Top 8 phrases to use when negotiating a lower price | Revenue Grid (2024)

Nothing beats the satisfaction of securing a discounted price for a product you purchase. Whether you’re getting a price cut from a small-town business or a multinational conglomerate, you can’t beat the feeling of receiving a discount as a customer. It may not surprise you that many in the general public don’t know how to get discounts, but sales people can struggle too.

It sounds counterintuitive, doesn’t it? If you can raise a price during negotiations surely you can lower it too, right? Many salespeople struggle to take the initiative when aiming for a discount in both formal and informal environments.

Negotiations depend on an organic flow between all involved parties. Equally, your success in negotiations depends on preparation and knowledge of key phrases you can deploy to maximum effect. We’d like to walk you through eight phrases to use when negotiating a lower price that will achieve this maximum effect for you.

All I have in my budget is X.’

This particular phrase is best used when negotiations have broken down to a certain degree. This doesn’t mean that they’ll fail completely but the seller is likely to be indicating they can’t make the price go lower. They’re trying to hardball you, but you can still secure a discount.

You don’t need to have a concrete budget in mind, instead, this phrase should be used to ensure the seller knows your absolute maximum price. In effect you’re hardballing them back, giving you the last word in the negotiation process. Sales can be tough so don’t be afraid to act strong to get a discount.

What would your cash price be?’

Cash is king in regular times and even more so during times of crises. A lot of businesses will offer a discount if sales are secured via cash. This is because cash is extremely important for businesses to hold as it secures their liquidity, which in turn provides more stability in an uncertain economy.

You can exploit this as a customer and get your interlocutor to give you a discount for the product in question. Cash deals are also quicker to secure than credit or debit transactions, meaning the seller receives their funds quicker. Take advantage of cash as everyone wins.

How far can you come down in price to meet me?’

Sometimes during the sales process you may arrive at a point where you require further information to proceed. As a customer sometimes it’s difficult to work out how much leeway you may have to receive a discount. In such a scenario you should use this phrase.

The trick to using this phrase is knowing when to use it to maximum effect. It’s a potentially risky road to take as it might make you appear desperate to the seller and more open to losing the initiative. You have to exercise your best judgement. Definitely don’t use this phrase in negotiations where you should have done research beforehand.

What?’ or ‘Wow!’

Want to get your interlocutor’s attention and immediately put them on the backfoot? Then use one of these phrases to shock them. This is best deployed in less formal settings but the reaction it will elicit from the seller will almost certainly secure you a discount.

Most people have an insatiable need to be liked and sellers are no exception. Using this high-tensity sales phrase will create a flinching effect and a desire to avoid causing disappointment, even though it may run contrary to the seller’s interest. Your inerolucter may immediately drop the price to avoid that scenario, or at the very least, begin discussions about a discount.

Is that the best you can do?’

Similarly to the previous point this is an aggressive phrase that when well-timed can have a tremendous impact. The trick to using this phrase is silence. After saying this particular phrase take a moment in complete silence.

Maintain this silence for as long as you can. People are uncomfortable with prolonged awkward pauses and will speak just to fill the gap in conversation. This puts them on the backfoot and they will offer a compromise to continue the negotiations. This is a tried and tested technique used by salespeople and police officers alike, so use it.

‘I’ll give you X if we can close the deal now.’

You can bring the sales process to a speedy conclusion using this sales phrase. As a customer you have to know when to walk away and when you have one more opportunity to extract a good deal from the process. The Americans have a name for this particular kind of phrase; it’s called a lowball.

This phrase works best if the sales person you’re working with requires a sale as fast as possible. Therefore it’s an excellent idea to deploy this discount technique during target season at the end of each month or quarter. You will find that if you lowball at a price that seems ridiculous you might not get that specific price, but the seller may drop their price a long way down to achieve a quick sale.

‘I’ll agree to this price if you will throw in free delivery.’

You might not always receive a discount but sales goes far beyond prices. You can also receive free goods and services as part of a deal. In fact, using this phrase is one of the easiest ways to get a discount as sales people often have wider latitude to give away free goods than a price cut.

Look for signs of your interlocutor showing hesitance. If they give off signals that they’re unsure about losing out on a deal, but can’t actually go down on the price, use this phrase. This phrase works best if you make it clear that you are willing to walk away if they are not willing to add something complementary to the deal.

‘Your competitor offers the product for X but I’ll pay X right now.’

A lot of companies offer discounts if you can prove that their competitor sells a product for a cheaper price. Some will even go further and offer to sell at a cheaper price than a competitor you buy the product from them. Therefore never be afraid to point out a competitor’s rate if it’s cheaper.

You can use this discount phrase in a variety of environments but it works especially well with electronics companies. Just make sure to do your research. It’s crucial that you also provide up-to-date information on a competitor’s prices.

Negotiation is a tricky business for even the most experienced sales professional. Therefore it’s crucial you keep practicing and challenging yourself. Always consider how you can get more out of any negotiation, and how you can improve yourself too.

Have you used any of these phrases in your own sales negotiations? What was the best discount you received using a sales phrase? We wanted to highlight our eight favorite phrases, now tell us which are yours.

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As someone deeply immersed in the art of negotiation and sales tactics, let me assure you that securing a discounted price is a skill that goes beyond mere luck—it's a strategic game requiring a thorough understanding of human psychology, market dynamics, and effective communication. Having navigated numerous negotiations, I can attest to the importance of deploying the right phrases at the right time to maximize your chances of success.

The article rightly emphasizes the power of well-crafted phrases in securing discounts during negotiations. Let's break down the concepts discussed:

  1. ‘All I have in my budget is X.’

