Why We Go To Malls - 348 Words (2024)


  • explanatory

  • comparative

  • analytical

  • opinion

  • argumentative

  • Essay On Abnormal Behavior

    explanatory essay

    When a person goes shopping and may take a trip to the mall they may feel like they are having a good time on the inside because there are typically nice big ceilings and nice clean stores with new things all over and not to mention the massage...

    In this essay, the author

    • Explains that not all people who live in the world are the same and have different values. the world wants to know why people act the way they do.
    • Explains that a child who was raised in the city life and used to big buildings and rush hour traffic may not get nervous when it comes to taking their driving test.
    • Explains that many things in buildings can make a person act or feel important. a person who isn't used to having nice things may not appreciate the capacity of the hotel suite.
    • Explains that not all people who live in the world are the same and have different values. the world wants to know why people act the way they do.
    • Explains that a child who was raised in the city life and used to big buildings and rush hour traffic may not get nervous when it comes to taking their driving test.
    • Explains that many things in buildings can make a person act or feel important. a person who isn't used to having nice things may not appreciate the capacity of the hotel suite.
    • Opines that shopping at a mall can take the stress away from someone's bad day just by looking around at all of the new things and the nice atmosphere.
    • Explains that the affects of human behavior can be different for many, but everyone needs time away from their natural bubble and reality for a little bit.
    • Explains that architecture can control human behavior in many ways, such as a small country school with not too many upgrades in the past 10 years.
    • Opines that the design of a place can have an impact on the purpose of the well being behind it. hospitals are typically very light with nice white or colorful walls because lighter colors can make people feel better emotionally opposed to seeing black or dark walls.
    • Opines that the design of a hospital is also to benefit to the patients in the rooms of the hospital.
    • Opines that a private room with nice pictures and even couch in the room may be beneficial to the family of the newborn.
    • Opines that a funeral home is the cleanest and most respected place by the staff of caring people that respect the wishes of the loved ones.
    • Explains that the importance of design of buildings in any occasion is what people see and most of the times first impressions make a huge difference in business decisions.

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  • Shopping Vs Shopping Essay

    comparative essay

    Shopping is a function of location product assortment and store image (Bucklin, 1967) which explain quite well why do people shop where the shop. All of those theories seems to complement each other, adding some more complexity to this highly complex

    In this essay, the author

    • Explains that the motivation behind shopping is not a recent topic in consumer behavior research.
    • Explains that shopping is a function of location product assortment and store image (bucklin, 1967) which explain quite well why do people shop where the shop.
    • Explains that hirschman and holbrook expanded the previous theory, adding factors that relate with hedonic motivation such as emotion, enjoyment, and aesthetics and comparing them with utilitarian behaviors.
    • Explains that the motivation behind shopping is not a recent topic in consumer behavior research.
    • Explains that shopping is a function of location product assortment and store image (bucklin, 1967) which explain quite well why do people shop where the shop.
    • Explains that hirschman and holbrook expanded the previous theory, adding factors that relate with hedonic motivation such as emotion, enjoyment, and aesthetics and comparing them with utilitarian behaviors.
    • Compares utilitarian motivation with hedonic consumption motivation, which focuses on multisensory, fantasy, and emotive aspects of product use.
    • Explains that hedonic factors impact unplanned shopping while utilitarian factors do not. chandon et., al. (2000) found that the products have higher premiums when promoted by henonic promotional campaigns, but a study by dhar and wertenbrosch indicates that products for pleasure are the ones to be given up first
    • Explains that many consumption activities produce both hedonic and utilitarian outcomes, depending on the situation and buyer's personality.
    • Explains that gender and situational factors influence precieved shopping value. many women perceive christmas shopping as a painful job while men enjoy it because they feel less pressure to buy the perfect gift.

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  • Black Fish

    comparative essay

    Killer whales are very dangerous be around because they are from the wild and don’t know any better than to attack when they become scared and do not know what to do. This is one of the reasons we should let them out of captivity. So here is the main question everyone is asking … Should Killer whales be in captivity?

    In this essay, the author

    • Explains that shamu was treated badly by the owners of "sea world".
    • Explains that killer whales are dangerous because they are from the wild and don't know any better than to attack when they become scared and do not know what to do.
    • Explains that killer whales are dangerous because they are from the wild and don't know any better than to attack when they become scared and do not know what to do.
    • Explains that shamu was treated badly by the owners of "sea world".
    • Explains that killer whales are dangerous because they are from the wild and don't know any better than to attack when they become scared and do not know what to do.
    • Explains that killer whales are dangerous because they are from the wild and don't know any better than to attack when they become scared and do not know what to do.
    • Concludes that whales are dangerous to be around and to swim with that is why we should let them go.

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  • According to “The Mall Phenomenon” the average person spends $330.82 in a mall that is an increase from past years where the average was $316.80. Also, according to “The Mall Phenomenon” people will on average visit the mall 3.4 times per month and stay 1 hour and 24 minutes in the mall. People tend to go to stores and spend time and money as a stress reliever which can help and also hurt you. In this essay, I will be telling you about the “Grand Mall Seizure” also I will be telling you about the “Champagne Taste, Beer Budget.” The other thing I will be talking about in this essay is what mall/stores I spend most of my time and money in.

