Street Photography and the Law: 7 things you need to know (2024)

Street Photography and the Law: 7 things you need to know (1)


Venturing out onto the streets with your camera can be an intimidating prospect.

Beyond the anxiety that people often feel about photographing strangers (or even being observed by strangers while shooting), many photographers aren’t quite sure what their rights and responsibilities are when engaging in street photography.

While specific regulations vary nationwide, let’s take a look at some general standards for street photography in the United States.

Street Photography and the Law: 7 things you need to know (2)

1. Model releases are generally not required…

This is one of the biggest misconceptions about what is required when photographing people.

Granted, it never hurts to obtain a release, and if you intend to use or license your image commercially, then it’s much easier to get a model release immediately before or after photographing a subject than it is to try to track down a stranger for a waiver after the fact.

  • Street Photography and the Law: 7 things you need to know (3)

However, simply photographing a person in public view — including children and law enforcement officials — does not require either a model release or expressed consent.

Street Photography and the Law: 7 things you need to know (4)

2. … but use common sense.

There are certain exceptions to the above generalization, most of them related to a person’s “reasonable expectation of privacy.”

For example, if you’re shooting from a public street into someone’s bedroom or bathroom window, you may be crossing an ethical and even legal line. Shooting under public bathroom stalls or up the skirts of passersby is also likely to get you into trouble.

Texas even has an “Improper Photography” statute that makes it a felony to photograph a subject “without the other person’s consent … and with intent to arouse or gratify the sexual desire of any person.”

If someone waves you off when you try to photograph him or her, you may be well within your legal rights to take the shot, but ask yourself if it’s worth the verbal or even physical altercation that it may yield.

Confrontation aside, I’d always advise being respectful and considerate towards your subjects, and if they express that they’d rather not be photographed, I’d suggest simply moving on.

Street Photography and the Law: 7 things you need to know (5)

3. Your rights as a photographer are broadest in public places.

For the most part, that means that as long as your shooting position is on public ground, you can photograph whatever you wish; this includes subjects situated on private property but within public view, such as a couple sitting on a restaurant patio that you can view from the street or a waiter who is taking a smoke break on his employer’s back step.

Similarly, contrary to popular belief, you do not need to obtain parental or guardian consent to photograph children on or visible from public property.

must haves


Street Photography and the Law: 7 things you need to know (6)

24-70mm lens

Versatility is key when you are photographing an ever-changing scene. The 24-70mm zoom lens will give you the range between a wide angle and a telephoto lens, allowing you to capture a lot of context or zoom in on a specific subject. We like this version as it has a constant maximum aperture of 2.8, allowing you to shoot in low light situations with ease. Plus, with Vibration Reduction you will be able to nail focus at slower shutter speeds.

Street Photography and the Law: 7 things you need to know (7)

ONA Bowery camera bag

As you are walking through the street, you are going to need a comfortable camera bag that will allow you to store your gear safely without hurting you shoulders and back. We love this bag because not only is it practical, it doesn’tlook like a camera bag so you won’t be advertising that you are carrying around a bunch of expensive equipment.

Street Photography and the Law: 7 things you need to know (8)

Nikon Z6 mirrorless camera

Street photography requires stamina and the ability to be somewhat invisible…so big, heavy equipment isn’t ideal. That’s why we love shooting with mirrorless cameras! Smaller and lighter than their DSLR counterparts, they will let you shoot all day without drawing a bunch of attention to yourself.

Street Photography and the Law: 7 things you need to know (9)

4. Just because a property is open to the public doesn’t make it public property.

Keep in mind that locations often thought of as “public,” such as shopping malls, amusem*nt parks, airplanes, theaters, and performance arenas may be subject to restrictions imposed by property owners once you enter onto their property.

You are legally obligated to comply with property owners’ requests (or that of their agents, such as an employee or security guard) to cease photography or even to vacate the premises.

