Glyphosate Blues - WholeFoods Magazine (2024)

Growing numbers of health conscious consumers are expressing concerns re the adverse health effects of glyphosate. Said to be the most widely used herbicide in the world, more than twenty percent of the worlds’s use of glyphosate is currently in the U.S. The numerous health hazards have been well documented (WholeFoods Magazine Blog March 2017 Glyphosate and Your Health). Classified as a probable carcinogenic by the World Health Organization and referred to with passion by GMO activists, the widespread use of this broad spectrum herbicide and crop desiccant has created agricultural and environmental havoc for the last twenty to thirty years. The unfortunate outcomes include an epidemic of glyphosate-resistant super-weeds and a new breed of GE super-bugs.

More than 80% of the genetically engineered crops grown throughout the world have been engineered to tolerate glyphosate herbicides. Known as “Roundup Ready Crops,” they are able tolerate the herbicide as it simultaneously kills the other plants in the surrounding fields. In the last 10 years there has been an enormous increase in glyphosate use. When consumed by livestock and humans, potentially high levels of extremely toxic glyphosate residues are ingested. The herbicide, sometimes classified as a pesticide, is used widely on corn, soy, wheat and sugar crops as well as in parks, golf courses, playgrounds and in home lawn/garden care.

Ironically, glyphosate tolerant crops are a causative factor in the unwanted increase in herbicide use in the USA. As glyphosate becomes non-effective in controlling weeds, there is a danger that conventional farmers will begin to use toxic herbicides derived from organophosphate chemicals.

Can We Remove Glyphosate Residues From the Human Body?
A number of chronic health problems have been associated with glyphosate. Exposure can take place via absorption through the skin or by consuming foods and water contaminated with the herbicide. Sometimes said to be an antibiotic which has a chelation effect (i.e. it may remove important minerals from the body) glyphosate also seems to have an adverse effect on flora in the gut and restricts the body’s ability to create essential amino acids. Known to be a toxic endocrine disruptor, it is also associated with cancer development.

The most important thing we can do to reduce glyphosate levels in the human body is to avoid using glyphosate herbicides and avoid consuming GMO foods or crops contaminated with glyphosate through drift or groundwater. This includes avoidance of animal products (milk and meat) sourced from livestock exposed to GM feeds and fields. Choosing certified organic is helpful. And we can avoid living in regions of the country and neighborhoods where glyphosate is widely used.

Research and Detox Tips
The first step in detoxing glyphosate is to test glyphosate levels through a urine test. A number of laboratories currently offer these tests. The Detox Project, a new non-profit, is launching a large-scale project to document glyphosate exposure levels in the US. Creating what they call “the first ever Glyphosate Biobank” The Detox Project and its partner laboratory, seek to create a resource for the global glyphosate research community. This “biological sample warehouse” will become available to researchers around the world to conduct future health relevant studies. The organizer’s plan is to also make the data available to the public.

Health practitioners recommend the use of sauna or steam therapies to sweat out unwanted toxins, as well as an increase in the use of probiotic foods and supplements to replenish the microbiota which glyphosate may be destroying. Increased consumption of essential minerals and electrolytes needed by the body including potassium, manganese, magnesium, sulfur etc. is also helpful. The detox must begin by removing glyphosate from the gastrointestinal tract and the organs responsible for respiration i.e. the lungs and the skin.

Some health practitioners recommend ancient Ayurvedic purification therapies. The use of sesame oil as an effective skin and intestinal tract detox has been documented by researchers along with pre-ingestion of ghee as a purgation therapy to draw the toxins into the intestinal tract. Combined with steam treatments and supplemented by oil massage to loosen the impurities from the skin and tissues, followed by oil enemas to further remove impurities from the intestinal tract, such therapies have been shown to be effective for the
removal of a number of major pesticides. Future research as to the treatment’s efficacy in glyphosate removal may be fruitful. Sesame oil has also been studied in preventing cancer cell growth in vitro.

Research specific to glyphosate published in 2014 found that the oral application of the following substances was effective in reducing urinary levels of glyphosate. This included fulvic acids, humic acids, activated charcoal and bentonite clay. Some of these substances are standardly used in organic intestinal cleanse programs. This particular study added a fermented food juice (sauerkraut) to the detox mix and concluded that a charcoal-sauerkraut juice humic acid combination reduced glyphosate and led to improved health in animals tested.

