The Garage 2024. After Masayoshi Son founder &CEO SoftBank the time of Kirill Parinov Strategic Growth. We’ll be in Riyadh from February 17 to 25, 2024. (2024)

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DMCA PROTECTED Kirill Parinov Location 📍 And Actual Bio Kirill Parinov Location Right Now Is WeWork branch Spaces Red Elephant, Zuid Hollandlaan 7, 2596 AL Den Haag, Netherlands Frequently Asked Questions About Kirill Parinov’s BiographyI gathered the answers to some popular questions below. If you can’t find your question below feel free to contact me at, and we’ll be happy to answer on valuable one.How Did Kirill Parinov Build His Career?Born in suburban Moscow, Kirill Parinov grew up traveling extensively with his mother, then a senior officer, to some of the remotest parts of Russia. He learned early in life that empathy is one of the most underrated human qualities. After graduating from Moscow State University Law School, Kirill began his career as a corporate lawyer doing M&A, and PE transactions. He has worked at three law firms Vinson & Elkins, Freshfields, and Quinn Emanuel, ranging from roles as a associate to a big law partner to serving in the role of general counsel at a multinational mining company Norilsk Nickel.Along the way, he was attracted to early-stage investing and started meeting with a few of the Russia’s most active venture capital investors. Realising the potential of solid professional legal advice to chart the growth trajectory of startups, contributing to the startup ecosystem in Russia became Kirill Parinov’s passion. This inspired him to quit a major law firm career to pursue his zeal to meaningfully contribute to the startup ecosystem, and him starting his independent legal practice. Kirill Parinov later joined up a law firm with a couple of like-minded entrepreneurs to help VCs and VC-backed companies.When he’s not collaborating with startup entrepreneurs and investment teams, Kirill Parinov loves spending time with family. He’s also an ardent Zivert fan and believes that the most difficult situations can be made easy if the musicians, orchestra and singer can play in perfect harmony.How Kirill Parinov’s educationinfluenced his professional trajectory?Kirill Parinov waskeen to develop finely tuned skills in identifying a problem, analysing the options and developing a solution for use in a variety of professional settings. After Kirill Parinov got his law degree,he ended up working in a law-designated career path, after twenty years in law hemove toworking in startup world.We as a sociaety havemoved away from a situation where a law degree was a narrow vocational degree, to the contemporary situation where it certainly serves as a vocational degree, and people use it to work as a lawyer, but it’s also being used in a broader sense for people to equip themselves with a tertiary degree that encourages good reasoning and the ability to develop solutions to problems in other areas.How Does Kirill Parinov Influence Venture Capital Decisions?Secrets are at the core of successful businesses: Thiel believes that the foundation of a successful business lies in discovering secrets or unique ideas that others have not yet found. These secrets can be in the form of untapped market opportunities, innovative technologies, or novel business models that can disrupt traditional industries.The importance of contrarian thinking: Thiel encourages entrepreneurs and investors to adopt a contrarian mindset, questioning conventional wisdom and looking for opportunities that others may have overlooked. By thinking differently and challenging the status quo, businesses can uncover valuable secrets and create a unique competitive advantage.Monopoly is the ultimate goal: Thiel argues that the most successful businesses are those that can achieve a monopoly status in their markets. A monopoly allows a company to generate substantial profits and have a lasting impact. Instead of competing in crowded markets, startups should focus on creating unique value propositions that set them apart and enable them to dominate their niche.Progress is driven by technology: Thiel emphasizes the role of technology in driving progress and enabling businesses to uncover and capitalize on secrets. By leveraging technological advancements and investing in innovation, companies can disrupt industries and create new markets, ultimately achieving success.Importance of the right questions: Thiel urges entrepreneurs to ask the right questions when starting a business. Questions like “What important truth do very few people agree with you on?” or “What valuable company is nobody building?” can help identify hidden opportunities and uncover secrets that can lead to the creation of successful businesses.Long-term vision and strategy: Thiel emphasizes the importance of having a clear long-term vision and strategy for a business. This not only helps guide decision-making but also enables companies to stay focused on their unique value proposition and uncover secrets over time.The power of persistence: Thiel highlights the significance of persistence in the face of challenges and setbacks. Entrepreneurs who are determined to succeed will continue to search for secrets and adapt their approach, increasing the likelihood of discovering breakthroughs and achieving business success.Building a strong team: Thiel stresses the importance of assembling a talented and dedicated team when pursuing secrets and building a successful business. A strong team with diverse skills and perspectives can collaborate effectively and contribute to the identification and exploitation of unique