    • Concept: Setting a maximum budget and using it strategically in negotiations.
    • Expert Insight: This phrase is a powerful tool to reassert control in negotiations, putting the onus on the seller to meet your budget constraints.
  2. ‘What would your cash price be?’

    • Concept: Leveraging the preference for cash transactions to secure a discount.
    • Expert Insight: Cash is a valuable resource for businesses, and this phrase taps into their desire for liquidity, providing a win-win situation for both parties.
  3. ‘How far can you come down in price to meet me?’

    • Concept: Seeking information about the seller's flexibility on pricing.
    • Expert Insight: Timing is crucial; deploy this phrase when additional information is needed without appearing desperate, striking a balance between assertiveness and openness.
  4. ‘What?’ or ‘Wow!’

    • Concept: Employing surprise to catch the seller off guard.
    • Expert Insight: Appealing to the seller's need for approval and positive interaction, creating an opportunity for a discounted offer or further negotiation.
  5. ‘Is that the best you can do?’

    • Concept: Using silence as a strategic tool to prompt a compromise.
    • Expert Insight: Silence creates discomfort, prompting the seller to break it by offering concessions, a technique employed not only in sales but also by skilled negotiators in various fields.
  6. ‘I’ll give you X if we can close the deal now.’

    • Concept: Employing a lowball offer to expedite the sales process.
    • Expert Insight: Timing is crucial; deploy this tactic during target seasons to capitalize on the seller's urgency to close deals quickly.
  7. ‘I’ll agree to this price if you will throw in free delivery.’

    • Concept: Expanding the negotiation beyond price to include additional benefits.
    • Expert Insight: Recognizing that discounts aren't limited to price reductions; free goods or services can also be negotiated successfully.
  8. ‘Your competitor offers the product for X but I’ll pay X right now.’

    • Concept: Using competitors' pricing to leverage a better deal.
    • Expert Insight: Effective in competitive markets, this phrase requires meticulous research to provide accurate and up-to-date information about competitors' prices.

In conclusion, successful negotiation is an art that requires constant refinement and adaptability. The phrases outlined in the article are not just words; they are strategic tools designed to tip the scales in your favor during the delicate dance of negotiations. Remember, each negotiation is unique, and mastering these techniques involves practice, intuition, and a keen understanding of the context in which they are applied.

Top 8 phrases to use when negotiating a lower price | Revenue Grid (2024)


What do you say to negotiate a lower price? ›

Top eight phrases to use when negotiating a lower price
  • All I have in my budget is X.
  • What would your cash price be?
  • How far can you come down in price to meet me?
  • What? or Wow.
  • Is that the best you can do?
  • Ill give you X if we can close the deal now.
  • Ill agree to this price if you.
  • Your competitor offers.
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To haggle is to negotiate or argue over something, usually a price. You can haggle at a flea market or anywhere where the price of items is flexible.

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Nationally renowned UCLA law professor Russell Korobkin distills insights drawn from his decades of studying and teaching the keys to successful negotiations into five simple-yet-sophisticated strategies: Bargaining Zone Analysis * Persuasion * Deal Design * Power * and Fairness Norms.

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Haggling also may go by the names bargaining, quibbling, dickering, or informal negotiating.

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A best alternative to a negotiated agreement (BATNA) is a course of action that a party engaged in negotiations has determined should be taken if talks fail and no agreement can be reached.

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11 tips for negotiating with vendors
  1. Build a foundation of communication. Without clear and trustworthy communication you'll never get anywhere. ...
  2. Research pricing. ...
  3. Learn from them. ...
  4. Sell the vendor. ...
  5. Get quotes. ...
  6. Try a different angle. ...
  7. Talk to customers. ...
  8. Lead with a deposit.

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the act of reducing the selling price of merchandise. synonyms: deduction, discount. type of: decrease, diminution, reduction, step-down.

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cheap economical low-cost low-priced modest popular reasonable. Weak matches.

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What is another word for low-price?
dirt cheapel cheapo
low-pricedmarked down
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Most people know intuitively that if they are to be convincing, they need to be confident, and if they are to be confident, they need to be comfortable (comfortable, confident, and convincing are what I term the three C's of negotiation).

What are the 4 C's of negotiation? ›

Cross-Cultural Business Negotiations identifies the four Cs of negotiation: common interest, conflicting interest, compromise, and criteria. These are common to all business deals regardless of cultural nuances.

What are the 4 golden rules of negotiation? ›

These golden rules: Never Sell; Build Trust; Come from a Position of Strength; and Know When to Walk Away should allow you as a seller to avoid negotiating as much as possible and win.

How do you tell a client you can't lower the price? ›

“[Name], I totally respect that you're trying to do what's best for your company right now, but the offer I've just made is the best I can do and still give you the (level of service, quality, value, etc.) that you'd expect and be happy with.

What are 3 synonyms for negotiate? ›

  • agree.
  • arrange.
  • confer.
  • consult.
  • debate.
  • haggle.
  • handle.
  • mediate.

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Here are some of the common expressions used to ask about prices? How much is this/that (are these/those)? How much does this/that (these/those) cost ?

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“Thank you so much for the offer, I'm really interested in joining the team. I do have a concern regarding the starting salary, however. Based on my understanding of the market value for the position, and my skill set I would expect my compensation to be in the range of $xx to $xx. Are you open to discussing salary?”

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How To Negotiate Without Offending Others
  1. Listening: Let The Other Person Talk. ...
  2. Empathizing: Understand Their Feelings. ...
  3. Asking Questions: Clarify What They Want. ...
  4. Offering a Compromise: Find a Middle Ground. ...
  5. Conclusion.
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