Seren godbow (2024)

"Godbow" redirects here. For other uses, see God bow.

For this item's augmented variant, see augmented seren godbow. For this item's dyed variants, see Soul, blood, ice, shadow, barrows, Aurora, Third Age.


Seren godbow
Seren godbow (1)
Release27 June 2016 (Update)
Quest itemNo
Stacks in bankYes
ExamineAn intricate bow of pure crystal.
Options [?]
BackpackWield, Check charges
EquippedCheck charges
Value1,250,000 coins
High alch750,000 coins
Low alch500,000 coins
On deathReclaimable
Value: 1,180,720,730
Reclaim: 1,180,720
Grand Exchange
Exchange1,180,720,730 coins (info)
Buy limit2


Advanced data
Item ID37632

Seren godbowSeren godbow (broken)? (edit)Seren godbow (2)Seren godbow (3)Seren godbow (4)? (edit)newusedbroken27 June 2016 (Update)? (edit)YesAn intricate bow of pure crystal.NoYestrueYesNoYestrueNoYesinfobox-cell-shown? (edit)truefalsefalseNo? (edit)falsefalsefalseNo? (edit)falsefalsefalseYestrueNoNoYesinfobox-cell-shown? (edit)truefalsefalseDrop? (edit)Wield, Check chargestrue? (edit)Check charges? (edit)? (edit)? (edit)truefalsefalseSeren godbowSeren godbow (broken)01180720730? (edit)Exchange:Seren godbowNot sold1,180,720,730 coins (info)No data to display


-2? (edit)2-125000012500001,250,000 coins-26infobox-cell-shownreclaimable1250000118072073012501180720Reclaimable
Value: 1,250,000
Reclaim: 1,250
Value: 1,180,720,730
Reclaim: 1,180,720
-true-0.6true? (edit)0.6750000500000750,000 coins500,000 coins? (edit)? (edit)2.267kg2.267? (edit)surface? (edit)376323763437635? (edit)376323763437635MRIDMRIDrecipeMRIDrecipeMRIDrecipe? (edit){"edible":"no","release_date":"27 June 2016","examine":"An intricate bow of pure crystal.","tradeable":"yes","weight":2.267,"highalch":500000,"destroy":"Drop","lendable":"no","release_update_post":"Telos – RuneScape's Toughest Boss - Manticore Weapons - Telos Contest","disassembly":"yes","members":"yes","equipable":"yes","gemw":false,"bankable":"yes","name":"Seren godbow","death":"reclaimable","stacksinbank":"no","stackable":"no","noteable":"no"}{"edible":"no","release_date":"27 June 2016","examine":"An intricate bow of pure crystal.","tradeable":"yes","weight":2.267,"highalch":500000,"destroy":"Drop","lendable":"no","release_update_post":"Telos – RuneScape's Toughest Boss - Manticore Weapons - Telos Contest","id":"37632","disassembly":"yes","members":"yes","equipable":"yes","gemw":{"name":"Seren godbow","limit":2},"bankable":"yes","name":"Seren godbow","death":"reclaimable","stacksinbank":"yes","stackable":"no","noteable":"yes","version":"new"}{"edible":"no","release_date":"27 June 2016","examine":"An intricate bow of pure crystal.","tradeable":"yes","weight":2.267,"highalch":500000,"destroy":"Drop","lendable":"no","release_update_post":"Telos – RuneScape's Toughest Boss - Manticore Weapons - Telos Contest","id":"37634","disassembly":"yes","members":"yes","equipable":"yes","gemw":false,"bankable":"yes","name":"Seren godbow","death":"reclaimable","stacksinbank":"no","stackable":"no","noteable":"no","version":"used"}{"edible":"no","release_date":"27 June 2016","examine":"An intricate bow of pure crystal.","tradeable":"yes","weight":2.267,"highalch":500000,"destroy":"Drop","lendable":"no","release_update_post":"Telos – RuneScape's Toughest Boss - Manticore Weapons - Telos Contest","id":"37635","disassembly":"yes","members":"yes","equipable":"no","gemw":false,"bankable":"yes","name":"Seren godbow (broken)","death":"reclaimable","stacksinbank":"no","stackable":"no","noteable":"no","version":"broken"}Versions: 3

Seren godbow (5)

The Seren godbow is a degradeable, augmentable tier 92 two-handed shortbow. It is created by upgrading a Dormant Seren godbow with an Orb of pure anima, an Orb of volcanic anima, and an Orb of corrupted anima, requiring level 92 Crafting. All four of these items can be obtained by defeating Telos.

