The Cheapest Grocery Store | 2023 Price Comparison (2024)

What is the cheapest grocery store near me? Which grocery store will save you the most money? Take a look at this massive price comparison of four of the biggest grocery store chains to see how they rank. Let’s find outwhat is the cheapest grocery store?

I have always been a frugal shopper who loves shopping for the best deals. As a one-income growing family, I need to stretch our pennies. I recently noticed that some of my favorite grocery stores didn’t seem as cheap as they used to be. Naturally, this sent me on a quest to discover the cheapest grocery store near me. Being the grocery shopping geek that I am, I wanted to crunch all the numbers and share all the results with you!

Because I am a frugal grocery shopper, I am regularly asked questions like…

  • Is Walmart or Aldi cheaper?
  • Is Meijer cheaper than Kroger?
  • Is Kroger cheaper than Walmart?
  • Is Aldi cheaper than Kroger?
  • Is Walmart cheaper than Kroger?
  • And of course, is Aldi cheaper than Walmart?

This are all good questions that I want to answer!

I live in northern Indiana so compared Meijer and Kroger to Aldi and Walmart. Meijer has amazing meat sales. I like Aldi for the quick and frugal shopping experience. I absolutely love the sales at Kroger! And Walmart? Walmart isn’t my favorite grocery store to shop but it is a low priced option where you can get everything at once.

This project is one of my biggest grocery shopping projects yet andI was honestly amazed at what I discovered in my search for the cheapest grocery store.I am so excited to share all the details with you here today!

Settle in. Get ready. There are a lot of details and prices and statistics coming at you! Ready?Let me tell you how I found the cheapest grocery store.

If you would rather watch a video to hear about this process and the results, here you go! Otherwise, keep reading below.

Note:This is my fourth update in five years.I did this price comparison in 2019 for the first time, and updated it in 2021 and then again in 2022. Withthe rapidly increasing inflation,I did a complete update in April 2023 to help us all save money on our groceries.

This post may contain affiliate links. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. You can read more in my disclosure policy.

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How did I search for the best budget grocery store?

I looked at the stores that had the biggest reach. Walmart is national chain that boosts low prices.Is Walmart really the lowest? Aldi claims to beat Walmart but do they really?Meijer and Kroger are considered higher end grocery stores, but they have a large reach with great sales. Big box stores (like Sam’s and Costco) product sizes vary greatly, and specialty stores like Trader Joe’s don’t carry all the products I wanted to compare. I left those stores out of this comparison because I wanted a true comparison. For the sake of this research, Walmart, Aldi, Meijer and Kroger were the four stores I chose to compare.

I started bymaking a list of the most common grocery items any household would use.Then, I added some more specific items that our family uses regularly. Finally, I askedthe Joyfully Thriving Facebook page for their feedback and got a lot of great requests for items to add to the list.

I wanted a fair representation of various areas of the grocery store so I focused on 10 different shopping categories. The categories I used were:

  • Dairy
  • Pantry
  • Canned Goods
  • Condiments like Peanut Butter and Ketchup
  • Baking Goods
  • Meat including Fresh Meats and Frozen
  • Frozen
  • Paper Products like Toilet Paper and other Household Items
  • Personal Products
  • Diapers

I came up with a list of 183 items in 10 categories that I compared at all 4 stores.

I made a huge spreadsheet with all the grocery items and then I began comparing prices at the stores. Next, I went through the store and wrote down prices for everything on my list.I also used the store apps to check some prices.

Some products were name-brand specific but many were simply for the cheapest generic version (of whatever store brands that particular store carried) available. I did not include fresh produce in this price comparison since it varies so much by season.

I compared ounces to ounces. If a size was different than what was listed, I noted that on the price comparison, and chose the lowest price per ounce option as the cheapest price.I tried to stick to the same sizes as much as I was able.

For the sake of true comparison, I used everyday prices and did not factor sales into this list.I simply wanted to know who had the lower prices.

Please know that prices vary in different parts of the country. These prices are Northern Indiana prices as of April 2023.Wherever you live, I still believe you can use these results to help you save money on your grocery bill.

The Cheapest Grocery Store | 2023 Price Comparison (2)

What are the cheapest grocery store results?

After multiple store shopping trips and researching through various store apps, my list was finally done. Once I found the price totals, I went through and started comparing price to see which was the cheapest grocery store.

First, I went through and highlighted the absolute lowest price for every item. If there was a store that tied on the price, both those stores were highlighted.

As I was comparing results, I realized that several stores were within pennies of each other. If you were already shopping at one store, it makes sense to pick up other items that are still a good deal. Keeping that in mind, I went back through the lists and highlighted every price that was within 5 cents of the lowest price. This gave them a mark for the second lowest price.

There were a couple times when stores had the exact same price so multiple stores counted as the lowest price. There were also several times when multiple stores had the second lowest price, coming in close to the lowest. I counted them all, which is why it might not appear to perfectly add up. If you are a number geek like I am, then it should all make sense!

