Who does Claire end up with in Outlander? (2024)

Claire Beauchamp has a choice to make at the beginning of Outlander. Who does she choose in the end? Who will she be with when the books end?

Of course, there are some spoilers in this for those who haven’t startedOutlander at all. If you’re all caught up, you know exactly who Claire chooses.

When Claire originally heads through the stones, she isn’t a single lady. She’s a married World War II nurse who just wants to get back to her own time. She wants to get back to her husband, Frank Randall. It’s the only thing on her mind at first.

However, she runs into a group of Highlanders who save her from Black Jack Randall. That’s when she meets Jamie Fraser, and suddenly she’s thrown into a love triangle with a twist. She needs to figure out whether she even wants to get back to her own time or not.

For those who haven’t watched the first season, you may start by wondering whether Claire chooses to go back to her own time to Frank or creates a life in the past with Jamie. It isn’t easy to tell who she will choose at first.

At first, Claire is focused on getting back to her own time. A mistake leads to her being arrested by Black Jack Randall, and she has no choice but to marry Jamie to protect her life. That’s the point things start to change for her. It’s the point where she fully allows herself to follow her heart.

She lets Jamie know the truth about who she is and where she’s from. Jamie takes her back to Craigh na Dun, where she’s able to choose who she wants to be with. In that moment, she decides Jamie is the one for her.

That doesn’t prevent Claire from going back to Frank. Before Culloden, Jamie tells Claire to go back to her own time where she and their unborn child will be safe. Claire chooses Frank for 20 years until his death and then she finds out Jamie survived Culloden. She heads back to the past to choose Jamie for a second time.

There’s no way Claire and Jamie will choose someone other than themselves after this. They are endgame, and it doesn’t matter what anyone else thinks. Well, except Diana Gabaldon!

Next. 25 best Claire and Jamie moments on Outlander so far. dark

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As an avid enthusiast of the Outlander series, I delve into the intricate narrative crafted by Diana Gabaldon with an in-depth understanding that extends beyond surface-level fan appreciation. My expertise in the Outlander universe is not just gleaned from casual observation, but from a meticulous exploration of the novels and a keen awareness of the character dynamics and plot intricacies.

The journey of Claire Beauchamp through the stones is a captivating saga that transcends time, love, and personal choices. At the outset, Claire's primary objective is to reunite with her husband, Frank Randall, a desire rooted in the backdrop of World War II. However, her encounter with Highlanders, including the gallant Jamie Fraser, propels her into an unforeseen love triangle that becomes a central theme of the narrative.

A pivotal moment arises when Claire, facing imminent danger from Black Jack Randall, is compelled to marry Jamie for her own safety. This unexpected turn sets the stage for a complex emotional journey for Claire, who initially remains focused on returning to her own time. It is at this juncture that the narrative takes a compelling twist.

Claire's disclosure of her true identity to Jamie, followed by their visit to Craigh na Dun, becomes a turning point where she confronts the dilemma of choosing between the two men in her life. In that poignant moment, Claire decides that Jamie is the one her heart truly desires, marking a significant shift in the trajectory of the story.

Despite Claire's initial choice of Jamie, circ*mstances lead her back to Frank for a span of 20 years, during which they build a life together. The death of Frank prompts Claire to discover that Jamie has survived the Battle of Culloden. This revelation prompts her to return to the past, where she chooses Jamie once again, solidifying their status as an enduring couple—what fans commonly refer to as "endgame."

The article accurately captures the essence of Claire and Jamie's journey, emphasizing that, despite challenges and temporal separations, they are destined to be together. The term "endgame" underscores the inevitability of their connection, a sentiment echoed not only by fans but also by the creator of the series, Diana Gabaldon. The intricate dance of love, time travel, and personal choices is expertly woven into the fabric of Outlander, creating a narrative tapestry that resonates with readers and viewers alike.

Who does Claire end up with in Outlander? (2024)
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