TPN Theory: Norman has been infected with Mujika’s blood and has become part-Demon (2024)

Since the beginning of time, humans have feared the inevitability of death. And they’ve striven to find a way to avoid their deaths at all costs.

On the other hand, Demons have always striven to find a way to avoid a“metaphysical” death at the loss of their humanity. From the moment that they ate a human being and obtained their knowledge, they have tried to avoid losing this trait… at all costs.

For humans, death is when their bodies stop functioning and their heart stops. For Demons, death is when they lose all sense of personality and mental reasoning.

So what if there was a magic“elixir of life” that could grant immortality to both humans and Demons? All it took was a little bit of cursed blood.

TPN Theory: Norman has been infected with Mujika’s blood and has become part-Demon (1)

Ever since I caught up with the manga, I’ve made countless attempts to guess what happened to Norman during his time stuck in Lambda. But that’s because I have a strong assumption that this particular mystery is being set up as a potential plot point of importance within the near future.

So after spending the last few weeks tossing around potential possibilities and updating ideas based on new information from recent chapters, I’ve come to one conclusion. Due to the nature of the theory that I’m about to make, @couldnt-think-of-a-better-name recommended that I write out my post using a research paper style format.

I’m going to give a brief summary of the main theory and then I’m going to follow up with my personal observations and evidence towards this theory. With that in mind, please note that there will be manga spoilers up until chapter 127.

TPN Theory: Norman has been infected with Mujika’s blood and has become part-Demon (2)

Lambda has been described as an “experimental facility,” which was intended to test various genetic and body modifications on children. They’d test whatever they wanted… and only worry about the after effects later.

When Norman was entered into this facility, he wasn’t exposed to the same experiments as the other children. His living conditions were vastly different and over all, he was treated a lot better than other cattle children. Almost like a highly prized research subject.

But this begs the question. What could have possibly happened to Norman that would elicit such a strong avoidance towards Lambda? Why does he avoid answering any questions about what happened to himself at Lambda?

In reality, this reaction makes perfect sense if the Lambda scientists…experimented with Demon genetics on Norman and modified his body into having a similar biology akin to a Demon.And its very likely that this happened because he was forcefullyinfected with Mujika’s blood.

TPN Theory: Norman has been infected with Mujika’s blood and has become part-Demon (3)


On November 3rd 2045, Norman was shipped away from Grace Field House.

TPN Theory: Norman has been infected with Mujika’s blood and has become part-Demon (4)

Originally, the reader is led to believe that Norman is simply going to be harvested for meat. But in reality, it is revealed that Norman had been taken to meet Peter Ratri, the 36th head of the Ratri clan.

TPN Theory: Norman has been infected with Mujika’s blood and has become part-Demon (5)

Thanks to his family and rank, Peter is (arguably) one of the most important human figure heads within the Demon World. So why would he make a special appearance to simply meet with a cattle child…?

His true intentions behind meeting Norman become clear when he requests for the boy’s help with some “research” that he has been working on.

TPN Theory: Norman has been infected with Mujika’s blood and has become part-Demon (6)

But throughout his entire conversation, Peter’s face is covered in shadow, hereby preventing the reader (and Norman) from being able see his expressions. It is obvious that Peter is hiding something.

From here, we can presume that Norman was sent straight to Lambda.


When we see Norman again, we are treated to our first glimpse at his living conditions. And it actually looks rather comfortable…

TPN Theory: Norman has been infected with Mujika’s blood and has become part-Demon (7)

He has his own private room – complete with a bed, desk, plenty of books to read… His doctor (even) does regular check-ups on him to observe his health.

TPN Theory: Norman has been infected with Mujika’s blood and has become part-Demon (8)

As shown by the date, it is January 29th 2046 – almost three months since Norman had left Grace Field. Underneath the date, we see the results of Norman’s check-up such as body temperature and blood pressure.