    In this essay, the author

    • Explains that according to "the mall phenomenon," people spend $330.82 in a mall, which is an increase from past years where the average was $316.80.
    • Explains that the mall of america was founded by victor gruen, an austrian jew who fled the nazi invasion of 1938 and arrived in the us with $6 in his pocket.
    • Opines that the mall of america is their favorite store because of its four floors, amusem*nt park, and movie theater.
    • Explains that according to "the mall phenomenon," people spend $330.82 in a mall, which is an increase from past years where the average was $316.80.
    • Explains that the mall of america was founded by victor gruen, an austrian jew who fled the nazi invasion of 1938 and arrived in the us with $6 in his pocket.
    • Opines that the mall of america is their favorite store because of its four floors, amusem*nt park, and movie theater.
    • Explains that they consume a lot at the mall of america because they can get all of their shopping done in one day.
    • Analyzes how delia cleveland's "champagne taste, beer budget" character dee was a fashion addict who would empty her wallet and max out her credit card during one trip to the mall.
    • Analyzes how the mall of america shows that american values are all about spending money and that other countries can have a chance on selling their items in america.

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  • Sears Essentials

    explanatory essay

    e.Off-Mall locations designed to get into areas that are not generally near a mall

    In this essay, the author

    • Describes the stores, their locations, and the aim of the new stores.
    • Explains that sears essentials was originally planned as stores in areas where there was no competition, but may be expanding into areas with high levels of competition.
    • Explains that originally planned to have 25 stores opening, but will be expanding into 47 by the end of the calendar year.
    • Describes the stores, their locations, and the aim of the new stores.
    • Explains that sears essentials was originally planned as stores in areas where there was no competition, but may be expanding into areas with high levels of competition.
    • Explains that originally planned to have 25 stores opening, but will be expanding into 47 by the end of the calendar year.
    • Explains that sears grand offers many items at a lower price than is available in the locations.
    • Explains that with over 26 open stores, 12 more opening in august, and 9 more scheduled to open in october, this is a rapidly growing chain.
    • Opines that sears and kmart are losing market shares and will go away without changes to their structures. seas essentials offers an opportunity to compete on the level of walmart and target.
    • Explains that kmarts are still gathering data, and have yet to find out what their market share will be. a conversion will start with re-arranging areas and new products showing up.

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  • Killer Whales Kept in Captivity

    analytical essay

    For several years, Americans have been visiting amusem*nt parks, like SeaWorld and Six Flags, to observe large animals like orcas, also known as killer whales. These whales are quite difficult to view in the wild, but can now be seen for a simple fee. Orcas are known to be one of the smartest mammals. They are friendly, and this has caused people to take advantage of them. For the past sixty years, people have brought these massive creatures into their aquariums to make a profit from their exhibitions. Often, without considering the orcas' quality of life. While kept in captivity, killer whales are forced to do many tricks they normally wouldn’t do in the wild. Over the years, there have been numerous controversies regarding killer whales being held in captivity. People are questioning if this practice is safe for the whales and for the keepers that are around them. Keeping killer whales in captivity should be banned, because keeping killer whales in captivity makes them aggressive towards employees, causes various health problems, and is painful for the whales.

    In this essay, the author

    • Argues that keeping killer whales in captivity should be banned because it makes them aggressive towards employees, causes health problems, and is painful for them.
    • Opines that captivity is an important aggravating factor contributing to orca attacks.
    • Explains that orcas in captivity suffer from awful dental health and increased infections, which can lead to death.
    • Argues that keeping killer whales in captivity should be banned because it makes them aggressive towards employees, causes health problems, and is painful for them.
    • Opines that captivity is an important aggravating factor contributing to orca attacks.
    • Explains that orcas in captivity suffer from awful dental health and increased infections, which can lead to death.
    • Argues that orcas should not be kept in captivity because it reduces their longevity.
    • Explains why people believe killer whales should be kept in captivity, stating that they provide entertainment, enrichment, and education to children and adults.

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  • Killer Whales In Captivity

    opinion essay

    Tilikum portrayed some aggressive behaviors that killed three humans including some of its trainers. This proves that keeping killer whales in captivity can result in possible negative outcomes for both killer whales and humans. The safety of both killer whales and humans are more important than the money the marine parks receive. Some supporters of marine life captivity may believe that humans and killer whales form a "special bond" but for me that "special bond" was forcefully formed and that some protesters and I believe that killer whales are unknowable to humankind. Giving these killer whales their right to live in a healthy environment where they truly belong can save their species and also can put humans out of

    In this essay, the author

    • Opines that marine entertainment parks such as seaworld should be closed and allow sensitive and highly intelligent animals like killer whales to go freely in the wild where they truly belong.
    • States that the filmmakers of "blackfish" state that majority of the whales these days are captive-born. seaworld has bred females as early as 5-6 years of age which may lead to calf-mother separation.
    • Opines that most whales in marine parks are used for entertainment where they are being trained to learn some unnatural behaviors. seaworld claimed that the behaviors they corroborate are always within the killer whale's natural range of behaviors, but the filmmakers of the documentary disagree.
    • Opines that marine entertainment parks such as seaworld should be closed and allow sensitive and highly intelligent animals like killer whales to go freely in the wild where they truly belong.
    • States that the filmmakers of "blackfish" state that majority of the whales these days are captive-born. seaworld has bred females as early as 5-6 years of age which may lead to calf-mother separation.
    • Opines that most whales in marine parks are used for entertainment where they are being trained to learn some unnatural behaviors. seaworld claimed that the behaviors they corroborate are always within the killer whale's natural range of behaviors, but the filmmakers of the documentary disagree.
    • Explains that killer whales are highly intelligent animals which may put trainers and as well as the vast amount of people who are watching at risk.
    • Opines that keeping killer whales in captivity can result in negative outcomes for both humans and the animals.

