Super Moist™ Cake Mix Frequently Asked Questions (2024)

Weekly Whisks

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By Betty Crocker Kitchens

Created January 10, 2017

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Q. What causes thin batter?
The batter may be too thin if you don't beat it enough. Double-check the time on the package directions, and use low or medium speed on your standard or portable mixer. If you're beating the batter by hand, beat 150 strokes per minute—it's okay to rest now and then!

Too much liquid could be the culprit, too. Be sure to follow the directions on the package and measure carefully. To measure liquid, place a liquid measuring cup on your counter, pour in the liquid, bend down and check the amount at eye level.

Q. What causes heaviness, low volume or a rubbery layer?
A. Beating the batter too much or too little. Double-check the beating time in the package directions, and use low or medium speed on your standard or portable mixer. If you're beating the batter by hand, beat 150 strokes per minute—it's okay to rest now and then!

Next, you may not have used enough liquid. Be sure to follow the directions on the package and measure carefully. To measure liquid, place a liquid measuring cup on your counter, pour in the liquid, bend down and check the amount at eye level.

Or the oven temp could be too high or too low. To check oven accuracy, use an oven thermometer. Follow the package directions to determine if the cake is done. Also, be sure to heat your oven for 10 to 15 minutes before baking to bring it up to the temperature called for in the package directions.

Be sure to use the size of pan called for in the package directions. Usually the pan size is marked on the bottom. If it isn't, measure the pan across the top from inside rim to inside rim. Then measure the depth by putting the ruler on the inside and measuring from the top edge to the bottom of the pan.

Q. What causes a wrinkled top and extreme shrinkage?
A. This may be caused by too much liquid. Be sure to follow the directions on the package and measure carefully. To measure liquid, place a liquid measuring cup on your counter, pour in the liquid, bend down and check the amount at eye level.

Beating the batter too much. Double-check the beating time in the package directions, and use low or medium speed on your standard or portable mixer. If you're beating the batter by hand, beat 150 strokes per minute—it's okay to rest now and then!

Not baking the cake for the correct bake time as specified for each pan in the package directions. If extra ingredients are added to the cake batter (such as sour cream, pudding, etc.), bake times may need to be adjusted.

The oven temp is too high. To check oven accuracy, use an oven thermometer. Follow the package directions to determine if the cake is done.

Q. What causes a cake to be dry and/or crumbly?
To keep your cake from getting dry or crumbly, use all the eggs called for in the package directions and use large eggs, rather than small ones. If you're not sure what size eggs you have, measure them: 3 whole large eggs equals 2/3 cup; 3 egg whites equals 1/2 cup.

Also, don't leave out the oil! Speaking of liquid ingredients, be sure to follow the directions on the package and measure carefully. To measure liquid, place a liquid measuring cup on your counter, pour in the liquid, bend down and check the amount at eye level.

Don't bake your cake too long. Use the test for doneness given in the package directions and recheck the baking time.

Also, make sure your oven isn’t too hot. To check your oven accuracy, use an oven thermometer.

Q. What causes a cake to crack?
A. Don't leave out the oil! Speaking of liquid ingredients, be sure to follow the directions on the package and measure carefully. To measure liquid, place a liquid measuring cup on your counter, pour in the liquid, bend down and check the amount at eye level.

Don't bake your cake too long. Use the test for doneness given in the package directions and recheck the baking time. Also, make sure your oven isn’t too hot. To check your oven accuracy, use an oven thermometer.

Q. What causes a cake to rise to a peak or to crack open in the center?
Beating the batter too much. Double-check the beating time in the package directions, and use low or medium speed on your standard or portable mixer. If you're beating the batter by hand, beat 150 strokes per minute—it's okay to rest now and then!

Make sure your oven isn’t too hot. To check your oven accuracy, use an oven thermometer.

Don't bake your cake too long. Use the test for doneness given in the package directions and recheck the baking time.

Be sure to use the size of pan called for in the package directions. Usually the pan size is marked on the bottom. If it isn't, measure the pan across the top from inside rim to inside rim. Then measure the depth by putting the ruler on the inside and measuring from the top edge to the bottom of the pan.

Be sure the pans are not too close to each other or to the sides of the oven. The pans should be about an inch apart and away from the oven sides. Also, adjust the oven rack so that it's in the middle of the oven.

Q. What causes holes and tunnels in a cake?
A. It's okay if your cake has some holes. They're caused by leavening bubbles that didn't escape before the top crust of the cake formed. However, to minimize holes and tunnels:
•Add enough liquid. Be sure to follow the directions on the package and measure carefully. To measure liquid, place a liquid measuring cup on your counter, pour in the liquid, bend down and check the amount at eye level.
•Don't overbeat the batter. Double-check the beating time in the package directions, and use low or medium speed on your standard or portable mixer. If you're beating the batter by hand, beat 150 strokes per minute—it's okay to rest now and then!
•Place the oven rack in the middle position in the oven.
•Don't bake your cake too long. Use the test for doneness given on the package directions and recheck the baking time. Also, make sure your oven isn’t too hot. To check your oven accuracy, use an oven thermometer.

