How to NOT Look and Act Like an American Tourist in Germany: Tips to Follow! (2024)

Are you planning a trip to Germany? As an American tourist, one of the keys to staying safe and not getting sucked into tourist traps is to blend in with the culture. In other words, when in Germany, do as the Germans do.

Most American touristsdon’t realize that there are certain things they wear that make them stick out like a sore thumb. A large backpack or fanny pack, for example, screams tourist.

But it’s not just what American touristswear, it’s also what they say and do. Certain gestures or greetings, for instance, can be easily misconstrued.

Take the A-OK hand gesture. While in the U.S. the gesture is accepted as a signal that someone’s “okay” or “in agreement,” the gesture is actually considered vulgar in Germany.

So without further ado, let’s dive into some helpful American tourist tips for travel!

What Should I Know Before Traveling to Germany?

We’ll go into greater detail below about everything you need to know as an American tourist in Germany. However, here’s a quick overview of eight of the best tips:

  • Avoid flashy American logos
  • Don’t ask for tap water
  • Watch where you walk
  • Leave the sneakers and flip-flops at home
  • Skip the small talk
  • Don’t drink excessively
  • Respect others’ privacy and personal space
  • Always keep cash on you

One of the best things you can do as an American tourist in Germany is to learn the language! Check out this video with some easy German language learning tips – and sign up for German lessons today:

How to Prepare for a Trip to Germany: Follow These Tips!

As you can see, it’s important to read up on German customs and familiarize yourself with the culture to avoid getting into a sticky situation.

So how can you blend in with the locals? We’ve interviewed several German travel bloggers to come up with a list of 10 tips and tricks on how to avoid looking like an American tourist in Germany.

1. Avoid Flashy American Logos

“The key to not looking like a bumbling tourist in Germany, or anywhere in Europe for that matter, is to avoid wearing certain things that scream “I’m a tourist.”You don’t have to be a total fashionista, but there arethings you can do to tone down the tourist in you and help keep you safe from would be pick-pockets and con-artists,” said Cheryl Howard, travel expert and creator of

“First and foremost, avoid fanny packs like the plague! Another tip is to not wear sports jerseys or baseball caps from a home sports team. If possible, also avoid wearing clothing from a chain store with large andrecognizablelogo placements.”

2. Don’t Ask for Tap Water

While in U.S. it’s perfectly fineto ask for tap water at a restaurant, it’s a completely different story in Germany. Yes, German tap water is perfectly safe to drink—but when eating out, Germans always drink bottled water with or without carbonation.

If you want to blend in with the locals and avoid being gawked at in a German restaurant then don’t ask for tap water.

3. Watch Where You Walk

Germans are sticklers when it comes to obeying the rules of the road. And there’s nothing they hate more than jaywalkers. In fact, the German police have set hefty fines for breaking jaywalking laws.

“Germans drive on the right, which means walk and cycle on the right too. There are dedicated bike lanes and you will get run over if you stand in them,” said Sarah Donovan of Dasher Life. “Bicycles rule over any other mode of transport!”

If you really want to stick out like a sore thumb, then walk across the street when the pedestrian light is red—just don’t say we didn’t warn you.

4. Leave the Sneakers and Flip-flops at Home

What’s a surefire way to spot an American tourist? Just look at their feet! In the U.S. it’s common for men to wear clunky basketball sneakers and women to wear flip flops while running errands around town. Germans, however, tend to wear much sleeker and dark-colored footwear.

While it’s perfectly acceptable to wear flip flops to the beach or sneakers while hiking, Germans would never think of wearing athletic shoes or flips flops into town. When travelling abroad, it’s best to pack sensible flats or loafers.

5. Skip the Small Talk

In the U.S., it’s common for people to strike up a conversation with the mailman or grocery clerk. Germans, however, are not fans of chit chat. While they will greet people with a “Guten Tag” (Good day) or “Guten Abend” (Good evening), you’ll rarely see Germans engaged in small talk nor will you hear them speaking loudly.

“Try not to take it personally when people are blunt with you. If you come from a more expressive or service-oriented culture, many of your public interactions (with, for example, cashiers) will seem curt or downright rude!” says Tatiana Richards Hanebutte, an American expat living in Germany and creator of Tatiana In Flux.

