What Is a Good Salary in England? [+Average Salaries] (2024)

What Is a Good Salary in England? [+Average Salaries] (1)

Are you curious about the secret behind achieving financial comfort and striking the perfect balance between work and life in England? Wonder no more! This article will discuss salaries and explore the question that plagues many minds: “What Is a Good Salary in England?”

Whether you’re a recent graduate seeking your first job or a seasoned professional contemplating career moves, understanding the ins and outs of the UK’s job market is essential.

From the average salary and income tax implications to the disparities in regional earnings, we’ll uncover valuable insights backed by national statistics and shed light on what it truly means to earn an enticing 48k after tax in the UK.

So, if you’re eager to know the average salaries, average earnings, and average annual salaries, you’ve come to the right place. Get ready to unlock the key to financial well-being as we embark on this informative journey together.

Average Salary in England

What Is a Good Salary in England? [+Average Salaries] (2)

Understanding the average salary in England is essential to gain insights into the country’s job market. It is a benchmark for individuals seeking financial stability and a comfortable lifestyle.

The term average salary encompasses various metrics, such as the median average salary and the mean salary, which help paint a comprehensive picture of earning trends.

In the UK, a monthly net income between £2,500 and £3,000 is considered a fair salary. With that income, you can afford a decent life in a large British city, including renting a two-bedroom apartment, eating out, and spending weekends away.

In London, a very good salary is around £70,000, but in other places, it’s £50,000.

If you want to buy a house in the UK and don’t have wealthy parents, you will need to earn significantly more than £3,000 or have a partner with a good salary.

In London, a very good salary is around £70,000, but in other places, it’s £50,000.

Moving to the UK? Here are top reasons why you shouldn’t come to the UK.

Factors Influencing the Average Salary

1. Geographic Location

Geographic location plays a pivotal role in determining the average gross salary in England. Living in different regions, such as the South East or North East, can significantly impact earning potentials due to variations in job markets, living costs, and local industries.

City centers often offer higher salaries for full-time employees but come with increased utility bills and housing expenses, affecting the overall net wage.

For instance, renting a one-bedroom flat in the city center can be more costly than a similar property in suburban areas. Those working in high-demand locations may have more money than those in less-populated regions.

2. Job Role and Industry

The type of profession and industry directly influence earning potential. Senior officials and high earners in specialized fields, such as financial managers and legal professionals, enjoy higher salaries due to their expertise and responsibilities.

Being a full-time worker or a full-time employee often results in a more stable income, offering greater financial security.

3. Age and Experience

One’s age bracket and experience level can significantly impact the UK average salary. Older individuals with extensive experience typically earn higher wages compared to younger workers. The pay gap between different age groups may vary, with older employees often earning more due to accumulated expertise.

4. Personal Allowance and Income Tax:

Personal allowance, the income threshold at which income tax begins, influences the net wage. Higher personal allowances mean more take-home pay. Additionally, income tax rates can impact overall earnings, with higher earners often facing higher tax brackets.

Deductions like pension contributions also affect how much money individuals have available to lead a comfortable life.

5. Mean Average Salary vs. Median Salary:

When discussing average wages, it is crucial to differentiate between the mean salary and the median wage. The mean average salary considers total earnings divided by the number of workers, while the median salary represents the middle wage in a range.

The median wage is often considered a more accurate representation as extreme salaries less skew it.

What Is The Minimal Good Salary In The UK?

The minimal fair salary in the UK varies depending on factors such as location, standard of living, and personal circ*mstances.

However, based on various sources, a net monthly salary between £2,500 and £3,000 is considered a decent salary in the UK. This corresponds to a gross annual salary above £40,000.

£25,000 is a fairly low salary for the UK if you’ve been in the workforce a while, but it’s a pretty good starting point if you’re a graduate or fairly new.

The average salary for full-time workers in the UK is estimated to be £31,772. However, the average salary varies by region, with London having the highest median pay at £805 per week and the North East having the lowest median pay at £575 per week for full-timers.

It’s important to note that the cost of living and personal circ*mstances can greatly affect a comfortable income.

Before you accept a job offer in the UK, it’s essential to know the current cost of living. Read it in our guide.