Another study used various medicinal herbs to test their glyphosate detox effectiveness. The researchers concluded that the plant extracts were not capable of preventing the glyphosate from entering cells. However, the herbal extract formula, consisting of dandelion, alder buckthorn, radish and milk thistle, did restore theCYP1A2 (enzymatic) activity which was found to be disrupted by Roundup (the commercial name of the most commonly used glyphosate herbicide).

Researchers also studied the action of liver cells exposed to glyphosate and the effects of a specific combination of medicinal plant extracts which included dandelion, burdock root, barberry (berberine) and greater celandine. These plants are known for their digestive detox and liver protective effects. The study found that the herbal detox formula was able to prevent Roundup induced cell death in a time related sequence i.e. there was an 89% effectiveness within 48 hours of ingesting the formula. This same herbal combination was also used in a study six years later, testing the in vivo effects prior to and during 8 days of
glyphosate intoxication. No side effects were observed. As a result researchers concluded that the herbal formula had strong preventative and therapeutic properties in vivo after short term exposure to the Roundup formula.

Foods As Glyphosate Detox
You will have to try these food recommendations and come to your own conclusions. The following aforementioned foods and supplements have been recommended as a glyphosate detox: Radish, sauerkraut and minerals including manganese, sulfur, fulvic acids, humid acids, charcoal, bentonite clay and various herbs.

Milk thistle, for example, has long been revered as a liver detox agent as has dandelion which is also known as a blood purifier. Health practitioners may also recommend a highly alkaline diet (with a major emphasis on fresh fruits and vegetables) in combination with detox efforts supplemented by adequate pure water consumption, oxygen, fresh air and sufficient vigorous outdoor exercise. Deep breathing allows the air and oxygen to go deep into the lungs and cells. Living in an area with pure mountain or seaside air, far away from agricultural fields or areas with glyphosate exposure, can be very helpful.

Removing harmful substances from the bloodstream, body tissues and organs can be an important and potentially giant step forward in your personal health quest. More research is needed to support a global ban on glyphosate as well as substantiating effective detox techniques. Legislative and environmental efforts to remove glyphosate from the air, agricultural fields and residential areas as well as our water supply are a necessity world wide to ensure the health of the population and the future of the planet.

1. Gasnier, C., Benachour, N., Clair, E., Travert, C., Langlois, F., Laurant, C., Decroix-Laporte, C. & Seralini, G. Dig1 protects against cell death provoked by glyphosate-based herbicides in human liver cell lines. J OccupMed Toxicol. 2010; 5:29.

2. Gerlach, H, Gerlach, A, Schrödl, W, Haufe & S, Schottdorf, B. (2014) Oral application of charcoal and humic acids influence selected gastrointestinal microbiota, enzymes, electrolytes, and substrates in the blood of dairy cows challenged with glyphosate in GMO feeds. J Environ Anal Toxicol. 5:256. doi:10.4172/2161-0525.1000256

3. Herron, R.E. & fa*gan, J.R.(2002) Lipophil mediated reduction of toxicants in humans: An evaluation of an ayurvedic detoxification procedure. Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine. 8(5):40-51.

4. Salerno, J.W. & Smith, D.E. (1991) The use of sesame oil and other vegetable oils in the inhibition of human colon cancer growth in vitro. Anticancer Res.11; 209-216.

5. Smith, D.E. & Salerno, J.W. (1992) Selective growth inhibition of a human malignant melanoma cell line by sesame oil in vitro. Prostaglandins Leukotrienes Essential Fatty Acids. 46; 145-150.

Simi Summer PhD is an independent researcher and freelance writer. She is a strong proponent of organicconsumer education and informed consumer choices.

Glyphosate Blues - WholeFoods Magazine (2024)


What food has the highest concentration of glyphosate? ›

Corn and soy are the biggest glyphosate users, but chickpeas, wheat, and oat crops are also heavily treated with it as well.

How do you get rid of glyphosate in your body? ›

Detoxing from glyphosate and other environmental toxins doesn't require a strict diet, any special supplements, or a patented protocol. Simply incorporating as many high-fiber, nutrient-rich foods (preferably organic) in your diet, as you can will support your body's own detoxification pathways and keep you healthy.