“But it’s not you; Germans tend not to mince words, and many of my Deutsch friends have told me that engaging in small talk feels insincere to them. So if it feels like you’ve been given the cold shoulder, try not to get too huffy. Just say “Danke” (or not) and keep it moving!”

Not sure what to say instead? Sign up for German lessons so you have the right word or phrase to whip out at any moment!

6. Don’tDrinkExcessively

While Germany may be home to the most delicious beers, that doesn’t mean you should drink excessively. Public drunkenness is greatly frowned upon in Germany.

When a local sees a large group of loud people stumbling around, they automatically think tourists. And don’t even think about getting into one of Berlin’s clubs if you’re tipsy; these establishments are notorious for turning away groups of drunken tourists.

7. Respect Others Privacy and Personal Space

Like Americans, Germans value their privacy and personal space. When waiting in line, avoid standing super close to people. You should be able to extend your arm to its full length without touching the person in front of you.

Also, when in conversation you’re expected to be at least an arm’s length away. If you’re having a conversation with a German, don’t ask any personal questions abouthis or herjob, spouse, or income, as this is considered very rude.

8. Always Keep Cash on You

Chances are you’re going to be picking up a few souvenirs during your trip. Before you travel to Germany—or any country for that matter—it’s important to research whether or not the majority of stores prefer credit cards or cash. Or else you’ll be thatAmerican tourist holding up the entire line because you don’t have any cash.

“Carry cash! Plastic will not get you far in Germany. There are still many stores and restaurants that only accept cash, making it Germany’s favorite way to pay. Also, having a few coins will come in handy when you realize that most places require you to pay somewhere between 50 and 70 cents to use the bathroom,” says Courtney Martin of Welcome to Germerica.

9. Try to Learn the Language

Don’t assume that everyone in Europe knows how to speak English. If you’re speaking English loudly to concierges, shopkeepers, servers, and taxi drivers it’s a dead giveaway that you’re an American tourist and makes you more susceptible to scams.

Make an effort to learn some common German words and phrases, such as “please,” “thank you,” and “do you speak English.” Not only will learning German help you fly under the radar, but it will also make your trip more enjoyable, as you won’t have to fumble in your travel dictionary every five seconds to look up a word.

10. Don’t Flaunt Your Guidebook

Pulling out a large map or guidebook in the middle of a busy street is another way to get yourself pegged as an American tourist.

“Of course, not flaunting your Germany guidebook always helps. If you’re using a guidebook, keep it hidden in a bag or a purse as much as you can. In this way, you’ll avoid looking like a tourist. And as an added bonus, you might just find some interesting sights you wouldn’t have otherwise seen!” says Sara Janssen of A Different Piece of Sky.

10 More Germany Travel Tips – Etiquette and More!

Here are some more tips for Americans traveling to Germany.

1. Don’t Expect to Pee For Free!

One of the best travel tips for Germany is this – don’t expect to see too many public restrooms. Free public restrooms are exceedingly rare, with bathroom breaks instead requiring you to cough up the equivalent of 50 cents or more.

2. On Sundays, Activities Are Limited

Sunday is the day of rest – and that’s especially true in Germany. You’ll find that most shops are closed on Sundays and while certain restaurants might still be open, you’ll have a hard time finding what you need.

3. Don’t Be Late

One way you’ll definitely stand out as an American tourist in Germany is if you are constantly running late. Things are always on time here – even the public transport!

Germans are notoriously on time – so make sure you are, too.

4. Keep Your Voice Down

Here’s another one of the best tips when traveling to Germany – don’t be too much of a chatterbox. It will be blatantly obvious that you are an American tourist if your voice often rises above the crowd.

Public transportation, in particular, is known for being exceptionally quiet. If you don’t keep your voice down, you’ll stick out like a sore thumb.

5. Nudity is A-Ok

In Germany, there’s more shame in being late and in being noisy than there is in being naked!

On many beaches and in many wellness spas and saunas, nudity is the norm. That doesn’t mean you need to strip down into your birthday suit – just don’t expect anything else.

6. You Can Get Group Discounts for Transportation

Germans believe in rewarding people for traveling in packs – you can often buy group tickets to save lots of money. A three-day group ticket for a one-way bus trip is far less expensive than a single ticket, so make sure you weigh out your options when planning your trip.

7. Don’t Jaywalk

Germans are incredibly opposed to jaywalking. Especially when there are kids around, jaywalking is a great way to get you screamed at – don’t do it.

