Japanese Country Names (2024)

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  3. Japanese Country Names

This section covers the list of Japanese country names. Some regions/areas (not a country) like Hong Kong and Macau are also included.

Japanese Country Names (1)

With a few exceptions, most of the country names are written in katakana, since they are directly translated from their English names.

The few exceptions have kanji names and are therefore not written in katakana. For examples, China is called 中国 (ちゅうごく - chuu goku), South Korea is called 韓国 (かんこく - kan koku).

Some countries like America and Great Britain (United Kingdom) have more than one name in Japanese.

America is often called アメリカ (a me ri ka), but is sometimes addressed as 米国 (べいこく - bei koku). Great Britain is frequently called イギリス (i gi ri su) but is also known as 英国 (えいこく - ei koku) at some occasions.

Let's check out the list of country names in Japanese. This list is arranged in English alphabetical order.

KanjiHiragana or
RomajiCountry / Region
iv南極大陸なんきょくたいりくnankyoku tairikuAntarctica
vii北アメリカきたアメリカkita amerikaNorth America
viii南アメリカみなみアメリカminami amerikaSouth America
ix南極なんきょくnankyokuAntarctic / South Pole
x北極ほっきょくhokkyokuArctic / North Pole
1.アフガニスタンa fu ga ni su tanAfghanistan
2.アルバニアa ru ba ni aAlbania
3.アルジェリアa ru je ri aAlgeria
4.アメリカa me ri kaAmerica (USA)
5.米国べいこくbei kokuAmerica (USA)
6.アンゴラan go raAngola
7.アルゼンチンa ru zen chinArgentina
8.オーストラリアo- su to ra ri aAustralia
8a.濠洲ごうしゅうgou shuuAustralia
9.オーストリアo- su to ri aAustria
10.バハマba ha maBahamas
11.バーレーンba- re-nBahrain
12.バングラデシュban gu ra de shuBangladesh
13.バルバドスba ru ba do suBarbados
14.ベルギーbe ru gi-Belgium
15.ベリーズbe ri- zuBelize
16.ブータンbu- tanBhutan
17.ボリビアbo ri bi aBolivia
bo su ni ya ・
he ru tse go bi na
Bosnia and
19.ボツワナbo tsu wa naBotswana
20.ブラジルbu ra ji ruBrazil
21.ブルネイbu ru ne iBrunei
22.ブルガリアbu ru ga ri aBulgaria
23.カンボジアkan po ji aCambodia
24.カメルーンka me ru-nCameroon
25.カナダka na daCanada
26.中央アフリカちゅうおうアフリカchuuou a fu ri kaCentral Africa
27.チャドcha doChad
28.チリchi riChile
29.中国ちゅうごくchuu gokuChina
30.コロンビアko ron bi aColombia
31.コンゴkon goCongo
32.コスタリカko su ta ri kaCosta Rica
33.クロアチアku ro a chi aCroatia
34.キューバkyu- baCuba
35.キプロスki pu ro suCyprus
36.チェコche koCzech
37.デンマークden ma- kuDenmark
38.ドミニカ共和国ドミニカきょうわこくdo mi ni ka kyou wa kokuDominican Republic
39.エクアドルe ku a do ruEcuador
40.エジプトe ji pu toEgypt
41.エルサルバドルe ru sa ru ba do ruEl Salvador
42.赤道ギニアせきどうギニアsekidou gi ni aEquatorial Guinea
43.エストニアe su to ni aEstonia
44.エチオピアe chi o pi aEthiopia
45.フィジーfi ji-Fiji
46.フィンランドfin ran doFinland
47.フランスfu ran suFrance
48.ガンビアgan bi aGambia
49.ドイツdo i tsuGermany
50.ガーナga- naGhana
51.英国えいこくei kokuGreat Britain
52.イギリスi gi ri suGreat Britain
53.ギリシャgi ri shaGreece
54.グリーンランドgu ri-n ran doGreenland
55.グレナダgu re na daGrenada
56.グアテマラgu a te ma raGuatemala
57.ギニアgi ni aGuinea
58.ガイヤナga i ya naGuyana
59.ハイチha i chiHaiti
60.オランダo ran daHolland / The Netherlands
61.ホンジェラスhon je ra suHonduras
62.香港ほんこんhon konHong Kong
63.ハンガリーhan ga ri-Hungary
64.アイスランドa i su ran doIceland
65.インドin doIndia
66.インドネシアin do ne shi aIndonesia
67.イランi ranIran
68.イラクi ra kuIraq
69.アイルランドa i ru ran doIreland
70.イスラエルi su ra e ruIsrael
71.イタリアi ta ri aItaly
72.ジャマイカja ma i kaJamaica
73.日本にほん / にっぽんnihon / nipponJapan
74.ヨルダンyo ru danJordan
75.ケニアke ni aKenya
76.コソボko so boKosovo
77.クウェートku we- toKuwait
78.ラオスra o suLaos
79.ラトビアra to bi aLatvia
80.レバノンre ba nonLebanon
81.リベリアri be ri aLiberia
82.リビアri bi aLibya
83.リトアニアri to a ni aLithuania
84.ルクセンブルクru ku sen bu ru kuLuxembourg
85.マカオma ka oMacau
86.マダガスカルma da ga su ka ruMadagascar
87.マラウィma ra wiMalawi
88.マレーシアma re- shi aMalaysia
89.マルタma ru taMalta
90.モルディブmo ru di buMaldives
91.モーリシャスmo- ri sha suMauritius
92.メキシコme ki shi koMexico
93.モルドバmo ru do baMoldova
94.モナコmo na koMonaco
95.蒙古もうこmou koMongolia
96.モンゴルmon go ruMongolia
97.モロッコmo rokkoMorocco
98.モザンビークmo zan bi- kuMozambique
99.ミャンマーmyan ma-Myanmar
100.ナミビアna mi bi aNamibia
101.ネパールne pa- ruNepal
102.ニューギニアnyu- gi ni aNew Guinea
103.ニュージーランドnyu- ji- ran doNew Zealand
104.ニカラグアni ka ra gu aNicaragua
105.ナイジェリアna i je ri aNigeria
106.北朝鮮きたちょうせんkita chousenNorth Korea
107.ノルウェーno ru we-Norway
108.オーマンo- manOman
109.パキスタンpa ki su tanPakistan
110.パレスチナpa re su chi naPalestine
111.パナマpa na maPanama
112.パプアニューギニアpa pu a nyu- gi ni aPapua new Guinea
113.パラグアイpa ra gu a iParaguay
114.ペルーpe ru-Peru
115.フィリピンfi ri pinPhilippines
116.ポーランドpo- ran doPoland
117.ポルトガルpo ru to ga ruPortugal
118.カタールka ta- ruQatar
119.ルーマニアru- ma ni aRomania
120.ロシアro shi aRussia
121.ルワンダru wan daRwanda
122.サウジアラビアsa u ji a ra bi aSaudi Arabia
123.スコットランドsu kotto ran doScotland
124.セネガルse ne ga ruSenegal
125.セイシェルse i she ruSeychelles
126.シンガポールshin ga po- ruSingapore
127.スロバキアsu ro ba ki aSlovakia
128.スロベニアsu ro be ni aSlovenia
129.ソロモン諸島ソロモンしょとうso ro mon shotouSolomon Islands
130.ソマリアso ma ri aSomalia
131.南アフリカみなみアフリカminami a fu ri kaSouth Africa
132.韓国かんこくkan kokuSouth Korea
133.スペインsu pe inSpain
134.スリランカsu ri ran kaSri Lanka
135.スーダンsu- danSudan
136.スウェーデンsu we- denSweden
137.スイスsu i suSwitzerland
138.シリアshi ri aSyria
139.タヒチta hi chiTahiti
140.台湾たいわんtai wanTaiwan
141.タンザニアtan za ni aTanzania
142.タイta iThailand
143.トリニダード・トバゴto ri ni da- do ・ to ba goTrinidad and Tobago
144.チュニジアchu ni ji aTunisia
145.トルコto ru koTurkey
146.ウガンダu gan daUganda
147.ウクライナu ku ra i naUkraine
148.アラブ首長国連邦アラブしゅちょうこくれんぽうa ra bu shuchou koku renpouUnited Arab Emirates
149.ウルグアイu ru gu a iUruguay
150.バチカンba chi kanVatican
151.ベネズエラbe ne zu e raVenezuela
152.ベトナムbe to na muVietnam
153.ウェールズwe- ru zuWales
154.イエメンi e menYemen
155.コンゴ民主共和国コンゴみんしゅうきょうわこくkongo minshu kyouwa kokuDemocratic Republic of the Congo
156.ザンビアzan bi aZambia
157.ジンバブエjin ba bu eZimbabwe

