We Asked 115 Men 'What Makes A Girl Really Hot', and Here's What They Had To Say... - Cosmopolitan India (2024)

At Cosmo, we don't take our role as girl's best friend lightly. That's why we asked (read: arm-twisted, coaxed, guilt-tripped and bribed) 200 guys across the country (and some home-grown boys outside it) what they mean when they say a woman is 'hot'. We asked friends and family, ex-bosses and lovers, strangers and Facebook BFFs, the-guy-next-door, and celebrity hotshots.

The stale news is that it doesn't matter how many years it's been, there's a shocking number of guys we know and love that don't ask for much (otherwise known in the world of the crude as T&A). The good news? For every guy who stops thinking altogether when face-to-breast with a girl, there is one who needs a lot more to hold his attention. Some of the answers are painfully honest, some we don't understand (and you're free to send us your translations/interpretations), and some are just plain bizarre.

A fair number of responses carried heavy disclaimers and desperate requests for name-changes, and there were a shocking lot of inputs that came with relationship statuses and phone numbers that we don't know what to do with, so they're up for grabs! The results: a mixed bag, to be fair, so we've thrown in everything that was printable. We started out wanting to give you 200 responses, because 200 is just the kind of big, fat, round number that makes these kinds of surveys seem sound. But then we figured that if 115 things guys love (or would love) about you weren't enough, maybe you're just being difficult!

1. The first thing a guy sees is the way a girl looks. Heels, a good figure, well dressed? She'll turn heads! She shouldn't have too much attitude!

- Raghav Jain, 17, student, Chandigarh

2. Short hair, nice ass, the hint of a smile and, when she walks past, she should smell great!

- Brijesh Jacob, 32, copywriter, Mumbai

3. My girl has sexy hands that I love almost as much as I love seeing her swim.

- Karn Bhardwaj, 28, consultant, Delhi

4. A girl's navel is the sexiest part of her body.

- Rahul, 28, businessman, Delhi

5. Very simple, cleavage.

- Ankush G

6. Buttocks, legs (oh man!), clean feet, the way she smells, and occasional arrogance, all add up to make a hot girl!

- Vidyut Lokur, 28, travel sales, Delhi

7. When her eyes twinkle, I go nuts.

- Nandan Kini, 22, media entrepreneur, Mumbai

8. The hottest thing about my girl would have to be her lips and her curly hair.

- Parikshat Wadhwani, 21, PR account executive, Mumbai

9. Toned legs are to die for!

- Abhishek Singh, 22, Student, Delhi


10. An effortless conversation with her would be hot.

- Arun Patnaik, 26, entrepreneur, Delhi

11. I like it when a girl speaks well, and plays with words. Especially so if no one but her guy gets the meaning of what she's saying.

- Bodhisatwa Dasgupta

12. A girl's ability to sweet-talk-the way she can turn a heated argument into a heated make-out session is absolutely hot.

- Rahul, 20, telecommunication professional, Delhi

13. It's really hot when a girl argues passionately on stuff she feels strongly about and gives you a new and perspective about everything.

- Raghav Bal, 29, IT Professional,Delhi

14. A girl who knows her alcohol is a real turn-on. And what she says ups her hotness quotient. A girl who looks like Bipasha, but talks rubbish is a turn-off.

- Anant Dayal, 25, manufacturing, Delhi

15. A girl who doesn't need your attention, but commands it by being smart is HOT!

- Craig D'Mello, 26, writer, Bangalore


16. Good looks, makes me laugh, and is at ease with my friends-a hottie!

- Fazal Kidwai, 26, filmmaker, Mumbai

17. Unpretentious girls are most attractive! Innocence and good skin are also right up there.

- Paritosh Ghoshal, 26, financial consultant, Mumbai

18. Physical form, a pretty face, intelligence, and the ability to love unconditionally!

- Kabir Singh, 30, audio design entrepreneur, Mumbai

19. Smart enough to lead her life, adventurous enough to share it with a man; who can make others laugh while able to laugh at herself!

