How much is the Kevin suite at The Plaza? (2024)

How much is the Kevin suite at The Plaza?

Kevin McAllister's experience in Home Alone 2: Lost In New York feels quite stressful overall, but we'd almost definitely be up for it if it meant staying in The Plaza hotel. Why? Namely because it costs a cool $30,000 (approx £23,000) a night to stay there - and that's without the giant pizza room service.

(Video) The PLAZA HOTEL in NYC! HOME ALONE 2 Experience and TOUR!
(UA Eats)
How much does it cost to stay in a suite at the Plaza Hotel?

New York City is home to the most expensive hotel rooms in the country. Genevieve Shaw Brown tours a $30,000 per night suite at The Plaza Hotel.

(Video) Home Alone 2 Experience at The Plaza Hotel | City Cycle
What suite does Kevin stay in at The Plaza?

Kevin stayed in Suite 411, The Kevin Suite, one of the Central Park Suites at The Plaza.

(Video) Home Alone 2 Plaza Hotel vacation package
(ABC News)
How much does Kevin spend on room service in Home Alone 2?

As his despicable family member Buzz delightfully revels in revealing right at the end of the film, Kevin McCallister actually spent $950 on room service during his stay at the Plaza, which of course included the renting of a particularly legendary gangster movie that he then used to trick the idiotic staff at the ...

(Video) Kevin Ordered Hotel Plaza Scene - Home Alone 2 (1992)
(Choi Mads)
How much was Kevin's hotel bill in Home Alone 2?

Plaza Hotel room service.

As we learn from his dad's freakout, Kevin spent $967.43 on room service, which today would be about $1,770. How much ice cream can you eat in one night?

(Video) Home Alone 2: Lost In New York (1992) The Plaza Hotel
How much is the most expensive room at The Plaza Hotel?

Royal Suite at the Plaza – $40,000/night

There's also a library, a fitness room, and a living room with a grand piano.

(Video) Kevin is doing innovations the Hotel Room at The Plaza Hotel
(DP Kiley)
How much does it cost to live at The Plaza in NYC?

The Plaza hotel is more than just a place to stay when passing through New York.

(Video) Home Alone 2: Kevin and Donald Trump at The Plaza hotel ☃️❄️
(Martin Sunny)
How much does suite 411 cost at The Plaza?

They also had to stay in Suite 411, the Kevin Suite, at $1,100 a night. So did Nicole Paxson, whose mother, Marla, booked the December reservation last March.

(Video) I Lived Like Kevin McCallister In 'Home Alone 2' | GTFO | Delish | Ep 1
How much does it cost to stay in Times Square?

Times Square hotels information
Number of reviews25124
Accommodation7007 hotels
Lowest Price$127
Highest Price$269

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Is The Plaza suite in Home Alone real?

Although the Plaza has penthouse suites in real-life, the penthouse suite in the end of the film was shot at the Conrad Hilton Suite at the Hilton Chicago. After the release of the second film, bookings at the Plaza skyrocketed. Every Christmas season, the Plaza offers the Home Alone 2 package.

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(Inside Edition)

Who paid for trip to Paris in Home Alone?

Missing his extended family, Rob thought of having the McCallisters come to France, eventually deciding for them to visit during the Christmas season. He then paid for the whole McCallister family's trip to Paris so they could all be together for the holiday.

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(Inside Edition)
How much does it cost to stay in the hotel from Home Alone 2?

Kevin McAllister's experience in Home Alone 2: Lost In New York feels quite stressful overall, but we'd almost definitely be up for it if it meant staying in The Plaza hotel. Why? Namely because it costs a cool $30,000 (approx £23,000) a night to stay there - and that's without the giant pizza room service.

How much is the Kevin suite at The Plaza? (2024)
What does Kevin McCallister's dad do for a living?

Peter McAllister Is Senior VP of the Chicago Stock Exchange.

Is Duncan's toy Chest a real shop?

Though the set looks completely real, unfortunately Duncan's Toy Chest is fake, and it is not a real place in New York or any other city. That's not to say you couldn't visit NYC and be amazed inside a mega toy store. Duncan's Toy Chest is based on the FAO Schwartz store.

How much did the pizza cost in Home Alone?

At the beginning of the movie, the McCallisters order pizza–a lot of pizza—from the fictional Little Nero's pizzeria. It's a big family, which calls for a big order. In the movie, the cost for the pizza totals up to $122.50. Adjusted for inflation, that's around $230.

How much does it cost to stay in the Home Alone house?

How much does the stay cost? According to the Airbnb listing, the overnight stay is $25 plus tax. Now's your chance to stay in the iconic Home Alone house in the Chicago suburb of Winnetka, IL.

What hotel did Kevin stay in in Home Alone 2?

Although the hotel's most famous resident, obviously, is Eloise. For me, though, The Plaza will always be where Kevin McCallister stayed in Home Alone 2: Lost in New York. I saw the movie at least twice at the Cheri Theater in Murray, Kentucky, when it came out in 1992.

Where did Kevin stay in Home Alone New York?

Stay At The Plaza

The Plaza is one of the most iconic, beloved luxury hotels in Manhattan. Kevin chooses to stay here because he heard a commercial for the hotel that called it “New York's most exciting hotel experience"!

Where did Kevin McCallister stay in New York?

Midtown. The Plaza Hotel: Kevin's first stop on his New York adventure is the famous Plaza Hotel. The only hotel Kevin knows the name of is one of the cities most recognizable landmarks, and also one of the most expensive.

What suite was in Home Alone 2?

The luxury suite, in which the family is reunited at the end of the film, is the Conrad Hilton Suite of the Chicago Hilton and Towers, 720 South Michigan Avenue at East Balbo Drive in the South Loop, which is also featured in The Fugitive and My Best Friend's Wedding.

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Author: Kareem Mueller DO

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Introduction: My name is Kareem Mueller DO, I am a vivacious, super, thoughtful, excited, handsome, beautiful, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.