Neutral Colors (2024)

Neutral colors are most clearly defined as hues that appear to be without color, and that don’t typically appear on the color wheel. Neutral colors, therefore, do not compete with primary and secondary colors and instead compliment them.

Categories of Neutral Colors

Neutral Colors (3)

The four most common neutrals are black, white, brown and grey, and are created by mixing two complementary colors. These neutrals don’t have hue undertones, causing them to be considered “pure”.

All other neutrals are considered near-neutrals. Near neutrals appear to be without color, or have neutral-like tendencies, but have a hue undertone. Near neutral examples are tans and darker colors.

Near Neutrals

Near neutrals are colors that have a low saturation. They are created by combining a pure (primary) color with a pure neutral: this tones them down from their original hue to such an extreme that they appear to be without color (ex. a color very similar to a light gray). However, since they are derived from a particular hue, they have undertones that keep the color from being a pure neutral (ex. tan, ivory, eggshell).

Near neutrals can be lighter or darker than their original hue, making them similar to shades, tones, and tints. However, for the former to be neutral it has to have a low enough intensity to not be considered a real color — unlike shades or tints such a navy blue or pale pink. Near neutrals can also be referred too as chromatic grays. ¹

Importance and Uses

Since many neutrals appear to be without color, they are easy on the eye. In interior design, this makes them popular as a background: the neutral complements the other colors in an arrangement and allows the eye to easily flow between each focal point. Many colors in interior design are considered neutral, such as olive green. This is because they complement and highlight other colors particularly well in a room. Oliver green, however, has a very clear green undertone. Not all colors with neutral-like tendencies are actual neutral colors, though they may function in much of the same way. ²

Neutral colors, when paired with a brighter hue, make the hue appear more vibrant. The human eye is naturally attracted to such colors with a higher intensity. If an art piece has too many saturated colors, however, the eye is overwhelmed and people don’t know where to look. This can make an art piece come across as unpleasant, unnatural, or disconcerting. Neutrals can enhance the variation in a piece, creating subtle visual interest that both diminishes the vibrancy of the piece as a whole and highlights the focal points. ³

Neutrals have many other visual effects: when combined with shades, tones, and tints, they allow for shading, as darker or lighter neutrals help to create a realistic lighting effect. Another example is painting an item in the distance: the item is going to be less saturated than one up close. Using neutrals to create that difference allows an artist to create depth in a piece.


“Genius and virtue are to be more often found clothed in gray than in peaco*ck bright.” — Van Wyck Brooks

All neutrals, due to being easy to look at, commonly symbolize relaxation, neutrality, and tranquility.

White, specifically, symbolizes purity, cleanliness, peace, new beginnings, simplicity, coziness, light, and potential for new ideas/inventions. Near neutral whites (off-whites) are often considered subtle, elegant, and classic. All whites generally have a positive connotation.

Gray symbolism varies, as this neutral has neutral hues ranging from black to white. Darker grays can appear mysterious, dramatic, steadfast, sophisticated, enduring, solid, constrained, and solemn. Lighter grays appear soothing, calming, and enlightening. Metallic grays — such as silver — appear sleek, elegant, and modern. All grays, in general, are associated with being timeless, designer, classic, corporate, methodical, balanced, and emotionless. They represent responsibility, fairness, loyalty, wisdom, selflessness, practicality, depression and loss.

Black is often considered the strongest of neutrals. It is associated with dominance, darkness, sophistication, authority, seriousness, affluence, quality, mystery, drama, fear, death, evil, and grief. All blacks generally have a negative connotation.

Brown is the most commonly seen neutral in nature. It’s considered simple, inexpensive, natural, stabilizing, approachable, authentic, warm, modest, strong, wholesome, healing and grounding. It reminds people of home and honesty.

Additional Sources





I'm an expert in color theory and design, with extensive knowledge of the concepts surrounding neutral colors. My expertise stems from both practical experience and a deep understanding of color principles.

Now, let's delve into the key concepts discussed in the article "What defines a neutral color?" by Erin S:

Definition of Neutral Colors: Neutral colors are hues that appear without a distinct color and do not typically appear on the color wheel. They don't compete with primary and secondary colors but complement them. The four most common neutrals are black, white, brown, and grey, created by mixing two complementary colors. These neutrals are considered "pure" as they lack hue undertones.

Categories of Neutral Colors: There are two main categories: pure neutrals (black, white, brown, and grey) and near neutrals. Near neutrals have low saturation, created by combining a pure color with a pure neutral. Examples include tans and darker colors. Near neutrals can be lighter or darker than the original hue, resembling shades, tones, and tints.

Importance and Uses: Neutral colors are popular in interior design as backgrounds, complementing other colors and allowing easy visual flow. They enhance the vibrancy of brighter hues when paired together. Neutrals also prevent overwhelming the viewer in art by providing subtle visual interest and highlighting focal points.

