Profit Margin (2024)

Profit relative to revenue

Written byCFI Team

Published October 5, 2019

Updated April 25, 2023

What is a Profit Margin?

In accounting and finance, a profit margin is a measure of a company’s earnings (or profits) relativeto its revenue. The three main profit margin metrics are gross profit margin(total revenue minuscost of goods sold (COGS) ), operating profit margin (revenue minus COGS and operating expenses), and net profit margin (revenue minus all expenses, including interest and taxes). This guide will cover formulas and examples, and even provide an Excel template you can use to calculate the numbers on your own.

Profit Margin (1)

Profit Margin Formula

When assessing the profitability of a company, there are three primary margin ratios to consider: gross, operating, and net. Below is a breakdown of each profit margin formula.

Gross Profit Margin = Gross Profit / Revenue x 100

Operating Profit Margin = Operating Profit / Revenue x 100

Net Profit Margin = Net Income / Revenue x 100

Profit Margin (2)

As you can see in the above example, the difference between gross vs net is quite large. In 2018, the gross margin is 62%, the sum of $50,907 divided by $82,108. The net margin, by contrast, is only 14.8%, the sum of $12,124 of net income divided by $82,108 in revenue.

Profit Margin Example

Let’s consider an example and use the formulas displayed above. XYZ Company is in the online retail business and sells custom printed t-shirts. The revenue from selling shirts in 2018 is $700k, the cost of goods sold (the direct cost of producing the shirts) is $200k, and all other operating expenses (such as selling, general, administrative (SG&A), interest and taxes) are $400k. Calculate the gross and net profit margins for XYZ Company in 2018.

Income Statement:

$700,000 revenue

($200,000) cost of goods sold

$500,000 gross profit

($400,000) other expenses

$100,000 net income

Based on the above income statement figures, the answers are:

Gross margin is equal to $500k of gross profit divided by $700k of revenue, which equals 71.4%.

Net margin is $100k of net income divided by $700k of revenue, which equals 14.3%.

What is a Good Profit Margin?

You may be asking yourself, “what is a good profit margin?” A good margin will vary considerably by industry, but as a general rule of thumb, a 10% net profit margin is considered average, a 20% marginis considered high (or “good”), and a 5% margin is low. Again, these guidelines vary widely by industry and company size, and can be impacted by a variety of other factors.

Profit Margin Formula Excel (and Calculator)

Below is a screenshot of CFI’s profit margin Excel calculator. As you can see from the image, the Excel file allows you to input various assumptions over a five year period. All cells with blue font and light grey shading can be used to enter your own numbers. All cells with black font are formulas and don’t need to be edited.

As you can see from the screenshot, if you enter a company’s revenue, cost of goods sold, and other operating expenses you will automatically get margins for Gross Profit, EBITDA, and Net Profit. EBIT (earnings before interest and taxes) is the same thing as Operating Profit; EBITDA is slightly more refined, closer to Net Profit.

Profit Margin (3)

To edit the Excel calculator, you can insert or delete rows as necessary, based on the information you have. For example, to add more expense line items such as “Salaries and Wages”, simply insert a row for each one and add the numbers as appropriate.

Download the Free Template

Enter your name and email in the form below and download the free template now!

Profit Margin Template

Download the free Excel template now to advance your finance knowledge!

More Company Performance Metrics

When analyzing a company a good analyst will look at a wide range of ratios, financial metrics, and other measures of performance. Below is a list of commonly used performance metrics that analysts often consider in order to compile a complete and thorough analysis of a business.

Additional performance metrics include:

  • Revenue Growth Rate
  • Return on Equity (ROE)
  • Return on Assets (ROA)
  • Internal Rate of Return (IRR)
  • Cash Flow Yield
  • Dividend Yield
  • Net Present Value (NPV)

Which financial metrics are most important will vary by company and industry. For example, ROE may be a key metric in determining the performance of Company A, while the most helpful metric in analyzing Company B might be revenue growth rate.

Key metrics are often ones where a company’s performance – as indicated by the metric – is substantially different (whether better or worse) from that of most of its competitors. By considering the above factors along with the profitability margins covered in this article, you’ll be well on your way to performing complete financial analyses.

Additional Resources

This has been CFI’s guide to return on Profit Margins. To keep advancing your career, check out these additional CFI resources:

Profit Margin (2024)


Profit Margin? ›

But in general, a healthy profit margin for a small business tends to range anywhere between 7% to 10%. Keep in mind, though, that certain businesses may see lower margins, such as retail or food-related companies. That's because they tend to have higher overhead costs.

Is a 75 profit margin good? ›

While every business is different, there are some general guidelines as to what healthy margins look like. According to the Corporate Finance Institute, 5 percent profit margins are considered low, while 10 percent margins are average and 20 percent margins are high.

How do you answer what are your margins? ›

Subtract your total costs from the total revenue to get your net profit. Divide the net profit by the total revenue and multiply the answer by 100 to get your margin percentage.