The Seren godbow has only slightly higher accuracy and damage than the combination of the noxious longbow and araxyte arrows. In addition, as a chargebow it provides its own ammo, like the zaryte bow and decimation. The bow can benefit from the effects of bane arrows, black stone arrows, splintering arrows, and elder god arrows, with the damage capped at either its ammunition's tier or the bow's tier, whichever is lower. The bow cannot be used for Barbarian Firemaking.

The Seren godbow has 60,000 charges of combat[source needed] before degrading to a broken state. It can be recharged at a repair NPC for 4,800,000 coins, or less on an armour stand.

The godbow's special attack can deal very high damage every 30 seconds when fighting certain bosses, including Araxxi, Temple of Aminishi, Dragonkin Laboratory, Yakamaru, Raksha, and Arch-Glacor.


  • 1 Combat stats
  • 2 Special attack
    • 2.1 Interaction with multiple sources
    • 2.2 Expected number of arrows to land based on target size
    • 2.3 Explanation of arrow damages
    • 2.4 Additional ammunition slot effects
    • 2.5 Recommended bosses
    • 2.6 Not recommended bosses
  • 3 Creation
  • 4 Products
  • 5 Repair
    • 5.1 Non-player characters
    • 5.2 Improved methods
  • 6 Usage cost
  • 7 Dyed
  • 8 Comparison with other Ranged weapons
  • 9 Disassembly
  • 10 Gallery
  • 11 Update history
  • 12 Trivia
  • 13 Notes
  • 14 References

Combat stats[edit | edit source]

RequirementsDegradesSeren godbow (6)
92 Seren godbow (7)60,000 charges
Seren godbow (8) RangedSeren godbow (9)

6 ticks (3.6s)

AttributesDamage reduction
Seren godbow (10) Armour0.0PvM: 0%PvP: 0%
Seren godbow (11) Life points0Style bonuses
Seren godbow (12) Prayer0

Seren godbow (13)0.0

Seren godbow (14)0.0

Seren godbow (15)0.0

Seren godbow (16)0.0

Special attack[edit | edit source]

Seren godbow (17)
This article has a calculator here.

Calculators determine experience and costs based on real-time prices from the Grand Exchange Market Watch.

Seren godbow (18)

Crystal Rain is the special attack of the Seren godbow. It costs 30% adrenaline and launches five arrows into the air. The first arrow always lands on the target's centre, while the remaining four randomly land in a 5x5 area around the target's centre, one tick after the first arrow.

The first arrow always has an opportunity to land; the others may not have this opportunity as they need to land on a game square occupied by an enemy. Each arrow that lands on a target deals 125-155% ability damage.

If the attack is successful, there is a 30 second cooldown before it may be used again. If the attack misses, then the remaining four arrows will also miss, but no cooldown penalty is incurred, allowing the player to use the special attack again.

In most cases, only 5 arrows are considered. However, there are circ*mstances where it is possible to land arrows after arrow 5.

Seren godbow (19)

Using the special attack against an NPC which takes up a lot of game squares will increase the likelihood that multiple arrows will hit, potentially dealing extremely high damage. The determination of the number of hits a monster receives is described as follows. First, if the special attack hits, the first arrow will always hit. Then, the remaining four arrows will be determined. The centre of an NPC is chosen as the centre of the special attack. A 5x5 area centred at that square is where the remaining four arrows will be chosen. A random square is chosen from this area, and then random squares chosen, without duplicates, until there are four arrows, or when it fails to find a non-duplicate ten times. The number of squares chosen that also lie on the NPC squares are the number of arrows that hit. Since the initial shot of Crystal Rain always targets the centre of the target, a 5x5 enemy will always be hit by all 5 arrows.