- Rajiv Desai, 28, auditor, Brussels, Belgium

20. Attractive is ok, but she has to intellectually stimulate me to be 'hot'. And confident.

- Karan, 24, entrepreneur

21. A girl who relates to you mentally.

- Karan Rana, 25, copywriter, Delhi

22. Wit and humour is all it takes!

- Anand Krishna, 26, lensman, Bangalore

23. Ambition is hot.

- Gautam, 22, student, Delhi

24. Girls who can change a lightbulb or a flat tyre are hot. I can't bear the damsel-in-distress act.

- Dawa Norgay, 23, filmmaker, Sikkim

25. Scars are hot, on the face, or anywhere. They almost always have an interesting story.

- Carl Rodriguez, 27, musician, Goa

26. Brains!

- Udit Kulshrestha, 31, photographer, Delhi

27. Intelligent humour. A certain insouciance, and the fact that she knows she's hot. And she shou;ldn't be hideous! Not necessarily a goddess, but pretty works.

- Mohan Khanna, 25, media exec, Mumbai

28. How she bends to pick something off the ground. If she goes all squatty, urgh! If she bends over while standing on her toes and her butt inches out upwards... HOT!

- Aaron Rohan George, 23, journalist, Delhi

29. Expressive eye contact, which conveys what she's thinking...

- Ravinder Singh, 26, Delhi

30. For me it is the overall package that makes a woman hot. A pleasing smile, intelligence, fit body, sense of style and confidence.

- Newton Dias, 30, Film

31. A good, smart flirt. Letting on that she's hitting on you and trying to turn you on. Her confidence with her body is a turn-on too.

- Siddharth Rao, 25, lawyer, Bangalore

32. An independent girl who goes for what she wants. There's nothing worse than a woman who holds back from doing something due to her gender.

- Benjamin Heinkel, 25, consultant, London

33. A girl's 'hotness' comes from her femininity and how best she expresses it.

- Apoorva Prasad, 28, journalist, Paris

34. My girl argues fiercely with cops and goondas when I get in an accident. She successfully tames and dispatches them with skill and, when necessary, ferocity-seriously HOT.

- Afraid-His-Girlfriend-Will-Argue-Fiercely-With-Him-If-She-Sees-This, 26, journalist, New Delhi

35. Audrey Hepburn, Claire Forlani, Jessica Lucas. There's something amazing about how they look I can't quite put my finger on.

- Harsh Mehra, 25, researcher, Delhi

36. An attitude, an ability to take the lead sometimes, and a desire to initiate sex and be straight about things that please her.

- Stuart Forster, 37, writer-photographer, Sunderland (UK)

37. I'm an architect, I have high regard for great proportions-she could be tall or short, black or white, so long as she's proportionate. Throw in an awesome personality, and I'm hooked!

-Too-Shy-For-A-Name, 30, architect, Delhi

38. When you see someone and can't decide whether to undress her immediately or save it for later. That's when you know you've got something special.

- Dheeraj Sahay, 27, copywriter, Mumbai

39. She's got to have awesome feet!-Nolan Lewis, 30, musician, Bangalore

40. A girl who holds her own in a tough convo is superhot.

- Clario M, 26, financial analyst, NY

41. It's hot when a girl eats normally, as opposed to pigeon portions!

- Nishant Sood, 27, investment banker, Mumbai

42. Attitude! The knowledge she exudes also makes her very sexy. An intelligent girl is a challenge.

- Varun Rana, 26, journalist, Delhi

43. Hot? I'm more interested in what gets her bothered. What makes her try to change things? It's that sense of passion for a larger cause that drew me to the girl I married, and I suppose that's what makes a girl hot for me.

- Jayaprakash Satyamurthy, 32, writer, Bangalore

44. I love a girl who smells amazing all the time, and is assertive.

- Kirt Kohli, 20, student

45. The way she rides a bike can be super hot.

- Rishi Behl, 25, assistant manager, Music Today, Delhi

46. Seduction in the shower.

- Anuranjan Bhatia, 25, designer, Delhi

47. I love a girl who can keep me in line.

- Gavesh Malhan, 28, auditor, Delhi

48. Witty, confident, open-minded and respectful - I can't stand women who 2008have an attitude just for the heck of it.

- Bhrigu Bharadwaj, 26, banker

49. A girl who can hold my hand, take me on more-than-occasional binge eating sessions and end up eating more than I do-HOT!