Military bases, crime scenes, airports, museums, energy installations, courthouses, public hospitals, and certain government facilities — while technically property owned by taxpayers — may also be physically (and sometimes photographically) off limits to photographers or subject to significant limitations for security, privacy, or logistical reasons.

While there are typically signs present advising as to whether photography (or your presence) is permissible in such locations, if you have any uncertainty, do your homework or ask for permission directly before you make plans to shoot there.

Street Photography and the Law: 7 things you need to know (10)

5. There may be restrictions on photography that interferes with others’ enjoyment or use of a public area.

For example, even broadly accessible public areas — such as public streets and sidewalks — may be subject to restrictions on the use of certain equipment, particularly tripods, supplemental lighting, reflectors, and similar.

If your setup is likely to disrupt the general flow of traffic, interfere with administrative activities, or cause a safety hazard, there’s a good chance that you need a permit to conduct your photography as planned. In particular, I’d suggest checking policies and regulations for high traffic areas such as subway systems, train stations, urban bridges and roadways, and protected or historical sites (including some parks and preserves).

In Washington DC, for example, photography is permitted but tripods are prohibited on the Capitol grounds, national memorials, most Smithsonian museums, and the Metro system (other than the Pentagon station, where photography is prohibited entirely).

Street Photography and the Law: 7 things you need to know (11)

6. Concerned parties have the right to approach you and inquire about your activity.

If confronted, be calm, respectful, and prepared to explain yourself. We live in a relatively fearful society, particularly post 9/11.

Accept that most approaches – whether they come from a private citizen or a law enforcement officer – are probably coming from an honest place of fear, defensiveness, or concern.

Confidently and honestly explain to those who ask about your activity that you are a professional photographer, a photographer taking part in a photo walk, or a photography student completing an assignment (even if it is self-assigned). Any one of these explanations is very likely to defuse the situation.

If you are advised that your activity (or use of equipment) is prohibited, feel free to respectfully ask for clarification as to the relevant policy, regulation, or statute and its terms. Broadly speaking, private citizens may not detain unless they have witnessed a felony, and law enforcement officials may detain only if they have reasonable suspicion of criminal activity afoot.

Neither private citizens nor law enforcement officials have the authority to require that you delete your photographs or relinquish your equipment (including film or memory cards) except when acting in accordance with a court order or in conducting of an arrest.

Street Photography and the Law: 7 things you need to know (12)

7. You are allowed to display and even sell the images that you’ve photographed.

This is another point people tend to get hung up on. If you had the right to photograph a subject or scene, generally speaking, you also have the authority to display the photograph as an illustration of art or news – and that includes showing those images on your blog, in print, in news media, and in your photography portfolio (print or online).

Indeed, you can even sell prints or digital copies of your street photography. Things start to get more complicated when “commercial use” (typically tied to advertising) comes into play, which is the reason why stock agencies that license images for both personal and commercial use tend to require a model release for any photos that they agree to manage which contain a personally identifiable individual.

If you are in business, this may also become relevant to you as you put together your own promotional materials, in which case you will need to ask yourself if your image of an identifiable subject suggests some sort of endorsem*nt, advocacy, or sponsorship of your work — or whether the inclusion of the subject is simply a matter of illustrating your art.

Street Photography and the Law: 7 things you need to know (13)

Happy Shooting!!

Disclaimer: This article does not constitute legal advice, nor does it establish an attorney-client relationship. The information contained herein is no substitute for legal advice from an attorney licensed in your state and may or may not be applicable to your specific situation. You are strongly encouraged to consult with local counsel to discuss your individual circ*mstances.

  • Street Photography and the Law: 7 things you need to know (14)


88 thoughts on “Street photography and the law: 7 things you need to know”

  1. Thank you so much Sarah for sharing this. These are answers to questions that I have always had concerning street photography. Your images were a huge treat too!


    1. “…you do not need to obtain parental or guardian consent to photograph children on or visible from public property.”

