School Uniforms – Promoting Cooperation and Positive Behavior - Cornerstone Schools (2024)

When you visit one of our schools, I promise you’ll be impressed by how great our students look. At all five Cornerstone Schools, our students wear uniforms. Our appearance standards are defined and students adhere to those standards from kindergarten through senior year. It’s impressive.

Why are we so committed to school uniforms? We view our uniform dress code as one of the methods we use to promote cooperation in our classrooms. It works for several reasons – some cultural and some scientific. Here’s why:

Team Identity and School Culture

When students are wearing the same uniform, it promotes a feeling of team spirit. Everyone is easily identifiable as being on the same team, just like the players on a basketball, football or cheer team. We believe this helps our students understand that they’re a part of something bigger than themselves when they become a Cornerstone student.

To affirm this team identity, all of our students are taught a Standards of Character curriculum that defines and helps them understand the culture of Cornerstone schools.

Promoting Positive Behavior

Research shows that when schools implement a uniform policy, it improves grades, while it reduces tardiness, skipped classes and suspensions. One study showed that 70% of principals believed that mandated school uniforms reduced disciplinary problems at their schools.

These statistics align with our belief that uniforms help students make better decisions and form stronger relationships with each other. The more we’re able to help our students understand the value of, and create, positive relationships in our community, the less conflict we have to manage on school grounds.

Minimizing Competition and Socioeconomic Differences

In junior high and high school, fashion, and the high price of designer labels, can create a perceived hierarchy among our young women and men. We’re able to minimize this type of competition through our uniform dress code.

Fashion can be expensive and when students are able to avoid concerns about designer brands and the cost of what they wear to school, good things happen. They don’t have to figure out how to fit in with superficial fashion choices, so they’re more likely to act as their authentic selves. This also helps them relate to their fellow students as team or even family members, rather than competitors.

Identifying Guests on Campus

When our students are wearing uniforms in the same colors, it’s easy for the administration and teaching teams to determine who may be a guest or an intruder on our campus. This manages both way-finding (“Can I help you find someone?”) and potential safety issues (“Do you belong here?”)

Students at Cornerstone Schools have worn uniforms since the school was founded twenty-eight years ago. Based on that history, we’re confident that a dress code that encourages students to look their best contributes to a healthy educational environment and to our students’ success.

Sources: Public School Review; The New Times; Lumsden, L. (2001) Uniforms and Dress Code Policies, ERIC Digest # 148; Shamburger, P.S. (1999). The influence of a mandatory school uniform policy. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association for Career and Technical Education. Orlando, FL.

School Uniforms – Promoting Cooperation and Positive Behavior - Cornerstone Schools (2024)


What is the thesis statement of the school uniform question? ›

If everyone wears the same thing, it creates a sense of unity and equality within the school. Uniforms play a vital role in reducing peer pressure and reduce bullying around schools.

Do dress codes improve test scores? ›

There is little evidence that school uniforms remedy behavior problems or boost academic performance. And while uniform policies might have a slight, positive impact on school attendance, we need to consider the downside: For some kids, uniforms may have a negative effect on well-being.

How do school uniforms improve student behavior? ›

Research shows that when schools implement a uniform policy, it improves grades, while it reduces tardiness, skipped classes and suspensions. One study showed that 70% of principals believed that mandated school uniforms reduced disciplinary problems at their schools.

Do school uniforms really improve students achievement and behavior? ›

Lead author of the study and assistant professor of human sciences at OSU, Arya Ansari said evidence does not show uniforms provide any substantial benefit for young students' behavior. “We really didn't see any differences at any point in children's elementary school careers,” said Ansari.

What are 3 arguments for school uniforms? ›

School uniforms may deter crime and increase student safety. School uniforms keep students focused on their education, not their clothes. School uniforms create a level playing field among students, reducing peer pressure and bullying. Wearing uniforms enhances school pride, unity, and community spirit.