What is a good amount of profit margin? ›

Your profit margin can tell you how well your business performs compared to other market players in your industry. Although there's no magic number, a good profit margin will typically fall between 5% and 10%.

Is 80% profit margin good? ›

“However, in the consulting world, margins can be 80% or more – oftentimes exceeding 100% to 300%.” On the other hand, restaurant profit margins tend to be razor thin, ranging from 3% to 5% for a healthy business. Consequently, your industry is another indicator of your profit margin.

Is 30% profit margin too high? ›

A good margin will vary considerably by industry and size of business, but as a general rule of thumb, a 10% net profit margin is considered average, a 20% margin is considered high (or “good”), and a 5% margin is low.

Is a 50% profit margin too much? ›

What is a good gross profit margin ratio? On the face of it, a gross profit margin ratio of 50 to 70% would be considered healthy, and it would be for many types of businesses, like retailers, restaurants, manufacturers and other producers of goods.

What are profit margins examples? ›

Expressed as a percentage, it represents the portion of a company's sales revenue that it gets to keep as a profit, after subtracting all of its costs. For example, if a company reports that it achieved a 35% profit margin during the last quarter, it means that it netted $0.35 from each dollar of sales generated.

Can profit margin be over 100? ›

Margins can never be more than 100 percent, but markups can be 200 percent, 500 percent, or 10,000 percent, depending on the price and the total cost of the offer. The higher your price and the lower your cost, the higher your markup.

What is a simple explanation of profit margins? ›

Profit margin is the measure of a business, product, service's profitability. Rather than a dollar amount, profit margin is expressed as a percentage. The higher the number, the more profit the business makes relative to its costs.

Is a profit margin of 40% good? ›

Ideally, direct expenses should not exceed 40%, leaving you with a minimum gross profit margin of 60%. Remaining overheads should not exceed 35%, which leaves a genuine net profit margin of 25%.

Is 11% a good profit margin? ›

For most businesses, an operating margin higher than 15% is considered good.

Is a high profit margin good or bad? ›

The higher the net profit margin, the better. A high net profit margin means that a company makes more money on each dollar of product sold. It also means that it's spending less on costs and expenses.

What is an example of a 100% profit? ›

If an investor makes $10 revenue and it cost them $5 to earn it, when they take their cost away they are left with 50% margin. They made 100% profit on their $5 investment.

Is 20% operating profit margin good? ›

Typically, an operating profit ratio of about 20% is considered good, and below 5% is considered low.

Is a profit margin of 63% good? ›

The discussion of what a good gross profit margin percentage depends on the industry of the business or the nature of sales. However, as a rule of thumb, it is considered that a 10% gross profit margin is good, 5% is low, and Over 10% is considered high retention of gross profit.

Why is my profit margin so high? ›

High operating profits can mean the company has effective control of costs, or that sales are increasing faster than operating costs. Knowing operating profit also allows an investor to do profit-margin comparisons between companies that do not issue a separate disclosure of their cost of goods sold figures.

What is a bad gross profit margin? ›

A negative profit margin is when your production costs are more than your total revenue for a specific period. This means that you're spending more money than you're making, which is not a sustainable business model. Many companies have negative profit margins depending on external factors or unexpected expenses.

What is 33% profit margin? ›

A gross profit margin of 0.33:1 means that for every dollar in sales, you have 33 cents to cover your basic operating costs and profit. Some business owners will use an anticipated gross profit margin to help them price their products.

What does 75% profit margin mean? ›

The gross profit margin is a measure to show how much of each sales dollar a company keeps after factoring in cost of goods sold. For example, if a company has a gross profit margin of 75 percent, then for every $1 in sales, the company will keep 75 cents.

What is a 60% profit margin? ›

For example, a 60% profit margin would mean a company had a profit of $0.60 for every dollar of revenue generated.

What is a profit margin of 45%? ›

As you can see, Company A has a net profit margin of 45%, which means that 45% of the value of all their sales is profit.

What does 20% profit margin mean? ›

The profit margin is a financial ratio used to determine the percentage of sales that a business retains as earnings after expenses have been deducted. For example, a 20% profit margin indicates that a business retains $0.20 from each dollar of sales that it makes.

What is 20% profit margin example? ›

For example, if your company has 20% profit margin, that means for every $1.00 of sales generated, you have a profit of $0.20. Generally, profit margin tells you how profitable your pricing is.

What does a profit margin of 30% mean? ›

Profit margin is the amount by which revenue from sales exceeds costs in a business, usually expressed as a percentage. It can also be calculated as net income divided by revenue or net profit divided by sales. For instance, a 30% profit margin means there is $30 of net income for every $100 of revenue.

Who has the highest profit margin? ›

Apple was the most profitable company in 2022, yielding just under $100 billion of net income.

What good has the highest profit margin? ›

The products with the highest profit margins are those in which the cost to make something is significantly less than the price customers are willing to pay for it. Specialty products that speak to a niche market, children's products, and candles are known to have the potential for high margins.