If multiple targets overlap on a given tile and an arrow (or arrows if multiple sources are used) from the special attack lands on that tile, only one target will be affected. The affected target may or may not be the primary target. The priority system for determining the affected target is unknown.

Interaction with multiple sources[edit | edit source]

Seren godbow (20)
Seren godbow (21)

Crystal Rain sound effect

If a target receives multiple secondary arrows from Crystal Rain within 2 ticks of each other from multiple sources, then the arrows that land will continue with the pattern described by arrows 2 through 5. Sources in this context refers to arrows that are sourced by:

With this, the pattern continues on, with each arrow dealing the same damage range of 125%-155%.

Expected number of arrows to land based on target size[edit | edit source]

The probability of a certain number of arrows (up to arrow 5) landing given the monster size is shown in the table below.

Probability of number of arrows that land based on size of NPC
NPC Size in squares
Arrows that land1x12x23x34x45x5+
Expected number of arrows1.161.642.443.565.00

The expected number of arrows are the average amount of arrows that land on a target of a specific size if repeated many times.

Explanation of arrow damages[edit | edit source]

The range of damages from arrows 2 through 5 (and 6 through 8+ as mentioned in the multiple sources section) are really based on a specific amount of damage from arrow 1: the minimum hit of arrow 1. This matters for certain boosts and ammunition effects. The damage range of each arrow can be calculated in the following way.

  • Let difixed represent the fixed or minimum hit of arrow i where i can take on any positive integer.
  • Let dirandom represent the amount of damage between the minimum and maximum hit of arrow i where i can take on any positive integer.

The maximum amount of damage of an arrow can be calculated by adding the two above terms: difixed+dirandom. The damage that can be done will take on a random value between the minimum and maximum. This can be expressed as: difixed+rdirandom where r is a real number randomly chosen between [0,1].

For arrow 1, these values are d1fixed=80% and d1random=120%.

See Also

However for arrows 2 through 8+, they are calculated in the following way:

  • difixed=d1fixed
  • dirandom=max(0,8i)3d1fixed

As shown above, arrows 2 through 8+ only depend on the minimum amount of damage from arrow 1. This matters for certain boosts the player may have as well as the effect of ammunition the player may be using.

For example, dragonbane arrows only affect the random portion of arrow 1 damage, d1random. Therefore, only arrow 1 will be boosted. However, Jas dragonbane arrows affect both the fixed and random portion of arrow 1, therefore, all arrows will be boosted.

This also holds for damage boosting effects from enchanted bolts if Crystal Rain is cast by using the Essence of Finality ability.

This applies to other boosts as well, such as the effect of the Genocidal perk. The perk only affects the random portion and therefore only arrow 1 will be affected.

As a result, the Precise perk is very impactful on the damage increase of this special attack.

Additional ammunition slot effects[edit | edit source]

Aside from damage, the effect of ammunition slot is almost[n 1] completely ignored for all arrows aside from arrow 1. This means that black stone arrows will only apply one stack from arrow 1, Bik arrows will only apply one stack from arrow 1, dragonbane arrows ability to break through a rune dragon's armour will only happen for arrow 1, etc.

This also applies for non-damage boosting effects from enchanted bolts through the Essence of Finality ability. For example, if the player is using onyx bakriminel bolts (e) and a proc occurs while casting the special attack, the damage boost applies to the entirety of arrow 1 and therefore the damage boost will apply to all arrows; however, the player will only receive a single heal - and it will be based on arrow 1.

Recommended bosses[edit | edit source]

The Seren godbow is recommended for the following boss fights as its special attack can deal very high damage per use, depending on the size of the target. In general, it is recommended for bosses that occupy at least 3x3 game squares if casting this while using Ranged and for bosses that are at least 5x5 if casting this off-style with Melee or Magic (usually with the Ingenuity of the Humans).

The Seren godbow special attack does 50% more damage within Death's Swiftness.

