The Youngest Bride | Journeyman Pictures (2024)

REPORTER: Fouad Hady

Nujood Ali was just an eight-year-old child when her father arranged for her get married. She was one of 16 children. She loved school and playing games with her brothers and sisters.

NUJOOD ALI (Translation): Suddenly I was married. They got me clothes and things so I wore them and they put make-up on for me. I was young, and I was happy with all these things but I didn't now it was for marriage, or what it meant.

The man she married was three times her age. He was a delivery driver who lived in a distant village. Nujood's father made a deal with his family.

REPORTER (Translation): Why did you marry Nujood off?

NUJOOD'S FATHER (Translation): I married her off because of some compelling circ*mstances. Things were difficult. That was the reason.

There's something very different about weddings in Yemen. At celebrations like this, the groom is front and centre but you don't see any women, not even the bride. And when the brideis a child, she's locked away, sometimes not sure what the celebrations are all about.

NUJOOD ALI (Translation): They had music playing and they were singing and in the evening everyone went home. And I was crying. I wanted to go home. They said "You're married. You can't go home." I asked why. They said "You're married now. You can't go back."

Nujood's father was following a very common practice in Yemen. Parents arrange marriages for their children when they are very young.

REPORTER (Translation): But didn't you think that this child Nujood, just eight years old, that when a man had intercourse with her, it would cause injury?

NUJOOD'S FATHER (Translation): I thought... They said he'd only sleep with her after a long period of time.

REPORTER (Translation): At puberty.

NUJOOD'S FATHER (Translation): Puberty, yes. A year after. But the man didn't respect her and he did not respect us.

NUJOOD ALI (Translation): He sexually assaulted me on the wedding night, forced me. I was with his mother, sister and sister-in-law. Then his sister-in-law left and his mother and sister stayed. He assaulted me. He said "Now you're my wife."

REPORTER (Translation): Was his mother there when he sexually assaulted you?

NUJOOD ALI (Translation): Yes, his mother was holding me.

REPORTER (Translation): Holding you.

NUJOOD ALI (Translation): Yes, like this. Of course, I was screaming but no one came to help me.

Under Yemeni law, there is no crime of marital rape and Nujood had no help from her family. They told her she now belonged to her husband and had to face up to her duty.

REPORTER (Translation): So you were crying and screaming...

NUJOOD ALI (Translation): I was screaming as loud as I could, crying, I was like begging them but no one...They said "You're married now. You can't scream or beg anyone."

Nujood's mother Samir believed that the marriage would ease the burden on their family and give her daughter a better life.

NUJOOD'S MOTHER (Translation): We married her off. Our circ*mstances were difficult and the situation was harsh. We couldn't feed them or clothe them. We couldn't provide anything. So we married her off. That would mean one less child.

Despite her pleas for help, Nujood's family turned their back on her. They said she had to honour her marriage and avoid shaming the family.

NUJOOD ALI (Translation): I hoped that my parents would save me from this marriage. But there was no hope of that though I had high hopes. I went to Dad, my maternal uncle, my paternal uncle, but none of them would help me. So I thought I'm better off helping myself than asking them to help me.

With extraordinary courage for a 10-year-old, Nujood set out to end her misery. Choosing a moment when her husband wasn't looking, she made a bid for freedom.

NUJOOD ALI (Translation): I ran away. I took public transport. A bus, then taxi. The driver asked "Where do you want to go?" I said "The court." He said "Which court?" I said "Just the court." I didn't know its name. He took me there.

Nujood arrived at West Sanaa's courthouse where she sat sadly wondering what to do next. There was a strong possibility the court would decide Nujood was a runaway and return her to her husband. Instead, she met a judge who was astounded by her age and her courage.

JUDGE (Translation): She started to tell me her story. I became even more surprised. Is this for real? "What happened?" She said "Something black." She was shy so she didn't say "intercourse". When you say "black", it means bad, not good. Intercourse. "Don't worry. Who is with you?" "I came on my own."

When the families gathered in court, the judge told them that under Sharia law the marriage was legal. But he declared the husband should have waited until Nujood reached puberty before having sex with her. So he granted her a divorce.

