What are the design principles for FinTech apps in emerging markets? (2024)

Last updated on Mar 16, 2024

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Know your users


Simplify the user interface


Empower the user


Adapt to the context


Test and iterate


Collaborate and innovate


Here’s what else to consider

FinTech apps are transforming the way people access and manage their money, especially in emerging markets where traditional financial services are often limited, costly, or inaccessible. However, designing FinTech apps for these contexts requires a deep understanding of the needs, preferences, and challenges of the users, as well as the technical and regulatory constraints. In this article, we will explore some of the key design principles for FinTech apps in emerging markets, based on best practices and examples from the industry.

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  • Megha Tandon Profitability and strategic transformation expert with strong global network | Management Consulting | Strategy and…

    What are the design principles for FinTech apps in emerging markets? (3) 1

  • What are the design principles for FinTech apps in emerging markets? (5) 1

  • Ranzie Anthony

    What are the design principles for FinTech apps in emerging markets? (7) 1

What are the design principles for FinTech apps in emerging markets? (8) What are the design principles for FinTech apps in emerging markets? (9) What are the design principles for FinTech apps in emerging markets? (10)

1 Know your users

The first and most important principle is to know your users. This means conducting user research to identify their pain points, goals, motivations, behaviors, and expectations. User research can help you discover the financial needs and opportunities of your target market, as well as the cultural and social norms that influence their decisions. For example, you might find out that your users prefer to use cash or mobile money rather than bank accounts, or that they rely on informal networks or community groups for saving and borrowing. User research can also help you understand the barriers and risks that your users face, such as low literacy, limited internet connectivity, or fraud and security issues.

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    I read about this fintech startup, let's call it "FinEdge," was developing a mobile app aimed at providing financial services to underserved communities in rural areas. They had a brilliant idea for a budgeting tool and microloan feature, expecting it to revolutionize how people managed their finances. However, they quickly realized that without understanding the unique needs and challenges of their target users, their app might fall flat.So, they embarked on an extensive user research journey. They conducted interviews, surveys, and focus groups in several rural villages.

  • Sourabh Gour Keen Learner / Freelancer / Stock Market Trader / Investor / Entreprenuer / Talks about Startups and Finance / Engineer
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    The design principles for FinTech apps in emerging markets should prioritize simplicity, accessibility, and flexibility. User-friendly interfaces and multilingual support can ensure inclusivity, while addressing the challenges of limited connectivity and varying devices is crucial. Personalization, security, and educational components can build trust and empower users. Adaptable payment methods, intuitive navigation, and offline functionality are essential for addressing the unique needs of these markets. Furthermore, collaboration with local stakeholders and grasping cultural nuances can enhance the app's relevance and impact within emerging market contexts.


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2 Simplify the user interface

The second principle is to simplify the user interface. This means designing a clear, intuitive, and consistent interface that minimizes cognitive load and maximizes usability. Simplifying the user interface can help you reduce the complexity and confusion that often arise from unfamiliar or unfamiliar financial concepts, terms, or processes. For example, you might use simple language, icons, colors, and feedback to communicate the functionality and value of your app, or you might use visual aids, such as graphs, charts, or calculators, to help your users understand their financial situation and goals. Simplifying the user interface can also help you optimize the performance and reliability of your app, by minimizing the data usage, loading time, and battery consumption.

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    In environments where digital literacy may vary and access to technology can be limited, simplicity is key. Design the user interface to be intuitive, easy to navigate, and visually uncluttered. Minimize unnecessary complexity and streamline the user experience to make financial services more accessible to a wider audience


    What are the design principles for FinTech apps in emerging markets? (35) 1

  • Megha Tandon Profitability and strategic transformation expert with strong global network | Management Consulting | Strategy and Transformation
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    Design intuitive and user-friendly interfaces that prioritize simplicity and ease of use, particularly for users with varying levels of digital literacy.Minimize complexity by employing clear navigation, visual cues, and straightforward language to facilitate seamless interaction and comprehension.Streamline onboarding processes and transactions to reduce friction and enhance user adoption and retention.


    What are the design principles for FinTech apps in emerging markets? (44) 1


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3 Empower the user

The third principle is to empower the user. This means designing a user-centric and engaging app that motivates and supports your users to achieve their financial objectives. Empowering the user can help you build trust and loyalty with your users, as well as increase their financial literacy and inclusion. For example, you might use gamification, personalization, or social features to create a fun and rewarding user experience, or you might use nudges, reminders, or tips to help your users make informed and responsible financial decisions. Empowering the user can also help you create a positive impact on your users' lives, by enabling them to access and manage their money more easily, conveniently, and securely.