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  • A Place Of Your Own

    argumentative essay

    A study by the International Council of Shopping Centers found that there are many teenagers in shopping malls and the mall is a place where teenagers like to go. The International Council encouraged the teenage presence because ‘the vast majority support the same set of values as does shopping center management.

    In this essay, the author

    • Analyzes how william kowinski's book, the malling of america, explicitly blames the mall as the cause and proponent of this change. the malls purpose is to produce a profit for investors.
    • Disagrees with kowinski's view that the benefits of a job in the mall are overrated. the mall also provides job for young adults who need the paycheck for living and/or education.
    • Explains that a study by the international council of shopping centers found that there are many teenagers in shopping malls.
    • Analyzes how william kowinski's book, the malling of america, explicitly blames the mall as the cause and proponent of this change. the malls purpose is to produce a profit for investors.
    • Disagrees with kowinski's view that the benefits of a job in the mall are overrated. the mall also provides job for young adults who need the paycheck for living and/or education.
    • Explains that a study by the international council of shopping centers found that there are many teenagers in shopping malls.
    • Agrees with kowinski and david elkin about the concerns of "hurried child" and the social pressure to look like an adult at such a young age.
    • Disagrees with kowinski's view of shopping malls. society has a sense of security of food water and shelter that allows us to challenge our selves in other ways.

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  • The Mall in America

    analytical essay

    Whenever we go out shopping or relaxing at malls, we actually don’t see or recognize any effects of malls as we mostly go there for these two reasons. Malls are an integral part in the lives of America. They are shopping centers that have created a lot of buzz in many writers. This is because we have more malls in America than high schools. Malls have received praises from people like James J. Farrell, Jon Pahl and George Lewis who view malls as not only shopping centers but also as places that provide a reflection of the American culture and serve as centers of pleasure and entertainment. In contrast, William Kowinski and David Gutterson criticize malls for just being an artificial environment that creates disorientation among American shoppers. In my opinion, malls are just magnificent commercial buildings that create a sense of false dreams and imagination.

    In this essay, the author

    • Opines that malls are an integral part of the lives of america. they have received praise from people like james j. farrell, jon pahl, and george lewis who view them as not only shopping centers but also as centers of pleasure and entertainment.
    • Analyzes how mall appreciators argue that malls are centers of entertainment and pleasure for mall visitors.
    • Argues that malls serve as a cultural reflection of the american population.
    • Opines that malls are an integral part of the lives of america. they have received praise from people like james j. farrell, jon pahl, and george lewis who view them as not only shopping centers but also as centers of pleasure and entertainment.
    • Analyzes how mall appreciators argue that malls are centers of entertainment and pleasure for mall visitors.
    • Argues that malls serve as a cultural reflection of the american population.
    • Compares the views of william kowinski and david guterson on the effects of malls on people.
    • Argues that malls create an artificial environment that doesn't necessarily benefit its visitors. guterson, who visited the mall of america, views them as overpriced and not serving the purpose of uniting people as a community.
    • Analyzes how jon pahl and george lewis disapprove of the promises of togetherness that are created by mall management.
    • Opines that malls are a scheme created by wealthy business minded individuals, that create magnificent buildings, market them effectively, and lure people with fake promises.
    • Opines that malls will continue to be in our lives for generations to come due to increasing population, competition among retail outlets and our increasing demands for goods.
    • Cites farrell, james j., guterson, david, and kowinski, william.
    • Cites behrens laurence & rosen leonard (eds.) (2009). writing and reading across the curriculum (pp.

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  • Lego Case Study

    explanatory essay

    ... to having higher sales figures. Thus, places with high foot traffic(people) would be desirable e.g Bedok Mall, is in a very good position as it is connected through an underpass to Bedok MRT and it is in a very accessible location.