JUDGE (Translation): If we look at Yemeni law... it does not specify a certain age for marriage. Which means that a marriage contract can take place even if the boy or the girl are still young. But here we have to differentiate between two things: the marriage procedures and the actual practice of it, having intercourse with the wife.

REPORTER (Translation): I'd like to ask you a question. Answer me honestly. Are you guilty or not, as regards the marriage?

NUJOOD'S FATHER (Translation): The girl's marriage? I'm guilty and the reason for this is poverty.

REPORTER (Translation): The reason is poverty?

NUJOOD'S FATHER (Translation): It is. I wouldn't have married her off otherwise.

REPORTER (Translation): Are you thinking of getting married again?

NUJOOD ALI (Translation): No, no, no. Never in my life. Now I'm divorced I'm not thinking of marriage at all. I think of everything except marriage. I've removed it from my mind, from my thinking.

Ghadir Ali is another young Yemeni girl whose father planned to marry her off to a much older man. She was just 12 and he wanted to use her dowry to pay off his debts. Ghadir refused.

REPORTER (Translation): After you said you refused, what did you do?

GHADIR ALI (Translation): He swore he'd kill me.

REPORTER (Translation): Kill you.

GHADIR'S FATHER (Translation): I forced her to marry. I said "Either you agree, or I'll kill you." This was what I said. "If you don't agree, I'll kill you." Then she kept quiet. Then her uncles came to the wedding. And during the procession they took her.

REPORTER (Translation): Her uncles?

GHADIR'S FATHER (Translation): Yes. They took her during the procession.

Ghadir's wedding turned into an ugly family fight. Her maternal uncle turned up determined to prevent the marriage.

GHADIR'S UNCLE (Translation): I only found out about the wedding on the wedding day. I went to her and asked her "So, girl, are you getting married?" She said "Uncle, I don't want to marry. He forced me." "How could he force you?" I said. "How could he force you at your age?" I called her father. "How could you force the girl?"

REPORTER (Translation): Didn't this result in an argument, a gunfight?

GHADIR'S FATHER (Translation): Yes, armed men came and this and that and they beat me up.

REPORTER (Translation): Did they beat you?

GHADIR'S FATHER (Translation): They beat me up and said "Why are you marrying her off? She's a minor?" "You're marrying her off? She's a minor, you bastard." I said "I asked you to help me but none of you did."

In the end, the case came down to a legal argument about money, Ghadir's prospective husband had paid a large dowry and he wanted it back. The court had to decide whether the marriage was a valid contract.

LAWYER (Translation): Excuse me, sir. I'm the husband's lawyer. Sir, the fact is she consented to the marriage. She fingerprinted the contract. The father was the one who went to my client and asked him to marry his daughter. The father came first.

HUSBAND (Translation): Her father came to me and said "I'll marry her off to you" and we entered into the contract. And she agreed and put her thumbprint on it. No one forced her. The celebrant, the judge, asked "Do you agree?" She said yes. He told her to thumbprint it. She did. We had witnesses. I paid all the wedding expenses. The procession... Legal procedures... All my siblings lost money.

While the lawyers argued, Ghadir waited outside the court, a child caught up in an adult world beyond her understanding.

NADA al-FAQIH, SEYAJ ORGANIZATION FOR CHILDHOOD PROTECTION (Translation): She is one of many victims in Yemen because of the financial situation of her family. Ghadir was married off because her father had borrowed 300,000. She and her sister, who's also a minor, were married off. Both of them were married off and the father paid off his debt.

Ghadir no longer lives with her husband but, while the legal argument continues, her divorce has not yet been granted. In Yemen, the Human Rights Watch estimates that more than half of all young girls are married before they're 18. Marriages of girls as young as nine or 10 are common. Four years ago, the parliament attempted to pass legislation making 17 the minimum age for marriage but it was blocked by members of the opposition party -Yemen's Muslim Brotherhood.

SHEIKH MOHAMMED AL-HAZMI (Translation): No one has the right, not the president, the parliament or anyone, to restrict something God has allowed.

Sheikh Mohammed Al-Hazmi is a member of Yemen's parliament and an Islamic scholar.