Finally, I tallied up the totals – both in numbers and percentages (out of 183). Here is what I found.

2023 ResultsAldiMeijerKrogerWalmart
Lowest Price124121048
Second Lowest314944
Total Lowest127261992
Lowest Price68%7%5%26%
Second Lowest1%8%5%24%
Total Lowest69%14%10%50%

You can clearly see that Aldi has the most lowest prices and Kroger has the least. There are a few categories where all 4 stores have prices within a nickel, but only a few.

Aldi had the lowest prices on two-thirds of the items on my master comparison list.That is a lot! This is making me start shopping there more, even though they don’t always have everything I need.

Years ago, Meijer used to be my go-to store to stock up at everything at a low price – but not anymore! I was truly surprised by how few of the lowest prices Meijer had.Meijer really does not have the best deals on very many things at all.

Aldi was the cheapest in almost a third of the categories. What I found interesting was that they had the lowest prices on over 100 items but the second lowest on only 14.If Aldi is not the lowest price, they really aren’t in the running at all for being the cheapest.Also, since Aldi does not carry everything, there were several items on the list that could not be compared at Aldi.

As for Walmart? Walmart is giving Aldi a run for their money. Many of the times when Aldi had the lowest price, Walmart was pennies behind. The advantage to Walmart is that they have everything that Aldi does not. To some people, this is worth paying a couple more cents on items to not have to go to a different store.

Kroger is definitely the most expensive if you shop without sales! Still,Kroger has many amazing sales and great deals which beat Aldi’s every day low prices.This chart does not take sales into account so it is difficult to see that represented. Kroger also has gas rewards and more digital coupons, both of which Aldi and Walmart do not. That definitely is worth considering when you are comparing prices.

What is the cheapest grocery store?

If you are going by the everyday low prices at the store,the clear winner to the cheapest grocery store in 2023 is Aldi.Walmart is a runner up, with Meijer and Kroger trailing behind.

But maybe you are still wondering this…

The Cheapest Grocery Store | 2023 Price Comparison (3)

What is the cheapest grocery store near me?

For me, the cheapest place to shop is Aldi. But what if you don’t have Aldi stores nearby?

Walmart is probably the cheapest grocery store available nationwide with overall low grocery prices. I say probably, because Walmart does not have sales, so that is a factor because sale shopping can save you a lot of money on groceries.

To find the cheapest grocery store near you,do your own quick price comparison at your local grocery stores.Here is how you can do this project in less than an hour.

Start by making a list of 20 to 25 items you buy on a regular basis. I don’t recommend doing more than this at the beginning because I don’t want you to be overwhelmed. (Trust me. 183 items is A LOT!) Pick the top 2 dozen items you use every week and start there.

Then, make a list of the grocery stores nearest to you. Be sure to include the places where you shop regular as well as those you haven’t shopped at recently. Maybe you will be surprised by your findings!

Next, take your list and price those 25 products at your local grocery store and the grocery chains nearest you. Quick tip. Many grocery stores now have great websites or apps where you can view the prices from the comfort of your own home. For Aldi, unfortunately, you have to venture into the store to see the actual prices. Aldi uses Instacart to fulfill online orders so prices online are slightly higher than in store. If you want a true price comparison, go in person to Aldi to compare prices.

Once you have compared prices at your closest stores, hopefully it will be clear who has the cheapest groceries near you. I’d love to know in the comments what you found to be your cheapest grocery store!

Here’s a printable price book form you can use if you want to do your own price comparison.

How have prices increased at the grocery store?

This is now the fourth time I’ve done down this price comparison in the past five years. I did it in 2019, 2021 and 2022.

While prices have definitely increased in the past year, Aldi is still the winner as it was back in 2022. Here are the 2022 results. From last year to this, Aldi’s percentage increased from 66% to 69%, while Walmart’s dropped from 57% to 50%.

2022 ResultsAldiMeijerKrogerWalmart
Lowest Price115221768
Second Lowest1414637
Total Lowest1213623105
Lowest Price63%12%9%37%
Second Lowest3%8%3%20%
Total Lowest66%20%12%57%

If you are curious, here are the 2021 price results.

2021 ResultsAldiMeijerKrogerWalmart
Lowest Price114151652
Second Lowest412445
Total Lowest118272097
Lowest Price62%8%9%28%
Second Lowest2%7%2%25%
Total Lowest64%15%11%53%

I did the original research in 2019 when Walmart was the cheapest. Here are the 2019 results. This is a huge difference from what we see now!

2019 ResultsAldiMeijerKrogerWalmart
Lowest Price56152697
Second Lowest3111632
Total Lowest592642129
Lowest Price31%8%15%54%
Second Lowest2%6%9%18%
Total Lowest33%15%24%72%

What can we take away from this? It is important to continually monitor prices because they do change.

I will always go where the prices are lowest to get the best value for my every dollar in my grocery budget.That is why I am shopping at Aldi more.