- Pranav Ullal, 26, Molecular Biologist and (clearly) Closet Foodie, London

50. It's hot when a girl plays with her hair. The ability to take a joke, and the willingness to experiment in bed-it's hot to know that a girl is not afraid to try out different things.

- Arjya B. Majumdar, 26, law associate

51. I love a woman who smiles a lot and looks happy, someone who is confident and takes life as it comes.

- Sajan Nair, 28, advertising professional, Delhi

52. Any girl who is chilled out and fun to hang out with! attitude it is nothing. And a little skin show is sexier than a cleavage!

- Sidharth Lodha, 25, copywriter, Mumbai

53. A hot girl is intelligent and outgoing, yet feminine. There's a thin line between feminity and being 'one of the guys', and she shouldn't cross that.

- Jaideo Rathore, 26, businessman, Delhi

54. Innocence makes a girl super hot! It's always a combo of looks and personality, where personality plays a bigger role. But a jaw-dropper? That depends entirely on what she looks like.

- Vikramadtiya Rathore, 25, IT professional, Atlanta

55. What makes her hot is the way she kisses.

- Shahid Jain, 21, student, Delhi

56. Her ability to understand what gives a man pleasure makes her hot.

- Akshat Kshetrapal, 24, consultant, Delhi

57. Her attitude and personality! What she wears could add to it, but without attitude it is nothing. And a little skin show is sexier than a cleavage!

- Sidharth Lodha, 25, copywriter, Mumbai

58. A hot girl is intelligent and outgoing, yet feminine. There's a thin line between feminity and being 'one of the guys', and she shouldn't cross that. -Jaideo Rathore, 26, businessman, Delhi

59. Grace and command! Stylish women in a position of power, like Sarah Palin, are hot!

- Vivek Bansal, 26, credit manager, Delhi

60. A girl who is sure of herself... Sexy lips are a definite bonus.

- Achal Gupta, 27, lawyer, Delhi

61. I have a thing for boobs! Then the way she talks...

- Abhinav Tomar, 27, media professional, Mumbai

62. Girls who can make any situation fun. Showing off a party trick, or talking passionately about something. A lovely smile never hurts either.