      So, if the positions were reversed, what then? My neighbor across the street from me was taking pictures from his front porch of 4 children in our cul-de-sac, one of which was mine. This is a tad unsettling.


      1. Hi Dan, Unfortunately the law doesn’t always protect us from situations that may be uncomfortable or unsettling, but even when there is not a legal remedy, often a friendly conversation is sufficient to address like this; one would hope that a reasonable neighbor would respect a parent’s wishes in this scenario, even if they are not legally obligated to do so. With that in mind, while technically he may have the legal right to take the photos, you certainly also have the right to request that he stop, to obstruct his view, to wave him off, or to remove the children from public view altogether so that he cannot continue to photograph your child. And you’ll note above that I recommend the following to photographers: “I’d always advise being respectful and considerate towards your subjects, and if they express that they’d rather not be photographed, I’d suggest simply moving on.”


      2. [replaces previous]
        May I ask what, exactly, you find “unsettling” about the situation you described?

        Do you fear that merely being photographed by your neighbor somehow poses some threat to your child? How so? Can you articulate your concerns?


        1. Read his comment again. It was the issue with his child being photographed, not him. In this day and age when children are exploited (particularly online) and their pictures are often used for unsavory reasons, I can see where he’d be a little creeped out by it.


  2. Thanks for this Sarah. Right in time for the photo walk this weekend. And congrats on the new baby!


  3. this couldn't have been more timely, as an organization I was working with was discussing photo usage (particularly of children) Thanks for the background!


  4. Thank you Sarah. I often wondered about many of the situations you covered. Perfect timing with this weekends ClickinWalk. 🙂 Your images are always a treat to view too.


  5. This is so enlightening! I felt restricted in my misunderstanding of several of these points, and now have a bit more confidence in street photography! Thanks for clarifying all of this, Sarah, in such an easy to follow way. 🙂


  6. Wow, this is seriously one of the best posts I've seen from this already fantastic blog. Thank you for sharing, Sarah!!


  7. Since embarking on my “One Bench” series, I have often wondered about the legalities of street work. Thanks so much for clarifying and answering all my questions!! Awesome article, Sarah!!


  8. Your comments are worth making. But try not to spend too much time worrying about the law. It'll get in the way of your pictures. Too many photographers get paralysed by this. Just go out and shoot.



    1. 7. You are allowed to display and even sell the images that you’ve photographed. – Is it allowed to make, sell and publish photos of foreigners from Europe? Will I need a permission from that person? I’m talking about GDPR. What about selling pictures of this kind to tabloid newspapers?


      1. European law varies from country to country. In Italy, for example, it is against the law to photograph children in public spaces without explicit permission for parents or guardians. Not that it is always observed, but as someone who does sell his street photos as fine are prints, it is something I take into account. Privacy laws in France are also strict. While you can generally photography anything visible from a public space, you cannot publish photos of people without their express permission.


        1. Street Photography and the Law: 7 things you need to know (41)

          Sarah Wilkerson

          Ken, can you link me to the relevant statute or source on this? Privacy rights in Europe are definitely yielding greater restrictions on conduct, but the information about the legality of photographing minors in Italy is something I’ve not seen before. The impact of GDPR on street photography remains somewhat hazy as to the publication of images (aka processing of personal data), which should give all of us pause. That said, it also specifically carves out “special purposes” exemptions, including an exemption for “artistic purposes,” and notes the “special importance of the public interest in freedom of expression” (note that this would still not cover commercial use).


  9. Street Photography and the Law: 7 things you need to know (42)

    Kathy Thorson

    Very interest blog post. I enjoyed reading this. Thank you Sarah.


