Pros and Cons of Pacifier Use (2024)

One thing all babies can agree on is that sucking on something is awesome—in fact, newborns use this primary reflex as one of the best ways to find comfort. “Newborn babies cry a lot, and if you find something that’s soothing to them, that’s really nice,” says Genevieve Brauning, MD, a family medicine doctor with Novant Health South Park Family Physicians in Charlotte, North Carolina. “From a practical point of view, a pacifier is on the short list of things that can give everyone peace and quiet.” But before you register for a dozen binkies, learn about the pros and cons of pacifier use to determine if it’s right for your baby.

In this article:
What is a pacifier?
Pros and cons of pacifiers
When to introduce the pacifier
How to get baby to take a pacifier
When should baby stop using a pacifier?

What Is a Pacifier?

An infant’s penchant for sucking is often satisfied at the breast or with a bottle. But, let’s be honest, you can only feed baby so much before soreness and exhaustion kick in, or baby is full. Not surprisingly, between 60 and 85 percent of infants are using pacifiers, according to studies.

A pacifier is a rubbery nipple, usually made from silicone or latex, designed to satisfy baby’s sucking impulse. Pacifier use actually allows baby to suck more rapidly—two sucks per second, compared to one suck per second while feeding—and satisfies the need that much faster.

Infant pacifiers have different nipple shapes: Some are flatter, which manufacturers claim may be better for orthodontic issues, and some are rounder, shaped more like the nipple on a bottle. Either way, there’s little evidence that one shape is superior; it may be a matter of trial and error to see which pacifier baby loves most.

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Pacifiers come in a variety of sizes recommended for different ages. “You don’t want a newborn using a toddler-size pacifier, which can be overwhelming in his mouth, or a toddler using an infant pacifier, which will sit directly behind his teeth, pushing them outward and possibly leading to an overbite,” says Wendy Sue Swanson, MD, pediatrician and Chief of Digital Innovation at Seattle Children’s hospital. She recommends choosing a pacifier that’s made of one solid piece, so it can’t break apart in baby’s mouth. Pick pacifiers that have ventilation holes—they let air circulate, reducing the chance of a messy red rash developing around baby’s mouth. It’s also a good idea to keep an eye out for pacifier recalls on the Consumer Product Safety Commission’s website, (Need help finding the perfect pacifier? Check out our favorites.)

Pros and Cons of Pacifiers

There are some serious benefits of pacifier use—but there are also some important drawbacks. Read on to learn the pros and cons of pacifiers and how to determine what’s right for you and your child.

Pacifier pros

Aside from soothing baby and reducing crying, here are a few more reasons why pacifier use is so popular with parents:

Reduces the risk of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS). The American Academy of Pediatrics encourages pacifier use when putting baby down for naps and bedtime to help reduce SIDS. However, never attach one to her neck or crib with a strap, which can be a choking hazard.

Encourages breastfeeding in mothers with PPD. A new study in the Journal of Human Lactation showed that mothers at high risk for postpartum depression did better with breastfeeding if their baby used a pacifier. Minimizing infant crying is especially important to vulnerable mothers who are easily agitated. As baby learns to self-soothe, Mom gets a little extra time between feedings, making things less stressful. In this case, pacifier use offers emotional support for both mom and baby.

Distracts from stressful stimuli. Pacifier use during unpleasant situations—like a vaccination, a painful procedure or a run-of-the mill bump—can help make baby less upset. “It’s been documented that offering a pacifier can provide pain relief,” Brauning says. “It reduces how a baby senses pain and makes him more comfortable.” The one thing you don’t want to do is coat the pacifier with something sweet or sticky, which can cause cavities later on. Honey, in particular, is very dangerous to babies under one year, as it can cause infant botulism and even death.

Helps preemies thrive. Researchers have found that pacifier use among preterm babies results in shorter hospital stays and better bottle-feeding. The study showed possible improvement in digestion when babies less than 32 weeks’ gestation sucked on a pacifier during gavage feedings (when nutrients are delivered to the stomach via a small tube up the nose).

Eases air travel. Planning a trip? Pack a few pacifiers in your carry-on. “The sucking motion of the jaw provides a shift in the middle ear, where the baby can feel pressure when the plane is going up or descending,” Swanson says of pacifier use while in the air. (Of course, breastfeeding or bottle-feeding work just as well.)