SHEIKH MOHAMMED AL-HAZMI (Translation): Islam doesn't specify an age for marriage. Why do they look into something that is not an issue? Why do they make a problem out of nothing? I want to ask...Why is early marriage a problem?

Nujood's divorce made her an international celebrity. The media spotlight transformed the life of a shy 10-year-old girl. An American fashion magazine staged a glittering awards ceremony in New York where Nujood was declared Woman of the Year. A book about Nujood became an international best seller and the royalties were put towards her education and a new house for her family in Yemen.

NUJOOD ALI (Translation): This is for my sister and me.

REPORTER (Translation): For you and your sister?

NUJOOD ALI (Translation): Yes.

REPORTER (Translation): It's your room?

NUJOOD ALI (Translation): Yes, we always sit in here.

REPORTER (Translation): Are you happy with your father, after what he did to you?

NUJOOD ALI (Translation): No, if I said I was I'd be lying. I'm not happy with him.

REPORTER (Translation): You're not.

NUJOOD ALI (Translation): I'm not.

REPORTER (Translation): Are you still hurting?

NUJOOD ALI (Translation): I'm still hurting, and every time I see him, I suffer.

Nujood's younger sister Haifa is not sure that her father has changed his ways. She's frightened that he might try to arrange a marriage for her.

HAIFA (Translation): After what I've seen with my sister, I'm shocked. That's it, I don't want it.

NUJOOD ALI (Translation): You're scared that the same might happen to you.

REPORTER (Translation): If the same thing happened to you, what would you do?

HAIFA (Translation): What would I do? I would not stay with him, I'd run away.

REPORTER (Translation): You'd run away to avoid the marriage?

HAIFA (Translation): Yes.

REPORTER (Translation): Will you do it again and marry another daughter off at a young age?

NUJOOD'S FATHER (Translation): No, I won't marry anyone off. Never again.

REPORTER (Translation): You won't marry them off?

NUJOOD'S FATHER (Translation): Not until they're over 22.

NUJOOD ALI (Translation): What is my wish in life? At the moment, I have no wish, only to continue my education. To finish primary school, high school and God willing university and after that, I'm thinking... myself and other people, of establishing an organisation to combat the phenomenon of early marriage or child marriage.

MARK DAVIS: What an amazing kid. I hope we will be hearing more from her in the years to come. Fouad Hardy reporting there and you can find more on the attempts by Human Rights Watch to stop child marriage in Yemen on our website.





Original Music Composed by VICKI HANSEN

The Youngest Bride | Journeyman Pictures (2024)


Was it normal to marry at 14 in the 1800s? ›

But it is also the case that marrying at the age of fourteen was not at all uncommon for a newly freed girl like Susie Baker, or indeed for many others throughout the nation in the middle of the nineteenth century.

How old was the youngest bride? ›

Berengaria of Castile married Conrad II, Duke of Swabia (aged 13/14), in 1187, when she was about 8-years-old. The marriage was never consummated due to her young age.

What is the campaign to end child marriage? ›

Girls Not Brides is a global partnership working collectively to ending child marriage so that girls can fulfil their potential.

Does child marriage affect boys? ›

Based on what he's seen, Pashupati Mahat, technical director and senior clinical psychologist for the Center for Mental Health and Counselling – Nepal, says that boys forced into child marriage suffer higher rates of depression, loneliness and even suicide than do child brides.

Can a 50 year old marry a 14 year old? ›

In California, a person under 18 can marry with the consent of one parent and a judge, following a review of the case that includes interviews with the parties involved. The state is one of only nine in the nation that do not set a minimum age for marriage. There is no federal law banning child marriage.

What states allow 12 year olds to marry? ›

6 states have no official minimum age, but still require either parental consent, court approval or both: California, Michigan, Mississippi, New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Washington. 2 states have a minimum age of 15: Hawaii and Kansas. 25 states have a minimum age of 16.

Which king married his own daughter? ›

The Mughal king Shah Jahan, who built the Taj Mahal, married his own daughter Jahanara after Mumtaz's death because she looked like Mumtaz to Shah Jahan.