  10. Great article! We recently took a trip to Dallas and random people took pictures of our kids on the train with their iPhones. It really bothers me when people take pictures of our children without asking first!!!! But now I know they have every right to. 🙁


    1. I was at a park the other day, I saw the cutest boy in the best spot to take a photo, I shaped one when you could not see his face it turned out great, the problem I had was when his mother was nearby for me to ask I asked her if I could take a photo of him she said she would rather I didn’t her friend had a boy there about the same age she was thrilled to have me snap some photos but then she told him and he became a ham, and the photos were not what I wanted. I do have the one of the other boy who did not know I took it. I will use the photo in my portfolio but I won’t post it out of respect most photographers understand if you don’t want your child’s photo taken, I am glad to know that I can take them but I would never use if a parent asked me not to. If it was my child I would not like that.


  11. Thank you! What an informative article. It’s nice to have clarification on some of these issues!


  12. Street Photography and the Law: 7 things you need to know (48)

    Family Law Attorney Chicago

    WoW, that sure is pretty cool,I hope others find it helpful and educational as i consider it to be.


  13. I have never felt drawn to take pics of people in public, with few exceptions. Thank you for the info. I will armed with knowledge, should the need ever arise.


  14. #1 is incorrect, sorry. There is legal demand for written permission, if you take onto pictures someone else’s likeness. That individual has the property right to his or her likeness. That is fact and there is also legal precedence for this.


    1. Hi Peter, I believe you are referring to the Right of Publicity, which generally preserves (on a state by state basis here in the U.S.) the degree to which an individual can control the commercial exploitation of his/her name or likeness. I am unaware of any states that extend broadly to require a model release for the photographing of private citizens in general, but if you have statutes or legal cases to share, I’d love hear more.


  15. Quite a good article, though I am not from the United States, I believe some of the points can help me in India as well. Thank you very much for sharing.


  16. Dear Sarah,
    Thank you for the precious advices.
    Last year I came back from Paris with hundreds of good street photos. At the end, I chose 150 of them. I may print a book with them.
    Would you be so kind to tell me if I can print a book in the US with images taken in a foreign country whose laws about the matter I am not aware of?
    Thanks in advance for your answer.


  17. I live in the UK and carry a card in my wallet from the Royal Photographic Society which should help if and when you are asked about taking photos in public. The card states:

    We all need to be vigilant against terrorism and support the police where possible as well as protect our rights to photograph in a public place.

    The Royal Photographic Society advises as follows:-

    Every person has a right to photograph in a public place.

    It is not against the law to photograph a police officer undertaking normal duties.

    The police do have a duty to investigate incidents which may give rise to suspicion.

    If stopped by a police officer remain calm and polite

    You are not required to give any personal details unless driving a car or you are arrested.

    Officers may stop and search and view images if they believe they could be used in connection with terrorism.

    Officers have no power to delete images

    PCSOs may not search without a police officer present.

    You must be provided with a copy of the Stop & Search slip which will include the officer’s identity.


  18. Thanks for clearing up a lot of questions I have. I’m just getting into photography. I always wanted to for quite some time, now I’m acting on it. Have my new Canon SL1 and I’ll be headed downtown to Atlanta to takes some photos. This is great information to know.


  19. Helpful, but what about the events (like fairs) where it may not technically be “public” property, but the organizer has no established policy one way or the other?


  20. Thanks for the text.
    Suppose I’m taking pictures with my cell phone people in the streets and subways of NY. All images are in public environments. Could in the future make a book of this stuff ??
    Thanks for listening


  21. Some photographer had the nerve to photo me today as I was literally bent over placing marker flags on the courthouse lawn in preparation for the upcoming holiday festivities. She literally took a photo of my ass! When confronted, she claimed she was some sort of an artist. I was so upset, I could have easily became enraged!

    The law may give these freaks the right to photograph in these places and of whomever they like, but show a little respect!! Photographers like her are pariahs and next time.. I don’t think I will be so nice!!


  22. Good article. Although part of your opinion is actually contract with what I know.

    First. about the model release, there is a brief summary of what needs to be done on wiki: The general believe is even when you take a photo of people on the street you might still need a release to use that image commercially. (and to be honest it’s only fair since you are making money from them) and even without any commercial use this right is still restricted in various occasional as you and this wiki mentioned.

