What Colors Attract Men? (2024)

What Colors Attract Men? (1)

What Colors Attract Men? (2)

What Colors Attract Men? (4)

What Colors Attract Men? (5)

What Colors Attract Men? (6)

What Colors Attract Men? (8)

What Colors Attract Men? (9)

What Colors Attract Men? (10)

What Colors Attract Men? (12)What colors attract men?

Girly colors like pink, peach, and red.

That’s the short answer.

But if you want men buzzing around you like flies to honey, forget the hit-and-run tactics and plan your dating wardrobe instead.

Because if your goal is to find a nice, high-quality guy, clothing color is just one of the tricks you should have in your dating arsenal.

Attracting men you want and repelling those you don’t should be your first priority.

Here’s how:

The Best Colors to Attract Men
The Worst Colors that Turn Men Off
Attracting Men with Your Clothes
Date Outfit Ideas
Coffee Date Outfit
First Date Outfit Guys Love

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The Best Colors to Attract Men

These are the colors that produce the most favorable results in the dating world, according to research:


Think pink is just for little girls?

It’s not. In several studies, pink scored highest with men because it’s seen as feminine and ultra-girly.

One woman I know who did an unscientific study reported that when she wore soft pink to a bar recently, she had more drinks bought for her that night than when she’d worn any other color. She plans to repeat the experiment, just to be sure, LOL!

Sak’s Fifth Avenue


Coming a close second were soft orange colors, because they closely resemble pink.

If you have cool coloring, wear pink. If you have warm coloring, wear peach or coral.



Red is the color of romance and passion and is very popular with strong men looking for a challenge.

Weak men tend to shy away from women who wear red, seeing them as headstrong and overpowering.

If you love the color red, be careful — the wrong shade can overpower you or highlight skin imperfections. Chose your shade with care.



Blue is the most popular color in the world and is a symbol of business, strength, and trust.

Both men and women respond well to it.

If you happen to have blue eyes, match the color of your clothes to the color of your eyes and you’ll draw men to you like flies.



Dark greens like emerald and forest tend to be seen as more business-like while lighter greens like Kelly and chartreuse tend to be seen as fun and flirty.

Note of caution: the lighter, yellow-based greens work best with warm skin tones. If you have cool coloring, stick with the darker blue-based greens instead.



Black is the color of both bad guys and the clergy, and tends to evoke mystery when worn by a woman.

If you have cool undertones, try black or dark gray; if you have warm undertones, try dark brown instead.

Saks Fifth Avenue


Wearing gold projects a warmth that most men admire, but it’s best suited to women with warm undertones.



Silver is seen as elegant and is the one color most associated with “cool” blondes. Wear it if you have cool undertones.


The Worst Colors That Turn Men Off

So what colors don’t men like?

  • Purple
  • Lavender
  • Turquoise

Like pink, these colors are thought of as girly, but unlike pink, they don’t evoke as favorable a response. If you feel the need to wear them, do so in small doses.

So those are the colors.

What about the clothes?

Attracting Men With Your Clothes

What kind of clothes should you wear to attract a man?

It depends on the sort of man you’re trying to attract.

Because men are visual.

The first thing they notice is your appearance.

So whether you realize it or not, they’ll approach you based on their goals.

It looks something like this:

The One Night Stand

What Colors Attract Men? (21)Do you like to show lots of skin?

Then men will assume you’re looking for casual sex.

They’ll stare openly at your body parts and may even try to cop a feel.

If that’s what you want, you’re likely to succeed.

Because clothing sets boundaries.

If you ignore those boundaries by showing body parts most women don’t, men will assume you have no boundaries and they can do anything they want with you.

Many will argue that a woman should be able to wear anything she wants.

But the only person you can control is you.

If you walk around in clothes that make men think of sex, then don’t be surprised if you’re propositioned.

If that’s not what you want, don’t wear those types of clothes.

Instead, present yourself as…

Girlfriend Material

You want to come across as smart, sassy, and put together.

The kind of girl that would make his buddies envious.

Because in additional to being visual, men are also hierarchical.

So if he can raise his status by dating you, he’s going to do it.

Now you may find that appalling.

Raise his status? What?

But it’s called the dating market for a reason: because there’s an exchange of value.

You’re looking for a good man who loves you and will help you raise any children, and he’s looking for a good woman who adores him and makes him look good.

Once you understand the rules of the game, it makes things so much easier.

