Oregon Trail Foods: On The Journey (2024)

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Oregon Trail Foods: On The Journey

Written by Nancy Flagg

Originally published in the Eureka Times, 2009 Fall issue

This is the second in a three-part series about food and the Oregon Trail.

You can find the first part here. The third part is available here.

Oregon Trail Foods: On The Journey (1)

What would you take on your Oregon Trail journey?

The Journey

The long journey on the Oregon Trail usually started in April. Anyone starting later might not make it in time to cross the Rockies, Sierras and Cascades before the winter snows began.

Emigrants traveled in groups of covered wagons for safety and support on the trail. The first days of cooking on the trail were an eye-opening and challenging new experience. Some pioneer women brought their iron ovens from home, but these appliances were heavy and required a lot of wood so they were often abandoned along the trail.

A Dutch oven and a reflector oven were more practical tools. A Dutch oven is a cast iron pot with a lid. A reflector oven, also known as a tin kitchen, was akin to a large can with one side partially open to catch the direct heat from the fire while the other side reflected heat to the cooking surface on the bottom of the can. Learning to use these tools on an open fire took quite a bit of trial and error to master.

Oregon Trail Foods: On The Journey (2)

Pretend kitchen play with cast iron pots and pans by the hearth at Job Carr Cabin Museum

Finding fresh water was a high daily priority. Although the Oregon Trail tended to follow rivers, sometimes the rivers became slow and dirty flows. Pails of water scooped from water sources often had thick layers of mud or silt. Pioneers used cornmeal to filter out the mud as best they could, but unavoidably, much dirt was consumed. Pioneer Helen Carpenter wrote in her trail diary that the pioneers became “impervious to what would kill ordinary mortals.”5 If water was unavailable, the travelers “drycamped” which meant eating dry food and having nothing to drink. This situation certainly did not help the spirits of the travelers.

Good fuel was critical for cooking over a campfire. If wood was plentiful, it could be gathered during travel breaks, but it was most efficient for the pioneers to gather fuel as they walked throughout the day. Once the great plains of the west were reached, trees were few and Overlanders resorted to collecting dry buffalo dung to use as fuel. Although unappealing to think about, the “chips” lit easily and burned well. The odor was minimal if the chips were very dry.

Anyone who has tried to start a fire in the rough knows that it is not easy. Pioneers tried many methods, such as flint and steel or directing sunlight through a glass. Matches existed, but the earliest versions had to be kept very dry to work and had a tendency to explode, thereby earning them the name of "lucifers."

Learn about what it was like to travel on the Oregon Trail in this video with Living History Performer Karen Haas, including making a camp fire with buffalo chips.

The Daily Routine

Women rose before dawn and started the day by reviving the prior night’s campfire from the ashes. In a spider (frying pan), they roasted green coffee beans, ground them in a coffee grinder and then brewed them in water over the fire. If the unthinkable happened and the coffee supply ran out, the pioneers would resort to sipping corn or pea brew.6

Oregon Trail Foods: On The Journey (3)

Grinding coffee and pounding dried corn at the annual Pioneer Days Festival in Tacoma's Old Town Park

In addition to coffee or tea, breakfast included something warm, such as cornmeal mush, cornmeal cakes (“Johnny Cakes”) or a bowl of rice. There was usually fresh baked bread or biscuits. To bake the bread, the dough was placed in a dutch oven. The oven was then set on the fire embers and the lid stacked with hot coals for more even cooking. Baked or simmered beans, begun the night before, could be on the menu as well.

Bacon was eaten several times a day. It was such a mainstay that emigrant Helen Carpenter remarked, “…one does like a change and about the only change we have from bread and bacon is bacon and bread.”7 Bacon on the journey had to have been previously smoked to preserve it as long as possible and to “get rid of its tendency to walk in insect form.”8 Despite precautions, much bacon spoiled and large lumps of it were dumped along the trail; which likely caused much concern but perhaps the tiniest sense of relief as well.

If a dairy cow traveled with the family, its milk was collected and put in a churn attached to the wagon so that the rocking motion of the wagon would turn it to butter. Breakfast leftovers were packed up and the pioneers were on the trail while it was still early morning.

Oregon Trail Foods: On The Journey (4)

Sampling homemade butter at a Job Carr Cabin Museum field trip

The goal was to travel 15 to 20 miles per day. About midday, the travelers would stop for their “nooning” rest and meal. Lunch choices could include breakfast leftovers, more beans but now cold and with bacon, bread and crackers, rice and dried beef.

A day’s travel ended in the early evening. The dinner menu was similar to breakfast and lunch (beans again!), but could also include fresh buffalo or antelope meat or prairie hens if hunting had been successful. Using their ingenuity and the materials at hand, pioneer women prepared special foods to relieve the eating monotony. Pumpkin and apple pies, wild strawberry dumplings, molasses pudding, potato pudding, cakes, ginger bread and vinegar lemonade must have delighted the family palates.