What if profit margin is low? ›

A low net profit margin means that a company uses an ineffective cost structure and/or poor pricing strategies. Therefore, a low ratio can result from: Inefficient management. High costs (expenses)

What is a good profit margin and why? ›

Net profit margins vary by industry but according to the Corporate Finance Institute, 20% is considered good, 10% average or standard, and 5% is considered low or poor. Good profit margins allow companies to cover their costs and generate a return on their investment.

What is average profit? ›

Average Profit = Total Profit / No.of years.

How much is a business worth with $1 million in sales? ›

The exact value of a business with $1 million in sales would depend on the profitability of the business and its assets. Generally, a business is worth anywhere from one to five times its annual sales. So, in this case, the business would be worth between $1 million and $5 million.

What if profit is more than 8%? ›

Tax Audit under Section 44AB for Business

The taxpayer should file ITR 3. If the taxpayer has a profit of more than or equal to 6% or 8% of Turnover / Sales, Audit is not applicable. However, if the taxpayer has opted for the Presumptive Taxation Scheme under Section 44AD, they need to file ITR 4.

How much is a business worth that makes 100k a year? ›

Factors Affecting Small Business Valuation

Thus, buyers have to approach the deal as if they are purchasing a job. Businesses where the owner is actively-involved typically sell for 2-3 times the annual earnings of the company. A business that earns $100,000 per year should sell for $200,000-$300,000.

How much is 10 percent profit? ›

A 10% net profit margin means that for every $1 of revenue the company earns $0.10. This means if a company's revenue is $20,000 and its net profit margin is 10%. Then the company gets a profit of $2,000.

Is a 2% operating margin good? ›

What is a good Operating Margin? Ideally companies want an operating margin of 15% or higher. 10% is considered average. A lot of evaluating a company's operating margin depends on what sector the company is in, as well as macro trends to see if margins are going up or down.

What is the average profit margin in industry? ›

For example, the average operating profit margin for the S&P 500 was 9.35% for the first quarter of 2021. 1 A company that has an operating profit margin higher than 9.35% would have outperformed the overall market. However, it is essential to consider that average profit margins vary significantly between industries.

How much profit should a business make in the first year? ›

Most businesses don't make any profit in their first year of business, according to Forbes. In fact, most new businesses need 18 to 24 months to reach profitability. And then there's the reality that 25 percent of new businesses fail in their first year, according to the Small Business Administration.

What is the standard margin? ›

What is standard margin? Standard margin is a measure of the money that is leftover from the gross margin after deducting an estimate of the company's fixed costs. This can include expenses like utility bills, rent or property tax, wages, insurance, and maintenance.

What does 75 gross profit margin mean? ›

It tells you how much money you get to keep for every dollar you bring in. For example, a gross profit margin of 75% means you're keeping 75 cents for every dollar you bring in, while 25 cents is what's being spent on your product.

How do you calculate 75% profit margin? ›

Divide the gross profit by the cost and multiply by 100 to calculate your percentage markup. In the example, divide $75 by $100 which equals $0.75, and multiply by 100 to give you 75 percent. Your markup on cost price is 75 percent.

Is 100% profit margin good? ›

But in general, a healthy profit margin for a small business tends to range anywhere between 7% to 10%. Keep in mind, though, that certain businesses may see lower margins, such as retail or food-related companies. That's because they tend to have higher overhead costs.

Can you have a 100 percent profit margin? ›

Josh Kaufman Explains 'Profit Margin'

The higher the price and the lower the cost, the higher the Profit Margin. In any case, your Profit Margin can never exceed 100 percent, which only happens if you're able to sell something that cost you nothing.

How much is 100% profit margin? ›

If an investor makes $10 revenue and it cost them $5 to earn it, when they take their cost away they are left with 50% margin. They made 100% profit on their $5 investment. If an investor makes $10 revenue and it cost them $9 to earn it, when they take their cost away they are left with 10% margin.

Is 35% a good gross profit margin? ›

Ideally, direct expenses should not exceed 40%, leaving you with a minimum gross profit margin of 60%. Remaining overheads should not exceed 35%, which leaves a genuine net profit margin of 25%. This should be your aim.

Is 40% a good profit? ›

Anything above 40-45% means you are a profitable and growing company. However, you might want to make sure your profits and growth rate are in a proper balance. If not, this might be a fluke or a short-term success.

What does 60% profit margin mean? ›

For example, a 60% profit margin would mean a company had a profit of $0.60 for every dollar of revenue generated.

What is a 30% profit margin? ›

For instance, a 30% profit margin means there is $30 of net income for every $100 of revenue. Generally, the higher the profit margin, the better, and the only way to improve it is by decreasing costs and/or increasing sales revenue.

What is 25% profit margin? ›

Gross margin as a percentage is the gross profit divided by the selling price. For example, if a product sells for $100 and its cost of goods sold is $75, the gross profit is $25 and the gross margin (gross profit as a percentage of the selling price) is 25% ($25/$100).

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Name: Kelle Weber

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Introduction: My name is Kelle Weber, I am a magnificent, enchanting, fair, joyous, light, determined, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.