What is one of the arguments against school uniforms? ›

Opponents say school uniforms infringe upon students' right to express their individuality, have no positive effect on behavior and academic achievement, and emphasize the socioeconomic disparities they are intended to disguise.

Do school uniforms make a difference? ›

The researchers found that the highest-performing students are the most disciplined. In addition, “for countries where students wear school uniforms, our study found that students listen significantly better, there are lower noise levels, and lower teaching waiting times with classes starting on time.”

What are the pros and cons of wearing school uniforms? ›

Overview – 10 Top Pros and Cons of School Uniforms
Pros of School UniformsCons of School Uniforms
1. Pro – Uniforms Build School Spirit1. Con – Upfront Uniform Costs
2. Pro – Less Bullying in Schools2. Con – Lack of Freedom of Expression
3. Pro – Saving Time in Mornings3. Con – Uniforms Teach Gender Norms
7 more rows

Does school dress code affect learning? ›

Dress code makes the students focus more on their lessons rather than their outfit. It lessens the judgments of the economic state of each individual. Dress codes affect the students in the sense that they keep a greater focus on learning, rather than showing off one's status through clothing.

Do school uniforms prevent bad behavior? ›

We didn't see much difference in our behavior measures, regardless of whether the schools had a uniform policy or not.” Ansari conducted the study with Michael Shepard, a graduate student in human sciences at Ohio State, and Michael Gottfried, associate professor of education at the University of Pennsylvania.

How do uniforms make students feel equal? ›

School uniforms reduce clothing-related peer pressure.

Because every student is essentially wearing the same thing, there is a reduced level of peer pressure to wear certain fashion styles or purchase specific clothes brands.

Do school uniforms make students feel controlled? ›

Uniforms Lead to More Policing of Students

This can make students feel that they're being scrutinized and punished for their appearance, which could have negative effects on student self-esteem or attitudes toward the school.

How does school uniforms affect behavior? ›

“While uniforms are supposed to build a sense of community, they may have the opposite effect,” he said. “Fashion is one way that students express themselves, and that may be an important part of the school experience. When students can't show their individuality, they may not feel like they belong as much.”

What are the benefits of schools having uniforms? ›

13 Advantages to Wearing School Uniforms
  • Create cohesion. ...
  • Reduce the potential for bullying. ...
  • Improve study ethic. ...
  • Increase safety. ...
  • Fairer dress codes. ...
  • Remove peer pressure. ...
  • Prepare for the outside world. ...
  • Easy mornings for students and parents.
Apr 24, 2023

How do uniforms affect students mentally? ›

School uniforms have a positive impact on students' mental health. Studies show that uniforms reduce anxiety about appearance and promote self-confidence through a feeling of belonging. These findings are noteworthy in this day and age of social media, when children are constantly comparing themselves to others.

What are some questions about school uniforms? ›

Should all schools have a strict dress code? What are the advantages of children wearing a uniform? Why do children dislike wearing uniforms? Why are parents distressed?

Does wearing a school uniforms prevent bullying? ›

School intervention programs (which includes school uniforms) are reported at reducing bullying by 30-50%

Do you agree or disagree students should wear uniforms to school? ›

Uniforms are both good for schools as well as for the students. Wearing uniforms will help build a sense of unity within the school. Instead of everyone as a separate team, everyone will be in the same team. Wearing uniforms will help free students of the stress of what to wear in the morning.

Why are schools so strict about uniforms? ›

While students have sought out avenues for free expression and individuality through their attire, many schools have instituted these policies in an effort to minimize classroom distractions, reduce emphasis on students' socioeconomic disparities and keep schools safe.

How do school uniforms affect self expression? ›

Students who gain an education within the strict limits of the uniform required by the institution tend to have less aspirations in terms of creative expression and may even find it difficult to determine their individual identity apart from the group.