Weather had a big impact on the pioneer’s eating habits. For example, if it was raining hard enough that a fire couldn’t be built, hardtack was the meal. Hardtack was one of the least liked foods on the trail.9 Made with flour and water, cut into biscuit form and baked, it would last for years, but was stiff and had little flavor. Dunking the tough biscuit into coffee would add a little flavor and create a softer texture.

Bakken, Gordon Morris and Brenda Farrington. Encyclopedia of Women in the American West. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, 2003.

Bureau of Land Management. National Historic Oregon Trail Interpretive Center, Baker City, Oregon. Frequently Asked Questions. http://www.blm.gov/or/oregontrail/history-faqs.php

City of Tumwater, A Recipe from the Oregon Trail. http://www.ci.tumwater.wa.us/researchpioneerrecipe.htm

Crewe, Sabrina and Michael V. Uschan. The Oregon Trail. Milwaukee, WI: Gareth Stevens Publishing, 2005.

Delano, Alonzo. Life on the Plains and Among the Diggings. New York: Miller Orton & Co. 1857. (as shown at http://www.journeycalifornia.com/life-on-the-plains-and-among-the-diggings)

Fanselow, Julie. Traveling the Oregon Trail, 2nd edition. Guilford, CT: Falcon, 2001.

Gunderson, Mary. Oregon Trail Cooking. Mankato, MN: Blue Earth Books, 2000.

Flora, Stephanie (ed.). What Should I Pack? 2007. http://www.oregonpioneers.com/packing.htm

Historic Oregon City, End of the Trail Interpretive Center. The Oregon Trail Chronology.http://www.historicoregoncity.org/end-of-the-oregon-trail-history/70-oregon-trail-history/107-oregon-trail-chronology

Historic Oregon City, End of the Trail Interpretive Center. Women on the Trail. http://www.historicoregoncity.org/end-of-the-oregon-trail-history/oregon-trail-history/105-women-on-the-trail

Ichord, Loretta Frances. Skillet Bread, Sourdough, and Vinegar Pie: Cooking in Pioneer Days. Brookfield, CT: Millbrook Press, 2003.

Isaacs, Sally Senzell. The Oregon Trail. Chicago, IL: Heinemann Library, 2004.

Job Carr Cabin Museum. The History of Job Carr.http://www.jobcarrmuseum.org/history.html

Marcy, Capt. Randolph B. The Prairie Traveler A Hand-book for Overland Expeditions. War Department, 1959 (as shown in http://www.kancoll.org/books/marcy/ )

Measuring Worth. Measuring Worth, 2011. http://www.measuringworth.com/uscompare/relativevalue.php

St. Joseph Missouri Gazette. Letter to the Editor from Kay Conn. March 19, 1847 (as cited in http://personal.my180.net/thesmiths/oregontrailrecipes.html )

National Oregon/California Trail Center, Montpelier, Idaho. A Day on the Trail. http://www.oregontrailcenter.org/HistoricalTrails/ADayOnTheTrail.htm

Tompkins, Prof. Jim (ed.). In Their Own Words: Packing to Go. http://www.oregonpioneers.com/Packing2.htm

Tompkins, Prof. Jim (ed.). In Their Own Words: Meals on the Trail. http://www.oregonpioneers.com/MealQuotes.htm

Tompkins, Prof. Jim (ed.). In Their Own Words: Camp Life. http://www.oregonpioneers.com/CampQuotes.htm

Washington HistoryLink.org. First emigrant wagon train crosses Naches Pass through the Cascade Mountains in the fall of 1853. http://historylink.org/index.cfm?DisplayPage=output.cfm&file_id=5053

Whitman Mission National Historic Site. National Park Ranger/Education Specialist Mike Dedman. Recipes from the Oregon Trail. Web. www.nps.gov/whmi

Whitman, Narcissa from her letters (as cited in http://oregontrail101.com/00.ar.whitman1.html)

Williams, Jacqueline. Wagon Wheel Kitchens: Food on the Oregon Trail. Lawrence, Kansas: University Press of Kansas , 1993.

About the Author: Nancy Flagg volunteered with Job Carr Cabin Museum as a freelance writer living in Sacramento, California. After seeing our ad for a volunteer writer, she visited the museum's website and was intrigued by the log cabin, Job Carr's role in Tacoma history and the clear community and staff support for the museum. When not writing, Nancy can be found working as a university financial administrator, playing the euphonium (a tenor tuba) or playing bass guitar in the all-women-over-50 class rock bank that she founded.



Oregon Trail Foods: Preparing for the Journey


Oregon Trail Foods: Nearing the End

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    Oregon Trail Foods: On The Journey (2024)


    What foods were eaten on the Oregon Trail? ›

    The endless walking and hard work made even the most delicate appetites ravenous. Hundreds of pounds of dried goods and cured meats were packed into the wagons, including flour, hardtack, bacon, rice, coffee, sugar, beans, and fruit.