Pacifier cons

One the other hand, these most common concerns about pacifier use may make you rethink that binky:

Dental problems. Long-term pacifier use can affect the shape of the teeth and mouth, especially if baby continues to use it well into the toddler years. The jaw and the gum tissue are very malleable, and constantly keeping a pacifier behind the front teeth after age 2, but especially after 4, can create dental problems like an overbite or cross bite, Swanson says. And while there’s little evidence that baby pacifiers lead to speech delays, it can be hard—to say the least—to figure out what a toddler is saying when he’s trying to talk with a piece of plastic in his mouth.

Risk factor for ear infections. A study of almost 500 children in Finland has connected pacifier use to ear infections. Children in the study who didn’t use pacifiers continuously had about one-third fewer ear infections than those who did use them. The theory is that when baby sucks or swallows, there’s a change in pressure behind the ear, which may shift fluids into the middle ear and cause an infection, Brauning says. Adding pacifier germs into the equation doesn’t help either. One compromise: Limit pacifier use to naps and bedtime, rather than allowing baby to suck on it all day.

Potential weight gain. A new Childhood Obesity study showed that infants who used a pacifier past 4 months were about 10 percent more likely to be overweight by age one and 20 percent more likely to be overweight by age 2, compared to infants who didn’t use one. Why the potential weight gain? While the researchers couldn’t settle on one specific explanation behind the correlation, reduced feedings and baby’s control during nursing were some of the potential factors.

Too much dependence. Babies aren’t dummies: If something feels good, they’re going to keep doing it. Unfortunately, that means pacifier use can become addictive to babies and toddlers—picture baby howling at 2 a.m. when the paci falls out of her mouth, or a meltdown when it drops into a mud puddle and you forgot to pack an extra. Message boards are filled with desperate parents trying to find pacifier weaning solutions that don’t end in hysterics. For an easier transition, experts recommend starting to wean by one year, or even earlier—by 6 months, baby should be sleeping through the night, Swanson says, and since she’s too young to argue with you, you can easily go cold turkey.

When to Introduce a Pacifier

One of the most common concerns for introducing pacifier use is whether it’ll interfere with breastfeeding. “The way a baby sucks on a breast is different from the way he sucks on an artificial nipple,” says Leigh Anne O’Connor, an international board certified lactation consultant and La Leche League leader in New York City. “Some babies can go back and forth between breast and artificial nipples, while others are more sensitive.” They may struggle with “nipple confusion,” the somewhat controversial idea that baby may become accustomed to—and come to prefer—the feeling and texture of a synthetic nipple, and might not want to feed at the breast.

“Even in best-case scenarios, early breastfeeding is really hard for the first couple of weeks,” Brauning says. “It’s probably a good idea to wait to introduce the pacifier [until] mom’s milk supply is well established and baby is easy and comfortable on the breast, usually between two and eight weeks.” That said, some moms have introduced pacifier use as early as 10 days without marring the breastfeeding experience. If baby is bottle-fed from the start, you can give him the pacifier right away, since the nipple on the bottle is so similar.

How to Get Baby to Take a Pacifier

A crying baby may be ready to suck on a pacifier right away, or she may grimace, squirm and spit it out. For successful pacifier use, you’ll want to follow baby’s cues, and keep the following tips in mind:

Learn to spot the sucking reflex. Figuring out whether they’re hungry or just want to suck on something isn’t so much a philosophical question for infants as much as it is an observation on parents’ part. Newborns are born with a basic suckingreflex, which is activated when something touches the roof of their mouth. “When the palate is stimulated [during sucking], it relaxes the baby,” O’Connor says. Fortunately, figuring out what baby wants will be fairly intuitive. Since nursing is often the first line of action to appease both hunger and soothing cues, infants may feed hourly. By six to eight weeks, feedings start to follow a reliable routine, so you can tell if baby is hungry or just fussy. “Satiated babies stop sucking hard enough to get milk out of breast or bottle—they might even push it away,” adds Brauning. “But they might still take a pacifier if they need comfort.”

Know when to quit. Some babies don’t have a high suck demand and simply have no interest in pacifier use. “If he isn’t taking the pacifier, it’s not necessarily the right soothing technique for him,” Brauning says. “There’s no health benefit that means you should push it on him.” Baby will find an alternative soothing mechanism, like his thumb or even puckered air-sucking, as a replacement for pacifier use.

When Should Baby Stop Using a Pacifier?

Sometimes babies decide they’re done with pacifiers and just stop pacifier use on their own. If that happens, consider yourself one very lucky mom! Otherwise, there will come a time when you will have to do the dirty job of taking it away by starting to wean around 6 months to a year. Ideally, for dental development, you want to try to say bye-bye to binky permanently by your child’s second birthday. “Baby will cry for a little while, but after a couple of days, he’ll adjust and figure out another way to self-soothe,” Swanson says. In need of some tips for when and how to take away the pacifier? Head here to read about pacifier weaning techniques.