Who married a child in the Bible? ›

Rehoboam, son of Solomon and Naamah, married Maacah daughter of Absalom.

Can 10 year olds get married in California? ›

California law requires a person under 18 years of age to obtain consent from at least one parent or guardian and permission in the form of a court order. Granting permission for a minor to marry or establish a domestic partnership is entirely within the discretion of the court.

What is a child out of marriage called? ›

The legal status of a child at birth refers to the marital status of its mother. "Legitimate" children are those whose parents are married. The birth is considered as being "outside marriage" (formerly "illegitimate") when this is not the case.

Can having a child save a marriage? ›

Studies have also debunked this notion that a baby can save the marriage. They say that a couple's satisfaction in the marriage can start waning after the first child is born.

Why do children get married off? ›

Why it happens. Child marriage is rooted in gender inequality and the belief that girls and women are inferior to boys and men. It is made worse by poverty, lack of education, harmful social norms and practices, and insecurity. Its drivers vary between communities and it looks different across the world.

How often do married couples with kids make love? ›

In a one week period, 23% have sex 0 times, 54% have sex 1 time, 15% have sex 1-2 times, and only 8% have sex 3 times. 0% have sex more than 3 times in one week. So if you hit 3, you can reassure your loving partner that you're doing great!

Do children make marriage happier? ›

The study also found that kids under age 10 bring more happiness than those aged 10 to 14, and parents are happiest when they are younger than 45. In addition, married people with children are happier than those without.

What is the best age to marry biologically? ›

Dr. Fisher believes that marriages that take place when the couple is in their late 20s to mid 30s are most successful. "By the time we are getting to the late 20s we have a clear sense of who we are and what we want out of life," he explains.

Is 70 too old to get married? ›

There's no age limit for love and romance—but there are important points to consider before you tie the knot again.

Which US state do people marry the youngest? ›

According to the study, Utah comes in first as the state that gets married at the youngest age. Utah's average marriage age is 25.8, nearly a full year younger than the next closest state Arkansas, whose average marriage age is 26.7.

What state has the lowest marriage age? ›

Three states have a minimum marriage age at the age of 18 – Kentucky, Louisiana, and West Virginia. Two states have a minimum marriage age of 15 years old, Hawaii and Missouri, and two states have the lowest minimum marriage age, which is 14 years old. Those states are Massachusetts and New Hampshire.

What age is considered a child at a wedding? ›

Child marriage occurs when one or both of the parties to the marriage are below the age of 18.

What was the legal age of marriage in 1950? ›

Figures 2a and 2b show the legal age of marriage with parental consent for men and women between 1940 and 2002. Figure 2a indicates that many states did not allow men to marry at all prior to age 18 in the 1940s and 1950s.

Where is child marriage most common? ›

In West Africa, Niger has the highest rate of child marriage globally — 76% of girls in Niger are married before the age of 18. Other countries in sub-Saharan Africa, like the Central African Republic and Chad, also see more than half of all girls married before their 18th birthday.

Who married his own mother? ›

When Oedipus grew to manhood, a prophet warned him that he would kill his father and marry his mother. Not knowing that he had been adopted, and that his real parents were Jocasta and Laius, Oedipus left the country to avoid committing such crimes.

Did any king marry his mother? ›

Oedipus, in Greek mythology, the king of Thebes who unwittingly killed his father and married his mother.

Who married his own sister in history? ›

Greek King Ptolemy II continued this custom and married his sister Arsinoe which violated his native Macedonian custom.

What is a forbidden marriage in the Bible? ›

Among the forbidden couples are parent-child, sister-brother, grandparent-grandchild, uncle-niece, aunt-nephew, and between half siblings and certain close in-laws. This "Levitical law" is found in Leviticus 18:6-18, supplemented by Leviticus 20:17-21 and Deuteronomy 27:20-23. Photo illustration, Shutterstock, Inc.

How old was Virgin Mary? ›

Mary, mother of Jesus
Died48 AD or 15 August, 57 AD (aged 72) Jerusalem, Province of Judaea, Roman Empire or Ephesus, Province of Asia, Roman Empire
Parent(s)Joachim and Anne (According to some apocryphal writings)
2 more rows

Who was the first male child in the Bible? ›

The firstborn of Adam was Cain. Cain and his brother Abel offered sacrifice to God. While Abel's sacrifice was accepted, Cain's own was rejected, which made Cain to kill his brother Abel and God cursed him and made him a vagabond on earth (Gen.

