Indian style - Wiktionary (2024)


  • 1 English
    • 1.1 Etymology
    • 1.2 Adverb
      • 1.2.1 Synonyms
      • 1.2.2 Translations



Probably from the Indian lotus position (compare Polish siedzieć po turecku and Romanian ședea turcește which mean "to sit in a Turkish style", in reference to the Turks' similar sitting style), or possibly from the way some Native American Indians (indigenous peoples of the Americas) sat.


Indian style (not comparable)

  1. (of sitting) Cross-legged.




Indian style - Wiktionary (2024)


Why did they call it Indian style? ›

Etymology. Probably from the Indian lotus position (compare Polish siedzieć po turecku and Romanian ședea turcește which mean "to sit in a Turkish style", in reference to the Turks' similar sitting style), or possibly from the way some Native American Indians (indigenous peoples of the Americas) sat.

What do you call Indian style now? ›

Sitting on the floor Indian style with one's legs crossed is a reference to Native Americans' habit of sitting that way, a practice recorded as far back as the journals of French traders. Increasingly, though, the expression is being replaced with the term criss-cross applesauce.

Is it healthy to sit Indian style? ›

Sitting Indian style in a chair is not bad for you unless you hold the position for too long. It's never safe to stay in one posture for a prolonged time. You might get relief when you sit Indian style, but after a while, you'll feel cramping or pain in your lower extremities.

Why do my ankles hurt when I sit Indian style? ›

his can mean that if you are setting indian style or crossing your legs (or wearing tight shoes as you mentioned), there is more pressure on certain areas of your foot and ankle where nerves are located, and this will give you some temporary numbness. the most important thing is to know that this numbness is temporary.

Is it Criss Cross or Indian style? ›

Criss-cross applesauce refers to a way that kids sit on the floor. They sit on their fannies with their legs crossed in front of them. When I was a kid, we used to sit the same way. Only when I was little, the teachers called it sitting “Indian style.” Today, the phrase Indian style is considered offensive.

Why did tailors sit cross legged? ›

Back then, tailors often sat cross-legged on the table across from their sewing machine. This prevented any cloth or material from falling onto the ground. This position also made it easier to work with heavier material.

What is Criss Cross legs called? ›

What is the Tailor Sitting (“Criss Cross Applesauce”) Position? If you know what “criss cross applesauce” sitting looks like, you have seen tailor sitting position. The tailor sit position is when a child sits on their bottom with both legs bent in front with one leg crossed over the other.

How do you sit in Indian style? ›

Stand with your feet a few inches apart. Cross one foot over the other and lower your bottom until it is on the floor and you are seated Indian-style. You may have to lean forward a bit and hold your arms out to keep your balance, but do not put your hands on your thighs or knees, or hold onto furniture or people.

What is sitting with folded legs called? ›

cross-legged - Wiktionary.

What is the most attractive sitting position? ›

In one survey, 86% of male participants voted Seated Parallel Legs as the most attractive female sitting position1. Women may do this with or without knowing. And if it's on a date, this is a good sign she's trying to get your attention!

Why does my foot fall asleep when I sit Indian style? ›

If you ever get numb or tingling down your lower leg and foot, it may be because you are compressing on your peroneal nerve while you are sitting cross legged. The peroneal nerve runs superficially to the head of fibula and is often pressed against the other leg when cross legged.

Why do I feel more comfortable sitting Indian style? ›

When you squat or sit in Padmasana, the muscles in your lower back, pelvis and around your stomach stretch reducing pain and uneasiness. The regular stretching of these vital muscles also helps make you flexible and fit.

Why is it hard for me to sit Indian style? ›

You Might: Have Tight Pelvic Floor Muscles

And when your pelvic floor is tight, it can cause tension in the surrounding hip and pelvic muscles. “Tightness in the back pelvic floor muscles can pull your tail bone under and make it difficult for you to sit up straight during this cross-legged position,” Duvall says.

Is it OK to dress like an Indian? ›

Dressing up as a Native American is never appropriate. For years, classrooms across the country have included special days where students "dress up" as Native Americans for different celebrations and lesson activities. Often, the outfits people wear to look "Indian" have nothing to do with Native people and cultures.

What is American Indian etiquette? ›

Native Americans highly value and respect the wisdom that comes with age. When eating, children and young adults serve the elders who always eat first. Never step ahead of someone in line who might be older than you, as this is considered very rude behavior. Native Americans are generous and thoughtful gift-givers.

Why can't I sit cross legged on floor? ›

As a general rule, the inability to sit criss-cross is due to a lack of flexibility, strength, and balance. This is because the body's natural positioning wants distance between ankle and knee joints which makes for an uncomfortable position when trying this pose in everyday life.

Why can't men sit with their legs crossed? ›

It increases blood pressure because blood begins to pool — leg crossing is tied to the damage of blood vessels as well. Both the spine and shoulders can become misaligned and, in the pelvis, muscle lengths can be changed over the long term as well.