After his check-up, Norman is treated to a full breakfast, complete with main meal and side dishes. Along with a dose of required medication.

TPN Theory: Norman has been infected with Mujika’s blood and has become part-Demon (9)

The rest of the day would follow the typical schedule – his routine wasn’t much different than his old schedule back at Grace Field. The only difference was that Norman has been confined to stay in a single room when he wasn’t in the presence of his doctors (or other Lambda scientists) as they needed to accompany him everywhere within the facility.

TPN Theory: Norman has been infected with Mujika’s blood and has become part-Demon (10)

But even when Norman is left alone in his room, he’s constantly being observed by scientists. They’ve got video cameras on him 24/7 and someone is always watching at all times.

TPN Theory: Norman has been infected with Mujika’s blood and has become part-Demon (11)

After only three months in Lambda, Norman has already figured out that his living conditions merely are a facade meant to imitate a sense of comfort. The harsh reality behind this set up is blatantly obvious; he’s being taken care of because he’s a highly prized specimen.

TPN Theory: Norman has been infected with Mujika’s blood and has become part-Demon (12)

And he knows that he’s being used as the test subject for an experiment. But the question is… what type of experiment?


Only after the time skip, do we see Norman make his official re-debut back into the story. By this point in time – it is October 2047. But Norman had already been destroying farms for six months prior to October.

TPN Theory: Norman has been infected with Mujika’s blood and has become part-Demon (13)

Based on later information that Cislo provides as context, it is discovered that Norman was still twelve years old when he escaped Lambda along with the other children.

So we can make a relative guess to the time frame when the escape occurred. It likely was late February (or) early March 2047. This would make the amount of time he spent stuck in Lambda… a grand total of sixteen months. Almost a year and a half.

And ever since escaping, Norman has been playing the role of William Minerva.

TPN Theory: Norman has been infected with Mujika’s blood and has become part-Demon (14)

While I’ve touched on the subject plenty of times before… it can not be ignored that there an underlining theme that has persisted since Norman re-debuted in the story.

TPN Theory: Norman has been infected with Mujika’s blood and has become part-Demon (15)

Has Norman changed?

Is he (still) that same innocent child that he was once back at Grace Field?
Or has his experiences changed him – whether for better or worse?

Both the characters (and the audience) are constantly looking for reassurance when faced with this question. Despite the length of time that they spent apart, the characters can’t help holding onto a sense of hope that things can simply “return to the way that they used to be.”

Oddly enough, Norman seems a little too eager to put these worries to rest whenever they are brought up. With a smile on his face, he eagerly reassures his family and confirms that nothing has changed – nor will anything ever change.

TPN Theory: Norman has been infected with Mujika’s blood and has become part-Demon (16)

But sometimes, without realizing it, his smile begins to slip. And this brief moment where his smile falters… it betrays all the reassurance that he spoke previously.

TPN Theory: Norman has been infected with Mujika’s blood and has become part-Demon (17)

Norman is later confronted by Vincent and this theme is brought back up again. But it is used in a different format – this time emphasizing that Norman has changed compared to his old self. This is in direct opposition to the words that he was telling everyone else in the previous chapter.

TPN Theory: Norman has been infected with Mujika’s blood and has become part-Demon (18)

Vincent admits that he was curious to see how the “old Norman” acted. But this simple comment is enough to upset Norman who appears to take personal offense to it.

TPN Theory: Norman has been infected with Mujika’s blood and has become part-Demon (19)

A reaction that seems odd at first… but speaks a lot when taken into context.

He has seen and experienced horrible things in Lambda. He has learned things that have changed his perspective and worldview. He can no longer be considered the same boy that grew up in Grace Field, without any knowledge of the world outside.

But is it possible that he has (also) changed physically – and this change is merely a contributing factor to his mental state?


In chapter 120, Norman takes the time to explain a question that the reader has been dying to learn since the beginning of the story.