    In this essay, the author

    • Explains that their group's research is on the lego group, founded in 1932 by ole kirk christiansen, an iconic brand internationally recognised for its production of lego brand toys.
    • Explains lego's ultimate purpose is to inspire and develop children to think creatively, reason systematically, and release their potential to shape their own future.
    • Explains that lego is a strong brand, has high quality products and innovation ability, and is dedicated to quality. good and durable products that are safe for children make parents more willing to purchase lego toys.
    • Explains that their group's research is on the lego group, founded in 1932 by ole kirk christiansen, an iconic brand internationally recognised for its production of lego brand toys.
    • Explains lego's ultimate purpose is to inspire and develop children to think creatively, reason systematically, and release their potential to shape their own future.
    • Explains that lego is a strong brand, has high quality products and innovation ability, and is dedicated to quality. good and durable products that are safe for children make parents more willing to purchase lego toys.
    • Opines that lego aims to expand its sales in undeveloped countries, and hopes that the global success of "the lego movie" could help strengthen its brand reputation there.
    • Explains the increasing use of sites such as facebook and twitter is stirring a new trend - social tv. smartphones and tablets are also widely used in singapore.
    • Explains that singapore was the third fastest growing economy in the world in 2010 behind qatar and paraguay. in the first quarter of 2014, singapore's economy has progressed 0.1 percent.
    • Explains that singaporeans participate in the worldwide movement called earth hour. recycling is also part of singapore's environmental efforts, and the national environment agency has campaigns heavily promoting environmental conservation.
    • Explains that the singapore government is encouraging married couples to give birth to more children through the baby bonus scheme.
    • Explains that lego focuses on its core product of construction toys, though they also sell video games, keychains, apparel and other licensed products. hasbro and mattel have different categories of toys targeted at different children, both boys and girls.
    • Explains that all three companies have websites for children to play games and watch videos, and a separate store website showing their product catalogue. promotions in physical stores are dependent on retailers.
    • Explains that lego's exceptional marketing strategies have enabled them to turn the loss of sgd$191m in 2000 into the net return of
    • Opines that the high prices of lego products can be seen as a weakness because competitors can come up with cheaper products.
    • Opines that lego should diversify into new markets and capture the customer market by having more advertisem*nts in the form of online, commercial, mobile billboard advertising, in-store advertising.
    • Analyzes how high-tech toys are attracting children's attention which causes them to lose their interest in construction toys. similar companies like mega bloks sell brick toys at a lower price compared to lego.
    • Explains that lego consumers need affordable toys as the range of prices of lego products is high, and can cost up to $399.90.
    • Explains that lego's product range appeals to mostly children and teens, while its other properties are aimed at 5 to 15 year-olds.
    • Explains lego caters to different age groups, from preschool to teenagers, with the primary focus being the 5 to 15 year-old age range.
    • Explains that lego targets people who believe in these six values: imagination, creativity, fun, learning, caring, and quality.
    • Explains that lego aims to increase brand loyalty with its vip program, which provides benefits such as access to special sets, events, promotions, and lego club.
    • Explains that lego is a major competitor in the toy industry. it produces differently coloured bricks that can interlock with each other to create structures.
    • Explains that lego recovered from its near-insolvency by proper restructuring of the company. its sales have tripled since 2007 and it overtook hasbro inc to become the world's second biggest toy company in 2013.
    • Explains that lego aims to pioneer new ways of playing, play materials, and the business models of play, leveraging globalisation and digitalisation.
    • Explains how to avoid price wars through brand enhancement and cost reduction. lowering the cost of manufacturing goods is done through outsourcing partners in china or southeast asia.
    • Explains that lego products are sold in more than 130 countries, with the top-selling products being bionicle and lego star wars.
    • Explains that lego is an iconic brand that has successfully penetrated multiple markets all over the world, and its fame serves as a means of its continued success.
    • Explains that singapore's average household size has decreased from 3.7 to 3.5. singles in singapore are taking longer to find a life partner and get married, which results in decreasing birth rates.
    • Explains that retailers which sell hasbro products in singapore include isetan, metro, popular bookstore and toys"r"us.
    • Explains that mattel's online store has a clearance section.
    • Explains that lego stores in singapore are john little, toys "r"us, the brick shop, bricksworld, etcetera, while hasbro and mattel's distributors are departmental stores.
    • Compares the price range of lego's construction toys with hasbro’s board games, and mattel hot wheels. lego products are made of high quality plastic and manufactured in a way to make them near indestructible
    • Explains that lego has stores at plaza singapura, northpoint shopping centre, jem, bedok mall and its main store located at ngee ann city. high foot traffic can lead to higher sales figures.

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  • A Comparison of Shopping Online vs. Shopping in a Store

    opinion essay

    There are many reasons for choosing to go into a store to purchase items needed. For instance, having some assist you in finding what you need, or just answer questions about the product. It is also a way to get out of the couch, away from the television, or off the computer. Another feature is you can see and examine what you are going to purchase, helps in the decision making for most people. You know the minute the salesperson ring you up the product are yours to take home and use right away. It also makes return on items simple, take it back to where you bought and get an exchange or a refund if needed. For the draw backing for in store shopping is you do spending hours looking for the right product or in the lines trying to just purchase it. Or listening to all the people around you and all the additional noises you hear in stores. Not to mention store have set hours on when you can shop and when you can not, this is something which can change with assign on the door.

    In this essay, the author

    • Compares online shopping and going into a store to see which will save you time and money.
    • Explains the benefits of going into a store to purchase items needed, such as having someone assist you in finding what you need, or answering questions about the product.
    • Explains that online shopping has been growing since the put the first online store on the web, making it easier to find the best price.
    • Compares online shopping and going into a store to see which will save you time and money.
    • Explains the benefits of going into a store to purchase items needed, such as having someone assist you in finding what you need, or answering questions about the product.
    • Explains that online shopping has been growing since the put the first online store on the web, making it easier to find the best price.
    • Opines that online shopping can be a useful tool for people who want to save time and money.

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  • Shopping: Online vs. Store

    explanatory essay

    There are many reasons for choosing to go into a store to purchase items needed. For instance, having someone assist you in finding what you need, or just answer questions about the product. It is also a way to get off the couch, away from the television, or off the computer. Another feature is you can see and examine what you are going to purchase. This helps in the decision making for most people. You know the minute the salesperson rings you up, the product is yours to take home and use right aw...

