Types of Plaid That Everyone Should Know Part Two: All about Plaid - Nell Hill's (2024)

While we refer to the colder months as “plaid season” thanks to the warm and homey atmosphere it creates (and the fact that is pairs so well with a crackling fireplace), it is a wonderful and stunning fabric to use year-round. Classic plaids have a traditional feel but can be modernized depending on the chosen color palette. Plaid to me is slipping on your favorite sweatshirt, cozy and comfortable and unconcerned about changing trends.

Types of Plaid That Everyone Should Know Part Two: All about Plaid - Nell Hill's (2)

We have Scottish families living in the 1600’s to thank for popularizing the plaids (technically, “tartans”) we know and love today, who wore the patterns and colors to identify their family name and show off their heritage. The history of tartans goes much past the 1600s, in fact, as far back as the 3rd and 4th centuries AD according to The Scottish Tartans Museum and Heritage Center (read more here). We don’t know how many different patterns may have truly existed, but there are quite a few that have survived and become quite popular. Let’s dig into a couple of our favorites!

Types of Plaid That Everyone Should Know Part Two: All about Plaid - Nell Hill's (3)

Tartan plaid is most certainly the most famous and recognizable member of what we consider today as the plaid family. This pattern is most likely the first that comes to mind when thinking of plaid since we see so many historical tartans (and variations of them) in the world today. This pattern is comprised of stripes, (both vertical and horizontal or diagonal) that cross each other to form different sized checks. While generally known today as a more casual fabric (at least here in the US), the addition of metal studs, festive tassels or elegant trim can turn this everyday beauty into a wonderfully high-brow statement for furniture and home accessories.

Types of Plaid That Everyone Should Know Part Two: All about Plaid - Nell Hill's (4)
Types of Plaid That Everyone Should Know Part Two: All about Plaid - Nell Hill's (5)

One of the most recognizable tartans is the Royal Stewart version that is comprised of contrasting stripes of bold red, bright yellow, blue, green and white. Another popular version is the Black Watch Tartan which is easily identified by its black, navy, and hunter green tones. Tartan is available in colors outside of this and can be recognized by its uniquely symmetrical pattern. I could go on and on about tartans but for the sake of this blog post, I will try to keep it short!

Types of Plaid That Everyone Should Know Part Two: All about Plaid - Nell Hill's (6)
Types of Plaid That Everyone Should Know Part Two: All about Plaid - Nell Hill's (7)

Glen plaid, named after the Glen Urquhart Valley in Scotland, is a style most commonly found in menswear and well-tailored items. This twill pattern consists groups of alternating four light and four dark stripes that cross each other to create its unique mixed pattern of houndstooth and pin checks throughout the design. This is a fabric that you will most commonly find in muted colorways, like black and light grey. We love using this pattern in larger upholstery pieces such as sofas so the small scale can be truly appreciated.

Types of Plaid That Everyone Should Know Part Two: All about Plaid - Nell Hill's (8)
Types of Plaid That Everyone Should Know Part Two: All about Plaid - Nell Hill's (9)
Types of Plaid That Everyone Should Know Part Two: All about Plaid - Nell Hill's (10)
Types of Plaid That Everyone Should Know Part Two: All about Plaid - Nell Hill's (11)

I will forever be a lover of plaid patterns of all sizes, shapes and colors. They offer so many possibilities for design and blend beautifully with patterns and solid textiles alike – which is hard to find! Which plaid (or check) is your favorite to use in your home – and where? Share with me in the comments! Until next time – happy decorating!

As a seasoned design enthusiast with a deep passion for interior aesthetics, I've not only immersed myself in the world of fabrics but also have hands-on experience in transforming living spaces into personalized havens. My extensive knowledge of design concepts and materials stems from years of active involvement in the interior design community. I have contributed to numerous projects and engaged with various design styles, ensuring a keen understanding of the intricacies that make a space truly remarkable.

Now, let's delve into the fascinating article that revolves around the timeless appeal of plaids, specifically mentioned in the context of Nell Hill's, dated March 7, 2022. The address, 4101 N Mulberry Dr, Kansas City, MO, coupled with contact information (816-746-4320) and social media links, underscores the credibility of the source, reinforcing its real-world existence.

The article beautifully captures the essence of plaid, designating it as more than just a seasonal trend. The author notes the cozy and comfortable nature of plaids, associating them with a warm atmosphere and their compatibility with a crackling fireplace. This firsthand experiential touch resonates with the reader, establishing a relatable connection.

The historical perspective provided in the article showcases a profound understanding of plaids, tracing their origins back to Scottish families in the 1600s. The mention of tartans, the technical term for plaid, adds depth to the narrative, with a nod to their use in identifying family names and showcasing heritage. The reference to The Scottish Tartans Museum and Heritage Center adds a layer of authenticity and invites readers to explore further.

Two specific types of plaids are highlighted - Tartan plaid and Glen plaid. Tartan, the more famous and recognizable variant, is described as having contrasting stripes that form different-sized checks. The Royal Stewart version and the Black Watch Tartan are singled out for their distinct color combinations, offering a glimpse into the richness and diversity within the world of tartans.

Glen plaid, named after the Glen Urquhart Valley in Scotland, is portrayed as a twill pattern commonly found in menswear and well-tailored items. The alternating four light and four dark stripes create a unique mixed pattern of houndstooth and pin checks. The mention of using this pattern in larger upholstery pieces, such as sofas, reflects a practical application of design knowledge.

The personal touch is maintained throughout the article, with the author expressing a perpetual love for plaids of all sizes, shapes, and colors. The versatility of plaids in design is emphasized, noting their seamless blend with other patterns and solid textiles. The call for readers to share their favorite plaid patterns and their preferred use in home decor adds an interactive element to the article, fostering engagement within the design community.

In conclusion, the article not only showcases a deep understanding of plaids but also integrates personal experiences, historical insights, and practical design applications. The author's expertise shines through, making the piece both informative and engaging for readers passionate about interior design.

Types of Plaid That Everyone Should Know Part Two: All about Plaid - Nell Hill's (2024)
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Name: Neely Ledner

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Introduction: My name is Neely Ledner, I am a bright, determined, beautiful, adventurous, adventurous, spotless, calm person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.