Using Product Curations to Create More Personalized Shopping Experiences - OneSpace (2024)

The boom of the e-commerce and internet retail industry has given shoppers instant access to expansive product catalogs designed to meet their every need. However, with so many offerings available, consumers are now facing choice overload – they have neither the time nor the patience to sift through countless pages of inventory and are instead opting for more simplified, personalized shopping experiences. As a result, product curation is quickly gaining traction as an appealing solution for both consumers and retailers.

What Is Product Curation?

Product curation is the process of creating unique product collections that appeal to specific demographics or niche customer bases. Product curation leverages customer segmentation data and other personalization techniques to drive engagement and increase sales. Curated products can be surfaced to e-commerce customers in a variety of ways, from blog posts and website pages to emails and Facebook ads.

The benefits of product curation extend to both buyer and seller. Compared to search algorithms and filters alone, curated collections offer a much easier way for customers to find the products that match their specific needs, interests and tastes. As a result, online retailers who offer these collections see increased customer engagement and conversions, and are able to showcase product expertise and strengthen brand identity.

While curation is not a new concept, recent consumer trends reveal increasingly high expectations for personalization within the retail experience. According to PricewaterhouseCoopers’ Total Retail 2016 report, “When it comes to engagement, customers want more than products. They want communities they can feel they’re a part of – reinforced by brands they trust to support the lifestyle and experiences they’re looking for.”

[quote text=”When it comes to engagement, customers want more than products. They want communities they can feel they’re a part of – reinforced by brands they trust to support the lifestyle and experiences they’re looking for.”]

Personalized Shopping

This shift in consumer preference indicates that it is the quality – not quantity – of products offered that matters most. Craig Patterson, editor-in-chief of Retail Insider, explains, “Curated retail involves a narrower product focus, which may lead to personalization and increased brand relevancy.”

With this in mind, retailers are focusing on customer behavior analysis and creating hyper-targeted content to offer more personalized shopping experiences for customers.

One example of this is Amazon, who uses advanced algorithms to provide curated product suggestions based on individual consumer purchasing patterns. These formulas help guide buyers through a massive catalog of items. Zappos, Wayfair and are other online retailers who utilize data mining and match it with personalized recommendations to improve the online shopping experience for customers.

Beyond the algorithms and structured data, there is a storytelling aspect to product curation that helps further drive brand identity and customer engagement. Curated products can be tied into a larger narrative that contains additional information and expert recommendations about why and how to use the items. Examples of this type of content include articles, how-to guides, infographics, in-depth product comparisons and more.

This tailored touch increases the chances that customers will not only return, but also share your brand story – which is now their personal experience – with their friends and family. Over time, this brand affinity can lead to higher sales frequency and increased average order values.

[bonus text=”See how Office Depot increased e-commerce conversions by up to 13%.” url=””]

Case Study: Office Depot

With hundreds of thousands of products across a wide variety of categories, Office Depot needed a quick and easy way to help its online customers find the products most relevant to their needs. The company turned to OneSpace for solutions that would provide a more personalized shopping experience for its customers, boost organic traffic, and increase e-commerce conversion rates.

OneSpace’s strategic services team offered Office Depot an efficient and cost-effective way to execute personalized content marketing campaigns and highly-targeted product curations at scale.

The results were impressive. By the end of the project cycle, Office Depot:

  • Published 363 pages of highly-targeted content
  • Started ranking for 13,000+ new long-tail keywords
  • Increased conversion rates by up to 13%

To learn more about how OneSpace helped Office Depot use product curation to create more personalized shopping experiences and drives sales and engagement, download the full case study here.

Using Product Curations to Create More Personalized Shopping Experiences - OneSpace (2024)


What is product curation? ›

What Is Product Curation? Product curation is the process of creating unique product collections that appeal to specific demographics or niche customer bases.

What is personalized shopping? ›

Personalization in retail is the process of using personal data to provide tailored experiences to shoppers of products in a retail environment.

What is curation in retail? ›

In electronic commerce (eCommerce) terminology, curated commerce refers to creating unique product lines that provide customers with a distinct collection not offered by other online retailers in a market.