What age can you get married in Japan? ›

In addition, for Americans, you must be able to legally marry in your home state; if the legal age of marriage at home is 18, you cannot marry earlier than that in Japan.

What age can you get married in Mexico? ›

People under 18 years of age cannot marry without the consent of their parents or legal guardians. Under no circ*mstances can males under the age of sixteen, or females under the age of fourteen, be married in Mexico.

Is child marriage legal in the 44 states? ›

Technically, child marriage is not legal in any U.S. state, since the minimum marriage age in most states is 18, with the aforementioned exceptions having older ages Underaged marriage in the United States is not permitted unless there are exceptional circ*mstances.

What is a fatherless child called? ›

In this approach, a maternal orphan is a child whose mother has died, a paternal orphan is a child whose father has died, and a double orphan is a child/teen/infant who has lost both parents. This contrasts with the older use of half-orphan to describe children who had lost only one parent.

What is a married couple with no kids called? ›

There are several main categories of dual-income couples with no kids, including new couples, empty nesters, gay married couples, and other childless couples.

What is a child born to unmarried parents called? ›

Illegitimate means born of parents not lawfully married to each other. Hence, the correct option is B) Illegitimate.

What's the best age to have a kid? ›

Experts say the best time to get pregnant is between your late 20s and early 30s. This age range is associated with the best outcomes for both you and your baby. One study pinpointed the ideal age to give birth to a first child as 30.5. Your age is just one factor that should go into your decision to get pregnant.

Is staying married for kids healthy? ›

The short-term answer is usually yes. Children thrive in predictable, secure families with two parents who love them and love each other. Separation is unsettling, stressful, and destabilizing unless there is parental abuse or conflict. In the long term, however, divorce can lead to happier outcomes for children.

Do men change when they have children? ›

Positive brain changes

As well as changes in hormone levels, when you become a dad, your brain physically changes too. “We see changes in those areas which we need to be able to parent well”, says Anna.

Do marriages without kids last longer? ›

In the first year, childless couples were more than three times as likely to get divorced as couples who had a baby. After that, the 'divorce risk' curve flattened out, and after 12 years the researchers could no longer see a significant difference between couples who had babies and those who did not.

Is marriage harder after kids? ›

Sixty percent said they were less confident they could work through their problems, and many reported lower levels of dedication to their relationships long term. Couples said they also experienced more negative communication and more problems in the relationship after having children.

What is the usual age difference between a child bride and her husband? ›

Child marriage and early marriage largely refer to the same thing: marriages in which one or both spouses are under 18 years old. However, early marriage is also sometimes used to describe marriages in which one or both spouses are 18 or older, but with a compromised ability to grant consent.

How often should a wife please her husband? ›

According to a research published in the Archives of Sexual Behaviour, a married couple should get intimate around 51 times a year, which turns out to be once a week, to lead a satisfying and happy life.

What do married couples do in bed? ›

Bedtime couple intimate activities include cuddling, massaging, kissing, and making love. Sleeping habits are also essential for couples, and couples should lie down together whenever possible.

How often do 70 year olds make love? ›

They found that 53 percent of participants ages 65 to 74 had sex at least once in the previous year. In the 75-to-85 age group, only 26 percent did. (Lindau notes that a major determinant of sexual activity is whether one has a partner or not — and many older people are widowed, separated or divorced.)

What is the hardest year of marriage? ›

According to relationship therapist Aimee Hartstein, LCSW, as it turns out, the first year really is the hardest—even if you've already lived together. In fact, it often doesn't matter if you've been together for multiple years, the start of married life is still tricky.

What is the happiest family size? ›

Want to be a happier parent? Grow your family to at least four children! According to a study out of Australia's Edith Cowan University, parents with the most life satisfaction (which means those who are the happiest) are those that have four or more children. Dr.

Which gender is happier in marriage? ›

Men are happier when they're married.

