When boys and girls don't dress the part (2024)

As a child, I was a tomboy. I didn’t own a dress until I was almost 11, and bought one only because my school demanded I wear one to my sixth-grade graduation. My parents, with little more than an occasional wistful comment, let me wear whatever I wanted.

I have tried to keep the same open mind about gender and dress with my own kids. I’ve been perfectly comfortable watching my daughters make choices similar to my own, opting for jeans and T-shirts over skirts and dresses. But the real test came when my daughters dressed their 4-year-old brother in girls’ clothes -- complete with high heels, lipstick and a wig.

He looked adorable as he paraded about in his costume, apparently enjoying his sisters’ attention more than the clothes and the lipstick. I was hysterical with laughter and, in fact, had no qualms seeing my little boy dressed up this way.

For many parents, though, this type of cross-gender play can be disturbing. Some are concerned about how others will perceive such behavior and worry that their children will be teased and alienated by their peer group.

To be sure, cross-dressing is viewed differently for girls than for boys. These days, few people bat an eye when girls dress boyishly. Dresses and skirts, however, are basically in the purview of girls, and it can become a problem for boys when they show an interest in wearing them.

Some parents also wonder if cross-dressing means their children are gay, or if doing it persistently will actually cause them to become hom*osexual. Some are afraid their children won’t outgrow the behavior and will continue to cross-dress into adulthood.

Research on this subject is sparse, but experts in childhood development say that most of these parents’ concerns are unfounded. Cross-gender dress-up play is common and is considered a perfectly normal part of growing up. It’s simply something that children experiment with at different developmental stages.

“It’s fairly common in preschool- and kindergarten-age children,” says Gregory Lehne, assistant professor of medical psychology at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. “It continues as an occasional practice into first grade.”

Experts speculate that cross-dressing is simply a way for children to explore the differences between boys and girls. “They are trying to learn about sex roles,” says Lehne. “What does it mean to be a girl? What does it mean to be a boy?”


But some children express a particularly strong interest in cross-dressing, appearing to go beyond exploratory play. Experts view their behavior somewhat differently. “It suggests that they’re not trying to learn about other sex roles but trying to be the other sex,” says Lehne.

The effect of such cross-dressing appears to differ between girls and boys. Studies have found that young girls who exhibit typical boy behavior, including dressing in a masculine manner, tend to grow up having higher levels of self-confidence and higher levels of achievement than girls who are more feminine. Boys, on the other hand, frequently have difficulty fitting in and trouble developing positive self-esteem.

According to experts, there’s also a difference when it comes to the issue of hom*osexuality. For girls, cross-dressing is not particularly predictive. Among boys, however, a strong and persistent interest in it appears to be an early indicator. That’s not to say that all gay men enjoyed dressing up as children, or that all boys who dress up will turn out to be hom*osexual.

So how should a parent react when a child cross-dresses? “Make light of it,” suggests Barbara Korsch, a professor of pediatrics at the USC Keck School of Medicine. “If the behavior gets a tremendous rise out of parents, children are more likely to persist.”

And stopping children from cross-dressing doesn’t prevent them from being gay, Lehne says.

In fact, taking a strong-handed approach and prohibiting children from dressing up can backfire.

“Parents’ misguided good intention is to help their children fit in,” Lehne says. But it can “convey the idea that what they are is bad and damages their self-esteem. It can set the seeds of a self-hating identity.”

Dr. Valerie Ulene is a board-certified specialist in preventive medicine practicing in Los Angeles. She can be reached at themd@att.net. The M.D. appears the first Monday of the month.

When boys and girls don't dress the part (2024)


What is it called when girls dress up as guys? ›

Cross-dresser: A term for people who dress in clothing traditionally or stereotypically worn by the other sex, but who generally have no intent to live full-time as the other gender. Transvestite: A term for a cross-dresser that is considered derogatory by many.

At what age were boys breeched? ›

During the Regency, most boys were breeched at about four years of age. Some fathers might press for this rite of passage to take place sooner, particularly if the boy was their first-born son. Some mothers might try to delay the event, especially if there were no other infants or toddlers in the nursery.

Is it normal for boys to wear girls' clothes? ›

It's not, on its own, an indication of his future sexual preference. The truth is, he may grow up to be gay or he may not, but pretending to be Batgirl every once in a while isn't going to "make" him anything other than a playful and imaginative child.

Why does my daughter dress masculine? ›

It may mean that they're exploring their gender identity as well, but a lot of times, they're just exploring expression and seeing how these different things feel.” “For younger kids, it's very common to explore different gender expressions. A lot of kids do this during dress-up play or pretend play.

What is the purpose of cross-dressing? ›

Cross-dressing is the act of wearing clothes traditionally or stereotypically associated with a different gender. From as early as pre-modern history, cross-dressing has been practiced in order to disguise, comfort, entertain, and express oneself.

What is it called when couples dress up? ›

The trend is also called "twinning," but this style and aesthetic involve close family members and friends wearing matching outfits such as pajamas or sweaters.

Why were boys dressed as girls in the old days? ›

So why were little boys wearing dresses until the early twentieth century? One reason may have been practicality. It is much easier to change a diaper with a dress than pants and during potty-training it would be easier for the child who didn't have to fumble with button closures on breeches.

What year did boys stop wearing dresses? ›

From the mid-16th century until the late 19th or early 20th century, young boys in the Western world were unbreeched and wore gowns or dresses until an age that varied between two and eight.

Why were boys dressed like girls in the 1800s? ›

Children were to remain innocent (translate “sexless”) as long as possible. In many old photographs it is difficult to tell boys from girls. It was very common for children to remain in this state of dress until they entered formal school or even later if the boy was schooled at home.

Is it okay for a boy to wear a skirt? ›

"A skirt is in item of clothing traditionally associated with girls so although it is absolutely fine for a boy to wear a skirt, many boys and girls might feel uncomfortable about that and would choose to wear shorts."

What do guys find attractive in a girl clothes? ›

What do guys like on girls?
  • Backless dresses and tops.
  • Tight jeans.
  • Little black dresses.
  • Cozy sweater dresses.
  • Mini skirts.
  • Leather jackets.

Why does my son like girl stuff? ›

Preferring toys and objects that are traditionally associated with a different gender does not necessarily have anything to do with gender identity or sexual orientation. Your son may be more sensitive and nurturing than his male peers. There are girls his age who prefer some of the more traditionally male toys.

What causes tomboys? ›

Psychologists speculate that childhood tomboy behavior results from a young child's innate curiosity combined with family dynamics and imposed societal gender roles and behavioral customs.

How to encourage a daughter to be more feminine? ›

Tell your daughters they're beautiful, encourage them in their creativity and in wearing and doing things that make them feel beautiful. Compliment them often – it shows them love – and in the end, remember to delight in your daughters! If you'd like to hear more on this topic, check out our latest podcast here.

Is it okay for a girl to be a tomboy? ›

Being a tomboy isn't bad. If you are a tomboy don't change. It's OK to be yourself. If you are a girly girl don't change to a tomboy unless you really want to.

How to dress up like a girl as a boy? ›

Get a more feminine shape by using clothes and their colors to accentuate areas of the body. Wearing dark colors around the waist provides a slimming effect to create an hourglass look. Pick v-neck or lower cut tops to provide a more girly style. Florals and prints can give a feminine look.

What do you call a woman who dresses well? ›

Although there doesn't seem to be a parallel term for a well-dressed woman, if you call her chic or stylish, she will be pleased. Definitions of dapper. adjective. marked by up-to-dateness in dress and manners.

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