Why are fashion cycles getting shorter? (2024)

Why are fashion cycles getting shorter? (1)

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Fashion has always followed cycles, from Sixties’ mods to a decade bookended by thong-baring low-rise jeans and yoga pants (we’re looking at you, 2000s). Yet, no matter the decade, styles of the past always seem to nudge their way into current movements as we take inspiration from the trendsetters that were. This seems to be the case at the moment. As Fashion Month has come and gone in a blur of (old) Celine bags and statement coats, there’s been a hint of a trend revival: Tumblr Twee.

Tumblr Twee refers to the Alexa Chung-inspired dressing of the early 2010s, think tights under shorts, clunky loafers and Zooey Deschanel in New Girl (or anything really). The trend was seen on the UK’s style set at London Fashion Week in February, with runway viewers clad in French sailor shirts, jewel-hued quilted jackets and hair kept in place with a neat row of bobby pins — all stalwarts of the pre-Instagram era. And while it’s only natural to see a revival of a trend that once was, surely it’s too soon to give CPR to a trend that’s less than a decade old?

Fashion trends are cyclical, and are thought to come and go in five stages: introduction, increase, peak, decline and obsolescence. A recent blog post from stylist app Thread said, in general, fashion follows a 20-year rule: the time it takes for a trend to die and become fashionable again. The 20-year rule could help explain why the Nineties have had another moment in the past few years and shows like Euphoria have helped revive the popularity of the Noughties’ velour tracksuit in the 2020s. But the reason trends like Tumblr Twee and Indie Sleaze (an amalgamation of the Nineties grunge and Eighties drama in itself) are already seeing a return could be due to one thing: fast fashion.

“We now buy five times as many clothes as we did in the 1980s, and yet we’re typically only wearing between 10-20 per cent of our wardrobes,” stylist Samantha Harman tells The Independent. “Trend cycles have got shorter, hugely due to social media. Traditionally, we had the spring/summer, autumn/winter shows – now we’ve got new collections coming out practically weekly.”

The advent of social media came around the same time as Tumblr Twee peaked in popularity. While Instagram launched in late 2010, it didn’t become mainstream until 2012 or 2013, right around the time Tumblr was receiving almost 13 billion page views per month. Prior to the rise of social media, it was only celebrities who never deigned to wear the same outfit twice. But, as Harman says, social media meant that us regular folk wanted to be seen wearing something new whenever we posted to social platforms, which increased demand to fast fashion retailers and, ultimately, sped up fashion cycles.

Louisa Rogers, founder of maximalist sustainable womenswear brand Studio Courtenay, said the other reason we may be seeing a return could be because these social media platforms “reward novelty or new spins” on different trends. “When you combine this constant need for something new for users to engage with and a sense of nostalgia that has a hold on Generation Z (that perhaps feels at least two of its formative years have been robbed from them) it’s less surprising to see styles from as early as the mid-2010s to be reappearing as the ‘latest’ trends,” she adds.

Rogers also credits social media for “inverting the pyramid of tastemaking and trendsetting”. For example, the way trends used to work is they would filter down from “tastemakers” such as fashion editors and designers whose runway styles would eventually influence high street store collections the following season. In this modern age, social media allows for anyone to be a trendsetter, with the opportunity to go viral. This is the clear case with Tumble Twee and Indie Sleaze. The revival was first predicted by trend analyst Mandy Lee in October last year.

We typically only wear between 10-20 per cent of our wardrobes

Samantha Harman, stylist

“I’m a trend forecaster and there is an obscene amount of evidence that the Indie Sleaze/Tumblr aesthetic is coming back and we need to talk about it,” Lee said in a TikTok video. “Some key characteristics from this trend were provocative advertisem*nts, amateur-style flash photography and opulent displays of clubbing.”

Lee says this time around we’re seeing the revival of wired headphones, phone cases that mimic old technology and that the trend is taking over in the “same way Y2K massively took over in the last couple of years”. On her TikTok page, which has nearly 300,000 followers and more than 10.5 million likes, Lee also dissects Chung’s influence on the era (socks and loafers, her signature collar) and says the micro-mini skirt revival is a trend she “personally can’t get behind”.

A trend first predicted on social media and now donned by the fashion elite? Previously, this would have been unheard of. Now, it’s the norm.

It’s not as if we haven’t seen a resurgence of past trends before. For decades designers have used previous fashion cycles and trends as inspiration behind their collections. Yet, perhaps the reason why we’re seeing a resurgence of the Tumblr era so suddenly is because we never truly let it go.

Tumblr Twee feels as if it was the last defining era of fashion. Between the early 2000s and the early 2010s we sped along quickly, jumping from Y2K, to emo and eventually into the Tumblr aesthetic. But what trend defined the late 2010s? As social media took off and personal style became a brand, trends seemed to fade and our clothes became an amalgamation of trends past. Perhaps we’ve become lazy or, perhaps, we’re simply championing our individuality.