How would you explain personalization in customer experience? ›

Personalization in customer experience means designing or producing services and products to meet customers' individual requirements. You're most likely already familiar with marketing personalization. Personalization starts with “Hello, Susan” in your inbox and goes far beyond to personalized offers and services.

What are the examples of personalized services? ›

4 Personalized Service Examples: An Exploration Across Industries
  • Insurance: Decluttering the Complex.
  • Wealth Management: Tailoring Your Recommendations.
  • Healthcare: Responding to Emerging Needs.
  • Manufacturing: Minimizing Customer Effort.
21 Sept 2021

What are the 3 types of content curation? ›

Ready, Set, Curate it!
1) Aggregating
  • Aggregating. “The mindful gathering of. ...
  • Crowdsourced News Aggregator. News stream curated, maintained and updated with the help of or directly by readers themselves. ...
  • Social Hub. ...
  • Anthology.
12 Feb 2018

What does it mean to curate your space? ›

Curating means pulling your space together in an intentional way. Think about how museum and art gallery curators pull things together in very purposeful design so that we can have the best experience.

What is an example of content curation? ›

Curated content is content from other brands or people that you share to your social media accounts. Examples of curated content are: Sharing a link to a blog post, creating a roundup of quoted advice from industry experts or even simply sharing someone else's social media post.

Why is product personalization important? ›

‍A product personalization or customization strategy establishes a connection between the brand and its customers while significantly improving customer retention. They will not only come back but also refer your brand more often to friends and family.

What is personalized strategy? ›

– Hudson Arnold. Great personalization strategy is about having a rigorous process that allows for 1) gathering insights about your customers, and then 2) validating those insights. You need a structured process to understand which insights are valid for your target audience and create growth for your business.

Why personalized content is important? ›

Over three-quarters of consumers (76 percent) said that receiving personalized communications was a key factor in prompting their consideration of a brand, and 78 percent said such content made them more likely to repurchase. Personalization is especially effective at driving repeat engagement and loyalty over time.

What is user curated shopping? ›

Curated commerce is a personal shopping service. Customers indicate their personal preferences, needs or style online and the retailer composes a personalized box of goods, tailored to these individual wishes. Sometimes the customer can subscribe to the service, but it can also be a single order.

What is the purpose of curated content? ›

The primary purpose of curated content is to provide your audience with content that is not only in their niche, but also saves them precious time. In some ways, content curation is more customer-focused than original content, because it addresses specific needs.

Why is personalization important in customer experience? ›

Personalization is more than just a bonus for doing business. Personalized experiences build brand loyalty, boost customer satisfaction and make people remember your business. Recent research reveals that 80% of consumers are more likely to purchase from a brand that offers personalized experiences.

How can we provide personalized services to our guests? ›

8 Ways You Can Provide More Personalized Customer Service
  1. Use their names. ...
  2. Smile and make eye contact for more personalized customer service. ...
  3. Implement a loyalty program. ...
  4. Offer multiple customer service channels. ...
  5. Be human. ...
  6. Collect and share customer data. ...
  7. Create smooth transitions. ...
  8. Make recommendations.
27 Oct 2016

How do you personalize customer interactions? ›

6 Simple Ways to Personalize Customer Relationships
  1. Use a tone that matches the customer's personality.
  2. Match customers to agents with the appropriate skills.
  3. Ask about their preferences.
  4. Understand their backgrounds and have authentic conversations.
  5. Make kind and unexpected gestures.
  6. Create personalized content.

What personalized means? ›

: to make personal or individual. specifically : to mark as the property of a particular person. personalized stationery.

What is a personalized plan? ›

Personalized learning plans are developed in a way that identifies the types of skills students need to pursue their academic and career interests and the steps required to build those skills, which may be attained through traditional educational pathways or through other innovative delivery mechanisms.

What are personalized products? ›

Product personalization is altering products to the personal needs and desires of customers. This could be either custom made products which are made for a specific customer or made-to-order products using a standardized production method with a range of options provided within existing specifications.