What products have the highest glyphosate? ›

The most glyphosate-contaminated products were:
  • Honey Nut Cheerios Medley Crunch (833 ppb)
  • Nature Valley Crunchy Granola Bars, Maple Brown Sugar (566 ppb)
  • Nature Valley Granola Cups, Almond Butter (529 ppb)
  • Chocolate Peanut Butter Cheerios (400 ppb)
  • Nature Valley Baked Oat Bites (389 ppb)
Feb 15, 2023

What foods are sprayed with glyphosate list? ›

Roundup is used on a wide variety of crops, including wheat, soybeans, barley, oats, lentils, peas, canola, corn, flax, alfalfa, rye, triticale, sugar beets, cotton, buckwheat, potatoes and millet. Glyphosate accumulates mostly in the bones of animals.

Can you wash glyphosate off food? ›

Glyphosate, a toxic herbicide sprayed on hundreds of U.S. agricultural crops, cannot be removed through washing or cooking.

Is oatmeal high in Roundup? ›

Some oats and oat cereals contain traces of glyphosate, the active ingredient in Roundup herbicide. Government groups say these levels are safe, but science shows some potential risks that may make glyphosate free oats a better choice.

Does apple cider vinegar remove glyphosate? ›

Sauerkraut, apple cider vinegar, and/or kombucha have been found to have a beneficial bacteria called acetobacter which degrades glyphosate in soil.

Does almond milk have glyphosate? ›

According to the Guardian's report, almond growers use a significant amount of pesticides. One of the most popular pesticides used by almond farmers, herbicide glyphosate, is lethal to bees. And to grow almonds at a significant rate, farmers bring in beekeepers to help with pollination.

What fruits have the most glyphosate? ›

List of foods with the most glyphosate
CropAnnual average (Lbs. Glyphosate)
6 more rows
Jan 31, 2023

What are four common foods that contain glyphosate? ›

According to The Guardian, other foods with high contamination levels include almonds, beets, beet sugar, canola oil, carrots, corn and corn oil, quinoa, soy products, sweet potatoes, and vegetable oil.

What states use the most glyphosate? ›

Weedkillers containing glyphosate are sprayed on nearly half of all corn and soybeans grown in the U.S. Use is highest in parts of Iowa, Illinois and Indiana. Every day, farms across the country use a potentially cancer-causing chemical that is in the world's most common weedkillers.

Does Cheerios still contain glyphosate? ›

Can eating Cheerios cause cancer? You won't find glyphosate listed among the ingredients on Cheerios or any food product. Scientists know it's there by testing foods for traces of herbicides and pesticides. They measure the level of glyphosate and other toxins in parts per billion (ppb).

Do Doritos have RoundUp in them? ›

The report found that foods such as Cheerios, Goldfish Crackers, Oreos and Doritos contain residues of the chemical glyphosate. Also known by the name Roundup, glyphosate is used to kill weeds in crops.

Why is glyphosate banned in Europe? ›

In May of this year, the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) concluded that glyphosate is not carcinogenic but can cause serious eye damage and is toxic to aquatic life.

How do I know if my food has glyphosate? ›

To avoid glyphosate poisoning, here are some of the things you can do: Look for labels. The Detox Project, which uses an FDA-registered food testing lab to test for toxic chemicals, recently launched a “Glyphosate Residue Free” label that companies can apply for to certify their products.

Does vinegar remove glyphosate from food? ›

Toxic chemicals are sprayed on crops and the residue of these pesticides remain on fruits and vegetables unless they are washed off using an appropriate method. Use salt, bicarb or vinegar to soak your vegetables for around 20 minutes to remove pesticides and bacteria.

Does Quaker oats have glyphosate? ›

In response, Quaker stated on its website that it does not add glyphosate during any part of the milling process but that it is commonly used by farmers who apply it pre-harvest.

What breakfast foods contain glyphosate? ›

15 Cereals With the Most Glyphosate
  • Honey Nut Cheerios Medley Crunch (833 ppb)
  • Cheerios Toasted Whole Grain Oat Cereal (729 ppb)
  • Nature Valley Crunchy granola bars, Maple Brown Sugar (566 ppb)
  • Nature Valley Granola Cups, Almond Butter (529 ppb)
  • Chocolate Peanut Butter Cheerios (400 ppb)

What are 3 crops that are tolerant to Roundup? ›

These crops were developed to help farmers control weeds. Because the new crops are resistant to Roundup, the herbicide can be used in the fields to eliminate unwanted foliage. Current Roundup Ready crops include soy, corn, canola, alfalfa, cotton, and sorghum, with wheat under development.

What breakfast has a side of Roundup? ›

Popular oat cereals, oatmeal, granola and snack bars come with a hefty dose of the weed-killing poison in Roundup, according to independent laboratory tests commissioned by EWG.