    In this essay, the author

    • Explains that people shop at work, after work and on weekends, whenever time permits. the best way to get more time is to go into a store and spend time looking through racks and waiting in endless lines to just purchase something.
    • Explains the benefits of going into a store to purchase items needed, such as having someone assist you in finding what you need, or just answer questions about the product.
    • Explains that online shopping has been growing since businesses put the first online store on the web, now you can shop from anywhere around the world and have it shipped to you directly.
    • Explains that people shop at work, after work and on weekends, whenever time permits. the best way to get more time is to go into a store and spend time looking through racks and waiting in endless lines to just purchase something.
    • Explains the benefits of going into a store to purchase items needed, such as having someone assist you in finding what you need, or just answer questions about the product.
    • Explains that online shopping has been growing since businesses put the first online store on the web, now you can shop from anywhere around the world and have it shipped to you directly.
    • Opines that online shopping can be a useful tool for people who want to save time and money.

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  • Analysis Of The Article ' Magic Of The Mall '

    analytical essay

    Goss argues that developers and designers of the built environment, specifically shopping centers and malls, use the power of place and understanding the structural layout of the space to boost consumption of the retail profits. Shopping centers are separated from the downtown area of shopping either by distance and/or design. These establishments emerge for many to be the new heart and location for public and social life. In his article The "Magic of the Mall": An Analysis of Form, Function, and Meaning in the Contemporary Retail Built Environment, Goss also argues that the regulation of the spaces within the mall creates an atmosphere of "community" rather than one that is "public".

    In this essay, the author

    • Analyzes how goss argues that developers and designers of the built environment, specifically shopping centers and malls, use the power of place and understanding the structural layout to boost consumption of retail profits.
    • Analyzes goss' argument that developers manufacture an illusion of doing more than just shopping when designing malls and shopping centers.
    • Analyzes goss' analysis, supporting, and explaining each of his five points, but also briefly touches on his conclusions of outlining strategies that consumers might actually be a conscious challenge to the purpose and operation of the shopping center and mall
    • Analyzes how goss argues that developers and designers of the built environment, specifically shopping centers and malls, use the power of place and understanding the structural layout to boost consumption of retail profits.
    • Analyzes goss' argument that developers manufacture an illusion of doing more than just shopping when designing malls and shopping centers.
    • Analyzes goss' analysis, supporting, and explaining each of his five points, but also briefly touches on his conclusions of outlining strategies that consumers might actually be a conscious challenge to the purpose and operation of the shopping center and mall
    • Analyzes goss' use of purposeful architectural design and features that draw in consumers, but also appeals to the subconscious act of separating class by the commodities sold and how they are presented and played on.
    • Opines that goss' article has changed the way they see shopping centers and malls, especially with their subliminal messages.

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  • The Importance Of Shopping Malls

    comparative essay

    Shopping malls have become meeting places, similar to town halls in the old west. Malls are where people go to explore and experience everything retailers have to offer while indulging in their own personal sport of acquiring different products. The question of what malls bring to society has been questioned for years do they promote rapid consumerism or a life of luxury. Victor Gruen, the inventor of shopping malls, saw these centers as a source of community similar to his homeland in Europe. Most malls represent a safe and controlled nature of human development and leisure. In the following article, I will be discussing the security preventions that shopping malls of today provide. I will also be discussing the enhancements in structures

    In this essay, the author

    • Explains that shopping malls have become meeting places, similar to town halls in the old west, where people go to explore and experience everything retailers have to offer while indulging in their personal sport of acquiring different products.
    • Predicts that malls will include more exotic rides and gaming experiences due to the growth of the internet-based system.
    • Explains that internet-based advancements have also gone as far as creating accessories in aiding shopper experience. shopping malls of the future can prosper by offering specialized bands to frequent shoppers encouraging return buying.
    • Explains that shopping malls have become meeting places, similar to town halls in the old west, where people go to explore and experience everything retailers have to offer while indulging in their personal sport of acquiring different products.
    • Predicts that malls will include more exotic rides and gaming experiences due to the growth of the internet-based system.
    • Explains that internet-based advancements have also gone as far as creating accessories in aiding shopper experience. shopping malls of the future can prosper by offering specialized bands to frequent shoppers encouraging return buying.
    • Opines that the future of shopping malls involves growth and with that growth comes jobs for the surrounding community.
    • Explains that malls of the future are creating a more familiar surroundings, some almost similar to an uptown inner-city neighborhood, others are graduating to being pavilion-like establishments.
    • Explains that public places such as stadiums, schools, and malls have become a target location for the mass spread of disease and bring attention to health officials.
    • Explains that millennials are becoming more expressive, not of their passions, careers, or struggles, but of themselves. shopping malls have taken the tradition of the photo booth and given them slight upgrades.
    • Explains that shopping malls have begun incorporating social sites in their facilities to give consumers a more comfortable feeling of relaxation.
    • Explains that with advances in internet access and technology, shopping malls can reach whole new levels of security for its shoppers. mass genocide and horrific accidents in public places have become a serious problem.
    • Concludes that the future of shopping malls is not as diminished as most consumers believe. with advancements in technology and more attractions to offer every year, they offer employment opportunities and a sense of community.

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  • SPAR Case Study

    opinion essay

    They provide a safe environment for shoppers as they have friendly and visible security. Many customers, who demand safety, feel secure and at ease whilst doing their shopping.