What are the steps in curation? ›

Curation process
  1. Step 1 – Transfer of data. ...
  2. Step 2 – Assigning processing standard. ...
  3. Step 3 – Data processing. ...
  4. Step 4 – Documentation processing. ...
  5. Step 5 – Metadata creation. ...
  6. Step 6 – Additional user information. ...
  7. Step 7 – Publishing data. ...
  8. Step 8 – Delivering data.

What is the curation process? ›

Curation is a field of endeavor involved with assembling, managing and presenting some type of collection. Curators of art galleries and museums, for example, research, select and acquire pieces for their institutions' collections and oversee interpretation, displays and exhibits.

What is a content curation process? ›

Content curation is the process of gathering information relevant to a particular topic or area of interest, usually with the intention of adding value through the process of selecting, organizing, and looking after the items in a collection or exhibition.

How do you personalize your space? ›

How to personalize your home décor according to your personality
  1. Start from furniture design.
  2. Be inspired by the most typical details.
  3. Enhance the fabrics you love the most.
  4. Create personal spaces.
  5. Walls with paintings or prints.
  6. Pictures or personal objects.
18 Jun 2020

What does it mean to curate an experience? ›

Curation is to collect, select and present information for people to use or enjoy, using your professional or expert knowledge. You may already be getting your social media or news content through curation.

What is an example of curate? ›

Curate is defined as to organize or manage items in a collection or exhibit. If you are in charge of an art exhibit and you catalog all of the paintings in the exhibit, this is an example of a time when you curate.

What are content curation tools? ›

Content curation tools are applications that help you find and share relevant, valuable content. Great content curation tools let you search for content based on their topics or the influencers who have shared the content.

What is another word for curation? ›

What is another word for curating?
82 more rows

How do you curate something? ›

  1. ​curate something to select, organize and look after the objects or works of art in a museum or an art gallery, etc. He curated the acclaimed 'Africa' exhibition at the museum last year. ...
  2. ​curate something to collect, select and present information or items such as pictures, video, music, etc.

What are the benefits of Personalised product selection? ›

7 benefits of product customisation
  • Generate more sales. ...
  • Increase the profit margin. ...
  • Stand out from the competition. ...
  • No need for higher inventory costs. ...
  • Better customer insight. ...
  • Increase customer loyalty. ...
  • Power the online business.
13 Aug 2018

What is the use of personalized? ›

Personalization is the act of tailoring an experience or communication based on information a company has learned about an individual. Just like you may tailor a gift for a good friend, companies can tailor experiences or communications based on information they learn about their prospects and customers.

What are two main reasons to use personalization? ›

Personalization makes relevant content more visible and de-emphasizes content that is unlikely to interest the customer. In doing so, it makes it easier to navigate your digital channels and streamlines the customer experience.

How do you design a Personalised strategy? ›

5 tips for designing a personalization strategy
  1. Figure out your goals. ...
  2. Use data to segment customers. ...
  3. Refine your strategy even after rollout. ...
  4. Use technology to your advantage. ...
  5. Develop a content management plan.
26 Aug 2019

Why do we personalize everything? ›

Personalization puts us at the center of events (even when we're not), makes us feel essential and necessary (even if we shouldn't be), and gives us the illusion of control over how life unfolds (even when that control doesn't exist).

What does it mean to personalize everything? ›

Personalization is the belief that you are entirely to blame for something even though you had little or nothing to do with the outcome. In fact, the situation may not be connected to you in any way at all. It can also involve blaming someone else for something for which they have no responsibility.

What does it mean to curated? ›

kyu̇-ˈrā- : carefully chosen and thoughtfully organized or presented. I changed the digital art on the wall multiple times, scrolled through curated playlists by DJs from Amsterdam, Brussels, London, and Paris, and then switched the lighting mode from "Romance" to "Business" to "Party."

What are shopping preferences? ›

Shopping preferences are related to someone likes or dislikes shopping methods and are not influenced by consumers' purchasing power. This generally affects purchasing decisions. The focus in understanding consumers is the key in keeping consumers (retain) and making it loyal to the seller.

