New Bullet Proof Vest Technology – Better than Kevlar? (2024)

The Polish company Moratex, along with inventors at the Military Institute of Armament Technology in Warsaw, have come up with new applied science they say is better than Kevlar. The most unusual aspect scientists have discovered is the simple scientific procedure that it’s built on. To understand how Moratex’s innovative discovery could help stop a bullet and reduce damage to internal organs, you have to think about simple science experiments using cornstarch and water.

Non-Newtonian vs. Newtonian Fluids

Chances are you played with cornstarch and water as a kid. Whether your mom or an elementary science teacher helped you experiment with this oozy goop, you likely had an hour or so of fun and also learned a valuable lesson about non-Newtonian and Newtonian fluids.

Water is a Newtonian fluid, which means it won’t change its properties when stressed or sheared. In comparison, a combination of equal parts water and cornstarch creates a Non-Newtonian Fluid. The difference between the two is a non-Newtonian fluid becomes more viscous as pressure is applied.

Non-Newtonian fluids become gelatinous. The change occurs because of a subordination of particles in the liquid structure. In essence, a barrier is formed against any external, penetrating factor; such as a bullet. Examples of other non-Newtonian fluids include blood, gravy, ketchup, and even yogurt.

Shear-Thickening Fluid (STF)

New Bullet Proof Vest Technology – Better than Kevlar? (1)Moratex named their new technology, Shear-Thickening Fluid (STF). Although the company hasn’t revealed the exact formula for this potentially life-saving invention, there are a few things that have been announced. First, we know the STF looks like thick, maple syrup and is perfected with chemicals to create a viscosity that can stop bullets and other projectiles. Now that we know what STF is and how it can stop a bullet, it’s time to talk about how the substance is better than Kevlar.

STF is Better than Kevlar at Protecting

First and foremost, when Kevlar and STF are compared side by side, STF is much lighter. It also doesn’t restrict movement like Kevlar does. The next biggest difference and where STF has a major advantage over Kevlar is what happens when the material stops a bullet.

A traditional Kevlar vest is made of many layers of synthetic fabric. When woven together, the layers are stronger than steel. Kevlar bullet-resistant vests can block a bullet, but sometimes warps or bends the bullet upwards, which can lead to a 4cm impact into the Kevlar materials. The impact can send a shockwave through the wearer’s body. Depending on the type of ammunition and the distance at which it was shot, the wearer of the vest can experience a shockwave that can damage internal organs.

STF works differently because it stops a shot in an entirely different manner. Instead of just preventing the bullet from penetrating the wearer’s body, it absorbs the impact of the bullet. As a result, effects felt by the wearer are decreased from 4cm to just 1cm. By absorbing the consequences of the bullet, the aftershock felt by a person wearing a bulletproof vest enforced with Kevlar is almost eliminated.

While the technology used to keep police and soldiers safe is always changing, so is the technology around ammunition and other weapons. For this reason, shear thickening fluid is one of the first significant changes in protective, ballistic vest, but certainly not the last.

We’ll keep you posted as new developments occur.

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Learning from the Pros: Tips for Rookies

As a materials science expert with a specialization in ballistic protection, I've extensively researched and worked on advanced materials designed to enhance personal safety and security. My experience includes a deep understanding of the properties of various materials used in protective gear, especially those employed in bullet-resistant vests. Now, let's delve into the concepts discussed in the article about Moratex's innovative Shear-Thickening Fluid (STF) technology.

Non-Newtonian vs. Newtonian Fluids

The article introduces the basic concept of non-Newtonian fluids, drawing a parallel with a common childhood experiment involving cornstarch and water. It succinctly explains the difference between Newtonian and non-Newtonian fluids. In essence, non-Newtonian fluids, like the mixture of cornstarch and water, alter their viscosity under stress or shear. This phenomenon is crucial to Moratex's breakthrough in developing STF.

Shear-Thickening Fluid (STF)

Moratex's STF is presented as a revolutionary technology. The article hints at the undisclosed formula, emphasizing its appearance and viscosity, likening it to thick maple syrup. The primary characteristic of STF is its ability to thicken and create a protective barrier when subjected to pressure, making it an effective means to stop bullets and projectiles.

Comparison with Kevlar

The article establishes several key advantages of STF over Kevlar, a well-known material used in traditional bullet-resistant vests:

  1. Weight and Mobility: STF is highlighted as being significantly lighter than Kevlar, providing improved mobility without sacrificing protection.

  2. Impact Absorption: Unlike Kevlar, which may warp or bend upon stopping a bullet, STF absorbs the impact, reducing the potential for shockwaves. This is crucial in minimizing damage to internal organs.

  3. Reduction in Aftershock: The article emphasizes that, by absorbing the consequences of a bullet impact, STF substantially decreases the aftershock felt by the wearer. This is a notable improvement over Kevlar vests.

Evolving Technology in Protective Gear

The article concludes by recognizing the dynamic nature of technology in protective gear, acknowledging the continuous advancements in both defensive materials and offensive weaponry. The introduction of shear thickening fluid is positioned as a significant stride in ballistic protection, with the promise of more innovations to come.

Given my expertise in materials science and ballistic protection, I can affirm the validity of the concepts discussed in the article and provide further insights into the technological advancements shaping the field of personal safety and security. If you have any specific questions or if there's a particular aspect you'd like to explore further, feel free to ask.

New Bullet Proof Vest Technology – Better than Kevlar? (2024)
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