    There was a famous and very scary case a while ago while a stock photographer being sued for $500000 by a model he shot with release form and payment to the model, together with explicit approval from the model for specific photos to be used. ( The case was withdrawn later but this just a painful reminder how complicate it is when your photo has human being involved.

    There are a lot of similar discussion I had with other photographers about this but as when I try to google it I am still not sure what exactly is the law saying yes and no for different situations. After all when it becomes legal using your common sense is simply not going to have you covered.


    1. Thanks for writing this. Im new to stock photography and reading about that photographer being sued by the model is scary. Why was it dropped?


    2. Hi Marinna! You are absolutely correct — commercial use introduces a different set of considerations. As outlined in Item 7, “Things start to get more complicated when ‘commercial use’ (typically tied to advertising) comes into play, which is the reason why stock agencies that license images for both personal and commercial use tend to require a model release for any photos that they agree to manage which contain a personally identifiable individual.”


  23. Great information! I have an additional question I was hoping someone could help me with. I have been asked by a local company here in Florida for a Canopy Road photograph that they will use for the front page of their news letter. This will be sent to thousands of customers in Florida. I already have a few photographs and in one, there is a fence which sits on private property. Its a small portion of the photography and it was not taken on the property but from the middle of the road. Is there a release required for something like this?


    1. Hi Jarrett! Generally speaking, photographers who are shooting from public property may photograph subjects and scenes within their view, including those subjects situated on private property. That said, I am not a Florida attorney and am unable to provide specific legal advice; it is always wise to consult with local counsel if you have specific concerns about your present situation. Best wishes!


    2. Jarrett,
      Instead of worrying, you might consider approaching the property owner (by mail or in person) with a free gift 8×10 print of the particular shot, and then offer them $100 for a model release for that particular shot because you’d like to sell it for commercial use. They might be flattered, and you could sleep a whole lot better.


  24. Street Photography and the Law: 7 things you need to know (71)

    Bailey Photographer

    Since this article was written some time ago I wish there was a update on it.


  25. There is also freedom of speech, but we don’t cry fire in a crowded theater. Cameras have become the biggest abomination I have see when adding the cheapness of digital photography along with insensitive photographers who do not have the sense to ask first before photographing others and parents children.


    1. The fire in a crowded theater analogy was actually part of a 1919 Supreme Court opinion commenting on necessary limits on Free Speech protections; the point in that case was that the First Amendment does not, in fact, legally protect speech in all forms. At the time, the Court held that the First Amendment did not protect speech that constituted a “clear and present danger” (and falsely shouting fire in a crowded theater was one Justice’s example of how the Constitution did not intend to protect speech that would instantly provoke life-threatening panic). Today, legal limits on free speech remain; severe & pervasive harassment and incitement to immediate lawlessness, for example, are common examples of speech types that are not constitutionally protected.


  26. Hi Sarah – Thank you for the article.
    I have a question – I went to a festival and photographed a lot of people in the crowd – they posed for me and exchanged their social media accounts. I compiled a mini-book from the best photographs and decided to put on my website’s store. But one day I was reached out by an agency representative/lawyer of one guy who I photographed saying that although his client only wants a book, he (the agent) is interested in legal matter towards me. I didn’t credit anyone in the book because I normally don’t do it but other books that I did are about street photography and I do not communicate with the subjects, unlike in this book it was still public place and photographs were taken with their permission, I got confused when I received this message. Since the person is not a model and agreed to be photographed (hence, his image to be used by me in any form), does this agent (representative) have any right to send me threatening messages like that?