8. Customer Service Isn’t the Best

…at least, it’s not what we’re used to here in the states. Don’t expect to be greeted cordially and for “the customer to always be right.” That’s not to say that Germans aren’t friendly – it’s just that the approach to customer service here is a lot different.

9. Recycle

There are few countries accepting American tourists that are quite as zealous about recycling as Germany – this is something that might surprise you when you visit there as an American tourist.

It makes sense when you consider that the Germans were pioneers in the recycling world. Make sure you recycle instead of throwing your soda bottle away – you might get some dirty looks if you don’t!

10. Avoid Smoking in Public Places

Here’s one final tip as an American tourist in Germany – if you can avoid it, don’t smoke in public. This is banned in restaurants and cafes, and while some places have separate indoor smoking rooms, smoking patios, and clubs, this isn’t always the standard. Save the smoke for later.

Traveling to Germany for the First Time? No Problem!

There you have it! 20 of the best travel tips for Germany so you don’t look like the American tourist you actually are.

There’s nothing wrong with being an American tourist of course – but it’s also important that you learn how to blend in from time to time.

Following the tips and tricks above will help you blend in with the locals, which will not only keep you safe from scammers, but will also make your time in Germany more enjoyable. Safe travels!

How to NOT Look and Act Like an American Tourist in Germany: Tips to Follow! (2024)


How to NOT Look and Act Like an American Tourist in Germany: Tips to Follow!? ›

Germany has more than 42 UNESCO World Heritage sites. It makes the country a major tourist attraction and you can feast your eyes on these attractions. There are treasure troves across the country right from the German castles to the well-preserved architecture that dates back to the medieval era.

How to not act like an American tourist? ›

This guide to how to not look like a tourist will cover:
  1. Book a central hotel. ...
  2. Buy tickets in advance to popular attractions to save time.
  3. Dress appropriately for the place we're visiting. ...
  4. Learn the local customs and etiquette.
  5. Become familiar with some language basics.
Mar 7, 2023

How not to look like a tourist abroad? ›

How to avoid looking like a tourist with what you wear:
  1. Bring a headscarf or cover-up if that's common in the country you're visiting, or if you plan to bring to visit religious sites including temples, mosques, or churches.
  2. Avoid bringing expensive clothing, jewelry, or flashy accessories that may make you stand out.
Feb 16, 2023

What makes Germany attractive to tourists? ›

Germany has more than 42 UNESCO World Heritage sites. It makes the country a major tourist attraction and you can feast your eyes on these attractions. There are treasure troves across the country right from the German castles to the well-preserved architecture that dates back to the medieval era.

How do you dress in Germany and not look like a tourist? ›

Try to avoid garish, overly bright colors and prints. Germans like to keep their look understated and toned down. (Unless that's your style, in which case go wild!) Avoid wearing sweatpants or activewear when visiting the main cities.

How can I make myself look more European? ›

How to Dress European
  1. Stick to classic clothing, you can also dare to be trendy with some pieces because it is Europe after all.
  2. Wear neutral colors.
  3. Bring comfortable walking shoes that look elevated.
  4. Leave the athleisure wear and logos at home.
Jul 27, 2022

Can you wear jeans in Europe? ›

Are jeans acceptable in Europe? Jeans are not only acceptable to wear in Europe, but very popular. Jeans are part of the dress code in most Cities across Europe and are always a huge part of European fashion! It's not recommended to wear them in the summer but any time of year they are a great choice.

What is the dress code in Germany? ›

Casual attire is not very pleasant. Germans believe in understated, conservative and formal business wear. The appropriate clothing for businessmen is dark colored, solid conservative suits, white shirts and conservative ties. German business women also clad dark suits and white blouses.

How can I look cute while traveling? ›

Tips for Looking Chic While Traveling
  1. Comfort comes first, but don't neglect your personal style.
  2. Always wear flat, closed-toed shoes on a plane or train.
  3. Layer up to stay warm on the plane or train while being ready for the weather at your destination.
  4. Add a scarf for extra warmth.
May 20, 2022

How can we make a country more attractive for tourists? ›

14 Country Marketing Strategies to Attract More Tourists
  1. Highlight the Main Attractions. ...
  2. Identify Your Target Visitors. ...
  3. Obtain and Utilise Data to Get to Know Your Visitors. ...
  4. Focus on Branding. ...
  5. Seek Partnerships. ...
  6. Create A Compelling Destination Website. ...
  7. Use SEO Principles. ...
  8. Engagement Marketing.
Feb 23, 2022

Why do I look different when I travel? ›

Traveling through different time zones and jet lag also contribute to dehydration. Lack of sleep leads to the dilation of blood vessels around the eyes giving us a tired and swollen look. Food consumed during business travel is also often not very healthy and loaded with unhealthy salts, sugars and oils.