TPN Theory: Norman has been infected with Mujika’s blood and has become part-Demon (20)

But he doesn’t give a simple answer to this question.

Instead he reveals an extensive and in-depth narrative about how the Demons evolved to become the sole apex predator. Along with this, he has knowledge about their biological functions and how their unique genetic traits are inherited.

TPN Theory: Norman has been infected with Mujika’s blood and has become part-Demon (21)

And while it is extremely satisfying to have some new information revealed that impacts the lore like this… unfortunately, there is one glaring issue that can’t be ignored.

This is highly advanced and classified information that Norman should never have possibly had access to. He had been stuck in Lambda and would have had no way of learning this.

TPN Theory: Norman has been infected with Mujika’s blood and has become part-Demon (22)

But Norman did gain a lot of information about James Ratri and Peter Ratri from Smee. So it wouldn’t be surprising if Smee had included some classified information about the Demons that he knew and passed it on to Norman.

Wait. How would Smee know the evolution, biology, and inheriting of genetic material–

TPN Theory: Norman has been infected with Mujika’s blood and has become part-Demon (23)


Smee was a scientist at Lambda.

He probably came in contact with Norman because he was one of the scientists overseeing the experiment.

I’d imagine that Smee’s personal guilt got the better of him.
Unlike all the other scientists at Lambda, Smee would have been the only one who saw Norman as an actual child… and not a lab rat to experiment on.

And he couldn’t stand to see them testing on a child who had absolutely no idea what was happening behind the scenes. Unfortunately, Smee paid with his life for this.


When Norman meets with Lord Giiran… it becomes apparent that the elder Demon notices something intriguing about Norman. He can see that Norman shows no fear towards him– with the former going so far as to bring only one ally with him as a sign of trust.

But as Lord Giiran listens to Norman’s request for an alliance, he interjects with his own comment.

TPN Theory: Norman has been infected with Mujika’s blood and has become part-Demon (24)
TPN Theory: Norman has been infected with Mujika’s blood and has become part-Demon (25)

This is the first time that we’ve seen someone point out how Norman’s plan appears to be built around his own personal revenge. While in the past, we’ve seen him use the cattle children as his motivation– this is the first moment that such a motivation has been brought into question.

There is a lingering suspicion that Norman is holding a grudge against the Demons and this grudge is (primarily) fueling his need for revolution.

But when faced with this question, Norman avoids answering. He simply smiles and lets the conversation continue naturally, without giving any heed to Lord Giiran’s accusation.

In a later chapter, Norman reveals that Lord Giiran had an‘alternate’ plan alongside his primary intention of getting revenge.

TPN Theory: Norman has been infected with Mujika’s blood and has become part-Demon (26)

He has every intention of obtaining Mujika’s blood for the purpose of helping his clan to survive. It is her blood that will grant them the opportunity to avoid the“metaphysical” death they’ve been trying to rid themselves of… for 700 years.

But after getting a taste of Norman’s blood, Lord Giiran comments how delectable and irresistible the taste is. From just a single drop of blood, he knows that he wants to eat Norman. Because there is something ‘especially’ tasty about his blood.

And there is another thing…

TPN Theory: Norman has been infected with Mujika’s blood and has become part-Demon (27)

The taste certainly proves that Norman is no “ordinary human.”


In previous posts, I pointed out that Norman was displaying various symptoms of Post-Trauma Stress Disorder, both blatant and subtle. But this fact is still incredibly important to bring up; it reveals the dramatic shift in his mental state.

He has become extremely reckless in his actions, almost as though he lacks a sense of self-preservation.

TPN Theory: Norman has been infected with Mujika’s blood and has become part-Demon (28)

He walks right into a den full of Demons, without so much as a single care about his own safety. And later he even acknowledges the fact that he knew that these Demons would happily eat him– had they been given the slightest opportunity.