Salaries in the UK

What Is a Good Salary in England? [+Average Salaries] (3)
Salaries in the UK vary depending on location, standard of living, and personal circ*mstances. Here are some key statistics and information on salaries in the UK based on the search results:
  • The median annual earnings in the United Kingdom were £33,000 per year in 2022, reflecting the average income for individuals across the country.
  • The average salary in the UK in 2022 for all employees was £27,756, showing a 6.8% increase from 2021, indicating a positive trend in average wages.
  • The average UK salary for full-time employees is £33,000, illustrating the typical earnings of those working full-time positions.
  • The median salary for all employees in the UK is £27,756, providing a clear picture of the mid-point salary range across various job roles and industries.
  • The median average salary for part-time workers is £12,247, indicating a lower income level for individuals working part-time hours.
  • The mean salary for full-time workers is £39,966, representing a higher average wage for full-time positions.
  • The mean average salary for all employees in the UK is £33,402, showcasing the overall average income across the workforce.
  • A net monthly salary between £2,500 and £3,000 is considered a decent salary in the UK, considering living expenses and other financial commitments.
  • The average salary for full-time workers in the UK is estimated to be £31,772, providing a more specific figure for those engaged in full-time employment.
  • Salaries vary depending on the cost of living in each region, with London having a higher average wage of £805 per week, reflecting the higher living expenses in the capital city.
  • The average salary varies by age, occupation, and industry, with different age groups and professions experiencing different income levels.
  • The North has a £35,000 minimum salary, while London has £60,000, showing regional income expectations.
  • Managers make an average of £58,862 and care assistants £18,255, demonstrating the income range and the prevalence of high-paying employment.
When evaluating the concept of a good hourly salary, it’s crucial to consider factors such as living expenses, personal circ*mstances (such as being a single person or having dependents), and additional costs like national insurance contributions and council tax.

These elements significantly influence an individual’s net income and determine what constitutes a comfortable standard of living within their age group.

In other British cities, numbers are lower. Read about the salaries in Manchester in this article

In 2022, the minimum wage in the UK is £9,50 per hour for someone above age 23.

Which Country Is Better To Live in: UK or USA?

UK Average Annual Salary In 2022 For The Most Popular Job Positions:

  1. IT Technician – £31,731
  2. Administrator – £25,050
  3. Construction Project Manager – £40,549
  4. Business/Corporate Project Manager – £58,478
  5. Police Officer – £26,605
  6. Education Support Assistant – £16,700
  7. Business Development Manager – £52,500
  8. Laborer – £28,237
  9. Receptionist – £17,808
  10. Sales Executive – £26,302
  11. Account Manager – £52,500
  12. Quantity Surveyor – £42,511
  13. Care Assistant – £18,255
  14. Chef – £21,282
  15. Managers – £58,862 (although this varies widely depending on your field)
  16. Nurse – £32,338
  17. Electrician – £31,277
  18. Doctor – £41,494
  19. Lawyer – £63,771
  20. Writer – £33,887
  21. Teacher – £39,388
  22. Business Analyst – £49,079
  23. Finance Professionals – £42,578
  24. Customer Service Advisor – £21,494
  25. Engineer – £43,628

Note: The UK average annual salaries for the most popular job positions in 2022 offer valuable insights into earning potential. These figures represent yearly salaries, allowing individuals to gauge their yearly income.

Additionally, converting these figures to hourly wage, weekly salary, and biweekly salary helps individuals better manage their finances and plan for expenses.

Also, check this Top Most Common Jobs in the UK

Is £130,000 A Good Salary In The UK if You Are Coming From The US?

Yes, a salary of £130,000 in the UK would generally be considered a very good income. The cost of living and salary expectations can vary significantly between the US and the UK. In general, salaries in the UK tend to be lower than those in the US, and the cost of living in major cities like London can be quite high.

The average full-time salary in the UK was around £30,000 to £35,000. Therefore, a salary of £130,000 is significantly higher than the national average and would be considered well above the average income.

£130,000 per year is a lot of money in the UK. Legal professionals with average earnings of £130,000 belong to the top 1% of UK earners.

Moreover, you can get about £105,000 in London. So, we don’t see a very significant difference there. In fact, you might even get a better deal in the UK. Rents are lower, and so is health insurance.

However, you need to consider whether you are liable for US taxes (US citizen?) and how much your total tax burden will be. In the UK, employees with an income of £130,000 fall into the 40% income tax bracket.

Where life is better? The UK or the US?

Is £50,000 Considered Average UK Salary?

Yes. People with £50,000 average earnings can live a very nice lifestyle.

As of the latest available data, the average UK salary for full-time employees is around £27,756, making £50,000 significantly higher than the average. Additionally, the average annual salary in the UK is approximately £33,000.