What is curated fashion? ›

Curated is a conceptual clothing brand for Womenswear ,Unisex and accessories. Which fuses between various design's fields of creativity historical ,Classic elements twist with ready to wear aesthetic.

Which of the following is curation activity? ›

The process of managing data throughout life cycle, collecting data from various sources, integrating this data into various repositories and making sure that data is easily available and retrievable for future purposes is called as Data Curation.

How can I personalize my online shopping? ›

7 E-Commerce Personalization Strategies to Try
  1. Create Personalized Homepages.
  2. Offer Personalized Guides.
  3. Display Recently Viewed Items.
  4. Personalize Product Pages Based on Location.
  5. Create Special Campaigns Based on User Behavior.
  6. Get Personal in Email Marketing.
  7. Make More Personal Recommendations.
24 May 2022

How can I make shopping more interesting? ›

If you happen to be one of these rare birds, here are five tips to hopefully make your (oh dread) shopping experience a teeny bit more enjoyable. I'm always amazed when people tell me that they don't like to shop.
Five Ways to Make Shopping More Enjoyable
  1. Have a Plan. ...
  2. Pre-Shop. ...
  3. Be Prepared. ...
  4. Ask a Friend. ...
  5. Bring Provisions.
26 Jun 2013

What would be the elements needed to make your shopping experience enjoyable? ›

--Engagement: being polite, genuinely caring and interested in helping, acknowledging and listening. --Executional excellence: patiently explaining and advising, checking stock, helping to find products, having product knowledge and providing unexpected product quality.

Why is customer personalization important? ›

Personalization is more than just a bonus for doing business. Personalized experiences build brand loyalty, boost customer satisfaction and make people remember your business. Recent research reveals that 80% of consumers are more likely to purchase from a brand that offers personalized experiences.

How do you personalize offers to customers? ›

Personalization means using audience and data analytics to meet the individual needs of a consumer. Start by using your data to outline the details of who each of your customers is, what their intention is at any particular moment, and where, when, and how they've engaged with your brand previously.

What makes a pleasant shopping experience? ›

Dealing with friendly, knowledgeable staff who take the time to help you with your needs, goes a long way to helping you have an amazing shopping experience. Your shopping environment is also important. Shop at a location that is clean, well-kept, and looks nice.

How do you plan your shopping effective and easy? ›

7 Habits of Highly Effective Grocery Shoppers
  1. Scope out the store. ...
  2. Make a list of what you already have. ...
  3. Plan some meals for the week using what you have. ...
  4. Organize your list & get on the phone. ...
  5. Buy fragile items last. ...
  6. Bring a pencil. ...
  7. When unloading your basket, put like items together.
22 Jan 2010

What does a shopping experience look like to you? ›

The shopping experience is the complete set of perceptions that customers receive while purchasing a product or service, and even what they feel after the deal is closed. The shopping experience is about feelings, emotions, and sensations.

How do you create a unique shopping experience for the customer is understood through the? ›

Creating Unique Customer Experiences: Five Ways to Get Started
  1. Bring together the customer's intent. ...
  2. Act on customer intent to understand engagement. ...
  3. Expand experience optimization across channels. ...
  4. Leverage AI to make experiences persistent. ...
  5. Incorporate continuous optimization.
7 Feb 2019

What types of technologies are used to create a positive shopping experience? ›

Here are four of today's top technologies that can improve customer experience—and one you're likely already using.
  • The Cloud. The cloud, and the tools backed by this technology, is common at business organizations today—and for good reason. ...
  • Chatbots. ...
  • Virtual & Augmented Reality. ...
  • Voice Capabilities. ...
  • Smartphones.

What are 2 important parts to the customer experience? ›

It results in their view of your brand and impacts factors related to your bottom line including revenue. The two primary touch points that create the customer experience are people and products.

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Name: Mrs. Angelic Larkin

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Introduction: My name is Mrs. Angelic Larkin, I am a cute, charming, funny, determined, inexpensive, joyous, cheerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.