $("#minval_err").hide(); if(askingpriceoption != 0){ if(parseInt(listing_price_id) > parseInt(askingpriceoption)){ $("#warn_askingpriceoption").html("NOTE: The asking price for this business (" + listing_price + ") exceeds your budget. Do you want to reconsider?"); $("#warn_askingpriceoption").show(); }else{ $("#warn_askingpriceoption").hide(); } } }else{ $("#minval_err").html('Investment budget to be minimum INR 1 Lakh'); $("#minval_err").show(); return false; } }function convertNumberToWords(amount) { var words = new Array(); words[0] = ''; words[1] = 'One'; words[2] = 'Two'; words[3] = 'Three'; words[4] = 'Four'; words[5] = 'Five'; words[6] = 'Six'; words[7] = 'Seven'; words[8] = 'Eight'; words[9] = 'Nine'; words[10] = 'Ten'; words[11] = 'Eleven'; words[12] = 'Twelve'; words[13] = 'Thirteen'; words[14] = 'Fourteen'; words[15] = 'Fifteen'; words[16] = 'Sixteen'; words[17] = 'Seventeen'; words[18] = 'Eighteen'; words[19] = 'Nineteen'; words[20] = 'Twenty'; words[30] = 'Thirty'; words[40] = 'Forty'; words[50] = 'Fifty'; words[60] = 'Sixty'; words[70] = 'Seventy'; words[80] = 'Eighty'; words[90] = 'Ninety'; amount = amount.toString(); var atemp = amount.split("."); var number = atemp[0].split(",").join(""); var n_length = number.length; var words_string = ""; if (n_length <= 9) { var n_array = new Array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); var received_n_array = new Array(); for (var i = 0; i < n_length; i++) { received_n_array[i] = number.substr(i, 1); } for (var i = 9 - n_length, j = 0; i < 9; i++, j++) { n_array[i] = received_n_array[j]; } for (var i = 0, j = 1; i < 9; i++, j++) { if (i == 0 || i == 2 || i == 4 || i == 7) { if (n_array[i] == 1) { n_array[j] = 10 + parseInt(n_array[j]); n_array[i] = 0; } } } value = ""; for (var i = 0; i < 9; i++) { if (i == 0 || i == 2 || i == 4 || i == 7) { value = n_array[i] * 10; } else { value = n_array[i]; } if (value != 0) { words_string += words[value] + " "; } if ((i == 1 && value != 0) || (i == 0 && value != 0 && n_array[i + 1] == 0)) { words_string += "Crores "; } if ((i == 3 && value != 0) || (i == 2 && value != 0 && n_array[i + 1] == 0)) { words_string += "Lakhs "; } if ((i == 5 && value != 0) || (i == 4 && value != 0 && n_array[i + 1] == 0)) { words_string += "Thousand "; } if (i == 6 && value != 0 && (n_array[i + 1] != 0 && n_array[i + 2] != 0)) { words_string += "Hundred and "; } else if (i == 6 && value != 0) { words_string += "Hundred "; } } words_string = words_string.split(" ").join(" "); }else{ words_string="More Than 100 Crores"; } return words_string+' Rupees';}


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NSE Stock Market Investment & Trading Advisory Startup Market Place for Sale (37)
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" + "

" + repo.state + "