Can baking soda remove glyphosate? ›

Cleaning Contaminated Produce

The baking soda in the solution will help lift and remove any glyphosate residue from the produce so it's safer to eat. Wash your fruits or vegetables even if they have an inedible outer layer, such as bananas or oranges.

Does honey contain glyphosate? ›

Honey taken directly from 59 bee hives on the Hawaiian island of Kauaʽi was analyzed for glyphosate residue using ELISA techniques. Glyphosate residue was detected (> LOQ) in 27% of honey samples, at concentrations up to 342 ppb, with a mean = 118 ppb, S.E.M. 24 ppb.

What breaks down glyphosate? ›

The primary breakdown product of glyphosate is aminomethylphosphonic acid (AMPA), which is also degraded by microbes in water and soil. According to the EPA, available data do not suggest that this compound poses any hazard distinct from its parent compound, glyphosate.

What is the safest oatmeal to eat? ›

"Oat groats are the healthiest way to eat oats. Quick oats, rolled oats and steel-cut oats all start out as oat groats," says Gentile. "Oat groats are whole oat kernels that have been cleaned and treated with heat and moisture. This increases shelf life, flavor development, phenolic content, and antioxidant activity.

How can I eat glyphosate for free? ›

Buy organic food whenever possible. Or prioritize purchasing organic for the most heavily sprayed crops such as berries (and many other fruits with peels that we consume), leafy greens, potatoes, and celery. When eating conventionally grown fruits and vegetables, wash them thoroughly.

Is Ezekiel bread glyphosate free? ›

Vegan. BioChecked: Non Glyphosate Certified. Certified Organic Non-GMO.

Does bread contain glyphosate? ›

Glyphosate, a broad-spectrum herbicide, is globally used in crop production and persists in bread and flour. Tolerance limits for glyphosate in cereal products have been established internationally.

What is the healthiest milk to drink? ›

Low- or non-fat dairy — Skim or 1% milk contains all the protein, vitamins and minerals that whole milk contains, but it has much less saturated fat. This type of milk is typically more heart-healthy than full-fat milk.

Can you wash glyphosate off fruit? ›

Consumer Reports' experts recommend rinsing, rubbing, or scrubbing fruits and vegetables at home to help remove pesticide residue. Now, a new study from researchers at University of Massachusetts, Amherst, suggests another method that may also be effective: soaking them in a solution of baking soda and water.

Are carrots high in glyphosate? ›

Glyphosate is used on food crops in the United States and is found in high levels in soy, grain (wheat, oats, rye, barley, rice), potatoes, almonds, peas, sugar, beets carrots and many other commonly eaten foods or ingredients in foods.

What is more toxic than glyphosate? ›

This means that caffeine is 40 times more toxic than glyphosate.

What is another name for glyphosate in food? ›

Its herbicidal effectiveness was discovered by Monsanto chemist John E. Franz in 1970. Monsanto brought it to market for agricultural use in 1974 under the trade name Roundup.

Can you test for glyphosate in your body? ›

Glyphosate is measured by testing urine. You can order a test kit–$99 at cost–and receive your results back in a few weeks. A recent study published in The Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) found glyphosate rates are up 500%, but average levels are up 1200% in people over the last 20 years.

Where is glyphosate stored in the body? ›

What happens to glyphosate when it enters the body? In humans, glyphosate does not easily pass through the skin. Glyphosate that is absorbed or ingested will pass through the body relatively quickly. The vast majority of glyphosate leaves the body in urine and feces without being changed into another chemical.

Which country does not use glyphosate? ›

Fiji: The government announced in March of 2020 that glyphosate will be banned in the country effective January 2021. France: French authorities banned the sale, distribution and use of Roundup 360 in early 2019.

What is safer than glyphosate? ›

Organic Roundup alternatives include herbicidal soaps that use fatty acids to kill weeds and industrial vinegar, which contains much higher levels of acetic acid than what you have in your kitchen. Acid-based herbicides burn down some young weeds. Corn gluten meal can kill grass weeds and broadleaf weeds.

Why are they banning glyphosate? ›

Glyphosate is being banned because of its potential link to cancer in humans, as well as potentially causing the death of important insects, such as bees. Biologists have sounded the alarm over the serious decline in insect populations that affect species diversity.

