Cebu City to Manila ferry tickets, compare times and prices (2024)

There are approximately 3 weekly sailings between Cebu City to Manila. This ferry route is operated by 2GO Travel. Ferry timetables change seasonally, use our Deal Finder to get live pricing and availability for Cebu City Manila ferries.

Cebu City Manila Ferry Times

Cebu City Manila ferry sailings typically depart from Cebu City at around 04:30. The average sailing time is approximately 29h 41m.

Cebu City Manila Ferry Prices

Cebu City Manila ferry prices typically range between $53* and $418*. The average price is typically $201*. The cheapest Cebu City Manila ferry prices start from $22*. The average price for a foot passenger is $201*. The average price for a car is $226*.

Pricing will vary depending on number of passengers, vehicle type, route and sailing times. Pricing is taken from searches over last 30 days last updated 05 July, 2023.

How far is it from Cebu City to Manila?

The distance between Cebu City to Manila is approximately 258.9 miles (416.7km) or 225.0 nautical miles for the mariners!

Can I travel by car on the Cebu City Manila ferry?

No ferry operators currently do not allow cars to travel onboard between Cebu City and Manila.

Can I travel as a foot passenger from Cebu City to Manila?

Yes, foot passengers can travel with 2GO Travel between Cebu City and Manila.

Cebu City Manila Ferry Operator Schedules

  • 2GO Travel - 2 weekly sailings, 1 daily sailings

Why use Direct Ferries?

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Cebu City - Manila Route summary
Departure Country Philippines
Destination Country Philippines
No. of Operators 1
Operators 2GO Travel
Average Price $207*
Average Weekly Sailings 2
Average Sailing Duration 27h 54m
Fastest Sailing Duration 21h 0m
First Ferry 04:30
Last Ferry 23:00
Distance 225 nautical miles

* Prices subject to change, pricing is taken from last 30 days, last updated 2023-08-01.

Most popular questions

  • How long is the ferry from Cebu City to Manila?

    The typical crossing time for ferries from Cebu City to Manila is approximately 21h. However, please keep in mind that sailing duration might change depending on what season you choose to travel.

  • How much is the ferry from Cebu City to Manila?

    The average price of a ferry from Cebu City to Manila is approximately $180. However, please remember that the price of a ferry from Cebu City to Manila can differ depending on the season.

  • Which ferry companies operate between Cebu City to Manila?

    There is 1 ferry operator for Cebu City to Manila and this is

    • 2GO Travel
  • How can I book ferry tickets from Cebu City to Manila?

    Ferries from Cebu City to Manila are available for booking through our deal finder. Please also visit our offers page to stay updated with all the latest ferry offers on this route.

  • Can you travel as a foot passenger on the ferry from [Portfrom] to Manila?

    Yes, you can currently travel as a foot passenger onboard the ferries from Cebu City to Manila with

    • 2GO Travel
  • Can you take your car on the ferry from Cebu City to Manila?

    No, only foot passengers can travel on the ferry.

  • Can you bring pets on the ferry from Cebu City to Manila?

    Unfortunately, pets are not permitted onboard this ferry service so please look for alternative routes which accommodate pets.

  • How far is Manila from Cebu City?

    Cebu City to Manila is approximately 224 nautical miles distance apart.

Timetables between 12/25/2023 and 12/31/2023

Operator Departure Time Arrival Time Duration Sailing Days
2GO Travel 16:00 11:00 43 hours Sun
2GO Travel 22:00 20:00 22 hours Sat
Cebu City to Manila ferry tickets, compare times and prices (2024)
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Name: Golda Nolan II

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Introduction: My name is Golda Nolan II, I am a thoughtful, clever, cute, jolly, brave, powerful, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.