TPN Theory: Norman has been infected with Mujika’s blood and has become part-Demon (29)

He has prided himself on his singular goal of protecting all the cattle children. Often he has repeated the same line in response to this goal.

TPN Theory: Norman has been infected with Mujika’s blood and has become part-Demon (30)

If the blood of any cattle child is spilled, then his rebellion will have been for nothing. He wants to see only Demon blood be spilled in this upcoming revolution.

So why does Norman feel that its necessary to spill his own blood for the revolution to be effective?

TPN Theory: Norman has been infected with Mujika’s blood and has become part-Demon (31)

Because under his new revolution, he doesn’t consider himself someone who is in need of protection. He’ll happily spill his own blood to achieve the results that he wants to acquire.

TPN Theory: Norman has been infected with Mujika’s blood and has become part-Demon (32)

From his own perspective, he’s simply spilling more Demon blood for the revolution.

But if Norman doesn’t consider his own blood to be worth the same as “cattle child” blood, then why does he see himself as expendable?

We’ve seen Norman eat food before… so if he were more akin to a Demon, then he’d have to have obtained a similar biology to a Heathen.

TPN Theory: Norman has been infected with Mujika’s blood and has become part-Demon (33)

A Demon that doesn’t have to eat human meat in order to keep their intelligence or humanoid form…

TPN Theory: Norman has been infected with Mujika’s blood and has become part-Demon (34)

But how in the world would it be possible for him to obtain–

TPN Theory: Norman has been infected with Mujika’s blood and has become part-Demon (35)

The blood of a Heathen… one that had the ability to infect another individual with their characteristics…


What if Norman was revealed to have a biology similar to a Demon?
What if he had the same blood as Mujika?
How would his motivation and plans be viewed differently in hindsight?

It is important to remember how closely this arc is attempting to parallel the Escape Arc. And one of the memorable moments from the Escape Arc was Norman’s shipment.

He’s always had a habit of trying to sacrifice himself for the happiness of Emma and his family. This personality trait certainly hasn’t disappeared– no, it’s only gotten stronger during his departure from the story.

Now that he has taken on the role of William Minerva, he’s become a “savior” or “martyr” figure for the cattle children.

And his newest goal is to wipe every single Demon out of existence.

So if Norman considers himself to “be similar to a Demon,” then he probably has every intention of sacrificing himself for this goal to come true.

In a parallel to his “death” during the Escape Arc, Norman will hide his intentions of sacrificing himself. He’ll keep it a secret from both Emma and Ray.

TPN Theory: Norman has been infected with Mujika’s blood and has become part-Demon (36)

He has already shown that he would be willing to kill Mujika and Sonju for the sake of his revolution. And even in spite of Emma’s pleas that they are “good individuals who saved them,” Norman’s own thoughts stand unwavering.

If they’re Demons, then they must be destroyed. No matter whether they are “good” people. They must be killed. Every single one.

Including himself.

Norman took on the identity of James Ratri/William Minerva because he can not (in good conscience) call himself “Norman” anymore.

He’s a Demon now… so it would simply be better if his family remembers Norman as he once was. Instead of the monster that he has become.

And that is why he can not let his family ever find out.

Because knowing Emma… she’ll probably just argue that nothing has changed about him. She say that he’s still the same Norman as before.

That’s just like her.
She’s far too kind… and extremely naive about how the world works.

And if she found out, then she’d never let him kill the Demons.
But sometimes life isn’t kind – and you don’t get what you want.

TPN Theory: Norman has been infected with Mujika’s blood and has become part-Demon (37)

It might just take an onscreen fake-out death to reveal the truth.

TPN Theory: Norman has been infected with Mujika’s blood and has become part-Demon (2024)
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Author: Gregorio Kreiger

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Name: Gregorio Kreiger

Birthday: 1994-12-18

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Introduction: My name is Gregorio Kreiger, I am a tender, brainy, enthusiastic, combative, agreeable, gentle, gentle person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.