    In this essay, the author

    • Explains that dunkin' donuts consumers have a strong need for variety in their food and beverages.
    • Explains that customers have a health need for clean food preparation areas as well as sanitary restrooms and consumption areas. this target market also needs fresh products.
    • Analyzes how dunkin' donuts customers project a certain social image by conspicuously consuming its products. customers who were asked to go without coffee for one week felt that their emotional and social needs were not being fulfilled.
    • Explains that dunkin' donuts consumers have a strong need for variety in their food and beverages.
    • Explains that customers have a health need for clean food preparation areas as well as sanitary restrooms and consumption areas. this target market also needs fresh products.
    • Analyzes how dunkin' donuts customers project a certain social image by conspicuously consuming its products. customers who were asked to go without coffee for one week felt that their emotional and social needs were not being fulfilled.
    • Explains that consumers in the primary target market may also gain personal pleasure in consuming the food and beverages served at dunkin' donuts.
    • Opines that dunkin donuts should ensure that its employees take pride in their work, especially with regard to clearing of tables and being available when a customer needs assistance.
    • Explains that they can reorder their resources to meet convenience and amusem*nt needs. they can make deliveries to offices and offer entertainment for children.
    • Opines that dunkin' donuts should ensure that all orders are delivered speedily and within the pledged period.
    • Opines that dunkin' donuts must ensure that all goods are freshly baked and that their healthier alternatives are in fact healthy.
    • Opines that the company should make sure that there are visible cleaning staffs on the premises and they are constantly maintaining the eating and restroom areas as well as the food preparation areas.
    • Opines that dunkin' donuts should have more differentiation than their competitors in order to meet the consumers social image needs.
    • Describes the different types of knowledge that they would have to obtain.
    • Explains that consumers get advice from peers and other shoppers or even internet blogs and chat sites. they can also consult impersonal sources e.g. magazines, talk shows and books.
    • Explains that business is the source of this source. sales people advise consumers and famous public figures endorse products. non-business controlled sources are point of sales materials.
    • Describes the environmental influences that may impact on the purchase behaviour of the primary target market.
    • Opines that products set at reasonable prices, for the middle class, would have an effect on purchase behaviour.
    • Explains that consumers are most likely to make purchases for their families if they belong to a family unit.
    • Explains that consumers may see others making purchases from dunkin' donuts or a competing company and may be influenced by this.
    • Explains that spar is the most customer-centric company in their district. they have a proven, tactical sales method that enables them to predictably generate more revenue without increasing sales costs.
    • Analyzes how psychographics can segment the market into groups based on age, gender, family size, income, and family life cycle and occupation.
    • Explains that dunkin' donuts have a fundamental need for food and water. they can meet this need with coffees, smoothies and breakfast sandwiches.
    • Explains that by using consumer knowledge the advertising agency can contribute to positioning strategies. dunkin' donuts can position themselves as a healthier alternative to other fast foods.

    1480 words

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Why We Go To Malls - 348 Words (2024)


Why do you go to a shopping mall? ›

Today, shopping malls offer services to customers in the form of convenient access to a desirable mix of retailers within a managed environment to provide a satisfying and safe shopping and leisure experience.

What is shopping mall answers? ›

A shopping mall is a specially built covered area containing shops and restaurants which people can walk between, and where cars are not allowed.

Why are malls important? ›

These malls have played an important role in the community providing a place to meet and share experiences, as well as delivering tax revenue that supports schools, health services, and police and fire departments.

What is the mall brief explanation? ›

Also called shopping mall . a large retail complex containing a variety of stores and often restaurants and other business establishments housed in a series of connected or adjacent buildings or in a single large building. Compare shopping center.

Why do people walk in malls? ›

Many choose to mall walk as the indoor climate is comfortable, secure, and there is easy access to amenities, such as benches, toilets, Wi-Fi for fitness tracking and media access, and water fountains. Others are attracted to mall walking strictly for the opportunity to spectate other visitors of the mall.

Why do people go to stores? ›

The ability to see, touch and feel products as well as take items home immediately rank highest among the reasons consumers choose to shop in stores versus online, according to Retail Dive's Consumer Survey.

Do you like shopping sample answers? ›

Question 1: Do you enjoy shopping? Answer A: Well, I love shopping because spending time on some of my favorite and essential things makes me feel happy. It is my favorite time pass which always elevates my mood. Answer B: Actually, I don't like to go shopping very frequently.

What do you usually do in the mall? ›

If you like to visit the mall, you know it's more than just a place for shopping. It can be somewhere to hang out with friends, have a bite to eat, watch interesting people, and go see movies. Because the mall is such a popular spot, there are plenty of ways to have fun, even if you don't want to spend much money.

What does shopping do for you? ›

Shopping restores a sense of control

According to the study, sadness is generally associated with a sense that situations are in control of the outcomes in our life, rather than life being in our own hands. The choices and outcomes inherent in the act of shopping can restore a feeling of personal control and autonomy.

Why is the mall so popular? ›

Following its debut in the 1950s, the US quickly fell in love with Gruen's creation. Malls allowed people to shop in warm and friendly environments without needing to venture into the city. They brought numerous retailers and services together in a single location, something main streets and cities could rarely offer.

Why are malls good for the community? ›

By having local stores, our friends and families can more easily find sponsors for local sports teams, youth organizations, clubs and fundraisers.

What sort of things people buy at the mall? ›

Besides, shops for clothing, bags, shoes, cosmetics, cookware, and home decor one can find a play area, food court, entertainment activities, departmental stores, money exchange options, etc. These features have made shopping malls beyond recognition.