What is the applesauce position? ›

Legs crossed – Child sits on their bottom, crosses their legs, bends their knees and tucks their feet underneath. Sometimes referred to as criss-cross applesauce.

What is the personality of people who sit cross-legged? ›

If you like sitting cross-legged in the form of a chokdi, you are one carefree person. You are open to new ideas and are also flexible to changes. You know how to keep your emotions balanced and for you, comfort comes first. You are not too shy and most likely are unorthodox and radical.

Why do men sit with their legs open? ›

Sitting more expansively may also signal dominance and sexual attractiveness for males. Tanya Vacharkulksemsuk, a UC Berkeley post-doctorate researcher recently published studies that found spreading out legs and arms is more sexually attractive when males do it.

Why does crossing legs feel good? ›

“Crossing our legs allows our muscles to relax so it feels good,” Barbara Kerr, founder of Transform Body and Mind, tells Stylist. “It takes the pressure off the abdominals and core, so it can feel pleasant.”

Why do celebrities cross their legs? ›

By crossing your feet, especially if you are wearing shoes that show the top skin of your foot, you are creating the illusion of longer legs, even if you are wearing flats. Again, it's important to put your weight on the back foot and always add a slight angle so you aren't square on to the camera.

How do you sit in an attractive way? ›

By sitting down with your legs together, you will keep your undergarments from showing, no matter how short your skirt may be. Ease down gently. Do not bend forward; make sure to keep your torso straight. Keeping your knees together, sit down smoothly by bending your knees.

Why should we sit on floor while eating? ›

This movement causes the muscles in our abdomen to be activated which helps in increased secretion of stomach acids – making it easier to digest food. Sitting on the floor to eat is considered as best position to eat food and it can be a great way to lose weight or rather help maintain the ideal weight.

Why is sitting with legs crossed considered feminine? ›

It's probably just a “feminine modesty” thing, because stereotypes dictate that only women wear skirts or dresses, and crossing your legs while wearing a skirt makes it much harder for others to see up your skirt.

How do you sit pretzel style? ›

As you sit, inhale into the hip of your top leg, expanding and warming the joint. As you exhale, release and let your hip flesh sink toward the floor or blocks. If you're already sitting on the floor, and would welcome more stretch, fold into a slow forward bend. Remain seated for one to five minutes.

What is an unhealthy sitting position? ›

Sitting positions to avoid

A person can minimize the risk of bad posture and back health by avoiding: sitting slumped to one side with the spine bent. keeping the knees, ankles, or arms crossed. dangling or not properly supporting the feet.

Does sitting cross legged damage your knees? ›

Sitting with your knees crossed or bent under you over-stretches the ligaments and muscles surrounding your knee. This can also increase the pressure on your knee joints, which can cause pain and swelling. To give your knees relief, limit the amount of time you spend with your knees bent or crossed.

Is it bad to sit Criss cross all day? ›

Sitting with your legs crossed won't cause a medical emergency. However, it can cause a temporary increase in your blood pressure and lead to poor posture. For optimum health, try to avoid sitting in any one position, whether you cross your legs or not, for long periods of time.

Is sitting Criss cross applesauce bad? ›

Whether you like to sit “criss-cross applesauce” (on the ground with your ankles under your knees), cross your legs at the knees or ankles, or sit with your feet flat on the ground, it doesn't matter. Our physical therapists routinely tell patients: All sitting styles are perfectly fine.

Is sitting Indian style good for blood flow? ›

Sitting cross-legged boosts the blood flow in the body, as the function happens to relax the nerves. It also alleviates the pressure on it.

What is the best position to eat food? ›

Keep your knees level with your hips and sit as far back as possible. Sitting up straight allows your food to digest uninter- rupted. minutes after the meal to help prevent symp- toms of heartburn, indigestion or cramps. Avoid tight clothing around your stomach.

Is sitting Indian style bad for sciatica? ›

Is sitting cross-legged bad for sciatica? No, sitting cross-legged is not bad for sciatica.

Why does the inside of my knee hurt when I sit Indian style? ›

Medial Knee Pain When Sitting Cross Legged: Pain in the inner side of knee when sitting cross legged is most likely due to a meniscus tear as this position places extra stress on the cartilage.

What is the new name for Indian style sitting? ›

When I was a child, it was called Indian style, referring to native Americans. Now it is called the lotus position, yoga style, or crossed-leg position. For a group of kids, a leader will sometimes say “crisscross applesauce” to get the kids to sit on the floor that way.

Why can't I lift my leg to put on socks? ›

To don or doff your socks, you need adequate hip range of motion. If you're finding it harder and harder to get that foot up on your opposite leg, it could be because of lost hip range of motion. As discussed above, the fact that you can't put on socks could mean that severe hip arthritis is on its way.