- Steven Pirois, 27, analyst, Melbourne

63. She is hot if she can sing or dance well, is well-read, witty, and positive!

- Refuses-to-give-a-real name, 30, IT professional, Delhi

64. She must be bold and confident-not taking rubbish from anyone!

-Vikrant Shekhar Singh, 18, student, Allahbad

65. I love a girl who plays hard-to-get and acts all innocent about it.

- Deep Narain, 18, student, Lucknow

66. It wouldn't count much for me if she takes herself too seriously and doesn't have a good sense of humour.

- Ankush Saikia, senior editor, 33, Delhi

67. A girl wearing my team's sports jersey

-Shaunak P, 26, consultant, Boston

68. A girl wearing red lipstick and smoking!

-Anirban C, 26, dentist, Kolkatta

69. It's hot if she makes the first move, preferably in some sort of uniform.

- Justin D, 26, marketing manager, Boston

70. A girl wearing a black bra under a white shirt-it's the deadliest combo!

-Vaibhav Bhatt, 21, student, Delhi

71. The hottest thing about a girl would be her dressing sense but more importantly, she should be able to carry it off!

-Aman Gandhi, 20, student, Delhi


72. My other half is one of the most creative people I've ever met, and that's hot!

-Tejas Dutta, 26, merchant navy, Delhi

73. My girl is a control freak and I find that hot! Oh, and the way she dances...

-Aditya Chauhan, 25, Delhi

74. I love the way my girl talks-her expressions and gestures... Adorable! And her energy is really positive.

- Amitabh Kumar, 25, web designer, Delhi

75. My girl is witty, bordering on relentlessly sarcastic, I love it! And she pours a mean scotch-on-the-rocks!

- Sarthak, 21, student, Delhi

76. My girl is a great cook, and she's a total kid at heart, which I love.

- Saurabh Khanduri, 20, student, Delhi

77. My girl is a tigress in bed, but she's a really mild person otherwise. Knowing this makes me so hot for her!

- Abhimanyu Zacharia, 33, doctor, Pune

78. My girl looks hottest when she has just woken up, or when she is really angry!

-Niel, 22, intern, Delhi

79. My girl has a fiery temper and loves taking the lead, which I love. And her sexy shoulders!

-Atul, 23, Student, Delhi

80. Her eyes and her laugh really get me.

-Abhishek Ahlawat, 28, golfer, Delhi

81. The hottest thing she's done for me is cook at 3 am.

-Vishal, 19, student, Delhi

82. A girl who drives better than I and can parallel park is so rare that it's hot!

-Rahul Kulkarni, 27, hotelier, Nagpur

83. She has a great body and often seduces me with sizzling lap dances.

-Chris Andrew, 24, student, Delhi

84. When she gets really horny and gives me that look!

-Dinesh, 28, software engineer, Delhi

85. I love how she smells and the way she runs, like a small kid!

-Mayank, 23, journalist, Delhi

86. I love it when my girl gets angry in bed, and refuses to do anything; it turns me on even more!

-Rachit Mehra, 21, student, Delhi

87. Long hair does it for me! Then there are the little things you notice about a girl that make her so attractive to you... For instance, I love it when my girlfriend-accidentally spills food on her clothes while eating and smiles guiltily.

-Karandeep Singh Vohra, 26, project manager, Delhi

88.A fit body, a sense of humour and someone who is not boisterous, and doesn't make the first moves is attractive to me.

-Sonal Grover, 22, Bar Manager, Ireland

89. I love her voice, but the hottest thing she does is the salsa! The way she moves and her body rubs against mine...

-Kapil Bopal, 27, businessman, Delhi

90. My girl's innocent questions bowl me over!

-Sheikh Danish Ejaz, 27, advertising professional, Pakista

91. I'm fascinated by how she handles things when we fight...

-Ankit Sharma, 23, student, Sydney

92. I love it when I start talking about sex, and my girlfriend gets all shy and just mutters 'hmmm'... Cute!

-Rohan Kumar, 25, copywriter, Singapore

93. I love the baby fat she has around her tummy. And I am so grateful for her hug at the end of the day.

-Vineet Rajan, 26, IT professional, Bangalore

94. I love the way she cuddles up next to me when she is sleepy.

-Majid Dayal, 25, business consultant, Dubai

95. Her fragrance-a total turn-on! And she looks hot when she's engrossed in her daily chores.

-Deepak Prabhakaran, 24, lawyer, Delhi

96. I love that even when we're in bed, she can laugh. It's what makes sex with her so different and memorable-we're not only having a good time physically, but also connecting mentally.

-Tanmay, 19, Student

97. The hottest thing about my girlfriend is that she laughs at all my stupid jokes; it makes me feel so good.

-Chitrajit Kalra, 24, Golfer


98. Being alternative, having a social conscience, intelligence and kohl-lined eyes. It helps if she smells nice, knows her food and rock music, and chooses to vote.

- Nikhil Sethi, 28, consultant, Delhi

99. A combination of personality, intelligence, humour and a great body. Even better when she knows how to handle herself in bed!

-Suraj Omprakash, 27, IT professional, Bangalore

100. A sense of humour, be conversational (specially for random chatter), be clear in who and what she is. And I'm a sucker for a great smile and wicked, smiling eyes.

-Akshay Dhar, 26, journalist, Delhi

101. A toned figure, nice eyes, flexible, witty, genuine smile, her own mind, great personality, pretty face, nice smell, nice butt... A 'hot' girl means the posture, the rhythmic walk and the curves of the body-the guitar shape.