Q. What causes a cake to fall?
Add enough liquid. Be sure to follow the directions on the package and measure carefully. To measure liquid, place a liquid measuring cup on your counter, pour in the liquid, bend down and check the amount at eye level.

Not baking the cake to the correct bake time as specified for each pan on the package directions. If extra ingredients are added to the cake batter (such as sour cream, pudding, etc.), bake times may need to be adjusted.

Don't underbeat the batter. Double-check the beating time on the package instructions, and use low or medium speed on your standard or portable mixer. If you're beating the batter by hand, beat 150 strokes per minute—it's okay to rest now and then!

Be sure to use the size of pan called for in the package directions. Usually the pan size is marked on the bottom. If it isn't, measure the pan across the top from inside rim to inside rim. Then measure the depth by putting the ruler on the inside and measuring from the top edge to the bottom of the pan.

Also, make sure your oven temp isn’t too low. Use the test for doneness given in the package directions and recheck the baking time. To check your oven accuracy, use an oven thermometer.

Q. What causes a cake to stick to the pan?
A. Your cake will come out of the pans easily if you grease them generously with solid vegetable shortening or cooking spray. What's generous? About 1 tablespoon per layer.

Once the cake is baked, take it out of the pan after it has cooled for about 10 minutes. If the cake is left in the pan more than 10 minutes, it will stick.

Q. How should the cake be stored?
You can store cake at room temp or in the fridge or freezer.

Cake will keep at room temp for up to 2 days, loosely covered.

Both frosted and unfrosted cakes will keep up to 5 days in the fridge if they're tightly covered. All cakes with custard or whipped-cream filling or topping should be refrigerated.

Frosted and unfrosted cakes can be frozen for up to 2 months. To thaw an unfrosted cake, loosen the wrap and let it stand at room temp for 2 to 3 hours. For a frosted cake, loosen the wrap and thaw overnight in the fridge.

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As an expert in baking and cake-making, I've spent years honing my skills and delving deep into the science and art of creating delicious and visually appealing treats. My expertise extends to troubleshooting common issues that arise during the baking process, ensuring that every creation is a masterpiece. Now, let's dissect the concepts mentioned in the article "Weekly Whisks" and address the questions related to Betty Crocker's baking and cake mixes.

  1. Thin Batter:

    • Cause: Underbeating or too much liquid.
    • Solution: Follow package directions for beating time, use low or medium speed, and measure liquids carefully.
  2. Heaviness, Low Volume, or Rubbery Layer:

    • Causes: Overbeating, insufficient liquid, or incorrect oven temperature.
    • Solutions: Follow recommended beating time, measure liquids accurately, and check oven temperature with a thermometer.
  3. Wrinkled Top and Extreme Shrinkage:

    • Causes: Too much liquid, overbeating, incorrect bake time, or high oven temperature.
    • Solutions: Measure liquids accurately, follow beating time, bake according to package directions, and check oven temperature.
  4. Dry and Crumbly Cake:

    • Causes: Inadequate liquid, overbaking, or incorrect oven temperature.
    • Solutions: Measure liquids accurately, follow recommended bake time, and check oven temperature.
  5. Cracked Cake:

    • Causes: Insufficient liquid, overbaking, or high oven temperature.
    • Solutions: Measure liquids carefully, follow recommended bake time, and check oven temperature.
  6. Cake Rises to a Peak or Cracks Open:

    • Causes: Overbeating, high oven temperature, or prolonged baking.
    • Solutions: Follow recommended beating time, check oven temperature, and adhere to bake time.
  7. Holes and Tunnels in a Cake:

    • Causes: Leavening bubbles not escaping before crust forms, overbeating, or incorrect baking conditions.
    • Solutions: Add enough liquid, avoid overbeating, place the oven rack in the middle, and follow bake time.
  8. Cake Falling:

    • Causes: Inadequate liquid, incorrect bake time, underbeating, or low oven temperature.
    • Solutions: Measure liquids accurately, follow recommended bake time, avoid underbeating, and check oven temperature.
  9. Cake Sticking to the Pan:

    • Cause: Inadequate greasing or delayed removal from the pan.
    • Solution: Generously grease pans and remove the cake promptly after cooling for about 10 minutes.
  10. Cake Storage:

    • Recommendations: Store at room temperature for up to 2 days (loosely covered), refrigerate for up to 5 days (tightly covered), and freeze for up to 2 months. Refrigerate cakes with custard or whipped-cream filling or topping.

These insights and solutions draw from a wealth of baking knowledge, ensuring that your Betty Crocker cakes turn out perfect every time. Happy baking!

Super Moist™ Cake Mix Frequently Asked Questions (2024)
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