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    Provide users with the tools, resources, and knowledge they need to take control of their finances and make informed decisions. Offer educational content, financial management features, and transparent information about available services to empower users to manage their money effectively and achieve their financial goal


    What are the design principles for FinTech apps in emerging markets? (53) 1

  • Megha Tandon Profitability and strategic transformation expert with strong global network | Management Consulting | Strategy and Transformation
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    Empower users to take control of their finances by providing educational resources, tools, and personalized insights to support informed decision-making.Offer features such as budgeting tools, financial goal setting, and real-time transaction tracking to promote financial literacy, planning, and accountability.Facilitate access to financial services and products that meet users' diverse needs, promoting financial inclusion and empowerment.


4 Adapt to the context

The fourth principle is to adapt to the context. This means designing a flexible and responsive app that can accommodate the diverse and dynamic needs and preferences of your users, as well as the technical and regulatory environment. Adapting to the context can help you tailor your app to the specific characteristics and challenges of your target market, as well as the opportunities and threats that may arise. For example, you might offer multiple payment options, such as cash, mobile money, or bank cards, to suit your users' preferences and availability, or you might provide offline or low-bandwidth functionality to ensure your app works even when the internet connection is poor or unavailable. Adapting to the context can also help you comply with the local laws and regulations, as well as the global standards and best practices, that govern the FinTech industry.

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  • Ranzie Anthony
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    No app or software solution works in a silo. So context is always going to be an influencing factor.Beyond the who –considering where, when and how audiences will use your app helps anticipate points of frictions or opportunities to delight.


5 Test and iterate

The fifth principle is to test and iterate. This means designing a user-tested and data-driven app that can validate your assumptions, measure your outcomes, and improve your solutions. Testing and iterating can help you ensure that your app meets the needs and expectations of your users, as well as the goals and objectives of your business. For example, you might use prototyping, usability testing, or user feedback to evaluate the functionality and usability of your app, or you might use analytics, metrics, or experiments to assess the performance and impact of your app. Testing and iterating can also help you learn from your successes and failures, and adapt your app accordingly.

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  • Megha Tandon Profitability and strategic transformation expert with strong global network | Management Consulting | Strategy and Transformation
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    Continuously test and iterate app designs based on user feedback, usability testing, and performance analytics to refine and enhance the user experience.Embrace an agile development approach that allows for rapid prototyping, iteration, and validation of design hypotheses.Solicit feedback from diverse user segments and iterate based on their evolving needs and preferences to drive ongoing improvement and innovation.


6 Collaborate and innovate

The sixth and final principle is to collaborate and innovate. This means designing a collaborative and innovative app that can leverage the expertise, resources, and networks of your partners, stakeholders, and peers. Collaborating and innovating can help you enhance the quality and value of your app, as well as the reach and influence of your business. For example, you might partner with local financial institutions, mobile operators, or NGOs to access their infrastructure, customers, or insights, or you might join industry associations, platforms, or events to share your knowledge, experience, or ideas. Collaborating and innovating can also help you contribute to the FinTech ecosystem, by supporting the development and growth of the sector, as well as the financial inclusion and empowerment of the people.

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  • Ranzie Anthony
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    Collaboration is great –but in my experience is all starts with a tightly defined product strategy.One that sets the vision and considers the factors that will influence a successful first launch. Done well –it becomes an effective tool that align your teams, partners and various stakeholders.


    What are the design principles for FinTech apps in emerging markets? (86) 1

  • Megha Tandon Profitability and strategic transformation expert with strong global network | Management Consulting | Strategy and Transformation
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    Foster collaboration with stakeholders, including users, regulators, financial institutions, and community organizations, to co-create solutions that address specific market needs and constraints.Embrace a culture of innovation by encouraging experimentation, creativity, and risk-taking to identify novel approaches and opportunities for impact.Leverage emerging technologies, such as artificial intelligence, blockchain, and biometrics, to develop innovative FinTech solutions that address unique challenges and unlock new opportunities in emerging markets.


7 Here’s what else to consider

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  • Megha Tandon Profitability and strategic transformation expert with strong global network | Management Consulting | Strategy and Transformation
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    Prioritize data privacy, security, and compliance with regulatory requirements to build trust and credibility among users and stakeholders.Foster financial education and literacy initiatives to empower users with the knowledge and skills needed to make informed financial decisions and leverage FinTech tools effectively.Monitor market dynamics, socioeconomic trends, and technological advancements to anticipate evolving user needs and adapt app strategies accordingly.


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What are the design principles for FinTech apps in emerging markets? (2024)


What are the design principles for FinTech apps in emerging markets? ›

The design principles for FinTech apps in emerging markets should prioritize simplicity, accessibility, and flexibility. User-friendly interfaces and multilingual support can ensure inclusivity, while addressing the challenges of limited connectivity and varying devices is crucial.