-Sougata Kundu, 26, advertising professional

102. My ideal woman is wild yet classy, feminine yet strong-willed, silent yet conversational, modern yet traditional, funny yet thoughtful!

-Vijay, 34, IT professional, Bangalore

103. Personality, humour, the ability to have a decent conversation, subtle yet loves to party, enjoys some men's sports... She is not a lesbian, only cheats once a year and no more! Does not have a moustache or sideburns. Likes red dresses.

-Abhishek, 27, financial services


104. I'm in a long-distance relationship and my girl has a lot of guy friends. I love that instead of calling me insecure, she introduces me to all of them. If I'm moping around, she gives me a good shaking until sense if knocked back into my thick skull. My resentment melts instantly, and I'm left wondering what the hell I was being such a drama queen for!I don't get insecure anymore, but am plain obsessed and think she's a goddess.

-Aditya Mehta, 27, writer/musician, Mumbai

105. I find a woman's walk hot. The way she walks towards my car, or my barstool, reveals everything about her. Some women just look like they're putting one foot in front of the other, whereas when the ones I like walk towards me, I can almost hear a soundtrack playing... It's like the deep bass notes of the intro to Billie Jean, or the intro to Puff Daddy's Led Zep Kashmir-inspired Come With Me.

-Rayomand J. Patell, 34, advertising professional, Mumbai

106. I find it hot when a girl goes through the entire process of laughter. And yes, it is a process. First there will be the wide eyes as she listens to what you say. Then comes the shining realisation, the dawning point where she breaks into a smile. And then the ultimate laugh.

-Darius. 22, Copywriter, Grandmother India, Mumbai

107. Spontaneity in a girl is definitely hot. A hottie telling me that she wants me in the most random place, at the absolutely most random time is just so sexy and hot!

-Kunaal Dhawan, 23, market merchandiser, Delhi Specifically Speaking…

108. The hottest girl I have ever met is the one who was up for a hitchhiking night out in completely murky highway trucks with a totally random stranger (me). It was such a refreshing turn-on from my perspective. Most girls have to think twice before going out for even a harmless cup of coffee.

-Pariksh*t Rao, 25, photographer, Bangalore

109. A girl with an amazing body in skiing gear, going down a black diamond (the hardest kind of skiing slope).

-Chinmay J, 26, IT professional, San Francisco

110. The way she kisses makes her so sexy. Also, my girlfriend bought me a Playstation, which I'd wanted for ages, and surprised me with it by hooking it up and setting up my entire room when I was out of town-that was hot.

-Sidharth Mohan, 25

111. She can drink a whole beer- bottoms up - it's awesome!

- Arjun Sehrawat, 22, Student, Delhi

112. An unescorted woman roaming and working through villages and dirty Indian men, unflinchingly, is what I find very hot.

- Omkar Sane, 25, Author


113. I once had a hot, passionate and burning kiss… She had forgotten to take the cigarette out of her mouth!

- Manan Gupta, 23, Banker, Delhi

114. Physically, I like well-endowed women, because girls with small boobs are less interested in sex and therefore get less wet. As a person, I like women who are smarter than me as I don't know much myself and like to hear about the world and others opinion about it.

- Gaurav Palit, 26

115. Attitude. And no girl has ever done anything hot for me, they're all losers.

- Varun Mitra, 24

We Asked 115 Men 'What Makes A Girl Really Hot', and Here's What They Had To Say... - Cosmopolitan India (2024)


What does a man desire most from a woman? ›

Confidence. Confidence is the #1 thing men find sexy in women. Men tend to find it particularly alluring when a woman knows who she is and what she brings to the table. They want a woman who has a strong sense of her own identity and worth as an individual.

What does a girl find most attractive about a guy? ›

One of the most attractive qualities that most men can possess is a sense of humor. While many women do want someone who has a good physical appearance, we find that it very rarely matters in comparison to other qualities. And a sense of humor is one of the most sought out qualities that women have.

Which type of boys do girls like most? ›

Girls like guys that show respect to them, their friends, and other people. Support her dreams and desires. Be willing to help her along the way to achieving her goals. It is important for girls to know that they have someone who is in their corner and will provide encouragement when they want to do something.