Do people wear ripped jeans in Europe? ›

In general, Europeans avoid flare legs. Pants with holes or rips are also very American in style. Wear more skirts and dresses. Women in Europe tend to wear skirts and dresses more often than American women, so don't be afraid to bring out these girly items.

Are Germans friendly to tourists? ›

Germans are very welcoming, so it's not uncommon for a tourist to be invited into a German home. If this happens, its important to show gratitude with a small gift such as flowers, wine or candy.

What are 3 things Germany is known for? ›

What is Germany known for?
  • Beer.
  • Football.
  • Bread & Sausages.
  • Palaces & Castles.
  • Cathedrals & Monuments.
  • Festivals & Carnivals.
  • Cars.
  • Free Education.

What nationality visits Germany the most? ›

Dutch tourists spent the most nights in Germany, with around 10.27 million overnight stays recorded in 2022. This was a more than double increase compared to 2021. Switzerland and the U.S. rounded up the top three incoming tourism countries in this ranking.

What is the female German outfit? ›

A dirndl is the name of a woman's dress traditionally worn in southern Germany, Austria, Liechtenstein, Switzerland, and Alpine regions of Italy. The dirndl is a folk costume (in German – Tracht), and today is generally regarded as a traditional dress for women and girls in the Alps.

Do Germans dress casually? ›

The dress code in Germany depends on the industry

Not necessarily torn trousers and flip-flops, but casual trousers such as chinos or maybe jeans. A pro tip: many employees keep it casual on a day-to-day basis and have their chic jacket or shiny shoes hanging in their locker at work.

How can I make my stomach look pretty? ›

Go big on top, narrow on bottom. If you like the idea of belly camouflage but want to show some shape too, let opposites attract. Pair any full-cut top, blouse, jacket or tunic with a slim base of trim pants, leggings or straight or skinny jeans (here's where the latter come in handy even if you no longer love them).

Which country in Europe has the most beauty? ›

Spain. With Mediterranean beaches, beautifully wild, mountainous interiors, World Heritage cities and volcanic islands, Spain offers a beguiling mix to travelers and is, without doubt, one of the most beautiful European countries.

How can I look more naturally beautiful? ›

12 Easy Tips To Look Good Without Makeup
  1. Healthify Your Skin From The Inside Out. If your skin is healthy from the inside out, you will automatically have a natural glow on your face. ...
  2. Clean, Moisturise, Exfoliate. ...
  3. Keep Yourself Groomed. ...
  4. Style Your Eyebrows. ...
  5. Care For Your Smile. ...
  6. Pamper Your Hair. ...
  7. Dress Well. ...
  8. Eat To Nourish.
Nov 10, 2021

Should you carry around your passport in Europe? ›

U.S. citizens should carry their U.S. passport at all times when entering or leaving the Schengen area and when traveling between Schengen countries.

Is it OK to wear shorts in Europe? ›

Can you wear shorts in Europe? Yes, you can. However, most Europeans only wear them when on vacation and in more outdoorsy settings, on the beach, or while sightseeing in more rural areas. Most Europeans would not wear them when going out for dinner, inner-city sightseeing, or during city tours, wine tastings etc.

How many pants to bring to Europe? ›

Pack 3-4 total bottoms and focus on cold weather versus warm weather. Dark denim is a great choice for Europe! But, take only one pair of jeans and go with the darkest pair.

What is the most popular clothing in Germany? ›

The best-known traditional outfit worn by women in (southern) Germany - the Frauentracht - is the Dirndl. A Dirndl is a women's dress, consisting of four main components: a bodice (connected at the front), a skirt, a shirt (worn underneath the bodice) and an apron (worn at the front, on top of the skirt).

What do Germans eat for dinner? ›

Dinner. In Germany, the evening meal is called Abendessen or Abendbrot – the latter is actually more like a supper, and literally translates to 'evening bread'. Following a hearty lunch, Germans traditionally enjoy a lighter dinner, with breads, hams, sausages, cheeses, and pickles all being very common.