Earning a tax-free £50,000 places an individual well above the national average salary and may provide a comfortable disposable income, especially for those working in certain high-paying jobs or living outside expensive city centers.

However, family size, living expenses, and debt obligations can impact how far this income goes in providing a desirable standard of living.

Furthermore, the gender pay gap can come into play, affecting how male employees within a certain age bracket may earn significantly more than their female counterparts in the same age group. Addressing such disparities is crucial for promoting salary equality across the workforce.

In the UK, the salary of £50,000 is above the average. It’s a very decent salary in the UK.

Also, check out our comparison of living in the UK vs Germany. Salaries are higher in Germany.

How Much Money Do You Need To Live Comfortably In The UK?

How much money you need to live comfortably comes from the cost of living. Generally, you can live comfortably on between £2,000 – £3,000, depending on the location and your personal situation.

London is the most expensive city; hence, expect higher expenses. Yet, with this income, you will cover all things related to accommodation, general expenses, and leisure activities.

Average Salary for Part Time Workers in The UK

Highest-Paying Jobs In The UK

What Is a Good Salary in England? [+Average Salaries] (4)

The UK offers a diverse range of high-paying jobs across various industries. Here are some of the highest earners in the country:

Accounting, Banking, and Finance

Professionals in the financial sector often enjoy some of the highest salaries in the UK, given their critical role in the country’s economic landscape. Positions such as financial analysts, investment bankers, and finance directors command competitive salaries, with many exceeding the average UK salary.

Consulting and Management

Management consultants and executives in leading consulting firms are well compensated for their expertise in improving business operations and strategies. Their annual salaries often surpass the national average, making this field attractive to those seeking higher earnings.


Medical professionals, including surgeons, specialists, and consultants, are among the highest-paid individuals in the UK. Healthcare has always been an essential sector, and the demand for skilled medical personnel continues to drive competitive salaries.

Information Technology (IT)

IT professionals, particularly those in software development, data analysis, and cybersecurity, are in high demand and command impressive salaries. The constant need for technological innovation contributes to the industry’s high pay scale.

Marketing and Advertising

Marketing managers, advertising directors, and digital marketing specialists are vital to promoting businesses and brands effectively. These roles often offer above-average salaries, reflecting the value they bring to their organizations.


Sales professionals, especially those in B2B (business-to-business) sales and high-value sales roles, can earn substantial annual salaries through commissions and bonuses, surpassing the average UK salary.


University professors, senior educators, and administrators in higher education institutions are well-rewarded for their expertise and contributions to academia. Education remains a respected profession, and high-ranking educators receive competitive pay.


Engineers, especially those in specialized fields like petroleum engineering and aerospace engineering, have the potential to earn high salaries due to the technical skills and expertise required in their roles.

Recruitment and HR

Human resources professionals, particularly in recruitment and talent acquisition, play a pivotal role in securing top talent for companies. Their salaries often reflect the importance of their contribution to the workforce.

The service sector dominates the UK economy, with financial and professional services being key growth drivers. Professionals in these industries often enjoy high annual pay, contributing to the overall pay gap and average UK salary. While many of these roles are typically full-time, part-time workers in certain industries can also find well-paid opportunities based on their skills and expertise.

Top Most Common Jobs in the UK

Apart from that, expats and foreign workers can find the most job offerings in areas with skill shortages:

  1. Business services – analysts, market researchers, HR officers
  2. Construction – surveyors, planners and project managers
  3. Education – primary and secondary school teachers (particularly maths teachers)
  4. Engineering – electrical, mechanical and chemical engineers, civil engineers and product and process engineers
  5. Healthcare – nurses, medical radiographers and pediatricians
  6. Hospitality – baristas, chefs
  7. IT – cyber security analysts, SEO marketers, software developers and systems engineers
  8. Social care – counselors, social workers

Occupations in demand include:

  • Bank clerk
  • Insurance clerk
  • Business economist
  • Social worker
  • Nurse
  • Doctor / Physician
  • Dentist

Note: At the current exchange rate, 55000 pounds to euros would be around 64,000. If you earn 67k a year after tax, you would take home the full 67k after tax deductions. This income provides a substantial amount to manage expenses and save for future financial goals.