Style/Off-styleBossAreaBoss sizeAverage damage
with max combat[n 2]
Average damage
within Death's Swiftness[n 2]
Seren godbow (22)Seren godbow (23)Seren godbow (24)
Seren godbow (25)Seren godbow (26)AraxxiAraxyte hive5x5 (blocked)25,000 - 30,00037,500 - 45,000
Seren godbow (27)Seren godbow (28)AraxxorAraxyte hive5x517,000 - 21,00025,500 - 31,500
Seren godbow (29)Seren godbow (30)VoragoBorehole5x5
5x5 (blocked)[n 3]
17,000 - 21,000
25,000 - 30,000
25,500 - 31,500
37,500 - 45,000
Seren godbow (31)Seren godbow (32)Arch-GlacorElder God Wars Dungeon:
The Glacor Front
8x8 (blocked)25,000 - 30,00037,500 - 45,000
Seren godbow (33)Seren godbow (34)Kerapac, the boundElder God Wars Dungeon:
The Nodon Front
3x312,000 - 15,00018,000 - 22,500
Seren godbow (35)Seren godbow (36)TzKal-ZukElder God Wars Dungeon:
The TzekHaar Front
5x5 (blocked)[n 4]
25,000 - 30,000
17,000 - 21,000
37,500 - 45,000
25,500 - 31,500
Seren godbow (37)Seren godbow (38)Sanctum GuardianElite Dungeon 1:
Temple of Aminishi
9x920,000 - 25,00030,000 - 37,500
Seren godbow (39)Seren godbow (40)SeiryuElite Dungeon 1:
Temple of Aminishi
4x413,000 - 17,00019,500 - 25,500
Seren godbow (41)Seren godbow (42)AstellarnElite Dungeon 2:
Dragonkin Laboratory
5x5 (blocked)25,000 - 30,00037,500 - 45,000
Seren godbow (43)Seren godbow (44)Verak LithElite Dungeon 2:
Dragonkin Laboratory
5x517,000 - 21,00025,500 - 31,500
Seren godbow (45)Seren godbow (46)Black Stone DragonElite Dungeon 2:
Dragonkin Laboratory
5x517,000 - 21,00025,500 - 31,500
Seren godbow (47)Seren godbow (48)The AmbassadorElite Dungeon 3:
The Shadow Reef
3x312,000 - 15,00018,000 - 22,500
Seren godbow (49)Seren godbow (50)Zamorak, Lord of ChaosElite Dungeon 4:
The Zamorakian Undercity
5x517,000 - 21,00025,500 - 31,500
Seren godbow (51)Seren godbow (52)Exiled Kalphite QueenExiled Kalphite Hive5x517,000 - 21,00025,500 - 31,500
Seren godbow (53)Seren godbow (54)Kalphite KingExiled Kalphite Hive5x517,000 - 21,00025,500 - 31,500
Seren godbow (55)Seren godbow (56)Giant moleFalador Mole Lair3x312,000 - 15,00018,000 - 22,500
Seren godbow (57)Seren godbow (58)General GraardorGod Wars Dungeon3x312,000 - 15,00018,000 - 22,500
Seren godbow (59)Seren godbow (60)Kree'arraGod Wars Dungeon3x312,000 - 15,00018,000 - 22,500
Seren godbow (61)Seren godbow (62)K'ril TsutsarothGod Wars Dungeon5x517,000 - 21,00025,500 - 31,500
Seren godbow (63)Seren godbow (64)Nex: Angel of DeathGod Wars Dungeon3x312,000 - 15,00018,000 - 22,500
Seren godbow (65)Seren godbow (66)Queen Black DragonGrotworm Lair5x5 (blocked)25,000 - 30,00037,500 - 45,000
Seren godbow (67)Seren godbow (68)HelwyrThe Heart of Gielinor5x517,000 - 21,00025,500 - 31,500
Seren godbow (69)Seren godbow (70)Twin FuriesThe Heart of Gielinor3x312,000 - 15,00018,000 - 22,500
Seren godbow (71)
Seren godbow (72)
Seren godbow (73)
Seren godbow (74)
Vindicta &
The Heart of Gielinor3x3
12,000 - 15,000
17,000 - 21,000
18,000 - 22,500
25,500 - 31,500
Seren godbow (75)Seren godbow (76)TelosThe Heart of Gielinor5x5
10x10[n 5]
17,000 - 21,000
19,000 - 23,000
25,500 - 31,500
28,500 - 34,500
Seren godbow (77)Seren godbow (78)Kalphite QueenKalphite Hive5x517,000 - 21,00025,500 - 31,500
Seren godbow (79)Seren godbow (80)King Black DragonKing Black Dragon's Lair5x517,000 - 21,00025,500 - 31,500
Seren godbow (81)Seren godbow (82)Beastmaster DurzagLiberation of Mazcab4x413,000 - 17,00019,500 - 25,500
Seren godbow (83)Seren godbow (84)YakamaruLiberation of Mazcab5x5 (blocked)25,000 - 30,00037,500 - 45,000
Seren godbow (85)Seren godbow (86)SolakThe Lost Grove3x312,000 - 15,00018,000 - 22,500
Seren godbow (87)Seren godbow (88)RakshaOrthen Oubliette5x5
5x5 (blocked)[n 6]
17,000 - 21,000
25,000 - 30,000
25,500 - 31,500
37,500 - 45,000
Seren godbow (89)Seren godbow (90)PthentrakenSpirit grove5x517,000 - 21,00025,500 - 31,500
Seren godbow (91)Seren godbow (92)TzTok-Jad
TzHaar Fight Cave
Fight Kiln
TzekHaar Front
5x517,000 - 21,00025,500 - 31,500
Seren godbow (93)Seren godbow (94)Har-Aken
Fight Kiln
TzekHaar Front
5x517,000 - 21,00025,500 - 31,500
Seren godbow (95)Seren godbow (96)Dagannoth PrimeWaterbirth Island Dungeon3x312,000 - 15,00018,000 - 22,500
Seren godbow (97)Seren godbow (98)Chaos ElementalWilderness[n 7]3x312,000 - 15,00018,000 - 22,500