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$(".otp_popup_header_small").text(" "); $(".otp_popup_header2").text("Please verify your number using the OTP sent to activate your account"); setTimer(2); } $("#country_code_otp").change(function() { var country_code_otp = $("#country_code_otp").val().split("|")[1]; var country_iso = $("#country_code_otp").val().split("|")[0]; var mobileNumber = $("#mobile_number_otp").val(); if (country_code_otp == '91') { $("#p_loc_div").show(); } else { $("#p_loc_div").hide(); } if (!country_iso) { $('#country_code_otp').html("Please Select Country from list."); return false; } if (country_iso == "Country" || country_iso == "00" || country_iso == undefined) { document.getElementById('err_country_code_otp').innerHTML = "Please Select Country from list."; document.getElementById('err_mobile_number_otp').innerHTML = ""; $('#basicaddon2').css('visibility', 'hidden'); $('#basicaddon2').html(" "); } else { $('#basicaddon2').css('visibility', 'visible'); $('#basicaddon2').html("+" + $('select[name=country_code_otp]').val().split("|")[1]); 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data_error = true; } else if (!name_regexp.test(last_name)) { $('#err_name').html("Enter Last Name without special characters"); data_error = true; } else { var first_name = $('#fname').val(); if (first_name == '') { $('#err_name').html("Enter First Name"); data_error = true; } else if (!name_regexp.test(first_name)) { $('#err_name').html("Enter First Name without special characters"); data_error = true; } else { $('#err_name').html(""); } } }); $("#mobile_number_otp").blur(function(event) { event.stopImmediatePropagation(); var country_iso = $("#country_code_otp").val().split("|")[0]; var country_code_otp = $("#country_code_otp").val().split("|")[1]; var mobileNumber = $("#mobile_number_otp").val(); if (!mobileNumber) { $('#err_mobile_number_otp').html("Please enter mobile number."); return false; } if (country_iso == "Country" || country_iso == "00" || country_iso == undefined) { document.getElementById('err_country_code_otp').innerHTML = "Please Select Country from list."; document.getElementById('err_mobile_number_otp').innerHTML = "Mobile number is not valid for selected country"; } else { document.getElementById('err_country_code_otp').innerHTML = ""; document.getElementById('err_mobile_number_otp').innerHTML = ""; var old_number = $("#current_mobilenum").text(); if (mobileNumber && mobile_validation_otp(country_iso) && old_number != mobileNumber) { $("#number_update").prop( "disabled",true); mobile_exists_otp(mobileNumber); } } }); function mobile_validation_otp(country_list) { var country_code_otp = $("#country_code_otp").val().split("|")[1]; var mobileNumber = country_code_otp + $("#mobile_number_otp").val(); var mobileNumberWithoutCC = $("#mobile_number_otp").val(); var mobile_regex = /^[0-9]*$/; var mobile_zero_regex = /^[1-9][0-9]*$/; if (!mobile_regex.test(mobileNumberWithoutCC)) { document.getElementById('err_mobile_number_otp').innerHTML = "Mobile number should contains only digits."; return false; } if (!mobile_zero_regex.test(mobileNumberWithoutCC)) { document.getElementById('err_mobile_number_otp').innerHTML = "Remove '0' from the begining of your mobile number."; return false; } if (mobileNumber && !isNumberValid(mobileNumberWithoutCC, country_list)) { document.getElementById('err_mobile_number_otp').innerHTML = "Mobile number is not valid."; return false; } else { document.getElementById('err_mobile_number_otp').innerHTML = ""; return true; } } function mobile_exists_otp(mobileNumber) { var country_iso = $("#country_code_otp").val().split("|")[0]; var str = 'https://www.indiabizforsale.com/business/'; var dataAjax = { mobilenumber: mobileNumber, country_list: country_iso, get_userid: true }; var url = str + 'user/mobilenumberduplication'; $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: url, data: dataAjax }).success(function(result) { setTimeout(() => { $("#number_update").prop( "disabled",false); }, 500); var result = JSON.parse(result); if (result.error == true) { document.getElementById('err_mobile_number_otp').innerHTML = result.message; return false; } if (result.mobile_duplicate == 1) { document.getElementById('err_mobile_number_otp').innerHTML = result.message; 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setNotification('Error', "Email Already Exists!", 'danger'); error=1; savehalfprofile(); } else if (($('#err_mobile_number_otp').html() != '') || ($('#err_country_code_otp').html() != '') && (new_num =='') && (source !='Whatsapp')) { var actual_message = $('#err_mobile_number_otp').text(); if(actual_message !=''){ $("#err_mobile_number_otp").html(actual_message); setNotification('Error', actual_message, 'danger'); error=1; } savehalfprofile(); } else if (country_code_otp == 91 && (location == 0 || location == '' || location == null)) { setNotification('Error', "Please select 'Location' field", 'danger'); $('.loc_err').html("Please select your Location."); error=1; savehalfprofile(); }else if ((otp_referrer == "api_registration" || otp_referrer == "gen_api_registration")) { if (($('#fname').val() == '') && (source !='Whatsapp')) { setNotification('Error', "Please enter valid First Name", 'danger'); error=1; } //if ($('#lname').val() == '' && (source !='Whatsapp')) { if ($('#lname').val() == '' && (source =='direct')) { setNotification('Error', "Please enter valid Last Name", 'danger'); error=1; } if (!user_registration_type || user_registration_type === undefined) { setNotification('Error', "Select a suitable option", 'danger'); $("#err_registration_type_reg").html("Select a suitable option"); error=1; }else{ $("#err_registration_type_reg").html(""); } if (user_registration_type == 2) { if (type_of_firm == '') { $('.err_type_of_firm').html("Please select type of firm"); error=1; } else { $('.err_type_of_firm').html(""); } if (organization == '') { $('.err_organization_reg').html("Please input your Organization name"); error=1; } else { $('.err_organization_reg').html(""); } } if(error){ savehalfprofile(); return false; } if (user_registration_type == 1) { var disclose_contact_div = '.se_disclose_mobile_email_popup'; var disclose_recent_div = '.se_recentactivitydisclose_popup'; } else if (user_registration_type == 2) { var disclose_contact_div = '.con_disclose_mobile_email_popup'; var disclose_recent_div = '.con_recentactivitydisclose_popup'; } else if (user_registration_type == 3) { var disclose_contact_div = '.bu_disclose_mobile_email_popup'; 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Manali E-Business Pvt Ltd (CIN: U51109GJ2013PTC073316) 63, Prakruti Bunglows, Sterling City, Bopal, Ahmedabad Guj 380058 [emailprotected] Contact person : Bhavin Bhagat

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How much is 100 shares of Safaricom? ›

In the last annual general meeting of Safaricom PLC and its shareholders, the two groups emphasized that the minimum amount of shares to be bought by first-time investors is 100 units, which may cost roughly between Ksh1,500 and Ksh2,000 now that in NSE, it averages approximately Ksh17 per share.