Do uniforms take away individuality? ›

However, schools attempt to get around this by implementing uniform policies that apply to all students. Uniforms restrict students' individuality, expression, and creativity. It is an unnecessary expense for students and their families, and, when subsidized, taxpayers.

What percentage of US schools wear uniforms? ›

How many public schools require school uniforms? Response: In the 2017–18 school year, 20 percent of public schools required that students wear uniforms. In 2017–18, a greater percentage of primary schools than of middle schools required students to wear uniforms (23 vs.

What are school uniforms made of? ›

Fabrics made from manmade fibres

The most commonly used manmade fibres used in school uniform and activewear are polyester, viscose and acrylic yarns. All of them share the characteristics of being, compared to natural fibres extraordinarily certain, stable and durable.

What are the cons of school? ›

Before deciding to send children to their neighborhood schools, parents should be aware of the disadvantages of public schools.
  • Frequent Testing to Meet Requirements. ...
  • Larger Class Sizes. ...
  • Disproportionate Resources. ...
  • Bullying And Violence.

What is uniform for class 1? ›

A uniform is a special kind of cloth which some people ,for example police, soldiers, pilots, students wear to work is called uniform.

Do school uniforms help save money? ›

School uniforms can help in saving money for families in several ways: Reduced need for multiple outfits: When students wear school uniforms, they don't need to buy a separate set of clothes for school. This can save money on clothing purchases throughout the school year.

Does dress code affect behavior? ›

Studies have found that people tend to be less open and find it more difficult to relax when they wear formal clothes. On the other hand, a casual and relaxed dress code at work helps us become more friendly and creative.

Do dress codes target females? ›

Dress codes specifically target clothes typically worn by females. Boys never get told that their shoulders are showing, or that their shorts are too short. Boys usually wear longer shorts because that's the style.

Do school uniforms prevent stress? ›

One aspect that many of researchers agree upon is that the introduction of a school uniform policy lowers stress for students who struggle with the choice of what to wear each day -- some because they strive to look a certain way, others because they worry about being judged.

Why do many students do not like the idea of wearing school uniforms? ›

One of the main arguments against wearing school uniforms is that students will lose their identity, individualism, and self-expression if they are made to wear the same clothes as everyone else. If this happens, then everyone will end up looking the same. It would seem bland and drab.

How do school uniforms prevent inappropriate clothing? ›

Uniforms reduce distractions in school. If students have a limited choice of clothes to wear, they won't wear shirts with offensive slogans or clothes that show inappropriate parts of their bodies. The students will have a sense of community.

Why is uniform important? ›

Wearing the correct school uniform teaches students discipline and helps in reducing absenteeism. Students don't need to pay attention to their appearance, but the focus is on learning and good behavior. They are not judged by what they wear but by how they behave, and this learning is taken forward when they grow up.

Do uniforms save time? ›

Saving Time

By purchasing standard uniform pieces you no longer need to rush from store to store and spend an entire weekend buying clothes. And when your child starts the school year, mornings will be less stressful because you don't need to spend time picking out what they'll wear that day.

How do school uniforms create unity? ›

Promotes School Spirit and a Sense of Belonging

School uniforms can also be used to promote a sense of school unity and school spirit. Like members of a sports team, students who wear uniforms feel like they are part of one group and therefore tend to perform better and care more about their school.

Are school uniforms a good idea argumentative article? ›

A school uniform is not a bad thing to have. Indeed, uniforms limit what students should decide to wear in class invariably, yet they do not prevent them from learning; the only explanation is they are in school. Students treat the school as a style show, so discarding that puts students fully exposed to homework.

Does uniforms encourage discipline? ›

The adoption of school uniform policies may promote school safety, improve discipline, and enhance the learning environment.

How do school uniforms delay the transition into adulthood? ›

Delays Transition into Adulthood

Some experts feel that self-expression and self-identification as a teenager helps prepare them to make the leap into adulthood. By forcing teenagers to wear school uniforms, it limits their ability to express in this manner, which may delay their transition into adulthood.