Top Paying Industries To Get The Highest Paid Jobs

The industry has a significant influence on your salary level in the UK. The most important sectors in the UK are:

  • Banks
  • Insurance
  • Commerce
  • Gastronomy
  • Tourism
  • Public administration
  • Information Technology

Average Expenses In The UK with The Average Salary

What Is a Good Salary in England? [+Average Salaries] (5)

In short, about the cost of living in the UK:

  1. Family of four estimated monthly costs: £3,564
  2. Single-person estimated monthly costs: £2,014
  3. Cost of living in the UK is more expensive than in 64% of countries in Western Europe (6 out of 14)
  4. Cost of living in the UK is more expensive than in 83% of countries in the World (12 out of 63)

You will spend significantly more in London (at least 20%). In 2020, London was ranked among the 10 most expensive cities to live in in Europe. Cheaper locations include cities in northern England.

  • In London, the rent of a one-bedroom apartment will be £1,662
  • Meal for 2 – £60
  • Transportation (monthly pass) – £158

Moving to the UK? Here are the top reasons why you shouldn’t come to the UK.


No surprise that rent is our biggest expense when moving abroad. It contributes to at least 30% of our monthly budget.

In London, the closer you are to the center, the higher the rent.

Renting a one-bedroom apartment close to the city centre in London would cost you about £1,600 a month, but you can choose one outside the city center for about £1,100.

On the other hand, renting a family home costs about £3,100 a month on average in the city center and about £1,900 for one outside the center.

However, rents in other English cities are lower. For instance, you will get a one-bedroom apartment for about £700 a month in Manchester.

Consequently, more and more people cannot afford to live in London. Hence, they are moving to cities nearby. This fact has driven prices high in those cities as well. Thus, the cost of living in any town near London has skyrocketed.

Overall, the average rent for a small studio apartment in the UK is £708.

Public transport

Public transport prices are high in the UK. A London monthly pass for subway+train can cost you £360 per month.

Cost of living in London

The average cost of living in London is about £2,892 per person per month. The Price Index for the city of London is 222. This score indicates that food, rent, and other necessities are more than twice as expensive in London than in the average global city.

London’s total cost of living is about 38.5% higher than the Central European average.

People with children need more money. The cost of living for a couple with a one-year-old is around £49,714 annually or £4,142 monthly. Childcare is expensive in London.

Example of cost of living in London:

  • Rent: £2,219 per month (Average across London for the beginning of 2021)
  • Basic public transport monthly ticket: £146
  • Taxi fare for a 5-mile journey on a business day: £26
  • Dinner for two in a pub: £37
  • 2 theatre tickets: £171
  • 1 co*cktail in a club: £11
  • 1 pint of beer: £5,20

See more on the cost of living in the UK in this article.

Taxes in the UK

In the UK, the tax burden is comparatively lower than in many other European countries, at approximately 24.90%. With an average yearly salary of £35,000, your take-home pay would amount to £27,464, implying an effective tax rate of about 22%.

Social security contributions entail employees paying 12% of their salary and an additional 2% for income exceeding £4,189 monthly. Simultaneously, employers contribute 13.8% (increased to 15.05% from April 2022) towards the national insurance. Expats can opt for private health insurance, which could result in cost savings.

For instance, if your monthly income is £4,000, or £48,000 annually, your social security contributions would be as follows:

  • No contributions on the first £9,568
  • 12% on the next £38,432
  • Total social security contributions: £4,611

This relatively lighter tax burden and adequate earnings provide individuals with enough money to meet their financial needs and contribute to various sectors, including educational establishments and protective services. Moreover, high-earning professionals, such as sales directors, can benefit from the pay gap and potentially increase their take-home pay even further.

Alternative To The National Insurance In The UK

What Is a Good Salary in England? [+Average Salaries] (6)

If you want to save money on public health insurance and still have full access to the medical services, check out expat insurance from William Russell.

Its price isn’t bound to your income; you pay a fixed price instead (starting at $88 per month). William Russell is a UK-based yet international insurance provider covering members in 160 countries worldwide.

Read more about healthcare in the UK in this article.

Final Thoughts About What Is A Good Salary In England

In conclusion, exploring the topic of salaries in the UK revealed a multifaceted landscape influenced by numerous factors. Geographic location, job roles, age groups, and industries play a significant role in determining a good salary.

The pay gap, median wages, and cost of living further shape individuals’ earning potential and financial well-being. To delve deeper into this subject and support our blog, click the links to gain valuable insights and keep our platform thriving.

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What Is a Good Salary in England? [+Average Salaries] (7)

What Is a Good Salary in England? [+Average Salaries] (2024)
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Name: Nicola Considine CPA

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Introduction: My name is Nicola Considine CPA, I am a determined, witty, powerful, brainy, open, smiling, proud person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.