Processed Meat Linked to Diabetes (Maybe Not) (2024)

A new study in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that processed canned meat – more affectionately known as spam – could double your risk for diabetes.

The study involved 2,000 Native Americans, a high-risk demographic for type 2 diabetes. Statistics show, in fact, that almost one in two Native Americans will have diabetes by age 55. So it makes sense to conduct studies and figure out what’s triggering this chronic disease.

According to Amanda Fretts, the study’s lead author and a researcher at the University of Washington School of Medicine, spam has become a staple on reservations due to its long shelf life, particularly since many Native Americans have limited access to grocery stores.

I should also mention the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s food assistance program provides this spam. That it’s free might be another reason to stock up on it.

Back to the study: when it began, none of the participants had diabetes. A five-year follow-up survey, however, revealed 243 of the 2,000 Native Americans had developed diabetes.

Of the 500 people in the original study who ate the most canned meats, 85 had developed diabetes.

On the other hand, among the 500 people who ate the least amount of spam, 44 developed diabetes.

Researchers noted that people who feasted on spam more often also tended to be overweight.

Despite these statistics, Fretts said the study could not prove that eating processed meats contributed to the increased risk of diabetes. “I think there needs to be more follow-up,” she said.

I’m not a fan of spam and other processed meats. They’re often filled with gluten, sugar, and God knows what else. If you’ve ever eaten a hot dog or sausage and wondered what was in it, chances are you don’t want to know. Particularly not while you’re eating it.

That said, I want to know exactly what else these people ate for five years besides the spam that potentially contributed to diabetes.

My guess is, with limited funds and access to grocery stores, the spam eaters weren’t eating organic broccoli and sipping green tea. Instead, they likely consumed all sorts of processed crap and guzzled sugary sodas that, like spam, have a shelf life of forever.

In other words, I’m not a fan of spam, but neither am I convinced it was the culprit in these Native Americans’ diabetes surge.

I also want to point out researchers did not find that unprocessed meat also triggers diabetes. I’m happy they said that, because I believe meat gets unfairly stigmatized regardless of its source.

As you know, a world of difference exists between spam and healthy meats like grass-fed beef, wild salmon, and free-range poultry. In other words, a McDonald’s cheeseburger is a whole different ballgame than a grass-fed steak.

Red meat in particular has been unfairly criticized for potentially creating diabetes. Again, let’s go back to the drawing board: what else were these people eating besides the meat in these studies?

If the standard American diet is any indication: lots of carbs. And you know what carbs do well. They raise insulin. Eventually your cells get burned out from insulin overload. Insulin resistance and subsequently diabetes are often the result.

Now, let’s say you have a grass-fed steak with spinach and a salad. You guessed it: you don’t have that insulin surge and all its subsequent metabolic problems.

My point is, I don’t think meat – processed or not – is the problem. It’s all the other crap people eat combined with that meat that leads to diabetes.

One more thing: many of these studies that indict red meat for diabetes use conventional meat, not the far healthier grass-fed beef that’s richer in omega 3s, conjugated linoleic acid, and other nutrients.

My verdict: skip the sugar and processed carbs, choose the highest-quality meats, eat plenty of leafy green vegetables and low-glycemic fruits, and you’ll dramatically reduce your diabetes risk.

As an expert in nutrition and health, I can confidently address the concepts mentioned in the article. The study discussed in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition explores the potential link between processed canned meat, commonly known as spam, and an increased risk of diabetes. The study focuses on a high-risk demographic, namely Native Americans, who are statistically more prone to type 2 diabetes.

The study, led by Amanda Fretts, a researcher at the University of Washington School of Medicine, involved 2,000 Native Americans. The participants were initially free of diabetes, and over a five-year follow-up period, 243 individuals developed diabetes. Notably, the research suggests a correlation between the consumption of processed meats, particularly spam, and an elevated risk of diabetes.

Several key points are highlighted in the article:

  1. Native Americans and Diabetes Risk:

    • Native Americans are identified as a high-risk demographic for type 2 diabetes, with statistics indicating a significant prevalence in this population.
  2. Spam Consumption:

    • Spam is identified as a staple food on reservations due to its long shelf life. Limited access to grocery stores, coupled with the provision of spam through the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s food assistance program, contributes to its popularity.
  3. Study Findings:

    • The study indicates that individuals who consumed higher amounts of canned meats, including spam, exhibited a higher incidence of diabetes. The association is emphasized by the fact that the group with the highest spam consumption had more cases of diabetes compared to the group with lower consumption.
  4. Weight and Diet:

    • Individuals with higher spam consumption were also noted to be overweight. This observation raises questions about the role of weight and overall diet in diabetes risk.
  5. Limitations of the Study:

    • Despite the observed correlation, the study does not establish a causation between processed meat consumption and diabetes. More research and follow-up are deemed necessary by the lead author.
  6. Processed Meats vs. Unprocessed Meats:

    • The article distinguishes between processed meats like spam and unprocessed meats. It points out that the study did not find a correlation between unprocessed meat consumption and diabetes.
  7. Meat and Diabetes:

    • The author expresses skepticism about meat, whether processed or not, being the primary factor in diabetes risk. Instead, they argue that other dietary factors, such as the consumption of processed carbs and sugars, may contribute more significantly to diabetes risk.
  8. Quality of Meat Matters:

    • The article emphasizes the difference between processed meats and high-quality, nutrient-rich meats like grass-fed beef, wild salmon, and free-range poultry. The nutritional profile of these meats, including omega-3s and conjugated linoleic acid, is highlighted.
  9. Role of Carbohydrates:

    • The author suggests that the standard American diet, characterized by high carbohydrate intake, may play a significant role in diabetes risk. Carbohydrates are implicated in raising insulin levels, leading to insulin resistance and, ultimately, diabetes.
  10. Recommendations for Reducing Diabetes Risk:

    • The author concludes with a personal verdict, advocating for a diet that excludes sugar and processed carbs, emphasizes high-quality meats, and includes plenty of leafy green vegetables and low-glycemic fruits to reduce the risk of diabetes.

In summary, the article delves into the complex relationship between processed meats, specifically spam, and diabetes risk, while also highlighting the importance of considering overall diet quality and lifestyle factors in understanding and mitigating diabetes risk.

Processed Meat Linked to Diabetes (Maybe Not) (2024)
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