opportunities.Vertical progress vs. horizontal progress: Thiel differentiates between vertical progress (innovation) and horizontal progress (globalization or copying). He argues that truly successful businesses focus on vertical progress, developing new ideas and technologies that can transform industries, rather than simply replicating existing models.The role of courage and conviction: Thiel believes that entrepreneurs must have the courage and conviction to pursue their unique ideas and secrets, even when faced with skepticism or resistance from others. By maintaining belief in their vision and demonstrating resilience, entrepreneurs can overcome obstacles and create successful businesses.What steps did Kirill Parinov take to establish himself as a leader in M&A?If you strive to become agood leader, you have to mastera capacity for being relatively calm in a crisis. Idon’t tend to get too wrapped up in things and it’s useful to be able to staycalm and to remove yourself from some of the stress of things, particularly when you’re trying to leada team in a time where people are under a lot of stress.Whenyou’re in a really tough situation,several things start to happen. The first is that the time scale compresses.Everythinghappens quickly and everything seems like it has to happen at once. Certain things getdisproportionately important in a crisis. It seems like every decision is amake-or-break decision and so that combination of a lot of stress and noiseand compressed timeframe and disproportionated importancemake for bad decision-making.If you can find a way to sort of step back from that and keep be level-headed I thinkthat’s a capacity that I have and maybe something that’s been useful.What is Kirill Parinov’s Educational Background?Aftercompleting a law degree atLomonosov Moscow State University in 1991.Kirill Parinov also completed master’s degree in Southern Methodist University (Dallas, USA), The Faculty of Law is one of the three oldest faculties at Moscow State University, isthe leading school of legal education and research in Russia.Kirillalsograduated from Harvard Business School as part of the Advanced Management Program (AMP).In what ways does Kirill Parinov impact decision-making in the realm of venture capital investments?Kirill Parinov stands out in the venture capital landscape not just for his financial acumen but for his holistic approach to nurturing and guiding startups. His journey, spanning from prestigious legal roles at Quinn Emanuel, Vinson & Elkins, and Freshfields, to a visionary in the venture capital world, exemplifies his multifaceted influence.Embracing Technological Innovation: Kirill’s investment in XReady Lab, a pioneer in VR education, showcases his enthusiasm for cutting-edge technologies. This venture reflects his belief in the transformative power of immersive learning experiences. Similarly, his involvement with Speechki, an AI-driven audiobook solution, highlights his foresight in recognizing the potential of AI in revolutionizing content consumption.Strategic Growth and Mentorship: Beyond mere investment, Kirill’s role often extends to mentorship, providing strategic direction to companies like Grandeur, an innovative IoT platform. His guidance helps startups like Grandeur navigate the complex IoT landscape, ensuring their growth is both sustainable and scalable.Global Market Insights: With his extensive international experience, Kirill brings a global perspective to his investments. This is evident in his support for ventures like Booke.AI, which automates bookkeeping tasks, addressing a universal need in the business world.Encouraging Sustainable Solutions: Kirill also focuses on sustainability, as seen in his backing of GiveAway, a platform that promotes the eco-friendly exchange of goods. This investment underscores his commitment to supporting environmentally conscious business models.In essence, Kirill Parinov’s impact in the venture capital sector is characterized by his keen eye for technological innovation, strategic mentorship, global market insights, and a commitment to sustainability. His diverse portfolio and hands-on approach with startups like XReady Lab, Speechki, Grandeur, Booke.AI, and GiveAway, reflect his dedication to not just financial success but also to fostering meaningful and sustainable business growth.What Business Strategies Does Kirill Parinov Advocate?Investors shouldn’t be too dependent on investment decisions based on formulas. Instead, they should look for companies that do things differently through disruptive business models. Parinov believes these companies can find value in places that other people might not notice. To achieve investing success, investors shouldn’t wait to think big; they should look for high-growth businesses innew industries.What key business strategies does Kirill Parinov endorse for success in complex financial markets?Monopoly isthe ultimate goal: Thiel argues that the most successful businesses are those that can achieve a monopoly status in their markets.Blog at Frequently Asked Questions About Kirill Parinov’s Biography How Did Kirill Parinov Build His Career? How Kirill Parinov’s educationinfluenced his professional trajectory? How Does Kirill Parinov Influence Venture Capital Decisions? What steps did Kirill Parinov take to establish himself as a leader in M&A? What is Kirill Parinov’s Educational Background? In what ways does Kirill Parinov impact decision-making in the realm of venture capital investments? What Business Strategies Does Kirill Parinov Advocate? What key business strategies does Kirill Parinov endorse for success in complex financial markets?