Do school uniforms affect creativity? ›

Most student have their own style, but a common argument against school uniforms is that they take away the students right to show their sense of style, creativity and culture. Yes, school uniforms may limit what the students have to wear, but he/she can still have their own ways of self-expression in many forms.

Why is school dress code important? ›

The purpose of a dress code is to provide guidance to students and parents as to appropriate attire for school and at any school function. In addition, the dress code is a primary means of helping students learn a skill, which is required for success in getting and keeping employment linked to attire.

How do school uniforms prepare students for the future? ›

3) Preparation for life: Uniforms prepare students for their future jobs where they will more than likely have a work dress code they will need to adhere to. Chapel uniforms also help teach students professionalism and that there is a time to dress up: special events, job interview, certain church functions, and so on.

Which is the best thesis statement for an essay on school uniforms? ›

Which is the best thesis statement for an essay on school uniforms? Requiring school uniforms has many advantages because students focus on their studies rather than their clothing.

What is an example of a thesis statement question? ›

Examples of thesis statements

As previously mentioned, your thesis statement should answer a question. If the question is: What do you think the City of New York should do to reduce traffic congestion?

What is the general statement for school uniforms? ›

School uniforms have proven extremely beneficial to the school and the student body. Requiring students to wear uniforms within school systems is a great idea. Not only do they promote equality, but they also save parents money and keep children safe (K). In addition, they signify rules, punctuality, and obedience.

Do school uniforms help students focus better in school? ›

Fewer tardies and distractions mean students who wear uniforms are able to devote more time to learning. School uniforms improve student performance by helping students focus on learning rather than fashion.

What is the argument for school uniforms? ›

School Uniforms Can Promote Safety

Some proponents of school uniforms argue that uniforms can increase student safety in school and outside of school, as well as increasing students' ability to blend in and focus on learning without having to worry that their clothing choices might make them a target.

What is a good hook for an essay about school uniforms? ›

Hook: There is absolutely no reason why a student should ever have to wear a school uniform. Thesis: Students should not be required to wear school uniforms because they cost parents too much money, they make students unhappy, and it does not stop bullies or gangs.

How should I start my essay? ›

Your essay introduction should include three main things, in this order:
  1. An opening hook to catch the reader's attention.
  2. Relevant background information that the reader needs to know.
  3. A thesis statement that presents your main point or argument.
Feb 4, 2019

What are the 5 paragraphs in an essay? ›

The five-paragraph essay format is a guide that helps writers structure an essay. It consists of one introductory paragraph, three body paragraphs for support, and one concluding paragraph. Because of this structure, it has been nicknamed the “hamburger essay,” the “one-three-one essay,” and the “three-tier essay.”

Can you give me an example of a thesis statement? ›

A thesis statement should show exactly what your paper will be about, and will help you keep your paper to a manageable topic. For example, if you're writing a seven-to-ten page paper on hunger, you might say: World hunger has many causes and effects.

What is the hook in the first paragraph of the school uniform question? ›

Q1 The topic of this essay is school uniforms. What is the hook in the first paragraph? A : The hook in the first paragraph is "Individualism is a fundamental value in the United States".

Do students think school uniforms are uncomfortable? ›

Some kids might have allergies to certain materials and the uniform might feel tight and/or rigid to them. This can increase their temper and can also affect their learning as well. They might also think that when walking home in their uniform, kids from other schools might make fun of them and start bullying him/her.

How do most students feel about their uniforms? ›

While many kids instantly dismiss the idea of school uniforms because they want to be able to choose their own clothes, others point to more compelling reasons, such as gang involvement and school pride, for why they should or shouldn't wear specific clothing.

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Name: Kerri Lueilwitz

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Introduction: My name is Kerri Lueilwitz, I am a courageous, gentle, quaint, thankful, outstanding, brave, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.