Updated November 2017

Please note: The Bump and the materials and information it contains are not intended to, and do not constitute, medical or other health advice or diagnosis and should not be used as such. You should always consult with a qualified physician or health professional about your specific circ*mstances.

Pros and Cons of Pacifier Use (2024)


Are there any benefits to pacifiers? ›

The benefits of pacifier use include analgesic effects, shorter hospital stays for preterm infants, and a reduction in the risk of sudden infant death syndrome.

Why do pediatricians not recommend pacifiers? ›

Pacifiers can affect the alignment of baby's teeth and shape of the roof of the mouth when used for extended periods. It is recommended to wean baby off pacifiers before they have a full set of baby teeth. Always buy pacifiers from established manufacturers and check for size, moving parts, and air vents.

Do pacifiers help with brain development? ›

So quite simply, by using a baby's innate skill of sucking, which literally must feel like a piece of home away from home, we enhance brain development.

Should babies sleep with pacifiers? ›

It's perfectly safe for babies to sleep with pacifiers. In fact, sleeping with a pacifier may even help reduce the risk of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS). For babies who find great comfort in sucking, pacifiers can be very useful. They can soothe a fussy baby and also help them fall asleep at bedtime.

How long should babies use pacifiers? ›

Experts offer different guidance about when to wean a baby off their pacifier, but most agree that caregivers should stop offering pacifiers between the ages of 6 months and 4 years. To prevent dental issues, the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry recommends eliminating pacifiers once your child is 3 years old.

How long should you use a pacifier a day? ›

Pacifiers cause eventual crooked teeth.

However, pacifier use should be limited to less than 6 hours per day. With that in mind, it's important to remember that each child's mouth and teeth develop differently.

What happens if you use a pacifier too long? ›

Extended pacifier use increases a child's risk of developing dental problems. Which can affect their ability to produce certain speech sounds. As a child's mouth begins to develop, it will grow around anything that is repeatedly held inside. Teeth may also become crooked and misaligned.

Why do doctors not recommend pacifiers? ›

Potential complications of pacifier use, particularly with prolonged use, include a negative effect on breastfeeding, dental malocclusion, and otitis media. Adverse dental effects can be evident after two years of age, but mainly after four years.”

Are pacifiers good or bad? ›

The Good: pacifiers can satisfy a baby's suckling reflex, support tongue development, and help them fall asleep. The Bad: prolonged pacifier use (beyond 6 months) can cause problems with oral motor development, increase the risk of ear infections, and may lead to misaligned teeth.

Do doctors recommend pacifiers? ›

No recommendation to use pacifiers to reduce the risk of SIDS can be made at this time.

How can I soothe my baby without a pacifier? ›

  1. Master the timing. ...
  2. Create a bedtime routine. ...
  3. Offer a security object (if your child is old enough) ...
  4. Create a calm, dark, cool environment to sleep in. ...
  5. Establish regular sleeping times. ...
  6. Consider moving away from feeding your baby to sleep. ...
  7. Ensure all needs are met before your baby gets too tired.
Nov 22, 2019

Why do hospitals give babies pacifiers? ›

Pacifiers are provided for sick or preterm babies in the NICU: To calm their heart rate and breathing. To comfort during painful procedures. To develop sucking skills.

Do pacifiers affect speech development? ›

Prolonged pacifier use can lead to raised or indented palates, which can result in an oral cavity that is too large for normal articulation. This means a significant increase in your child's risk of developing a speech disorder that can often require years of therapy to remediate.

Do pacifiers cause speech delay? ›

Prolonged pacifier use can cause speech sound disorders and a speech delay! They can also cause a reverse swallow and a tongue thrust. A tongue thrust is when the tongue protrudes between the front teeth during speech and swallowing, which is caused by an open bite.

Do dentists recommend pacifiers? ›

A prolonged and frequent sucking habit may eventually cause crooked teeth or bite problems. The longer the habit continues, the more likely it is that your child will need orthodontic treatment in the future. Consequently, the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry recommends discouraging pacifier use after age three.

Do pacifiers slow language development? ›

However, past the age of one year, excessive use of pacifiers can have a detrimental effect on speech and language development . If a child is using a pacifier during the day, they are restricting the amount of time they can babble, practice their sounds and use early words.