Not recommended bosses[edit | edit source]

The Seren godbow is not recommended for the following boss fights as its special attack does not deal high damage at all.

Special attackBossAreaBoss sizeAverage damage
with max combat[n 2]
Average damage
within Death's Swiftness[n 2]
Seren godbow (99)The Barrows BrothersBarrows1x15,000 - 7,0007,500 - 10,500
Seren godbow (100)Masuta the AscendedElite Dungeon 1:
Temple of Aminishi
1x15,000 - 7,0007,500 - 10,500
Seren godbow (101)Crassian LeviathanElite Dungeon 3:
The Shadow Reef
2x28,000 - 10,00012,000 - 15,000
Seren godbow (102)Taraket the NecromancerElite Dungeon 3:
The Shadow Reef
1x15,000 - 7,0007,500 - 10,500
Seren godbow (103)Commander ZilyanaGod Wars Dungeon2x28,000 - 10,00012,000 - 15,000
Seren godbow (104)NexGod Wars Dungeon1x15,000 - 7,0007,500 - 10,500
Seren godbow (105)GregorovicThe Heart of Gielinor2x28,000 - 10,00012,000 - 15,000
Seren godbow (106)LegionesMonastery of Ascension1x15,000 - 7,0007,500 - 10,500
Seren godbow (107)OrikalkaSpirit grove5x5Heavily reduced damage
Seren godbow (108)RathisSpirit grove5x5Heavily reduced damage
Seren godbow (109)Dagannoth RexWaterbirth Island Dungeon3x30
Seren godbow (110)Dagannoth SupremeWaterbirth Island Dungeon3x30
Seren godbow (111)Corporeal BeastWilderness5x58,500 - 10,50012,750 - 15,750

Creation[edit | edit source]

Seren godbow (112) MembersYes
Seren godbow (113) Ticks? (edit)
Seren godbow (114) Crafting92 (b?)1,000
Seren godbow (115)Dormant Seren godbow1938,572,606
Seren godbow (116)Orb of pure anima1N/A
Seren godbow (117)Orb of volcanic anima1N/A
Seren godbow (118)Orb of corrupted anima1N/A
Total cost938,572,606
Seren godbow (119)Seren godbow11,180,720,730

Products[edit | edit source]

This is an auto-generated list (update now), and shows the first 100 items alphabetically. For all items, click here.