Which part of Boy girl likes most? ›

Studies show that men are most attracted to faces, followed closely by women's rear ends. The same study tells us that women like a man's chest and his hair.

What a woman loves most in a man? ›

When a man is honest and trustworthy, he instantly becomes more appealing and desirable to a woman. If he's dependable, truthful, genuine, and speaks from the heart, he's a guy who is worth pursuing, as people can take him at his word. "Trust and trustworthiness allow relationships to deepen," says Degges-White.

What is the number one thing a woman wants in a man? ›

One of the main qualities a woman wants in a man is honesty and reliability. She would want someone who can support her, be there for her, and who means what he says.

What makes a girl immediately attractive? ›

Generally, men prefer women with full breasts, full lips, a symmetrical face, a big smile, a wider waist-hip ratio, healthy hair, a high-pitched voice, clear skin, and big eyes; however, this may vary depending on individual preferences.

What makes a woman hot physically? ›

Facial symmetry has been shown to be considered attractive in women, and men have been found to prefer full lips, high forehead, broad face, small chin, small nose, short and narrow jaw, high cheekbones, clear and smooth skin, and wide-set eyes.

What do guys secretly find attractive in girls? ›

It's all the little details of someone's personality, their excitement, their sense of humor, the way they see the world — those are the things that really draw us in. A lot of times, it's the odd traits, the flaws, the quirks that we find most charming.

Which body part attracts girls most? ›

The chest and hand- muscles are the main body parts of a male which is attractive for most women.

What do girls like to be called? ›

Some guys go the "classic" route with names like "angel," "darling," and "sweetheart"; some prefer food-inspired nicknames, like "cookie" and "cupcake"; and some straight-up worship their partners with loving names like "queen," "goddess," and "light of my life."

Which type of body does a girl like most? ›

As mentioned before in Perett's book, In Your Face: The New Science of Human Attraction, women show a stronger attraction toward men with a figure consistent with the ideal hunting physique: strong shoulders, narrow waists, and broad chests and shoulders.

Which body shape is most attractive? ›

Here comes one of the most desirable bodies for all women. The hourglass has a small defined waist with fuller bust and hip, and the shoulders, bust and hip have similar measurements. Since this is a very feminine body shape, this type of body slays all kinds of dresses.

What makes a woman stand out to a man? ›

It could be your confidence, beauty, pleasant behavior, or because you stood by him when the world was against him. A man can also remember you because of your specific skills or dressing style. These qualities are endless, and it is left to you to make the best decision.

How do you know if a girl likes you? ›

Signs that we females like you:
  • We smile at you a lot.
  • We look at you a lot. ...
  • We think nearly everything you do is wonderful.
  • We compliment you easily.
  • We find a reason to give you our phone number (or social media for the younger ones).
  • We might struggle to make eye contact.

What are men more attracted to in a woman? ›

Although for any man, the primary attraction has a lot to do with the way a woman looks, it is equally important for him to be able to converse with her on an intellectual level. Being with a woman who truly appreciates what a man has to say and values him for that, is something every guy is looking for.

What are the three things a man needs? ›

According to Steve Harvey, if you provide a man with these three things in a relationship, he won't leave: support, loyalty, and intimacy. Harvey says that men may hide behind their macho demeanors, but in the end they just want to feel special.

What is the greatest desire of a man? ›

Every man desires to be successful, important and relevant. Every man desires a good wife, an amazing home and wonderful children. Every man desires to be seen as someone amazing by his family. This is way more rewarding to a man than any other thing.

What does a man really need from a woman? ›

He wants a partner who can be by his side and support him in the steps he will take towards the future, listen to him without judgment, and exchange ideas. These feelings of 'loyalty, trust, and frankness' are the most important ground emotions that a man wants to feel in a woman.

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Author: Eusebia Nader

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Name: Eusebia Nader

Birthday: 1994-11-11

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Introduction: My name is Eusebia Nader, I am a encouraging, brainy, lively, nice, famous, healthy, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.