Do Germans wear Birkenstocks? ›

Comfortable sandals have a long tradition in Germany. Johann Adam Birkenstock started making them back when Fredrick the Great was at large, and the American William Scholl, who created the Dr. Scholl company in 1904, had obviously inherited his passion for comfortable footwear from his German parents.

How do I look classy for travel? ›

How to Fly In Style
  1. Up your accessories game. ...
  2. Dress in comfortable layers. ...
  3. Keep socks nearby (or wear boots/sneakers so that you don't have that problem) ...
  4. Choose low maintenance footwear. ...
  5. Pack a kit with your in-flight must-haves. ...
  6. Have a pre-take off prep routine.
Dec 27, 2018

How do I look classy while traveling? ›

How to Stay Stylish While Traveling
  1. Pack Mostly Basics & A Few Statement Pieces. Dresses. Shoes. Scarves.
  2. Work with Layers.
  3. Dress Up Your Outfits with Accessories.
  4. Consider Your Destination.
  5. Love to Travel?

What are tourists most attracted to? ›

Places of natural beauty such as beaches, tropical island resorts, national parks, mountains, deserts and forests, are examples of traditional tourist attractions which people may visit.

What are three features that attract tourists? ›

Tourists' expectations when visiting a particular place are related to several features of the chosen destination: culture, architecture, gastronomy, infrastructure, landscape, events, shopping, etc.

What attracts more tourists? ›

To attract tourists to your destination, promote local events and businesses. This includes everything from festivals to concerts to sporting events. People love to go out and enjoy themselves, especially during vacations. They'll appreciate knowing about upcoming events in their community.

How do you see what you actually look like? ›

Hold two hand mirrors in front of you with their edges touching and a right angle between them like the two covers of a book when you're reading. With a little adjustment you can get a complete reflection of your face as others see it. Wink with your right eye. The person in the mirror winks his or her right eye.

Do we look better in the mirror or real life? ›

This is because the reflection you see every day in the mirror is the one you perceive to be original and hence a better-looking version of yourself. So, when you look at a photo of yourself, your face seems to be the wrong way as it is reversed than how you are used to seeing it.

What causes everyone to look different? ›

To make things simple:

– While looking closely at those chromosomes, you will see a spiral ladder called DNA; everyone's DNA is a little different. – The ribosomes read those instructions to form proteins. – Lastly, proteins form all the body parts making all people look different!

Do Europeans still wear skinny jeans? ›

Skinny Jeans

Jeans are a staple of any European wardrobe.

Do Europeans like Uggs? ›

The widespread love for UGG extended to Europe in the mid-2000's along with the stylish casual movement and demand for premium casual fashion. UGG boots and shoes were now seen walking the streets of London, Paris and Amsterdam with regularity.

Are Germans nice to foreigners? ›

Germany is not considered to be one of the most welcoming countries or the friendliest with foreigners. In fact, the country was ranked as one of the world's worst countries to make friends. This is why it's important to have expert help as you find a place to live and get to know your new home.

Are American tourists welcome in Germany? ›

Entry to Germany is permitted for all travel purposes (including tourism and visits). It is no longer necessary to present proof of vaccination, proof of recovery or a negative test result for entry to Germany.

What does Germany value the most? ›

Values. Germans place a high priority on structure, privacy and punctuality.

What is the most famous thing in Germany? ›

The most famous event in Germany is the yearly Oktoberfest festival which attracts nearly 7 million people every year and sees almost 8 million liters of beer being consumed during the festival.

What is very popular in Germany? ›

  • Incredible Beer. It's no secret that beer is a huge part of German culture. ...
  • Fairytale Castles. From the Rhine Valley to Bavaria, Germany is chock full of fairytale worthy castles. ...
  • Automobiles and the Autobahn. ...
  • Football. ...
  • Albert Einstein. ...
  • Bread…and lots of it. ...
  • Berlin.

Why do most people leave Germany? ›

Better climate & climate change. According to a survey, the weather is a major reason why German expatriates left their country. For many people, rain, snow, clouds, and low temperatures drive people out, so they decide to escape German winter and have a pleasant climate and sunshine all year round.

What is the most touristy city in Germany? ›

It's not surprising that Berlin is the most popular tourist destination in the country, with many visitors keen to learn about its turbulent political history as well as experience the energy of its world-renowned nightlife. To get the most out of your visit, be sure to check off these 20 must see Berlin attractions.

