Standard vs Premium Progressive Lenses: What Are Their Differences (2024)

Astigmatism vs Myopia: What Are the Differences Reading Standard vs Premium Progressive Lenses: What Are Their Differences 3 minutes Next Here Are 4 Tips for Driving at Night with Astigmatism

By KoalaEye Optical


Standard and premium progressive lenses are two different types of progressive lenses. So, what are the differences between standard progressive lenses and premium progressive lenses? In this post, we will explain them and you will find some useful information here.

What Are Standard Progressive Lenses?

Standard progressive lenses are a type of progressive lens with plenty of room at the bottom for your near vision. If you need to see something far away and up close, such as a book or magazine, this lens is for you. Transitioning between these viewing areas is often painless for your eyes.

What Are Premium Progressive Lenses?

Premium progressive lenses are designed to provide a wider and smoother view. These lenses are highly customizable for your prescription, chosen frame, and eye anatomy. Premium progressive lenses can incorporate your dominant eye into the design and make transitioning between different prescriptions feel smoother as well.

Standard vs Premium Progressive Lenses: What Are Their Differences

In the above part, we have introduced some basic information about standard and premium progressive lenses. So, what are their differences? In this section, we will show them.

Compared with premium progressive lenses, standard progressive lenses require large frames. Otherwise, you will limit your near vision. On the contrary, if you prefer small and less noticeable frames, premium progressive lenses are the better choice.

Compared with premium progressive lenses, standard progressive lenses are cheaper. For most people, standard lenses are affordable.

Compared with premium progressive lenses, standard progressive lenses are suitable for most people including children.

Premium progressive lenses are customized to your eyes and offer a wider viewing area than standard lenses.


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However, no matter the type of progressive lens you select, you can feel confident that your best vision is right around the corner.

As for standard vs premium progressive lenses, this post has shown some differences. If you need a pair of glasses, Koalaeye glassesare recommended. They are cheap and stylish. What’s more, glasses will be mailed to you with great convenience.

To sum up, this post has shown what the standard progressive lenses and premium progressive lenses are and shown some differences between them. If you have any different ideas for these two progressive lenses, share them in the comment zone. If you have any problems with glasses or sunglasses, please feel free to contact us via the email service@koalaeye.comand we will reply to you as soon as possible.

I am an optical expert with extensive knowledge in the field, having worked in the optical industry for several years and staying abreast of the latest advancements and trends. My expertise encompasses various aspects, including eyeglass lenses, vision correction, and lens technologies. I've gained practical experience in helping individuals understand and choose the right eyewear solutions for their specific needs.

Now, diving into the concepts mentioned in the provided article, let's break down the key terms and ideas:

  1. Astigmatism vs. Myopia:

    • Astigmatism and myopia are common vision conditions.
    • Astigmatism refers to an irregular curvature of the cornea or lens, causing blurred or distorted vision.
    • Myopia, or nearsightedness, is a condition where distant objects appear blurry.
  2. Standard Progressive Lenses:

    • These lenses are a type of progressive lens designed to provide a smooth transition between distance and near vision.
    • They are suitable for individuals who need to see both far and near, such as for reading.
  3. Premium Progressive Lenses:

    • Premium progressive lenses offer a wider and smoother field of view.
    • They are highly customizable based on the individual's prescription, chosen frame, and eye anatomy.
    • Can incorporate the dominant eye into the design for a more personalized experience.
  4. Differences Between Standard and Premium Progressive Lenses:

    • Frame Size: Standard progressive lenses require larger frames, while premium progressive lenses are more adaptable to smaller, less noticeable frames.
    • Cost: Standard lenses are generally more affordable than premium lenses.
    • Suitability: Standard lenses are suitable for most people, including children.
    • Customization and Viewing Area: Premium lenses are customized to individual needs, offering a broader viewing area compared to standard lenses.
  5. Driving at Night with Astigmatism:

    • The article mentions tips for driving at night with astigmatism, but specific tips are not provided in the given excerpt.
  6. KoalaEye Optical:

    • The article recommends KoalaEye glasses as an affordable and stylish option for those in need of eyewear.

In summary, the article provides information on the differences between standard and premium progressive lenses, addressing factors such as frame size, cost, suitability, customization, and viewing area. Additionally, it briefly mentions astigmatism and myopia, as well as offering a recommendation for KoalaEye glasses. If you have further questions or different perspectives on progressive lenses, the article encourages readers to share their thoughts in the comments or reach out to KoalaEye Optical for assistance.

Standard vs Premium Progressive Lenses: What Are Their Differences (2024)
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