What are some sentences on mall? ›

1, I'll wander around the mall for half an hour. 2, My friend was hungry, so we drove to a shopping mall to get some food. 3, We are going to build a shopping mall in this area. 4, There is a large mall on the street.

Why is it called a mall? ›

The term "mall" originally meant a place where people played pall-mall, a game similar to croquet. By the mid 1700s it had come to mean a tree-lined park where people went to walk and socialize.

How do you describe a shopping mall in writing? ›

It's large and newly built. It has 3 floors and a big underground parking. On the first and second floor you can find shops and boutiques of all world most famous brands. Various goods are offered: clothes, shoes, beauty products, furniture.

Why do people not go to malls anymore? ›

It's no secret that online shopping is becoming increasingly popular, and this is definitely one of the key reasons why shopping malls are dying. More and more people are opting to do their shopping from the comfort of their own homes, and with such a wide range of products available online, it's not hard to see why.

Why does the mall stress me out? ›

The multiple stimuli and detail in a large space like a mall or large store can overload the visual system, triggering an episode of dizziness which then leads to the person feeling overwhelmed.

Why do malls make me uncomfortable? ›

For example, you can experience dizziness walking around the mall because your brain is trying to deal with stimuli, bright lights, arrays of products everywhere, and other people's movements. That can produce dizziness as a side effect, making you feel anxious and uncomfortable in a large space.

Why does it feel good to go shopping? ›

How Does Shopping Make You Feel Better? Saving up can be therapeutic. The act of saving up for an item can give you something to look forward to. This results in a release of dopamine over time.

Why do people prefer in store shopping? ›

Many customers find the return process for online orders too complex or time consuming. So, if you go shopping in a physical store, you already save yourself the hassle of a return. You immediately choose what you want and you don't have to worry about a potential return. Instead, just take the desired products home!

Do you enjoy shopping why? ›

Shopping helps me make choices about the way I want to look- the clothes, shoes, and makeup I want to put on. I like shopping because it helps me decide how I want others to see me.

How often do you go to malls? ›

The vast majority of Americans (about 83 percent) visit a shopping center at least once per week, and 20 percent go to a shopping center more than 10 times per week, according to a survey conducted for ICSC.

What do you usually feel when you shop? ›

Studies have shown that shopping actually causes your brain to release more Serotonin, which is a chemical that makes you feel good!

How do people feel about shopping? ›

Some emotions that trigger shopping include sadness, grief, loss, insecurity, guilt, and excitement. And some emotions triggered by shopping include contentment, satisfaction, joy, excitement, hope, security, and pride. Shopping can create a pleasurable experience making people want to experience the “high” again.

Why go shopping with friends? ›

Sometimes, all you need is another set of eyes to find the best deals. When you shop with your friends, they can help you find the best deals for your items. Also, if you need to buy more than one item to get a specific deal, your friend can purchase one, and you can get the other, allowing you both to save money.

What is the best time to go to the mall? ›

4. When to go. The best times to go to the mall are right before the rush hour(s). Ideally, you show up between 10 to 11 a.m. and 3 to 4 p.m. Personally, I like to go around 4 to 7 p.m. because getting some shopping done to ease into the evening is awesome, and you will still feel a crowd but nothing too crazy.

What should be in a mall? ›

Hence restaurants, multiplexes, play areas, gaming arenas, etc. are the basic requirements a mall must-have. Apart from this, many malls have large indoor amusem*nt parks, aquariums, casinos, snow worlds, and theme parks, etc.

How do you do your shopping? ›

Top Ten Shopping Tips
  1. Shop with a list. ...
  2. Set a budget. ...
  3. Pay with cash. ...
  4. Set a timeframe. ...
  5. Pick the best time for you. ...
  6. Shop alone. ...
  7. Don't shop when you are tired, hungry, lonely, bored or upset. ...
  8. Ask “where will I wear this?” Too many of us buy impulsively with no thought to what we'll do with the things we buy.

What are the four benefits of a shopping list? ›

Here are some of the reasons you should make your shopping list:
  • It saves you money. ...
  • It saves you time and energy. ...
  • It reduces waste. ...
  • It helps you lose weight. ...
  • It helps with meal planning. ...
  • It helps you focus. ...
  • It improves your memory. ...
  • It makes you feel good.
Apr 29, 2019

What makes a mall unique? ›

These are: convenience, exhaustiveness, luxury, mall concept, entertainment, and comfort. The average life span of a mall is about seven years globally.

Why do so many people visit the Mall of America? ›

The Mall of America is famous as an overnight destination, a quick stop during a layover at the nearby MSP International Airport, or simply a great day's shopping spree or indoor escape, with plenty of places to rest and recharge.

When were malls most popular? ›

Shopping malls became popular in the 1980s when more than half of the total retail sales in the United States came through malls. Moreover, more than 16,000 shopping malls and centers were launched between 1980-1990.

What are the effects of shopping malls? ›

A study from India identified the plastic bags that usually pile up in and around malls may be a major cause of pollution. Greenhouse Gases Pollution. Malls are big energy consumers and thus generators of greenhouse gases. By this, malls contribute to global warming and indirectly pollute our planet.

Why are malls good for the economy? ›

For communities, other benefits from upgrading and/or expanding a shopping mall include increased employment, economic multipliers created by mall sales, blight removal, community stabilization, benefits of construction-related expenditures and increased tax revenues.

