The History of Sidesaddle Riding (2024)

The History of Sidesaddle Riding (1)

Did you know that there are multiple ways to ride a horse and different kinds of saddles to support these different ways to ride? One of the most famous and most difficult ways to ride a horse is called sidesaddle riding. It comes with an exciting and rich history that every horse lover needs to know about.

Sidesaddle and the way we ride horses continues to evolve in and out of history books, to film, to being back on the filed. For some, it's coming back into popularity outside of period movies and TV shows and back into horse races and shows. But what is riding sidesaddle and what is its history? Sidesaddle riding is exactly what it sounds like. Instead of straddling the horse while riding, you posterior flat with either leg on either side of the horse, you sit sideways on the horse with both legs hanging off of the same side of the horse when riding. Many think this type of riding was just a tradition followed by women of historic royalty and high birth in the last few hundred years, but it goes way beyond that! Some historians date it back to the 6th century where the god of blacksmiths, Hephestus, has been pictured riding sidesaddle himself.

This type of riding became common for women to use because riding with your legs on one side of the horse allowed women to keep their knees together at all times, which was considered to be more modest, which was important even while riding. Even though it is is much harder to ride this way, it was culturally accepted as the only way a woman could ride a horse for centuries. In the beginning, it was only men who rode horses and women were just their passengers. Women would ride behind their male counterparts, sitting on an attached cushion or blanket, being as modest as possible and keeping both of their legs together. This was also due to the fashion at the time, women wore heavy layers of skirts, and it was impossible to ride astride and maintain their modesty while doing so.

Some say women started riding sidesaddle as early as 1382, and some say it was even earlier. In 1382, Princess Ann rode sidesaddle to marry King Richard II. This style of riding was considered the only way to properly preserve a woman's virginity, so from there on out it was the only way for a woman to ride. Ironically it wasn't until the middle ages that the idea and concept for a specially made saddle for this proper type of riding was even considered. This new saddle would offer support, comfort, and allow them to control and guide their horse better than ever before, and be able to ride without a man.

As the years went on, many saddles were created and invented to help a woman ride more comfortably, but in 1830 with the addition of an additional pummel, the tables turned for women riders. This provided the most security and freedom in their movements than ever before, allowing them to freely gallop, ride for longer periods, and even jump if they wished. They could now hunt, race, and keep up with their male counterparts while still being in control of their modesty. But what about the lower social classes? Of course, they rode out of necessity, but as a form of physical activity and fun and appropriate behavior, it was only acceptable for women of the wealthiest class to ride until as late as the 1850's. It took almost until the 1880's for a specific riding outfit to be designed and considered for a woman to ride in. Up until that point, a woman was wearing her normal day wear, which if too long, could prove to be very dangerous for the rider. This fashion quickly changed and by the early 20th century women could wear pants to ride. With this change in fashion and with the rise of the Suffergets side saddle riding slowly began to decrease in popularity. By the time the 1930's arrived, women were finally riding like their male counterparts after almost 550 years.

Today, thanks to the rise in popularity of British TV shows like Downton Abby, the return of sidesaddle riding has come. These vintage lovers are riding again in competition, races, horse shows, and for fun. They are not only bringing back the style of riding, but they are also bringing back the classic period style of dressing along with it too. Some men throughout history did ride sidesaddle, even though it was considered a woman's sport. If they had lost a leg or had other injuries, riding sidesaddle was easier for them. Riding sidesaddle was used when riding camels, zebras, mules, ostriches, and other exotic animals. Of course, some women refused to ride this way. They claimed that they were still very much proper women regardless of riding astride, Catherine The Great being one of these ladies. Also, if they were going to be riding long distances, sidesaddle was deemed impossible.

The next time you are looking for the best horseback riding in Charleston and you find our beautiful paths and stables, will you want to ask about riding sidesaddle? Would you be brave enough to try it? It will give you a whole new perspective on riding, and we guarantee that it will provide quite the adventure. Come see us soon, we can't wait to ride with you!

Parker Brown-Nesbit

6/26/2020 07:54:05 am

Very interesting!


11/21/2020 12:08:30 am

Both the knowledge of side saddle riding technique and the history of side saddle riding is sorely lacking in this article.


3/27/2021 08:06:41 am

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Liam Allan-Dalgleish

9/7/2021 06:17:18 am

Let’s get real. All of the above may be important secondary reasons but the primary one, which some women also experience on extended trips in trains and cars, was that the constant gentle massaging motion of riding can stimulate the cl*tor*s, either directly or indirectly, and of course, all good women never felt pleasure.