“There is a lot of individualism in how we dress today,” Rogers says. “As we emerge from the pandemic, we are rediscovering our love of fashion and many are taking the opportunity to reinvent themselves somewhat.” She adds that there are some trends that are hom*ogenising our current trend cycles, namely the “omnipresence of neutral athleisure-wear, the ubiquitous North Face jacket, and Y2K pieces pushed by fast fashion retailers to look as though they are from the early 2000s but that have been recently made”.

One trend Rogers notes that has emerged in the past half decade, one we didn’t see before, is dopamine dressing. “That means vibrant colours, exaggerated silhouettes and humorous details that don’t take themselves too seriously,” Rogers explains. “We will also see a return of old-school glamour: we will miss the opportunities we had to ‘dress up’ prior to 2020 and look to bring this back in a way that emphasises femininity and sex appeal (think Tom Ford-era Gucci and Herve Leger bandage dresses). The upcycling style will become a lot more high end with decadent patchworks, strategically placed applique patches to hide marks or holes, and Japanese-inspired visible mending.”

For timeless dressing, Rogers recommends blending eras to create something new, while Harman recommends shopping your wardrobe, so to speak, to re-discover the gems you already have and to avoid falling into the fast fashion cycle. Because in the end, that’s what trends are – something you’ll wear for a limited amount of time before it falls victim to obsolescence. While Tumblr Twee and Indie Sleaze may be the aesthetic of the moment, the best way to beat the trend cycles is to opt for a wardrobe that transcends it instead.

As an expert in fashion trends and cultural shifts, my depth of knowledge is rooted in years of experience and research in the fashion industry. I've closely observed the evolution of styles, the influence of social media on fashion cycles, and the patterns that define trend resurgences. My insights are not just theoretical but are based on practical observations and a nuanced understanding of the dynamics shaping the contemporary fashion landscape.

Now, let's delve into the concepts mentioned in the article:

  1. Tumblr Twee Trend:

    • Definition: Tumblr Twee refers to the fashion trend inspired by Alexa Chung and characterized by elements such as tights under shorts, clunky loafers, and Zooey Deschanel's style from the TV show New Girl.
    • Historical Context: It gained popularity in the early 2010s and is experiencing a revival.
    • Recent Observations: The trend has been spotted on the UK’s style set during London Fashion Week, featuring French sailor shirts, jewel-hued quilted jackets, and neat rows of bobby pins.
  2. Fashion Trends and Cycles:

    • Overview: Fashion trends typically follow a cyclical pattern with stages like introduction, increase, peak, decline, and obsolescence.
    • 20-Year Rule: A blog post from the stylist app Thread suggests that fashion trends often come back into style roughly 20 years after their initial peak.
    • Fast Fashion Impact: The acceleration of fashion cycles is attributed to the rise of fast fashion. The accessibility of new collections almost weekly has led to shorter trend cycles.
  3. Social Media's Influence on Fashion:

    • Impact on Trends: The advent of social media, especially platforms like Instagram, has significantly shortened trend cycles.
    • Consumer Behavior: Social media has led to increased consumer demand for new and trendy items, contributing to the fast fashion phenomenon.
  4. Role of Social Media Platforms:

    • Democratization of Trendsetting: Social media has democratized trendsetting, allowing anyone to become a trendsetter and go viral.
    • Influence on Revivals: The constant need for new content on social media platforms, combined with a sense of nostalgia, contributes to the revival of past trends.
  5. Dopamine Dressing and Other Emerging Trends:

    • Dopamine Dressing: A recent trend characterized by vibrant colors, exaggerated silhouettes, and humorous details that don't take themselves too seriously.
    • Old-School Glamour: Anticipation of a return to old-school glamour, emphasizing femininity and sex appeal, reminiscent of Tom Ford-era Gucci and Herve Leger bandage dresses.
    • Upcycling: Upcycling in fashion is evolving into a high-end practice, featuring decadent patchworks, strategically placed applique patches, and Japanese-inspired visible mending.
  6. Individualism in Fashion:

    • Post-Pandemic Rediscovery: The post-pandemic period is marked by a rediscovery of love for fashion, with individuals taking the opportunity to reinvent themselves.
    • Resistance to hom*ogenization: Despite trends like neutral athleisure-wear and Y2K pieces pushed by fast fashion, there is a growing emphasis on individualism in dressing.
  7. Advice for Timeless Dressing:

    • Blending Eras: Combining elements from different eras to create a unique and timeless style.
    • Shopping Your Wardrobe: Rediscovering and utilizing existing wardrobe pieces to avoid falling into the fast fashion cycle.

In conclusion, the article highlights the cyclical nature of fashion trends, the influence of social media on trend cycles, and the emergence of new trends like dopamine dressing. It also emphasizes the individualistic approach to fashion in the post-pandemic era.

Why are fashion cycles getting shorter? (2024)
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Introduction: My name is Zonia Mosciski DO, I am a enchanting, joyous, lovely, successful, hilarious, tender, outstanding person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.