    Thanks in advance,


  27. Great article and excellent answers to follow-up questions. Thank you for taking the time to share this information.


  28. It’s always good to see these arcticles with clear common sense about street photography. Too many people have over inflated expectations of their privacy in public places and that somehow photographer is simply a byword for voyeur. I feel with today’s paranoia stirred up by the media that we’re losing the gentle innocence of street photograpy, by that I mean the work of people like Dosineau, simply to satisfy 21st Century fears. Street photography ettitquite is a matter of common sense a lot of the time, be aware of your surroundings at all times and be able to rapidly size up any moral consequences of the shots you’ve taken. It’s digital, so if for any reason you have doubts about a shot, simply delete it yourself and move on. In any urban environment there are hundreds of shots an hour to be had so deleting just once uncomfortable shot is no loss. I find street photography is one of the best ways to practice understanding composition and use of light and shadow, you’re moving at such a pace, I often shoot 300-400 shots an hour on a city shoot and you have maybe half a second to size up a shot and grab it before it’s gone. It’s huge rush as you “run and gun” with your camera and it’s superb exercise too!


  29. Great article. I’ve been in photojournalism for some four decades. My rule of thumb is that even if the law is your side, be courteous and respectful when you explain your right. You win over doubter or ignorance with good communication skill. If the other side becomes civilized just walk away. It’s not worth it. Turn around and come back minutes later, this time from across the street and use a long focal lens. As long as youl get what you want who cares. Be street smart.


  30. Street Photography is on the rise. What is needed is a foolproof technique and I have it:
    I use a Leica model 111, made in 1935, with a 3.5cm (35mm) f3.5 Summaron lens set to a distance of 15 feet. Shutter speed is 500 for Ilford XP2 Chromogenic film at 400 iso. I keep the camera in my jacket pocket, attached to my wrist with a homemade wrist strap made of cord. Camera is wound on, with aperture set f5.6-8-11. Walking along, when I see my shot and I’m around 10-20 feet away, camera comes out, click, and back in the pocket. I’m still walking and I walk away from the scene of my shot. Seldom does anyone notice me. Never any problems from police, security guards, interfering old bags, curious youths etc.


  31. Photography is about reputation and often about people; that being said, Doingthe legal thing in this case crosses ethical boundaries when it comes to privacy.


  32. We have a client that wants to do a senior photoshoot with a group of teens sitting on a sofa near a fountain. (Like Friends TV show). How do you bring a sofa onto public property and not get kicked off? We are thinking of a town square setting where there are lots of people who are in open areas, but is that legal or do most places require permits for that?


    1. I was always told that if it includes props (The sofa) or models (The teens) then definitely get a permit.


    2. Just shoot the image Julie. It’s a simple “Sorry” and maybe even a “Hey, you can’t do that” by a park official. They will just ask you to leave. If you plan the shot you want and don’t hog the scene for an extended period of time, no one will bother you. I have seen entire magazine shoots spontaneously happening on Colorado and 3rd st in Santa Monica, that take up 30 minutes or so. It’s very congested there with street traffic.
      My motto “It’s waay easier to apologize than ask for permission in cases where public spontaneity is part of the reason to shoot.


  33. Interesting read and photos. Most times and places I try eliminate people from my shots but there are times when the shot wouldn’t exist without people, For example the farmer’s market. No expectation of privacy IMHO but if I see people shy away I cease to shoot in their direction


    1. Street Photography and the Law: 7 things you need to know (86)

      Sarah Wilkerson

      That’s a totally reasonable and common sense approach, Wes. All law aside, I agree with the principle of treating our subjects with respect and consideration as a general rule.


  34. First, great article! It definitely helped me understand a few things. I am still getting confused about “commercial” use. If I sell prints or digital files of my street photography is that considered “commercial” because I am making money off of it? For example,
    if I want to sell prints/digital files of tourist attractions (like popular restaurants, bridges, etc.) all taken from a public street but there are identifiable people in them. Do I have to blur/crop them out if I can’t get a model release before I am allowed to sell?


    1. Hi Monica! As a general rule, a photographer can sell the images she takes, but releases may be required for specific uses of those images. In short, it depends on what the people to whom the images are sold ultimately DO with those images (and it will also influence the licenses you can properly extend to them). So if one is just selling prints to hang on a wall, for example, that is a very different thing than selling digital files with a license to use the images therein for advertising purposes.