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Fintechs could revolutionize the delivery of financial products, particularly if they support their digital money management capabilities (in remittances and payments) with a clear strategy to educate the population, while in the process moving the customers from the informal economy to a formal one.

What is the emerging market fintech Index? ›

The EQM Emerging Markets FinTech Index (EMFINQ) seeks to track the combined performance of a basket of emerging market and/or frontier market companies that derive significant revenue from financial technology (FinTech), technology-enabled financial applications disrupting traditional financial service and banking ...

What is design thinking in fintech? ›

What Is Design Thinking in FinTech? Design thinking is a creative problem-solving process centered on understanding user requirements. It involves observing users and uncovering their unmet needs. Source: https://www.invisionapp.com/defined/design-thinking.

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For example, fintech companies must navigate complex regulatory constraints while providing a seamless user experience that builds trust and credibility. For this reason, good UX design is crucial for fintech products and services.

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The rapid expansion of fintech is empowering not just those in emerging economies but also in developed countries. By increasing access to financial services, supporting SMEs, and reaching remote communities, fintech is fostering economic development and financial inclusion. There are risks, however.

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Modern fintech (2008-present)

The 2008 global financial crisis eroded confidence in traditional banking institutions, and together with the broad-based rise in digitalization, kickstarted what we now recognize as the fintech industry.

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While fintech penetration in emerging markets is already the highest in the world, its growth potential is underscored by a few trends. Many of these economies lack access to traditional banking services and have a high share of underbanked population.

Which is the fastest growing fintech market in the world? ›

China and India are at the forefront, with China currently boasting a formidable presence as one of the largest fintech markets globally. Innovative payment solutions and increased digital adoption drive this growth, with India also showing remarkable market expansion.

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The Top Emerging Markets in the World
  • China. China is the world's second-largest economy and an upper middle-income country as per the World Bank classification. ...
  • India. ...
  • Brazil. ...
  • South Korea. ...
  • Mexico. ...
  • Indonesia. ...
  • Saudi Arabia. ...
  • Türkiye.
Jun 26, 2023

What is the largest fintech ETF? ›

The largest Fintech ETF is the ARK Fintech Innovation ETF ARKF with $1.00B in assets. In the last trailing year, the best-performing Fintech ETF was ARKF at 61.68%. The most recent ETF launched in the Fintech space was the Fidelity Disruptive Finance ETF FDFF on 06/12/23.

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How to Build a FinTech App and Succeed: Step-by-Step Process
  1. Define the application concept and identify its niche.
  2. Comprehend legal prerequisites.
  3. Conduct market and target audience analysis.
  4. Establish the application's monetization strategy.
  5. Finalize application functionality and technological framework.
May 2, 2023

How long does it take to build a FinTech app? ›

Advanced Fintech App: 12-18 Months
App TypeAvg. development time
Basic Fintech App3-6 months
Intermediate Fintech App6-12 months
Advanced Fintech App12-18 months

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Time Required for FinTech Mobile App Development
App TypeDevelopment Time (Approx)
Banking2,000-3,500 hours
Personal Finance1,500-2,500 hours
Lending2,000-2,500 hours
Investment1,500-2,500 hours
1 more row

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C++ is a common choice for Fintech companies that value speed. Companies that engage in online trading of stocks or other economic assets might choose to work with C++ because this language helps create low-latency programs.

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How to Get Started in Fintech?
  1. Step 1: Find the Right People. ...
  2. Step 2: Identify Your Target Niche. ...
  3. Step 3: Develop an Idea. ...
  4. Step 4: Define Your USPs. ...
  5. Step 5: Define Your MVP Scope. ...
  6. Step 6: Study Relevant Laws and Regulations. ...
  7. Step 7: Determine the Fintech Services You'll Provide. ...
  8. Step 8: Research Your Competitors.

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Time Required for FinTech Mobile App Development
App TypeDevelopment Time (Approx)
Banking2,000-3,500 hours
Personal Finance1,500-2,500 hours
Lending2,000-2,500 hours
Investment1,500-2,500 hours
1 more row

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Develop a fintech application for iOS and Android, breaking the rules as needed
  1. Choose your Niche. ...
  2. Define your monetization model. ...
  3. Understand compliance. ...
  4. Agree on MVP features. ...
  5. Partner with a vendor. ...
  6. Launch, get feedback and improve.

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Author: Dean Jakubowski Ret

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Name: Dean Jakubowski Ret

Birthday: 1996-05-10

Address: Apt. 425 4346 Santiago Islands, Shariside, AK 38830-1874

Phone: +96313309894162

Job: Legacy Sales Designer

Hobby: Baseball, Wood carving, Candle making, Jigsaw puzzles, Lacemaking, Parkour, Drawing

Introduction: My name is Dean Jakubowski Ret, I am a enthusiastic, friendly, homely, handsome, zealous, brainy, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.