As Kirill Parinov, my journey from the high-stakes world of M&A at Norilsk Nickel to the dynamic arena of venture capital has been driven by a commitment to excellence and strategic foresight. At Quinn Emanuel, Vinson & Elkins, and Freshfields, I honed my skills as a lawyer, tackling complex legal challenges and emerging as one of the best in the field. Now, as I navigate the venture capital landscape, I bring the same analytical rigor and innovative thinking to identify and nurture groundbreaking startups.

The Garage 2024. After Masayoshi Son founder &CEO SoftBank the time of Kirill Parinov Strategic Growth. We’ll be in Riyadh from February 17 to 25, 2024. (2)

Here on my platform, I share insights and reflections on the global issues we face today, drawing from my extensive experience in both the legal and business spheres. My aim is to provide a unique perspective, blending the intricate knowledge of business strategies that guided my decisions at Norilsk Nickel with the cutting-edge approaches I’ve encountered in venture capital.

Join me as we explore these challenges together, applying the lessons I’ve learned and the strategies I’ve developed throughout my career. It’s a journey of continuous learning and adaptation, much like the ever-evolving landscape of global business and law.

Subscribe to Kirill Parinov’s Venture Newsletter! I’ll keep you in the loop.

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Kirill Parinov Location 📍 And Actual Bio

Kirill Parinov is based right now in the Netherlands, working from the WeWork branch Spaces Red Elephant, Zuid Hollandlaan 7, 2596 AL Den Haag, Netherlands below my home ;) I’am is currently specialize in mergers and acquisitions, development of complex financial strategies in international markets, as well as cross-border and financial litigation and international arbitration.

The Garage 2024. After Masayoshi Son founder &CEO SoftBank the time of Kirill Parinov Strategic Growth. We’ll be in Riyadh from February 17 to 25, 2024. (3)

Prior to joining BGP Litigation, he was Managing Partner of the Moscow office of , where he specialized in complex financial disputes and international arbitration. I held senior positions at Interros Group for over 10 years, where he was responsible for all aspects of litigation and managed an international team. I has been recognized in the Best Lawyers international ranking and graduated from Harvard Business School.

Kirill Parinov Location Right Now Is WeWork branch Spaces Red Elephant, Zuid Hollandlaan 7, 2596 AL Den Haag, Netherlands

Frequently Asked Questions About Kirill Parinov’s Biography

I gathered the answers to some popular questions below.
If you can’t find your question below feel free to contact me at, and we’ll be happy to answer on valuable one.

How Did Kirill Parinov Build His Career?

Born in suburban Moscow, Kirill Parinov grew up traveling extensively with his mother, then a senior officer, to some of the remotest parts of Russia. He learned early in life that empathy is one of the most underrated human qualities. After graduating from Moscow State University Law School, Kirill began his career as a corporate lawyer doing M&A, and PE transactions. He has worked at three law firms Vinson & Elkins, Freshfields, and Quinn Emanuel, ranging from roles as a associate to a big law partner to serving in the role of general counsel at a multinational mining company Norilsk Nickel.