Date Outfit Ideas

Now that you understand what guys look for, here are a couple of date outfit ideas:

Coffee Date Outfit

Let’s say you’ve been chatting up a guy you met on a dating app and now you’re going to meet in person for a coffee date.

What should you wear?

Casual clothes with adequate coverage.

What Colors Attract Men? (23)

You look cute, and the focus stays on the conversation and getting to know each other better.

No wandering eyes or hands.

First Date Outfit Guys Love

What if your first date is a picnic in the park, a walk through a museum, or dinner at a restaurant?

Assuming these all require casual attire, opt for simple pieces that put the focus on your face in the colors that attract men that we’ve been talking about.

For example:

What Colors Attract Men? (24)

See how this works?

You look cute so he can focus on getting to know you better.

The Bottom Line

Men like it when women dress in girly colors like pink, peach, and red for dates.

They also respect women who set boundaries with their clothes by wearing pieces that fit, flatter, and are fashionable.

So if you’re trying to attract a man, keep these in mind when dressing to date.

Need a complete dating wardrobe strategy?

Clothes that Get the Guy can help.


What Colors Attract Men? (25)Diana Pemberton is an image coach and author of Clothes that Get the Guy. Want to attract a handsome, high-quality guy? Clothes that Get the Guy can help.

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What Colors Attract Men? (2024)


What color is most attractive to guys? ›

Scientists have revealed that wearing the colour red will make you more attractive to the opposite sex. Studies reveal that red is the most attractive colour to both men and women but, curiously, the two genders are attracted to the same colour for different reasons.

What colors appeal most to men? ›

While 57% of men listed blue as their favorite color, just 35% of women did so. Another major disparity between the genders was the color purple. While 23% of women chose purple as their favorite color, it didn't even garner 1% among men.

What color increases attraction? ›

The red-attraction effect refers to the finding that the color red enhances attractiveness ratings of targets, and is most robustly observed when males rate females. Three previously unexplored aspects of color-attraction effects were tested in a single experiment with a large sample size (N = 778).

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Wear red. Men tend to be more attracted to women wearing red than women who wear other colors. Red evokes passionate feelings and emotions, so buy some special red clothing, undergarments, and lingerie if you want to make an impression.

What color turns men on the most? ›

The Best Colors to Attract Men
  • Pink.
  • Peach/Coral.
  • Red.
  • Blue.
  • Green.
  • Black.
  • Gold.
  • Silver.

What is a guys favorite color? ›

Universally, studies show that blue is both men and women's primary preferred color. One study dove into why blue is so popular and found that it's associated with clean water, clear skies, authority, truth and tranquility. Both men and women also like green and red as top favorite colors.

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The arousal theory of color proposes that red is associated with arousal. Research on the color-in-context theory, in turn, states that the context in which red is perceived influences its valence-related meaning and behavioral responses to it.

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Red. The colour most commonly associated with love, it makes sense to have this one up top. From blushed cheeks and ruby lips to love-hearts and roses, red is a fiery colour that conjures up feelings of passion and intensity.

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On the other hand, since yellow is the most visible color of all the colors, it is the first color that the human eye notices. Use it to get attention, such as a yellow sign with black text, or as an accent.

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Together, these types of physical intimacy can lend themselves to a caring, loving, and trustworthy relationship.
  • Type 1: Bonding Intimacy (Green)
  • Type 2: Coupling Intimacy (Purple)
  • Type 3: Sexual Intimacy (Orange) The third category for intimacy is colored Orange for sexual intimacy and called igniting passion.
Nov 29, 2018

Which skin color is most attractive on a woman? ›

According to a study called “Shades of beauty,” light brown skin tones are often the most physically attractive skin color (Frisby et al., 2006). They used four models for that study. They did not change the skin tone, but they imaged each model to three different skin tones: light, medium, and dark.

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Colors that Grab Attention

As a bold color that stands out, it's easily noticeable, even from a distance. In addition, red has been shown to increase the heart rate and stimulate the brain, making it a powerful aid in attracting attention. Blue is another notable color for catching the eye.

Which skin tone is most attractive for men? ›

(i) Skin colour: blood oxygenation and carotenoids

Further studies have indicated that yellower and redder skin is also more attractive in male faces [37,38]. Skin yellowness and redness are probably linked to health and attractiveness because these colour properties vary with current health [39].

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Name: Maia Crooks Jr

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Introduction: My name is Maia Crooks Jr, I am a homely, joyous, shiny, successful, hilarious, thoughtful, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.