ProductMembersSkillsExperienceMaterialsGE price
Seren godbow (120)1 × Augmented Seren godbowSeren godbow (121)
  • 2 Seren godbow (122)
  • ?
1 × Seren godbow (123) Seren godbow
1 × Seren godbow (124) Augmentor
Seren godbow (125)1 × Seren godbow (Aurora)Seren godbow (126)
  • None
  • None
1 × Seren godbow (127) Seren godbow
1 × Seren godbow (128) Aurora dye
Seren godbow (129)1 × Seren godbow (Barrows)Seren godbow (130)
  • None
  • None
1 × Seren godbow (131) Seren godbow
1 × Seren godbow (132) Barrows dye
Seren godbow (133)1 × Seren godbow (Soul)Seren godbow (134)
  • None
  • None
1 × Seren godbow (135) Seren godbow
1 × Seren godbow (136) Soul dye
Seren godbow (137)1 × Seren godbow (Third Age)Seren godbow (138)
  • None
  • None
1 × Seren godbow (139) Seren godbow
1 × Seren godbow (140) Third Age dye
Seren godbow (141)1 × Seren godbow (blood)Seren godbow (142)
  • None
  • None
1 × Seren godbow (143) Seren godbow
1 × Seren godbow (144) Blood dye
Seren godbow (145)1 × Seren godbow (ice)Seren godbow (146)
  • None
  • None
1 × Seren godbow (147) Seren godbow
1 × Seren godbow (148) Ice dye
Seren godbow (149)1 × Seren godbow (shadow)Seren godbow (150)
  • None
  • None
1 × Seren godbow (151) Seren godbow
1 × Seren godbow (152) Shadow dye

Repair[edit | edit source]

This item costs at most 4,800,000 coins to repair completely. The repair cost is precisely calculated by the degradation percentage (e.g. with 75% charge remaining, a full repair would only cost 1,200,000 coins). It may be repaired through a variety of methods.

Non-player characters[edit source]

These methods cost more as they do not consider the player's Smithing level for a repair discount.

Improved methods[edit source]

These methods provide a repair cost discount of 0.5% per Smithing level (including boosts):

template = Calculator:Template/Smithing/Armour standform = repairFormresult = repairResultparam = level|Smithing level (1-106)|1|int|1-106||param = charge|Item Charge|0.0|number|0.0-100.0||param = cost|cost|4800000|hidden|||

The calculator form will appear here soon. You will need JavaScript enabled.
The result will appear here when you submit the form.

Usage cost[edit | edit source]

Combat charges60,000
MethodRepair NPC, armour stand, whetstone
Item(s) consumed4,800,000 × Seren godbow (153) Coins[uc 1]
Total GE price4,800,000
Per hour
Average rate[uc 2]144,000
High rate[uc 3]288,000
Maximum rate[uc 4]480,000
  1. ^ Cost at armour stand and whetstone is reduced by 0.5% per Smithing level; 50% at 99 Smithing.
  2. ^ 1,800 charges per hour.
  3. ^ 3,600 charges per hour.
  4. ^ 6,000 charges per hour.

Dyed[edit | edit source]

The Seren godbow can be recoloured with certain dyes for purely cosmetic purposes. A warning message is given when attempting to dye a plain Seren godbow.

Once the dye is applied, the Seren godbow becomes permanently untradeable.

BarrowsShadowThird AgeBloodIceAuroraSoul
ItemSeren godbow (Barrows)Seren godbow (shadow)Seren godbow (Third Age)Seren godbow (blood)Seren godbow (ice)Seren godbow (Aurora)Seren godbow (Soul)
ImageSeren godbow (154)Seren godbow (155)Seren godbow (156)Seren godbow (157)Seren godbow (158)Seren godbow (159)Seren godbow (160)

Comparison with other Ranged weapons[edit | edit source]

Disassembly[edit | edit source]

Seren godbow
Disassembly categoryShortbows
Disassembly XP27.6
Item quantity required1
Material count12
Base junk chance0.0%
Special materials
2 × Seren godbow (161) Cywir componentsAlways
Common materials
Seren godbow (162) Stave parts35/100
Seren godbow (163) Tensile parts30/100
Seren godbow (164) Flexible parts30/100
Rare materials
Seren godbow (165) Precise components3/100
Seren godbow (166) Dextrous components2/100

Gallery[edit | edit source]

  • Seren godbow (167)

    Concept art of the Seren godbow.