Should I remove pacifier once baby is asleep? ›

Should I Remove a Pacifier After My Baby is Asleep? No, you don't have to remove your baby's pacifier after he or she is asleep. Even if the pacifier falls out while they are sleeping – which is quite common! – there is no need for you to reinsert it.

Should I take a pacifier out after baby falls asleep? ›

Yes. There's no reason why you should remove the pacifier from your sleeping baby unless you're trying to wean them. But if the pacifier falls off your baby's mouth, you don't have to return it.

Do pacifiers cause gas? ›

Other things that can cause gas include normal baby stuff like crying, sucking on a pacifier or simply getting the hiccups. Anything that causes baby to swallow excess air can trigger gas.

What age does pacifier affect teeth? ›

As early as about 24 months of age, continued use of a pacifier may encourage oral issues. However, there's no one right answer for every family or child.

Can a newborn sleep with a pacifier all night? ›

Yes, you can safely give your baby a pacifier at bedtime. To make it as safe as possible, though, make sure to follow these guidelines: DON'T attach a string to the pacifier as this can present a strangling risk. DON'T give your baby a pacifier at night while he or she is learning how to breastfeed.

Do pacifiers help with overfeeding? ›

A pacifier may reduce the risk of overfeeding for bottle fed babies. The urge to suck for comfort is often mistaken as a sign of hunger for both bottle-fed and breastfed babies. This misunderstanding is not of concern for a breastfed babies as they can control the flow of milk while breastfeeding.

Does pacifier change mouth shape? ›

The Cons. Consistent, long-term pacifier use can change the shape of your child's mouth as well as the positioning of the teeth and jaw. As babies and toddlers develop, their jaws grow around anything held inside the mouth on a regular basis. That's why long-term pacifier use can cause issues.

Do pacifiers help with gas? ›

Almost all babies will find some baby gas relief by sucking on a pacifier,” O'Connor says, because the sucking action releases endorphins that will soothe them.

Do pacifiers have side effects? ›

The most important risks of this non-nutritive sucking habit are failure of breastfeeding, dental deformities, recurrent acute otitis media, and the possibility of accidents. The development of latex allergy, tooth decay, oral ulcers and sleep disorders are other problems encountered with pacifier use.

What age should baby self-soothe? ›

Self-soothing for babies

Babies cry a lot because it is a method of communication for them. When baby first begins to stay asleep throughout the night, it is because they are learning to self-soothe. Babies typically learn to self-soothe around 6 months.

Do babies learn to self settle naturally? ›

Some babies learn to self-soothe naturally as they get older. However, in other cases, parents or caregivers try to encourage the behavior through various techniques. Many approaches exist for encouraging babies to self-soothe, ranging from the extinction method, or “cry it out” (CIO), to more gradual approaches.

What are signs of self-soothing in babies? ›

Self-soothing is when your baby can calm down and go to sleep again by themselves. Babies who can self-soothe sleep for longer periods and have longer total sleep times at night. If you put your baby to bed drowsy but awake, they might take a little while to go to sleep. They might even grizzle.

Are pacifiers necessary? ›

Aside from soothing baby and reducing crying, here are a few more reasons why pacifier use is so popular with parents: Reduces the risk of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS). The American Academy of Pediatrics encourages pacifier use when putting baby down for naps and bedtime to help reduce SIDS.

Do pacifiers help babies breathe? ›

Actually, the pacifier thrusts the tongue downward thus favoring the passage of air between the tongue and the palate around the pacifier. In conclusion, in many normal infants, the pacifier, by serving as an oral airway, may often enhance the ability to sustain more adequate oral breathing.

Should you avoid pacifiers? ›

The American Academy of Pediatrics encourages pacifier use when putting baby down for naps and bedtime to help reduce SIDS. However, never attach one to her neck or crib with a strap, which can be a choking hazard. Encourages breastfeeding in mothers with PPD.

Is it OK to leave the pacifier in all night? ›

No, you don't have to remove your baby's pacifier after he or she is asleep. Even if the pacifier falls out while they are sleeping – which is quite common! – there is no need for you to reinsert it.

What age should a pacifier be taken away? ›

The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry (AAPD) recommends children stop nonnutritive sucking habits by age 36 months or younger. The American Dental Association (ADA) recommends children should stop using the pacifier by age 2. If the habit can be stopped by 2 to 2.5 years old that would be best.

What are the side effects of pacifier? ›

The most important risks of this non-nutritive sucking habit are failure of breastfeeding, dental deformities, recurrent acute otitis media, and the possibility of accidents. The development of latex allergy, tooth decay, oral ulcers and sleep disorders are other problems encountered with pacifier use.

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