What is the FDA warning to Cheerios? ›

The FDA's Warning Letter principally objects to two cholesterol-reduction claims made on Cheerios labels that the agency believes suggest Cheerios is intended for use in lowering cholesterol. The particular claims at issue are: “You can Lower Your Cholesterol 4% in 6 weeks

Why is Roundup still being sold? ›

How would you like to contact you? This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Roundup is still being sold because the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has not found the active chemical, glyphosate to be harmful to humans.

Does Cinnamon Toast Crunch have glyphosate? ›

Glyphosate is found in Round Up and other weed killing chemicals, and Cereals like Honey Nut Cheerios and Cinnamon Toast Crunch have trace amounts of the chemical in their cereal, and the EPA says it is ok.

Do Ritz crackers contain glyphosate? ›

The key ingredient in Monsanto's toxic Roundup is pervasive in our children's food. A just-released study found glyphosate, a toxic chemical linked to cancer, in common foods like Timbits, KD, Cheerios, Ritz Crackers, and Quaker Oatmeal.

Do almonds have glyphosate? ›

Glyphosate has been registered in almonds since the early 1990s, and glufosinate has been registered since the early 2000s (CDPR 2021); these are commonly used herbicides for preharvest orchard preparations because of their broad-spectrum weed control and relatively short preharvest interval (PHI), 3 and 14 d, ...

Does organic mean no glyphosate? ›

Organic Basics

A product with the USDA Certified Organic seal must be grown or produced with no synthetic herbicides, pesticides, or fertilizers—and that means no RoundUp and no glyphosate.

What does glyphosate do to the brain? ›

Brain glyphosate correlates with increased TNFα levels, suggesting that exposure to this herbicide may trigger neuroinflammation in the brain, which may induce changes that are seen in neurodegenerative disorders.

Has Canada banned glyphosate? ›

Health Canada granted continued registration of products containing glyphosate for sale and use in Canada, with changes to product labels to provide Canadians with additional information on how to use these products safely.

Why do people hate glyphosate? ›

First, IARC found "strong evidence" that glyphosate can damage DNA in cells. This kind of damage, inducing mutations, is the first step in causing cancer.

What has the highest percentage of glyphosate? ›

Roundup QuickPro – Strongest Powder

Glyphosate is the active ingredient in this powder with a 73.3% in the form of ammonium salt. Or 1 pound of Roundup QuickPro contains .

What is the strongest glyphosate on the market? ›

Details & My Experience. While Doff's very effective weed killer contains Glyphosate at 90g per litre, Roundup Stump Killer contains the same chemical but at 441g per litre. Needless to say, this is the nuclear option and based on the research I did, it's by far the strongest weed killer on the market.

What is the strongest glyphosate you can buy? ›

The strongest concentrated formula is 360 g/l (litre of water) glyphosate which can be found in Rootblast, Gallup. (these two are concentrated weed killers) and some RoundUp, Resolva products. Always read the label making sure that it states 360 g/l glyphosate weed killer for eliminating those pesky weeds.

Where is glyphosate banned in the US? ›

As such, glyphosate is not banned by the U.S. government; Roundup and other glyphosate-based herbicides are readily available for purchase throughout the country.

Do Doritos have Roundup in them? ›

The report found that foods such as Cheerios, Goldfish Crackers, Oreos and Doritos contain residues of the chemical glyphosate. Also known by the name Roundup, glyphosate is used to kill weeds in crops.

Is 41% glyphosate the same as Roundup? ›

Weed Pro Glyphosate 41% (Roundup) - 1 Pint.

Is there anything better than glyphosate? ›

Organic Roundup alternatives include herbicidal soaps that use fatty acids to kill weeds and industrial vinegar, which contains much higher levels of acetic acid than what you have in your kitchen. Acid-based herbicides burn down some young weeds. Corn gluten meal can kill grass weeds and broadleaf weeds.

Is generic glyphosate as good as Roundup? ›

Generic brands work just as effectively as RoundUp and deliver the same weed control, but at a more economical price. If you are on a budget, it would be wiser to go with a generic brand and save a few bucks.

What herbicide has 41% glyphosate? ›

Killzall Weed and Grass Killer - 41% Glyphosate.

Is glyphosate stronger than Roundup? ›

Several studies have actually found that Roundup is significantly more toxic to human cells than just glyphosate ( 8 , 9 , 10 , 11 , 12 ).

How do you make glyphosate stronger? ›

Application of glyphosate in low water volumes improves glyphosate activity. However, when spraying large weeds and/or dense weed canopies and when mixing with contact type herbicides, higher spray volumes usually improves glyphosate activity.

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