How much do traders earn in India per month? ›

Average salary for a Trader in India is 7.9 Lakhs per year (₹66.2k per month). Salary estimates are based on 690 latest salaries received from various Traders across industries.

What is the 1 rule in stock market? ›

Example of the 1% Risk Rule in Action. Take 1% of whatever your account equity is. This is how much you can lose on a single trade. As your account equity changes, so will the amount you can risk.

Can I buy stocks directly from NSE? ›

An investor cannot directly buy or sell shares on a stock exchange. Registered members of a stock exchange are called stock brokers. They trade on an investor's behalf. They are either an independent service provider, or employed at a brokerage firm.

Is buying Safaricom shares a good investment? ›

Well, look no further, Safaricom Investment Co-operative (SIC) is the investment partner you need to grow your investment portfolio. The ultimate goal for any worthy investment vehicle is creating wealth. Investing with SIC gives you the chance to create wealth through buying shares that will grow in value overtime.

How much is one Safaricom share today? ›

SCOM - Safaricom Plc
Last Trading Results
Day's Low Price18.10
Day's High Price18.35
Traded Volume102,200
Number of Deals27
2 more rows

How much money do I need to invest to make $3,000 a month? ›

Imagine you wish to amass $3000 monthly from your investments, amounting to $36,000 annually. If you park your funds in a savings account offering a 2% annual interest rate, you'd need to inject roughly $1.8 million into the account.

Who is the richest trader in the world? ›

George Soros

This feat cemented his reputation as the "man who broke the Bank of England" and solidified his status as a forex trading legend. Soros' net worth is estimated to be around $8 billion, making him one of the wealthiest individuals in the world.

Do traders pay tax in India? ›

Investors pay capital gains tax, while traders are taxed on business income. Categories like speculative and non-speculative business incomes have specific tax rules. Intraday trading is taxed as speculative business income. Tax audit criteria discussed include turnover and profit percentage.

What is the golden rule of stock? ›

1 – Never lose money. Let's kick it off with some timeless advice from legendary investor Warren Buffett, who said “Rule No. 1 is never lose money.

What is 90% rule in trading? ›

Understanding the Rule of 90

According to this rule, 90% of novice traders will experience significant losses within their first 90 days of trading, ultimately wiping out 90% of their initial capital.

What is the 80% rule in trading? ›

The 80% Rule is a Market Profile concept and strategy. If the market opens (or moves outside of the value area ) and then moves back into the value area for two consecutive 30-min-bars, then the 80% rule states that there is a high probability of completely filling the value area.

Which trading account is best in India? ›

Features of The Top 10 Best Demat Accounts 2024
  • Paytm Money. Paytm Money gives you access to a wide range of investment options to manage your money and achieve your financial goals. ...
  • Zerodha. ...
  • Upstox. ...
  • Aditya Birla Capital. ...
  • 5Paisa Demat Account. ...
  • Groww Demat Account. ...
  • Axis Direct Demat Account. ...
  • Kotak Securities Demat Account.
Mar 11, 2024

Which is the best stock broker in India? ›

To help you navigate through the options, we've compiled a list of the top five stock brokers in India for 2024:
  • HDFC Sky: HDFC Sky, offered by HDFC Securities, has established itself as one of the premier stock brokers in India. ...
  • Zerodha: ...
  • Groww: ...
  • Upstox: ...
  • Angle One:
May 29, 2024

Which share is best to buy now? ›

Today's Poll
  • Stock to buy today: Raymond (₹2,011.25): BUY.
  • Stock to buy today: NMDC Steel (₹65.9): BUY.
  • Stock to buy today: Petronet LNG (₹288.20): BUY.
  • Stock to buy today: Indraprastha Gas (₹475.35): BUY.
  • Stock to buy today: Sudarshan Chemical Industries (₹609.3)
  • Stock to buy today: Data Patterns (India) (₹2,238.60): BUY.

How much does Safaricom pay per share? ›

0.55 KES

How many shares is a 100 lot? ›

Examples of lots

Exchange traded funds (ETFs) are priced in the same way, so that one lot is equal to 100 shares.

Is 100 shares of stock a lot? ›

In stocks, a round lot is considered 100 shares or a larger number that can be evenly divided by 100. In bonds, a round lot is usually $100,000 worth. A round lot is often referred to as a normal trading unit and is contrasted with an odd lot.

Does 1 stock equal 100 shares? ›

In other words, the stocks of a company get divided into shares, i.e., a unit of a stock is a share. Suppose a company has 1 lakh shares. An investor holds 100 shares of the company. It means that the investor owns stock equal to 0.1% of the company's total stock.

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Author: Stevie Stamm

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Author information

Name: Stevie Stamm

Birthday: 1996-06-22

Address: Apt. 419 4200 Sipes Estate, East Delmerview, WY 05617

Phone: +342332224300

Job: Future Advertising Analyst

Hobby: Leather crafting, Puzzles, Leather crafting, scrapbook, Urban exploration, Cabaret, Skateboarding

Introduction: My name is Stevie Stamm, I am a colorful, sparkling, splendid, vast, open, hilarious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.