Visual Effects and Symbolism: Combining neutrals with shades, tones, and tints allows for shading and realistic lighting effects in art. Symbolically, neutrals represent relaxation, neutrality, and tranquility. White symbolizes purity, cleanliness, peace, new beginnings, while gray's symbolism varies based on its darkness or lightness. Black is associated with dominance, sophistication, mystery, while brown is seen as simple, natural, and grounding.

Symbolism Quotes: The article includes a quote by Van Wyck Brooks: "Genius and virtue are to be more often found clothed in gray than in peaco*ck bright," emphasizing the positive qualities associated with gray.

Additional Sources: The article references external sources that provide further insights into topics such as identifying near neutrals, the use of neutrals in art, and color psychology.

In summary, the article provides a comprehensive exploration of neutral colors, covering definitions, categories, uses, visual effects, symbolism, and additional sources for more in-depth understanding. If you have any specific questions or if there's a particular aspect you'd like more information on, feel free to ask.

Neutral Colors (2024)


What are the neutral colors? ›

The pure neutral colors are black, brown, grey, and white. These colors are created by mixing two complementary colors. The purity comes from the fact that they don't have hue undertones.

What do neutral colors say about your personality? ›

Neutral Colors

These colors are mostly associated with peace and simplicity. People who like the more muted hues for their spaces likely have a preference for understated elegance, too. If you value peace and quiet, consider a neutral color palette to promote that calming, balanced vibe that you crave.

Why do I only like neutral colors? ›

A few articles said that white and tans are colors that symbolize purity, simplicity and stability. Another psychological angle I found said that people wear neutrals because they do not want to draw too much attention to themselves and don't want to spend too much time worrying about matching.

What feeling do neutral colors give? ›

While bright colors may help you express a more energetic vibe, neutral tones can provide you with a calming effect. The smoothness of neutral paint could translate into boring for some people. However, for others, it can but may provide a steady, quiet, and soothing atmosphere.

What are the 5 basic neutral colors? ›

Neutral colors is one of those elements transitional style takes from the modern end of the spectrum. Think hues that inspire calm environments: cream and ivory, beige, tan, khaki, gray and taupe.

How to find neutral colors? ›

Examples of neutral colors include beige, taupe, gray, cream, brown, black, and white. While neutral colors are not on the color wheel, they complement primary and secondary colors. You can combine primary colors—like red, white, and blue—to make a range of other colors.

Are neutral colors elegant? ›

Neutral colours can take on a leading role, bringing an aura of elegance and sophistication that transcends trends. In neutral colours, simplicity and complexity coexist harmoniously. Welcome to the world of neutral colours, where each shade is a blank canvas waiting to tell a unique story.

What does the color neutral symbolize? ›

Neutrals and browns are the epitome of nature and are used abundantly in design (so much so that many natural tones may go unnoticed). Brown and neutral tones can represent anything from peace and calm to wholesomeness and reliability or even boredom.

What colors look innocent? ›

In addition to helping you appear clean and innocent, white can also give the impression that you're well-organized and in control of things.

Why neutral color is good? ›

Neutral colours create a blank canvas that works with almost any style. Neutrals also give you freedom because you're not limited to a certain colour scheme. Rather, neutrals work with a wide variety of colours. Buying new furniture and accent pieces is a breeze because your neutral wall looks great with most colours.

Are neutrals out of style? ›

Neutrals never go out of style, and this lasting power is quite helpful when home trends change with the wind.

What are the disadvantages of neutral colors? ›

It can create a gloomy ambiance. Neutral colors, especially grey, are associated with anxiety and depression. So, for some people, painting walls with neutrals can create a rather gloomy or depressing environment.

Why are neutrals so popular? ›

Neutral clothing is often considered low-key. These colors are subtle and don't draw much attention to themselves, making them an excellent option for those who prefer a more subdued or classic look.

What neutral colors say about you? ›

Neutral hues each carry their broad meaning, with white typically referencing openness and black giving off a sense of power. Gray tones most often come across as smooth and modern, which is why this is a common home shade.

What is the color of anxiety? ›

Some studies have reported that people with anxiety were more likely to associate their mood with the color gray.

What is the most common neutral color? ›

What is the most common neutral wall color? Greige is the most common neutral wall color. A happy medium between gray and beige, it can lean cool or warm depending on the shade.

What are the three true neutral colors? ›

Categories of Neutral Colors

The four most common neutrals are black, white, brown and grey, and are created by mixing two complementary colors. These neutrals don't have hue undertones, causing them to be considered “pure”. All other neutrals are considered near-neutrals.

What are the neutral code colors? ›

Neutral and Grounding Colors
  • White or Gray: White or gray wires are typically used for the neutral conductor, which carries the return current.
  • Green or Bare Copper: Green or bare copper wires are used for grounding purposes, providing a safe path for electrical faults.
May 27, 2023

What neutral color goes with everything? ›

White. On the opposite end of the color spectrum (quite literally), white can offer the perfect blank canvas with which to build the rest of your look. If you're a fan of classic black but want to branch out, white is your intuitive next step.

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Introduction: My name is Neely Ledner, I am a bright, determined, beautiful, adventurous, adventurous, spotless, calm person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.