What does your ‘digit ratio’ say about you? (2024)

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Below average Above average

Did you know you can measure your personality with a ruler? First, measure the length of your index finger from crease to tip. Then do the same for your ring finger. Divide the first number by the second to calculate your 2:4 digit ratio. For example, my index finger is 7.8cm and my ring finger is 8.2cm, so my ratio is 7.8÷8.2=0.95, which is precisely the average for a man. For awoman it’s 0.97.

Below average

People with lower digit ratios tend to be more assertive, perhaps even more aggressive, and are less likely to suffer from eating disorders. They are also more likely to have “masculine” handwriting (whatever that looks like). Men with lower ratios are perceived as more masculine and dominant and – among professional musicians – more skilled than their high-ratio counterparts (unsuprisingly, the authors didn’t ask people to rate women for their masculinity).

Above average

People with higher digit ratios tend to score higher for the personality trait of agreeableness (ie they’re just nicer people). Men with higher ratios do better in exams but are more likely to have paranormal and superstitious beliefs. Straight women (and gay men) with higher digit ratios prefer partners with more masculine faces.

Why? Your digit ratio reflects the extent of your exposure to male sex hormones (eg testosterone) while still a foetus. These hormones have masculinising effects. But don’t worry if you don’t fit the picture – lots of things other than androgen exposure affect both finger length and the traits mentioned here.

Psy-Q by Ben Ambridge is published by Profile Books at £8.99. To order a copy for £6.29, go to bookshop.theguardian.com

As an enthusiast in human biology and psychology, the concept of using finger length ratios as a window into personality traits is truly fascinating. This method, known as the 2D:4D digit ratio, has garnered attention in scientific circles for its potential correlations with prenatal exposure to sex hormones and subsequent impacts on behavior and personality.

Studies have indeed explored the 2D:4D ratio and its links to various traits. The ratio is calculated by dividing the length of the index finger (2D) by the length of the ring finger (4D). Higher ratios, indicating a longer ring finger relative to the index finger, are associated with certain characteristics. For instance, individuals with higher digit ratios often display greater agreeableness in their personalities. Moreover, in men, a higher ratio might correlate with better performance in exams but also an inclination towards paranormal and superstitious beliefs.

Conversely, lower digit ratios, suggesting a longer index finger in relation to the ring finger, have been linked to traits like assertiveness, potential aggression, and less likelihood of suffering from eating disorders. In men, a lower ratio might signal a perception of greater masculinity and dominance. Additionally, among professional male musicians, those with lower ratios are sometimes perceived as more skilled.

This phenomenon is believed to be rooted in exposure to sex hormones, particularly testosterone, during fetal development, influencing the finger lengths and potentially impacting certain behavioral and physical traits later in life.

It's important to note that while these correlations have been observed, they aren't absolute predictors of personality. Many factors, besides prenatal hormone exposure, contribute to finger length and the mentioned traits. Individual differences, environmental factors, and genetics play substantial roles in shaping personalities and behaviors.

Ben Ambridge's book, "Psy-Q," dives into these intriguing psychological aspects, shedding light on various quirks of human behavior and the science behind them.

To summarize, the 2D:4D digit ratio offers a curious lens into potential associations between finger length and personality traits, rooted in prenatal hormone exposure, but it's just one piece of a complex puzzle when understanding human behavior and characteristics.

What does your ‘digit ratio’ say about you? (2024)
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Name: Neely Ledner

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Introduction: My name is Neely Ledner, I am a bright, determined, beautiful, adventurous, adventurous, spotless, calm person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.