You could jump to two different conclusions based on those numbers: Women are unhappier in their marriages than men are. The unhappiness might be on par, but women are far less likely to put up with it.

What is the best age to have a baby female? ›

In that sense, we can generally place the female reproductive years between 12 and 51 on average. Of course, as women age, the odds of conceiving also gradually lower. The ideal childbearing age is often considered to be in the late 20s and early 30s. Pregnancies later in life could come with some health risks.

What is the best age for a man to have his first child? ›

The age where a man is most fertile is between 22 and 25 years. It is suggested to have children before the age of 35. After this age, the male fertility begins to worsen. After 35, the sperm might result in pregnancies where mutations can occur.

What age difference should a girl marry? ›

Traditionally, it is believed that there should be a gap of 3 to 4 years between a man and a woman and the man should be older than the woman. However, there have been marriages with age gaps of more than 5 to 10 years of gap and still have been successful.

What age did they marry in the 1800s? ›

In 18th-century America, the typical age of marriage for middle-to-upper class white women was 22 and 26 for men. Women began courting as early as 15 or 16, but most delayed marriage until their early twenties.

How old did you have to be to get married in the 1800s? ›

Until 1823 the legal age in England for marriage was 21 years for men and women although after 1823 a male could marry as young as 14 without parental consent and a girl at 12 although most girls didn't marry until around the ages of 18 to 23.

Was it normal to marry at 14 in the 1900s? ›

Marriages between a girl under 18 and an adult man weren't unusual in the early United States. In an era when most people didn't know their exact birth date in the first place, most states went by British common law, which allowed girls to marry at 12 and boys at 14.

What age did girls marry in 1880? ›

Census YearMean Age at Marriage
13 more rows

What was marrying age in the 1600s? ›

The marriage age of men was probably the same or a bit older than that of women. (In 1619, it was about 23 for women, 26 for men.) The age of consent was 12 for a girl, 14 for a boy, but for most children puberty came two or three years later than it does today.

What age would you marry in 1700s? ›

However, early marriages were rather rare—the average age of the newlyweds was about 25 years. Interestingly, the basic requirement for a legally valid marriage was not a formal consecration in a church, but the completion of a marriage contract, commonly called 'spousals'.

What was the average age of marriage in the 1300s? ›

In the middle ages, girls were typically in their teens when they married, and boys were in their early twenties.

How old were people in the Bible when they got married? ›

In fact, according to Jewish law and customs of the day, Mary and Joseph probably would have both been young when they married. “Girls were usually engaged sometime between the ages of 12 and 15, and would be married sometime thereafter, at 15 or 16, and boys would have been 19 or 20,” Fredriksen says.

How common was it for cousins to marry in the 1800s? ›

In the English upper and upper-middle classes, the prevalence of first-cousin marriage had remained steady at between 4% and 5% for much of the 19th century.

How old did you have to be to get married in medieval times? ›

Among the aristocracy in the early Middle Ages there are occasional references that suggest girls might marry in their mid teens. The legal age for marriage set by canon law was twelve for girls and fourteen for boys.

What marriage had the biggest age gap? ›

Gertrude Grubb Janeway (USA, b. 3 July 1909), was 18 when she married 81-year-old Union Civil War veteran, John Janeway on 9 June 1927 – an age difference of 63 years.

Which country has the most child marriage? ›

Countries with the highest share of married girls 2022

Niger has the highest child marriage rate in the world among girls. According to the most recent data, in this West African country, more than three fourths of girls aged under 18 were married, with nearly 30 percent of them being younger than 15 years old.

At what age did girls marry in ancient times? ›

Ancient Roman law required brides to be at least 12 years old. In ancient Roman law, first marriages to brides aged 12–25 required the consent of the bride and her father, but by the late antique period Roman law permitted women over 25 to marry without parental consent.

What state has the lowest age to get married? ›

Three states have a minimum marriage age at the age of 18 – Kentucky, Louisiana, and West Virginia. Two states have a minimum marriage age of 15 years old, Hawaii and Missouri, and two states have the lowest minimum marriage age, which is 14 years old. Those states are Massachusetts and New Hampshire.

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