What not to do as an American in Europe? ›

12 Things Not To Do In Europe
  • Do Not Litter.
  • Do Not Beckon The Waiter By Waving.
  • Do Not Use The Bicycle Lanes For Walking.
  • Do Not Skip The First Verse Of German National Anthem.
  • Do not Assume That Everyone Knows English.
  • Avoid Making Much Noise.
  • Do Not Leave A Bigger Tip Than Required.
  • Avoid Jaywalking.
Mar 23, 2023

How to not look like an American in Italy? ›

  1. Dress Nicely. Europeans tend to dress much less casually than we do in the States. ...
  2. Keep Your Shoes On. ...
  3. Shoulders And Knees Must Be Covered In Church. ...
  4. Don't Call During Pisolino. ...
  5. Punctuality Is Not A Priority. ...
  6. Italians Don't Wait In Line. ...
  7. Fare La Bella Figura. ...
  8. Familiarize Yourself With Campanilismo.
Jul 22, 2021

What part of the US looks most like Europe? ›

Santa Barbara, California

They call it the "American Riviera," as its beaches resemble and rival those of coastal France, but to see Santa Barbara is to see colonial Spain. Anchored by Old Mission Santa Barbara, the city's white stucco and red-tiled rooftops might make "Western St. Augustine" an even better nickname.

What is the easiest European country to live in as an American? ›

Spain is one of the easiest European countries to move to as a US citizen. Since you are from an English-speaking country you can easily get a temporary visa via the North American Language and Cultural Assistant program.

What is the best country in Europe for an American? ›

Switzerland: Although many European countries offer a better quality of life than the U.S., Switzerland takes the cake. It's globally ranked for its safety, infrastructure and natural beauty. All of this, of course, comes at a cost: Switzerland is one of the world's most expensive countries to live in.

What makes a girl look French? ›

What is the French girl look? The “French girl look” is a popular style trend that is often characterized by effortless, natural beauty. French girls are known for their classic style and simple elegance. They tend to dress in neutral colors and seem to always look put-together, even when they're not trying too hard.

What is the difference between French and American beauty? ›

At the end of the day, the biggest difference between French and American beauty routines is that the French are more focused on looking understated and elegant. Their beauty look is more minimalist, they love the no-makeup makeup idea, and they never want it to seem like they are trying too hard.

What do French people tend to look like? ›

Typical physical characteristics of French people include olive skin, darker features, definition in the nose and brow, and slightly larger eyes. The French have a wide collection of stereotypes, including being hopeless romantics, very elegant, stuck up, and highly intelligent.

What do Europeans think of American tourists? ›

Europeans do not dislike the American tourists, but there are attitudes that bother and may make a European hate most. A good example is: Europeans do not usually have small talk with strangers, if you are a tourist, you should know that it is not wrong to strike up a conversation, however, know how and when to stop.

How many months can you stay in Europe as an American? ›

With a valid U.S. passport, you can stay up to 90 days for tourism or business during any 180-day period. Do not overstay! You must wait an additional 90 days before applying to re-enter the Schengen area. To stay longer than 90 days, you must have a visa.

Do Americans go through customs in Europe? ›

The lines at passport control are based on the country where your passport was issued. If you're a US citizen, you still need to go through customs, but you'll get in a different line than an EU citizen. You'll give the officer your passport and customs form, which they will verify and return to you.

What are Italian beauty rules? ›

7 Rules of Italian Beauty
  • 1: Sun kissed skin. Italians are synonymous with beautiful skin and many of us dream to have their sun kissed tone. ...
  • 2: Expressive lips. Italians love to talk… a lot. ...
  • 3: Gold highlights. Tan loves gold! ...
  • 4: Classic eyes. ...
  • 5: Messy hair. ...
  • 6: Bella Figura. ...
  • 7: La dolce vita.

Can I show my stomach in Italy? ›

Dress Code for Women

It is not permitted to wear sleeveless or low-cut clothing. Belly crop tops are a big no! Make sure your shoulders are covered. If you're wearing a skirt, dress, or pair of shorts, make sure they're at least knee-length.

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Name: Wyatt Volkman LLD

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Introduction: My name is Wyatt Volkman LLD, I am a handsome, rich, comfortable, lively, zealous, graceful, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.