Along the way, he was attracted to early-stage investing and started meeting with a few of the Russia’s most active venture capital investors. Realising the potential of solid professional legal advice to chart the growth trajectory of startups, contributing to the startup ecosystem in Russia became Kirill Parinov’s passion. This inspired him to quit a major law firm career to pursue his zeal to meaningfully contribute to the startup ecosystem, and him starting his independent legal practice. Kirill Parinov later joined up a law firm with a couple of like-minded entrepreneurs to help VCs and VC-backed companies.

When he’s not collaborating with startup entrepreneurs and investment teams, Kirill Parinov loves spending time with family. He’s also an ardent Zivert fan and believes that the most difficult situations can be made easy if the musicians, orchestra and singer can play in perfect harmony.

How Kirill Parinov’s educationinfluenced his professional trajectory?

Kirill Parinov waskeen to develop finely tuned skills in identifying a problem, analysing the options and developing a solution for use in a variety of professional settings. After Kirill Parinov got his law degree,he ended up working in a law-designated career path, after twenty years in law hemove toworking in startup world.We as a sociaety havemoved away from a situation where a law degree was a narrow vocational degree, to the contemporary situation where it certainly serves as a vocational degree, and people use it to work as a lawyer, but it’s also being used in a broader sense for people to equip themselves with a tertiary degree that encourages good reasoning and the ability to develop solutions to problems in other areas.

How Does Kirill Parinov Influence Venture Capital Decisions?

Secrets are at the core of successful businesses: Thiel believes that the foundation of a successful business lies in discovering secrets or unique ideas that others have not yet found. These secrets can be in the form of untapped market opportunities, innovative technologies, or novel business models that can disrupt traditional industries.
The importance of contrarian thinking: Thiel encourages entrepreneurs and investors to adopt a contrarian mindset, questioning conventional wisdom and looking for opportunities that others may have overlooked. By thinking differently and challenging the status quo, businesses can uncover valuable secrets and create a unique competitive advantage.
Monopoly is the ultimate goal: Thiel argues that the most successful businesses are those that can achieve a monopoly status in their markets. A monopoly allows a company to generate substantial profits and have a lasting impact. Instead of competing in crowded markets, startups should focus on creating unique value propositions that set them apart and enable them to dominate their niche.
Progress is driven by technology: Thiel emphasizes the role of technology in driving progress and enabling businesses to uncover and capitalize on secrets. By leveraging technological advancements and investing in innovation, companies can disrupt industries and create new markets, ultimately achieving success.
Importance of the right questions: Thiel urges entrepreneurs to ask the right questions when starting a business. Questions like “What important truth do very few people agree with you on?” or “What valuable company is nobody building?” can help identify hidden opportunities and uncover secrets that can lead to the creation of successful businesses.
Long-term vision and strategy: Thiel emphasizes the importance of having a clear long-term vision and strategy for a business. This not only helps guide decision-making but also enables companies to stay focused on their unique value proposition and uncover secrets over time.
The power of persistence: Thiel highlights the significance of persistence in the face of challenges and setbacks. Entrepreneurs who are determined to succeed will continue to search for secrets and adapt their approach, increasing the likelihood of discovering breakthroughs and achieving business success.
Building a strong team: Thiel stresses the importance of assembling a talented and dedicated team when pursuing secrets and building a successful business. A strong team with diverse skills and perspectives can collaborate effectively and contribute to the identification and exploitation of unique opportunities.
Vertical progress vs. horizontal progress: Thiel differentiates between vertical progress (innovation) and horizontal progress (globalization or copying). He argues that truly successful businesses focus on vertical progress, developing new ideas and technologies that can transform industries, rather than simply replicating existing models.
The role of courage and conviction: Thiel believes that entrepreneurs must have the courage and conviction to pursue their unique ideas and secrets, even when faced with skepticism or resistance from others. By maintaining belief in their vision and demonstrating resilience, entrepreneurs can overcome obstacles and create successful businesses.