    What was the Oregon Trail be detailed in your answer? ›

    The Oregon Trail was a wagon road stretching 2170 miles from Missouri to Oregon's Willamette Valley. It was not a road in any modern sense, only parallel ruts leading across endless prairie, sagebrush desert, and mountains.

    How much food did you need for the Oregon Trail? ›

    The recommended weight limit for the wagons was 2,000 pounds. Just the food for one family could weigh from 1,300 to 1,800 pounds leaving very little room anything else. Since there was no refrigeration, food had to be nonperishable or preserved by salting or pickling.

    What are some questions about the Oregon Trail? ›

    Where did the Oregon Trail start? How long was it? Djid travelers of the trail pass through Nebraska? How did they travel?

    What foods did the pioneers eat? ›

    Food for the trip had to be compact, lightweight, and nonperishable. Each family brought along such staples as flour, sugar, cornmeal, coffee, dried beans, rice, bacon, and salt port.

    What are traditional trail foods? ›

    Jerky, pemmican, hardtack, and parched corn are ways to put game, livestock, wild berries, and garden produce by in times of plenty. Easily made, transported, and stored, they became frontier staples for travelers, hunters, and warriors. They are still excellent trail foods and emergency rations.

    What percentage of people survived the Oregon Trail? ›

    Most of the emigrants on the Oregon Trail survived the trip. Between four and six percent of the emigrants died along the way - between 12,500 and 20,000 people. This is about one grave for every 200 yards of trail (the length of two football fields). Most of those who died were either children or elderly people.

    Does the Oregon Trail still exist? ›

    In some places, the historic trail is a current modern-day hiking trail. In others, it could be a modern-day asphalt road. Experiences vary, so please check with individual locations for more details.

    How to beat the Oregon Trail game? ›

    Stay overstocked on bullets and bait and toss it out when necessary, you should be able to keep plenty of food this way. Always restore your character's stamina before fishing or hunting to maximize the catch. Traps aren't necessary but fish traps are great for making more money when you sell them off.

    How much did food cost on the Oregon Trail? ›

    Most families carried about 200 pounds of flour, 150 pounds of bacon, 20 pounds of sugar, 10 pounds of coffee, and 10 pounds of salt at a total cost of $300 to $600. They also carried rifles and ammunition that totaled about $100.

    What did you need to survive on the Oregon Trail? ›

    The usual ration per person was 200 pounds of flour, 150 pounds of bacon, 80 pounds of lard, 20 pounds of sugar and ten pounds each of coffee and salt. Bacon was packed in barrels of bran to insulate it. Eggs were also carried, packed in cornmeal – as the eggs were eaten the meal could be turned into cornbread.

    What was the Oregon Trail Short answer? ›

    The Oregon Trail was a roughly 2,000-mile route from Independence, Missouri, to Oregon City, Oregon, that was used by hundreds of thousands of American pioneers in the mid-1800s to emigrate west. The trail was arduous and snaked through Missouri and present-day Kansas, Nebraska, Wyoming, Idaho and finally into Oregon.

    What was the biggest danger on the Oregon Trail? ›

    Emigrants feared death from a variety of causes along the trail: lack of food or water; Indian attacks; accidents, or rattlesnake bites were a few. However, the number one killer, by a wide margin, was disease. The most dangerous diseases were those spread by poor sanitary conditions and personal contact.

    What were two main causes of death along the Oregon Trail? ›

    The majority of deaths occurred because of diseases caused by poor sanitation. Cholera and typhoid fever were the biggest killers on the trail. Another major cause of death was falling off of a wagon and getting run over. This was not just the case for children; many adults also died from this type of accident.

    What did Native Americans in Oregon eat? ›

    These first foods — such as fish, game, roots and berries — have nourished local people since pre-contact with Europeans and continue to serve important roles within the community. Here is your guide to Indigenous first foods in Oregon and ways you can experience, understand and even taste them for yourself.

    What was hunted to feed the pioneers on the Oregon Trail? ›

    Supper: To supplement the wagon food supply, pioneers hunted turkey, prairie hen, bison and duck. They also fished and gathered local fruits & vegetables.

    What did people hunt for on the Oregon Trail? ›

    In the early days of the trail when game was more abundant near the trail, pioneers could often kill buffalo and antelope. However, a more dependable supply of fresh meat was to bring along a small herd of cattle and trail them behind the wagon. Many also brought along a cow for milking purposes.

    What types of foods might the Cherokee have eaten while traveling along the trail? ›

    Fresh water was scarce. The daily meal consisted of two cups of hot water, cornbread, and one turnip, per person. The trail was over 5,000 miles long and covered nine states (Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia, Illinois, Kentucky, Missouri, North Carolina, Oklahoma, and Tennessee).

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