Update history[edit | edit source]

This information has been compiled as part of the update history project. Some updates may not be included – see here for how to help out!

  • update 4 March 2024(Update):
    • Seren Godbow
      • AVG damage: 140% (per shot).
      • The initial shot always targets the centre of the NPC.
      • Subsequent shots target tiles within a 5x5 area around the centre.
      • Note: This means that 5x5 enemies will always be hit 5 times.
  • patch 17 May 2021(Update):
    • Fixed an issue where the Seren Godbow's special attack debuff was cleared too quickly.
  • patch 23 April 2019(Update):
    • Chargebows will now only consume equipped arrows that have an effect, such as bane, broad and blackstone.
  • patch 4 March 2019(Update):
    • Chargebows now take into account arrows equipped or held in an equipped quiver, so special effects like those of dragonbane and black stone arrows can be used with them. Damage will be reduced to the lowest tier of the arrow or chargebow. Chargebows will work as usual when no arrows or another type of ammunition is held in the ammo slot.
  • patch 21 January 2019(Update):
    • Seren Godbow special attack changes:
      • Fixed an issue with some of the damage calculations.
      • The special attack now ensures damage bonuses are applied correctly, for example Death's Swiftness.
  • patch 3 April 2018(Update):
    • The ice-dyed variants of the staff of Sliske, Seren godbow, and Zaros godsword will now correctly show their untradeable wealth value in the wealth evaluator interface.
  • patch 22 January 2018(Update):
    • The used versions of a Zaros godsword, staff of Sliske and Seren godbow can no longer be traded.
  • patch 4 December 2017(Update):
    • Special attack now only costs 30% adrenaline down from 50%.
    • A 30 second cooldown has been added to the special attack and the cooldown is displayed on the debuff bar.
    • Special attack will now work on Yakamaru and Telos phase 5.

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • There was a bug where the godbow's special attack would hit other players outside of the Wilderness when in a friendly duel. This was quickly hotfixed after it was discovered.
    • Deaths caused by this bug were considered unsafe, and resulted in the loss of Hardcore status for Hardcore Ironmen.[1]
  • The special attack may hit less often on larger, even sized NPCs compared to the odd sized NPCs. This results from the convention of setting the boss's centre as the southwest corner of the centre in even sized NPCs.

Notes[edit | edit source]

  1. ^ The exception for this are Deathspore arrows - for each arrow of Crystal Rain that lands a critical hit, the player will receive a stack of Feasting Spores.
  2. ^ a b c d Approximations for non-Death's Swiftness columns include:
    For the Death's Swiftness column, values are obtained by taking the non-Death's Swiftness values and multiplying by 1.5. Damage caps are ignored for this part of the approximation. See calculator at top of section for more precise values.
  3. ^ Vorago is blocked on phases 5, 10 and 11 and during "The End" special attack.
  4. ^ TzKal-Zuk is blocked during the DPS checks while sitting on his throne.
  5. ^ Telos is 10x10 during phase 5.
  6. ^ Raksha is blocked on phase 4.
  7. ^ Make sure you are opted out of PvP, or else bringing the Seren godbow is a huge risk.

References[edit | edit source]

  1. ^ Maikeru RS. "Mod Shauny's Honest Answers! - Trimming Armour Podcast #10 w/ Mod Shauny." (27:17), YouTube video. 30 October 2019. "This is with the Seren godbow. The Seren godbow, if you were to duel someone in the duel anywhere update the Seren godbow spec would hit any player around you, any player, now this would actually kill hardcore ironman like, literally, like unsafe death like, this is literally like Falador Massacre V2, in essence."; "I remember when it first happened, I went onto my mod, I was visible, I went into grand exchange, I watched two people dual each other. One guy moved into a perfect square where everyone was doing their grand exchange trades and literally got like 10s by like the SGB and it was pretty scarey.[sic]"