Pat Blair’s, and/not is



11/18/2022 08:54:48 pm

Maybe so, maybe not, that is, as regards the stimulation of the female genitalia. I dare say that the male organs are not stimulated in an arousing way by the "massaging motion of riding."


Susan Jo

6/5/2023 03:20:57 am

Mr. Dalgleish is correct; I thought everyone knew this. Why do you thinks adolescent girls are so interested in horses, ponies, and riding? It's not all due to Misty of Chincoteague and Black Beauty.


Kenneth Duffy

2/8/2022 03:36:06 pm

Let’s face it: As an historian and for the millions upon millions of men & women who LOVE history! Not just for Historian’s but for all the Ladies (&men) that are history buffs. Are extremely happy to see a renaissance if you will of all things History becoming more mainstream. Maybe, and with help of YouTube, Instagram and a little luck? Period movies & shows are just not a fad and will continuously to be popular enough, that sooner or later. (hopefully sooner) Pathetic, absurdly classless selfish shows such as: Temptation Island, Below Deck, The Bachelor & The Bachelorette will themselves fall by the waist side of history!


5/12/2022 08:46:21 am

While both styles are designed for long-backed horses, the reining saddle is more upright and "on pocket" in design. This saddle helps riders stay balanced during fast starts. It also has low-profile rigging, a short cantle, and a curved skirt. One of the most popular saddles used in reining is the Wintec New Generation Close Contact Saddle, which features a cutout skirt and close-contact jockeys.

Roping saddles are also similar to barrel racing saddles. Although their pommel is lower than that of barrel racing saddles, they have the same deep seat as their barrel-racing counterparts. However, unlike barrel-racing saddles, roping saddles are heavier than their barrel-racing counterparts. If you're a roping rider, a roping saddle is a better option.
Mounted shooting saddles can't be roped out


6/4/2022 05:21:45 am

A great Roping Saddle will be functional as well as attractive. It should fit both the horse and the rider comfortably, and be strong enough to withstand the pressures of roping. While practicality is still the most important factor when choosing a roping saddle, fancy versions are becoming increasingly popular at ropings. Most saddle companies offer these fanciful options and some even offer limited editions.


J R Tomlin

4/18/2023 09:07:51 pm

It is not true that before sidesaddles that women 'only rode as passengers'. Those long, full skirts of their dresses you refer to were quite easy to arrange in order to cover a woman's legs--again look at tapestries showing women riding at the hunt which are pretty common. Many women rode cross saddle and there is ample medieval art such as tapestries showing them doing so, including riding at the hunt. Women who did not know how to ride rode pillion, but it was not by any means a comfortable way to travel. There is no evidence of sidesaddles being used before the late 14th century. Even after the sidesaddle was first used many women, including Queen Elizabeth, were shown riding cross saddle. Modern sidesaddles are quite secure and easy to ride, but that was *not* true of the early medieval sidesaddles which gave the woman no way to steady herself in the saddle. As for virginity, that was not an issue with married women which of course made up most of the women.


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The History of Sidesaddle Riding (2024)


The History of Sidesaddle Riding? ›

Some say women started riding sidesaddle as early as 1382, and some say it was even earlier. In 1382, Princess Ann rode sidesaddle to marry King Richard II. This style of riding was considered the only way to properly preserve a woman's virginity, so from there on out it was the only way for a woman to ride.

Why did Queen Elizabeth ride sidesaddle? ›

This style of riding was devised as a modest way of riding a horse while wearing elaborate fashions so was perfect for state occasions. The Queen was taught the skill as a young girl and may have been influenced by her predecessors, Queen Elizabeth I and Queen Victoria who both rode side saddle as young women.

Did Lady Mary really ride side saddle in Downton Abbey? ›

The name for her bespoke line, says Sitwell, came to her naturally: “You know, sit well on a horse, and my dog is a whippet.” In later Downton Abbey episodes, Lady Mary, played by English actress Michelle Dockery, rode sidesaddle in tweeds and a bowler, and the extras in the scene were recruited from the Dianas of the ...

How safe was riding side saddle? ›

Contrary to popular belief, riding side saddle is as safe, if not safer, than riding astride.