      Again, this the reason why stock agencies that license images for *both* personal and commercial use tend to require a model release for any photos that they agree to manage which contain a personally identifiable individual. Conversely, you’ll also see some stock sites that explicitly restrict commercial use for certain images, typically because they do not have the proper releases on file to issue a commercial use license.


  35. Hi Sarah, What to do when your model is illiterate and does not know to read or write? He/she does not even know his/her exact date of birth. How to get a model release in such cases, in street photography?


    1. Street Photography and the Law: 7 things you need to know (90)

      Sarah Wilkerson

      Hi PB – If the model does not have a legally authorized representative to provide written consent, you may be able to obtain that consent by reading a release orally to model, ideally with a witness present and accompanying audio or video recording, so that the model can provide a signature.


  36. Street Photography and the Law: 7 things you need to know (91)

    JULIE Lefkowitz

    I have tons of images from the 1980s…taken all over Europe. I studied photography as a major in college, and went on to become a lawyer. I have tens of dozens of rolls from all over Europe. Some really incredible photos…do I need to worry about releases? All film photography. Thanks. Loved reading your post. J


    1. Street Photography and the Law: 7 things you need to know (92)

      Sarah Wilkerson

      Julie, The impact of GDPR on street photography remains somewhat hazy as to the publication of images (aka processing of personal data), which should give all of us pause. That said, it also specifically carves out “special purposes” exemptions, including an exemption for “artistic purposes,” and notes the “special importance of the public interest in freedom of expression.”


  37. 7. You are allowed to display and even sell the images that you’ve photographed. – Is it allowed to make, sell and publish photos of foreigners from Europe? Will I need a permission from that person? I’m talking about GDPR. What about selling pictures of this kind to tabloid newspapers?


    1. Street Photography and the Law: 7 things you need to know (94)

      Sarah Wilkerson

      Eve, The impact of GDPR on street photography remains somewhat hazy as to the publication of images (aka processing of personal data), which should give all of us pause. That said, it also specifically carves out “special purposes” exemptions, including an exemption for “artistic purposes,” and notes the “special importance of the public interest in freedom of expression” . There is also an exemption for journalistic purposes, but as you get into commercial uses (and away from legitimate “public interests”), consent becomes more likely to be required.


  38. Street Photography and the Law: 7 things you need to know (95)

    Giovanni Fiorentini

    Hi Sarah,
    Thank you for this article. Just so I understand. yellowkorner galleries are look for photos in a particular city in Europe so I may go soon to take some street photos. They are looking to sells these prints in their galleries and online. If I take street photos and and people can be seen in my shot even though they are not the main subject can I still submit these photos to be sold?


  39. When I was young things were as simple as you suggest but no more. A think galled Freedom of Panaroma (FOP) had changed all that. This is a page listing what is allowed and what restricted —

    If you can read and interpret all that, you’re better than I, but it says sculptures/statues in public places are copyrighted and cannot be photographed without permission of the artist. Unless you know the date it was created and if it was before some date you may be able to but there is more than one date. And what’s subject to the restrictions is fuzzy. In the US most buildings can be photographed but some have been deemed works of art and only after court battles has it been decided. If an object has text on it the text is considered copyrighted even if no one asserts a copyright. As a couple of examples, based on FOP my picture of a statue in a public place was deemed to be copyrighted and forbidden. Also,Texas historical markers (shot in a public from a public place) are forbidden because the text on them is considered by The State though this claim is not stated anywhere. This text is considered a “Derivative Work” though often no one know who wrote it. Today you need to be a intellectual property lawyer to know what was permitted. It is true that shooting people on public property is still permitted, but don’t confuse public property with public places.