Anima Mundi

Rewards and drops

Sigil pieces
Twin Furies
Vindicta and Gorvek
Anima core of Seren
Anima core of Sliske
Anima core of Zamorak
Anima core of Zaros
Dormant anima core
Boss pets
Telos drops

Faction rewards






Treasure Trail
Sighted shieldbow
Noxious longbow
Seren godbow
Bow of the Last Guardian
Dark bow
Seren godbow (2024)


How to get Seren godbow? ›

The Seren godbow is a degradeable, augmentable tier 92 two-handed bow. It is created by using an orb of pure, volcanic, and corrupted anima with a dormant Seren godbow, requiring level 92 Crafting. All of these items can be obtained by defeating Telos.

Who drops Seren godbow? ›

A Dormant Seren godbow is a drop obtained from Telos. When combined with three opposing anima orbs, it will become a Seren godbow.

How much is a Seren godbow RS3? ›

Seren godbow
BackpackWield, Check charges
EquippedCheck charges
Value1,250,000 coins
38 more rows

What is the drop rate for Dormant Seren godbow? ›

If you roll a unique drop on Telos, these are the drop chances for the unique items: 75/115 chance for an Anima orb (the next one in sequence) 10/115 chance for a Dormant Seren Godbow.

What are the odds of getting a seren spirit? ›

A tiny part of Seren. A Seren spirit has a 10% chance to spawn once per minute on the first eligible experience drop when the player has the grace of the elves equipped while training a gathering skill. It lasts 30 seconds before disappearing..

How to use bow of the last guardian rs3? ›

The Bow of the Last Guardian has a passive effect called Perfect Equilibrium. For each hit [note 1], the player gains a stack of Perfect Equilibrium. Once 8 stacks have been reached, a single attack is launched passively on the target that added the final stack, and clears all stacks.

Can you fight Seren again? ›

After the quest, players can fight the Fragment of Seren again through the memoriam device in the Tower of Voices. Unlike during the quest, deaths within the memoriam device fight are considered safe.

Does Seren count as an elf? ›

Seren (Jagex pronunciation: SEH-run) is the crystalline goddess of the elves and the divine aspect of light energy, being the counterpart to Zaros, the divine aspect of darkness. She originates from the world of Freneskae, where the elder god Mah created her and Zaros.

Who drops Venator bow? ›

Defeat the Phantom Muspah to obtain Venator shards. Combine five shards to create the Venator bow.

How to get dark bow osrs? ›

The dark bow is a two-handed ranged weapon that requires level 60 in Ranged to wield. It can only be obtained as a drop from dark beasts and their superior variant, night beasts. With an attack speed of 9 (5.4 seconds), and 8 on rapid (4.8 seconds), this bow stands out as the slowest weapon in the game.

Can you sell staff of sliske? ›

Once the dye is applied, the Staff of Sliske becomes permanently untradeable.

How do I get to Telos? ›

To fight Telos, players first must obtain an ancient sigil. The four components of the sigil can be obtained by killing all the generals in the Heart at least once; therefore, there is a minimum of level 80 Attack, Prayer, Magic, and Ranged (all of which may be boosted) required to reach Telos.

What is the drop rate in wow? ›

An item has a 1% droprate from a specific mob, which means that, on average, one will drop for every 100 kills. This does not mean that it's guaranteed to drop by the time you've killed 100 mobs - it's an average. It could drop the 10th kill or the 120th.

How do you get the crest of Seren in rs3? ›

A Crest of Seren can be obtained as a rare drop exclusively from Helwyr. It can be combined with a Dormant anima core helm, Dormant anima core body, or Dormant anima core legs to create an Anima core helm of Seren, Anima core body of Seren, or Anima core legs of Seren.

Where is Seren in Runescape? ›

Location: Seren can be found in the Tower of Voices in Prifddinas after the Light Within quest. Notes: During the Light Within quest, you help put Seren back together as she shattered herself because she didn't want to leave her elves when Guthix forced all Gods out of Gielinor.

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Name: Roderick King

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