Is it harder to ride sidesaddle? ›

Tough but Fair

I wouldn't want to start trying to ride sidesaddle without both a very good experienced sidesaddle fitter, a good sidesaddle, and someone to give both you and the horse training. It's not too difficult if you have an independent, secure seat and a balanced horse.

Why did females ride side saddle? ›

Also riding side-saddle was seen to preserve the ladies' modesty. The idea of it being indecent for a lady to ride astride can be traced back to 1382, when Princess Anne of Bohemia rode side-saddle across Europe on her way to marry King Richard II. Riding side-saddle was seen as a way to protect her virginity.

Did Anne Boleyn ride side saddle? ›

Anne most likely rode astride as opposed to sidesaddle: her feet in stirrups, her gown designed for the purpose of allowing her to have one leg on each side of her horse. The hunt was neither the time nor place to ride on a sidesaddle.

Why is Lady Mary's husband not in the Downton Abbey movie? ›

But, in reality, actor Matthew Goode's schedule did not allow for him to appear in the second Downton film. He was working on his new show The Offer and could not fit in a cameo for Downton.

Does Lady Mary wear a wig in Downton Abbey? ›

Let's begin with wig MVP, Lady Mary. Major changes since her TV wig include: BANGS and a serious back taper on her neck.

Can you gallop in a side saddle? ›

The impact of the second pommel was revolutionary; the additional horn gave women both increased security and additional freedom of movement when riding sidesaddle, which allowed them to stay on at a gallop and even to jump fences while fox hunting and show jumping.

What is the dress code for a side saddle? ›

Dress code

A habit and waistcoat should be worn, suitable for the horse's type and colour (navy, black or tweed). Appropriate colour long boot to match the above. A bowler with veil should be worn before noon, with a shirt and tie, and brown/dark gloves.

Did men ever ride side saddle? ›

Some men throughout history did ride sidesaddle, even though it was considered a woman's sport. If they had lost a leg or had other injuries, riding sidesaddle was easier for them. Riding sidesaddle was used when riding camels, zebras, mules, ostriches, and other exotic animals.

What is a female horse rider called? ›

It's gender-neutral and covers most disciplines. Anyone who rides horses or competes in equestrian sports is an equestrian. The term comes from the Latin terms “equus” (horse) and “equester “(horsemanship). Horseman, horsewoman: A horseman, or horsewoman, is an experienced and skilled horse rider.

Does anyone still ride side saddle? ›

Side saddle riding may be traditional, but it is not old-fashioned. Every year new riders, young and older, take it up for different reasons.

Can you putt a side saddle? ›

Is side saddle putting legal? Yes, it's legal, and you should think about enhancing your putting game by making a change. In a golfer's bag of 14 clubs, one club often goes unused, making it feasible to replace it with the GP putter for short putts.

What makes a good side saddle horse? ›

The underside of the side-saddle has a large surface area to distribute the rider's weight to those sections of the horse's back most capable of bearing it, and it's flocked asymmetrically to ensure the saddle sits flat – like a table. But like any saddle, it must fit the horse first and the rider second.

Who taught the queen to ride side saddle? ›

Find a proficient side saddle rider with an experienced horse that carries a side saddle well and have a lesson or two before taking things further. I was taught side saddle by a lady called Miss Sybil Smith who also taught the Queen!

Why did the Queen stop riding horses? ›

Last fall, it was reported that the Queen had to stop her favorite pastime due to "discomfort." It has since emerged that she has been experiencing "episodic mobility problems."

Was Queen Elizabeth II a good horse rider? ›

By her teenage years, Princess Elizabeth was a consummate equestrienne who won the Pony and Dogcart class at the first Royal Windsor Horse Show at age 17. She would continue to ride throughout her life, appearing in royal processions like the Trooping of the Colour and pleasure riding at Windsor Castle.

When did the queen stop riding side saddle at trooping of the Colour? ›

Arrival of the sovereign

This procession turns at the Guards Memorial, and No. 3 Guard has opened ranks to allow their carriages to pass through. Elizabeth II riding to Trooping the Colour for the last time in 1986 on her horse Burmese. She travelled in a carriage of the Royal Mews for the remainder of her reign.

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Name: Nathanial Hackett

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Hobby: Listening to music, Shopping, Vacation, Baton twirling, Flower arranging, Blacksmithing, Do it yourself

Introduction: My name is Nathanial Hackett, I am a lovely, curious, smiling, lively, thoughtful, courageous, lively person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.