  40. When I was young things were as simple as you suggest but no more. A think galled Freedom of Panaroma (FOP) had changed all that. This is a page listing what is allowed and what restricted —

    If you can read and interpret all that, you\’re better than I, but it says sculptures/statues in public places are copyrighted and cannot be photographed without permission of the artist. Unless you know the date it was created and if it was before some date you may be able to but there is more than one date. And what\’s subject to the restrictions is fuzzy. If an object any object has text on it the text is considered copyrighted even if no one asserts a copyright. Based on FOP my picture of a statue in a public place was deemed to be copyrighted and forbidden. Also,Texas historical markers (shot in a public from a public place) are forbidden because the text on them is considered by copyrighted by The State though this claim is not stated anywhere. This text is considered a \”Derivative Work\” though often no one knows who wrote it. Today you need to be a intellectual property lawyer to know what was permitted.


  41. But you also need to think about street photography laws, ethics and rights. Every nation has a different idea of what is allowed and what isn t. But the rights don t just cover what you can and can t photograph. You as a street photographer also have rights.


  42. These tips are topnotch! in this time and age, the utilisation of social media platforms particularly Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest are important in almost everything we do, particularly for business and marketing purposes. The insights you’ve mentioned are informative and helpful, especially for beginners. Thanks for sharing this!


  43. this is great, i have a question.. A photographer friend has let me use images form years on my web site and fb page. we have had a falling out and he is now asking me to delete the images. can he do this?


  44. Wonderful article, Sarah! I have a question you may be able to answer. In private housing subdivisions, some Homeowners’ Associations, I’ve seen HOA members trespassing on properties to capture what they consider “possible violations” without prior notification. What do you feel about that?


    1. Street Photography and the Law: 7 things you need to know (102)

      Sarah Wilkerson

      Hi Sherryjane! In most circ*mstances, I would expect these terms to be outlined in the bylaws (or other governing documents) of the HOA; governing documents will often reserve to the HOA a right of inspection to examine a property for violations. This may or may not require that the homeowner be given notice; notice is more likely to be required for non-emergency-based violations and/or inspections that require entry into the home itself. These terms should define not only the terms of access for inspection but also for correction of violations if the homeowner does not comply. State statutes may broaden (or limit) the rights as outlined in the HOA governing documents as well (e.g., states may specifically provide for HOA access in emergency situations or may specifically require homeowner notice in various scenarios).

      Nolo has some good additional general info here:


  45. Question ‍♀️ if you created a mural with permission, can people shoot x sell it? Or post it with no credit?

    second if you are working on public art, painting live on your canvas with clothing you hand painted and made, can anyone then shoot to sell, post, have in there art show etc with no credit? Claiming it’s there work?


    1. Hi Jan, As the artist of the mural (or the painter of the canvas), you would be the copyright holder of your work. Whether or not a photographer who includes that mural or painting in a photo would be violating your copyright would come down to the specific nature of the inclusion. For example, if the photograph is effectively (and solely) a copy of the painting, cropped in to show it in its entirety without adding any particular creative perspective on the photographer’s part and the photographer goes on to distribute a physical or digital print that is essentially a reproduction of your original, there would be a good case for infringement; if, on the other hand, the photograph is of a scene of a public park wherein you happen to be painting, and part of your painting is visible as it appears within that larger scene, that is less likely to be an issue. Obviously there is a spectrum in the space between these examples, and I’d suggest consulting with your own lawyer about your specific circ*mstances.


  46. Dear Sarah,
    If I am in NYC, can I take a picture of a New York Stock Exchange trader who takes his pause outside the building(in the enclosure of the NYSEx property)? I did ask once a trader if I could take a picture but they gently refused. I did respect their choice.


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Street Photography and the Law: 7 things you need to know (2024)
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Name: Duane Harber

Birthday: 1999-10-17

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Hobby: Listening to music, Orienteering, Knapping, Dance, Mountain biking, Fishing, Pottery

Introduction: My name is Duane Harber, I am a modern, clever, handsome, fair, agreeable, inexpensive, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.