Is sitting criss cross bad for your hips? ›

It's All Connected. By crossing your legs at the knee, you might think the only anatomy at risk is your knee. However, this position can also lead to strain on your hips, pelvis and spine.

Why do my hip flexors hurt when I sit cross legged? ›

Certain positions, including sitting with crossed legs, can exacerbate hip pain as it places stress on the joint. It is time to meet with a doctor when any of the associated symptoms become difficult to manage. A medical professional will be able to lay the groundwork for an effective treatment plan.

What is the best sleeping position for legs? ›

Lie down with your knees slightly bent toward your chest. Put a firm pillow between your knees so that your upper thigh is elevated enough to keep your hip neutral. If you're using a thin pillow, or if you like to sleep with your top leg slightly in front, you may want to use two pillows.

What is the best position for legs when sleeping? ›

Elevating your legs above the level of your heart can help facilitate blood circulation at night and help prevent varicose veins. A wedge pillow can be especially helpful to place between your legs or under your knees.

Is it okay to sit Indian style while pregnant? ›

You can safely come into a tailor sit anytime during your pregnancy. You may find that it becomes more comfortable than other sitting positions as your belly grows.

Where did Indian culture originated? ›

India's culture is among the world's oldest; civilization in India began about 4,500 years ago. Many sources describe it as “Sa Prathama Sanskrati Vishvavara” — the first and the supreme culture in the world, according to the All World Gayatri Pariwar (AWGP) organization.

Did Native Americans sit cross legged? ›

Certain Native American tribes in the Southwest, as well as Melanesians, customarily sit on the floor with legs stretched straight out or crossed at the ankles. Sitting with the legs folded to one side—Lawrence's position above—is described by Hewes as a predominantly female posture in many tribal societies.

What is the meaning of Indian seat? ›

The Indian Style seat, also known as Orissa pan, is a type of seat designed for use in Indian-style toilets. These seats are typically made of ​​Ceramic material and have a hole in the center for urination and defecation.

Why can't you cross your legs while pregnant? ›

Try your best to avoid sitting cross legged especially during pregnancy! This can create an imbalance with the joints and ligaments that hold and grow with your uterus. As your baby grows you want as much even space as possible to allow for optimal positioning for birth as well.

Is it OK to cross your legs while pregnant? ›

Your legs should not be crossed and your feet should be flat on the floor. Try to avoid sitting in the same position for more than 30 minutes. At work, adjust your chair height and workstation so you can sit up close to your desk.

Can I use Indian toilet after C section? ›

can i use indian toilet after c section?? Dear if you are comfortable to use Indian style then yes you can use it but if you have options to use Western toilets then that will be a better option..

What is the oldest religion in the world with proof? ›

The word Hindu is an exonym, and while Hinduism has been called the oldest religion in the world, many practitioners refer to their religion as Sanātana Dharma (Sanskrit: सनातन धर्म, lit.

What religion are Indians? ›

The majority of Asian Indians practice the Hinduism. The other major regions are Sikhism, Buddhism, Jainism, Christianity and Islam; and a small percentage of population practice Judaism, Zoroastrianism, and Baha'I' Faith.

What is Indian culture food? ›

The Indian meal is a complex and little-understood phenomenon. “Typical” meals often include a main starch such as rice, sorghum, or wheat; vegetable or meat curries that are dry roasted or shallow wok fried; cured and dried vegetable dishes in sauces; and thick lentil soups, with different ingredients.

What body type do Native Americans have? ›

The body as a rule is of good proportions, symmetrical, and, except in old age, straight and well nourished. The chest is of ample size, especially in men. The abdomen, which in children is often rather large, retains but slight fullness in later life.

Were Native Americans barefoot? ›

For the most part, the inhabitants of the southern regions and the temperate regions of the north preferred to go barefoot, even in the snow. Footwear was used, however, especially for traveling. Crude sandals made from yucca plants or grasses were made by Native Americans living in California and the Southwest.

Do Native Americans have different feet? ›

And he tells us American-Indians do have a distinctive shape to their feet. Mr. SAM McCRACKEN (Manager, Nike Native American Business Program): We went across the country and we actually did some background research with the native foot and we saw there were some differences in the width and the depth of the toe box.

How do you seat on an Indian toilet? ›

While standing, place your feet on either side of the toilet with the hole positioned behind you. If there are no foot pads, place a foot on each side of the toilet about shoulder-width apart. Squat over the toilet opening. A squat toilet functions the same as an upright, Western toilet except it has no seat.

What does it mean when a woman sits at Indian style? ›

People have been be setting "Indian style" for thousands of years. In ancient India, it is know as the Lotus Position. If you have sufficient flexibility to place your knees on the ground, it is a position that allows the body to be held completely steady for longs periods of time.

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Introduction: My name is Laurine Ryan, I am a adorable, fair, graceful, spotless, gorgeous, homely, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.