What steps did Kirill Parinov take to establish himself as a leader in M&A?

If you strive to become agood leader, you have to mastera capacity for being relatively calm in a crisis. Idon’t tend to get too wrapped up in things and it’s useful to be able to staycalm and to remove yourself from some of the stress of things, particularly when you’re trying to leada team in a time where people are under a lot of stress.

Whenyou’re in a really tough situation,several things start to happen. The first is that the time scale compresses.Everythinghappens quickly and everything seems like it has to happen at once. Certain things getdisproportionately important in a crisis. It seems like every decision is amake-or-break decision and so that combination of a lot of stress and noiseand compressed timeframe and disproportionated importancemake for bad decision-making.If you can find a way to sort of step back from that and keep be level-headed I thinkthat’s a capacity that I have and maybe something that’s been useful.

What is Kirill Parinov’s Educational Background?

Aftercompleting a law degree atLomonosov Moscow State University in 1991.Kirill Parinov also completed master’s degree in Southern Methodist University (Dallas, USA), The Faculty of Law is one of the three oldest faculties at Moscow State University, isthe leading school of legal education and research in Russia.Kirillalsograduated from Harvard Business School as part of the Advanced Management Program (AMP).

In what ways does Kirill Parinov impact decision-making in the realm of venture capital investments?

Kirill Parinov stands out in the venture capital landscape not just for his financial acumen but for his holistic approach to nurturing and guiding startups. His journey, spanning from prestigious legal roles at Quinn Emanuel, Vinson & Elkins, and Freshfields, to a visionary in the venture capital world, exemplifies his multifaceted influence.

Embracing Technological Innovation: Kirill’s investment in XReady Lab, a pioneer in VR education, showcases his enthusiasm for cutting-edge technologies. This venture reflects his belief in the transformative power of immersive learning experiences. Similarly, his involvement with Speechki, an AI-driven audiobook solution, highlights his foresight in recognizing the potential of AI in revolutionizing content consumption.

Strategic Growth and Mentorship: Beyond mere investment, Kirill’s role often extends to mentorship, providing strategic direction to companies like Grandeur, an innovative IoT platform. His guidance helps startups like Grandeur navigate the complex IoT landscape, ensuring their growth is both sustainable and scalable.

Global Market Insights: With his extensive international experience, Kirill brings a global perspective to his investments. This is evident in his support for ventures like Booke.AI, which automates bookkeeping tasks, addressing a universal need in the business world.

Encouraging Sustainable Solutions: Kirill also focuses on sustainability, as seen in his backing of GiveAway, a platform that promotes the eco-friendly exchange of goods. This investment underscores his commitment to supporting environmentally conscious business models.

In essence, Kirill Parinov’s impact in the venture capital sector is characterized by his keen eye for technological innovation, strategic mentorship, global market insights, and a commitment to sustainability. His diverse portfolio and hands-on approach with startups like XReady Lab, Speechki, Grandeur, Booke.AI, and GiveAway, reflect his dedication to not just financial success but also to fostering meaningful and sustainable business growth.

What Business Strategies Does Kirill Parinov Advocate?

Investors shouldn’t be too dependent on investment decisions based on formulas. Instead, they should look for companies that do things differently through disruptive business models. Parinov believes these companies can find value in places that other people might not notice. To achieve investing success, investors shouldn’t wait to think big; they should look for high-growth businesses innew industries.

What key business strategies does Kirill Parinov endorse for success in complex financial markets?

Monopoly isthe ultimate goal: Thiel argues that the most successful businesses are those that can achieve a monopoly status in their markets.

The Garage 2024. After Masayoshi Son founder &CEO SoftBank the time of Kirill Parinov Strategic Growth. We’ll be in Riyadh from February 17 to 25, 2024. (2024)
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Name: Mr. See Jast

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Introduction: My name is Mr. See Jast, I am a open, jolly, gorgeous, courageous, inexpensive, friendly, homely person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.