What makes a good mall? ›

There are six factors that affect a mall's success: comfort, diversity, luxury, mall essence, entertainment and convenience. These factors match up well with the criteria we at tvsdesign use when identifying needed renovations for malls that are beginning to show their age.

What do you know about shopping? ›

Shopping is an activity in which a customer browses the available goods or services presented by one or more retailers with the potential intent to purchase a suitable selection of them.

How to shop wisely? ›

Tip 2. Buy Less, Buy Better!
  1. Buy less stuff! ...
  2. Buy better! ...
  3. Buy fewer clothes and wear them for longer. ...
  4. Shop as sustainably as you can afford. ...
  5. Buying food wisely: This is of course a whole separate topic in itself, both in terms of what food we buy, what we eat, where we buy it from, and what we waste.
Nov 18, 2021

What are short sentences good for? ›

Think of the importance of sentence structure – short, simple sentences or truncated sentences can create tension, haste or urgency, whereas longer compound or complex sentences are slower, and often feature in formal texts.

What is a simple sentence for shopping? ›

[M] [T] The girl insisted on going shopping with her mother. [M] [T] Tom almost always uses a credit card when he goes shopping. [M] [T] With Christmas just around the corner, I should do some shopping. [M] [T] She intended to go shopping with her mother, but her mother was busy.

What are examples of short sentences? ›

A basic simple sentence: “I'm going for a run.” A simple sentence with a compound subject: “Jill and I are going for a run.” A simple sentence with compound verbs: “I'm going to run and bike.” A simple sentence that is an imperative—a command with an implied subject: “Give me the salt, please.”

What is mall called in USA? ›

They have many different names: malls, shopping malls, strip malls, outdoor malls. Maybe you have even heard of megamalls, mini-malls, shopping centers or shopping plazas. No matter the name, malls provide you a place to do your shopping at a variety of different stores.

What do Americans call malls? ›

A shopping mall (or simply mall) is a North American term for a large indoor shopping center, usually anchored by department stores.

When did malls become a big thing? ›

By 1960, just four years after Gruen's first mall, there were 4,500 large shopping complexes in the United States, which averages to at least three new shopping centers opening every day. By 1975, malls and shopping centers accounted for 33% of all retail sales in America.

What is a description essay? ›

What is a descriptive essay? The descriptive essay is a genre of essay that asks the student to describe something—object, person, place, experience, emotion, situation, etc. This genre encourages the student's ability to create a written account of a particular experience.

How do you write a shopping paragraph? ›

Paragraph about shopping Answer Number 2

I love to browse through stores and find new things to buy. I also enjoy finding good deals on items. One of my favorite shopping trips is when I go to a mall and find several stores that have sales. I can spend hours looking for the best deals.

Do you prefer shopping in a shopping mall? ›

Well, obviously, I prefer shopping in the shopping mall simply because almost everything I need is there. Besides, I feel safe inside the mall since there are CCTVs. In case I lost my valuables, I can easily ask for help from the management of that shopping mall. That's something I can't do at the street markets.

How do stores make you feel happy? ›

Studies have shown that shopping actually causes your brain to release more Serotonin, which is a chemical that makes you feel good! So there you go. The next time you are having a bad day, maybe you can seek a mood boost with a little shopping.

Is shopping the best way to relax? ›

Shopping is also used as an effective treatment for anxiety disorders. People who suffer from anxiety disorders use shopping as a way of coping. Shopping helps them forget about their problems and focus on something else. It can also provide a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction when they find the perfect item.

How do I feel after shopping? ›

Some emotions that trigger shopping include sadness, grief, loss, insecurity, guilt, and excitement. And some emotions triggered by shopping include contentment, satisfaction, joy, excitement, hope, security, and pride. Shopping can create a pleasurable experience making people want to experience the “high” again.

How can shopping be fun? ›

First, shopping involves hunting for, discovery, and then acquisition of something new. Gift-giving then augments this pleasure with the added bonus of giving something to someone. Giving tends also to boost serotonin. Gift-giving brings us the delight we feel in seeing that we have given someone else delight.

Why is shopping in the mall better than in the market? ›

It offers availability of a range of merchandise and brands in a single place. Buyers can explore a variety of designs and styles under one roof. It saves time and efforts as there is no need to move from one street to another in search of the products. Mall shopping comes with entertainment.

What is the most popular way of shopping? ›

Summary: Online Shopping Statistics

An estimated 2.14 billion people worldwide purchase goods online. 63 percent of shopping occasions begin online. Nearly half of the consumers shop more on mobile than in-store.

Why do people shop at different stores? ›

Product Selection: Meeting Consumer Preferences

While price will always be important to most shoppers, it obviously isn't the only important factor. Just as higher-priced products lead to more stores shopped, consumers who find product selection to be an important factor tend to shop more stores.

Are malls still popular in US? ›

A longtime fixture of American culture, shopping malls have suffered for decades amid a rise in online shopping, a decline in visitors to department stores, and, more recently, the COVID-19 pandemic, which kept consumers home.

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Name: Lakeisha Bayer VM

Birthday: 1997-10-17

Address: Suite 835 34136 Adrian Mountains, Floydton, UT 81036

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Hobby: Skimboarding, Photography, Roller skating, Knife making, Paintball, Embroidery, Gunsmithing

Introduction: My name is Lakeisha Bayer VM, I am a brainy, kind, enchanting, healthy, lovely, clean, witty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.