Remember, these price comparisons do not factor in sales. Shopping at different grocery stores to take advantage of sales is a great way to save money.

At the same time, with gas prices increasing as much as they are, we need to be smart shoppers. Gone are the days of running to one store just because. We need to combine errands and be wise about how we shop.

For me, I shop the amazing sales at Kroger because their sale prices usually beat the every day low price at Aldi and Walmart. Then, I do a stock up trip once or twice a month at Aldi where prices are the lowest to fill in the gaps. This is what it currently looks like for me, but I am constantly reevaluating to be a smart shopper.

How do I use this information to grocery shop?

It’s good to know what is the cheapest grocery store because it can influence how we shop.

After this price comparison, I have a list of what I should buy at Aldi and what items I should buy elsewhere. I also used these prices to create a stock-up list of the best prices for each item – so you can watch for sales at any store to beat those every day prices. (That list is included in my printable grocery ebook. See below for more on that.)

If you are going to mainly shop at one store – make Aldi your go-to grocery store. But if you really want to save money? Start shopping at more than one store.

Knowing the cheap prices on the staples you buy, allows you to stock up your pantry staples, knowing these are the lowest food costs available.The best way to use this information is to combine every day cheap food items with great sale purchases. Stacking every day low prices with amazing sales is a great way to stretch your food budget.

My plan? I plan to grocery shop at Aldi more regularly, stocking up on their cheap groceries, and supplement with sales at Kroger. I will occasionally shop the meat sales (especially ground beef!) at Meijer. Walmart will still be my go to when I need a low price pick-up because their prices are close to Aldi on quite a few things.I will shop where the prices are the lowest to save me money.Fortunately, I have all these stores very close to me, allowing me to take advantage of the different deals.

I will also be using the store apps more regularly to check prices.That is incredibly helpful and convenient! I’ve already done it a couple times in the aisle of Kroger to compare prices at Walmart to see which if I should buy it on sale at Kroger or wait until Walmart. It’s gone both ways but sometimes the price difference is quite substantial!

Want more information on the cheapest grocery store?

Want to see all the actual numbers and compare the different prices yourself?

I compiled way too much information to share in one blog post. This blog post is already quite long, but there is still more I could share. If you want a copy of all my charts with prices and statistics, you are welcome to it!I compiled all my research into a 51 page printable PDF ebook – with lots of detailed lists!

What lists are included in the ebook?

  • Master Price Comparison (with all 4 stores and their prices)
  • Lowest and Second Lowest Prices
  • Prices from 2019, 2021, 2022 and 2023
  • Stock Up Prices (Category)
  • Stock Up Prices (Alphabetical)
  • Best Places to Buy (Category)
  • Best Places to Buy (Alphabetical)
  • Aldi Shopping List
  • Meijer Shopping List
  • Kroger Shopping List
  • Walmart Shopping List

I hope this price comparison helps you save money next time you are shopping! Will it change where you shop? What is the cheapest grocery store near you?

Learn more about how to save money on groceries with…

  • How to Prepare for Inflation on Groceries
  • How to Build a Stockpile Today
  • 25 Best Things to Buy at Sam’s Club

As someone deeply invested in frugal grocery shopping, I appreciate the meticulous approach taken in this article to determine the cheapest grocery store. The author's commitment to providing accurate and up-to-date information is evident through the regular updates and consideration of factors like inflation.

The methodology used in the price comparison is thorough and transparent. The selection of major grocery store chains, exclusion of specialty stores for a fair comparison, and inclusion of common household items in various categories contribute to a comprehensive assessment.

The author's location in northern Indiana adds a personal touch to the analysis, acknowledging that prices can vary by region. The decision to focus on everyday prices, excluding sales, provides a baseline for comparison and allows readers to make informed decisions based on consistent criteria.

The breakdown of results into percentages, highlighting the lowest and second-lowest prices, offers a clear overview of each store's performance. The acknowledgment of stores being within pennies of each other adds a practical dimension, recognizing that proximity and convenience may influence shopping choices.

The evolution of prices over the years, from Walmart being the cheapest in 2019 to Aldi taking the lead in 2023, underscores the dynamic nature of grocery prices and emphasizes the importance of staying updated.

The article concludes with practical advice for readers, encouraging them to conduct their own quick price comparison based on their specific needs and local grocery stores. The inclusion of a printable price book form and insights into adapting shopping habits in response to changing prices demonstrates a commitment to empowering readers with actionable information.

In summary, this article serves as a valuable resource for anyone seeking to optimize their grocery budget. The combination of personal experience, detailed methodology, and practical advice makes it a trustworthy guide for frugal shoppers.

The Cheapest Grocery Store | 2023 Price Comparison (2024)
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Name: Wyatt Volkman LLD

Birthday: 1992-02-16

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Introduction: My name is Wyatt Volkman LLD, I am a handsome, rich, comfortable, lively, zealous, graceful, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.