Kids Size Chart by Height, Weight and Baby Clothes Size Chart (2024)

Whatsize should I get for my child?

Here are some basic parameters about kidssizing. Generally, kids clothessizingis based on the age of the childat average height and weight. If you child is taller than average, we do recommend sizing up and even if your child is very thin, we also recommend sizing up for taller kids. We do recommend sizing up for cotton items and coats and staying at your sizefor swimsuits,special eventand occasion wear. Brands also differ in terms of sizing and some brands only offer sizes that are even-numbered. In that case, we recommend that you size up to the next size.

What about growth spurts?

Kidsdo havegrowth spurts, especially during thetween years, so we generally recommend sizing up so that your child can wear the clothes for more than one season. For100% cotton items such ast-shirtsandleggings, please take into account how cotton fabrics may shrink in the wash after we toss them in the wash and dryer. For coats and outerwear, you should factor in and account for bulkysweatersandlayers underneath. Take a look at your child's sleeve length and although your child may be able to wear the jacket, the cuff may rise above the wrist and in that case, the jacket is too small.

Forkids swimsuits, we recommend staying at your size. Once the swimsuits hit the water, if the fit is too big, the swimsuit will sag at the bottom. So, to avoid this, try to stay at yourkids'size. A tighter swimsuit fit is generally better for your child than a saggy swimsuit fit.

What if my child is in between sizes?

If your child is in between sizes, we generally recommend sizing up to the next size because the smaller size might be too short even if the waist is just right. Your child will grow into the next size in no time at all. If you are unsure about sizing and fit, please contact us at or call us at 617-744-8548.We are happy to providesizingand fit guidance.

Kids Size Chart by Height, Weight and Baby Clothes Size Chart (1)

Additional Resources: CDC Baby and Kids Height and Weight Percentiles Chart

Source:Centers for Disease Control and Prevention,National Center for Health Statistics

Kids Size Chart by Height, Weight and Baby Clothes Size Chart (2).Kids Size Chart by Height, Weight and Baby Clothes Size Chart (3)

Kids Size Chart by Height, Weight and Baby Clothes Size Chart (4).Kids Size Chart by Height, Weight and Baby Clothes Size Chart (5)

Kids Size Chart by Height, Weight and Baby Clothes Size Chart (2024)
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