All the above are the Japanese country names that I have gathered so far. If I missed out some Japanese country names, please let me know through the comment box below.

Additional Country Names

KanjiHiragana or
RomajiCountry / Region
1モンテネグロmon te ne gu roMontenegro
2セルビアse ru bi aSerbia
3ジョージアjo- ji aGeorgia
4ベラルーシbe ra ru- shiBelarus
5カザフスタンka za fu su tanKazakhstan
6ウズベキスタンu zu be ki su tanUzbekistan
7トルクメニスタンto ru ku me ni su tanTurkmenistan
8タジキスタンta ji ki su tanTajikistan
9リヒテンシュタインri hi ten shu ta inLichtenstein
10サンマリノsan ma ri noSan Marino
11エリトリアe ri to ri aEritrea
12東ティモールひがしティモールhigashi ti mo- ruEast Timor
13ジブチji bu chiDjibouti
14アゼルバイジャンa ze ru ba i janAzerbaijan
15アルメニアa ru me ni aArmenia
16プエルトリコpu e ru to ri koPuerto Rico
17コートジボワールko- to ji bo wa- ruIvory Coast
18キルギスタンki ru gi su tanKyrgyzstan
19モーリタニアmo- ri ta ni aMauritania
20北マケドニアkita ma ke do ni aNorth Macedonia

The above 20 country names were additional countries mentioned by visitors of the site in the comment box below and visitors who emailed me.

And if you are eager to learn what are the words used for different nationalities and how to pronounce them, make sure you check out this page on vocabulary for nationalities.

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Japanese Country Names (2024)


How to make a Japanese country name? ›

What are some effective methods for creating a Japanese-inspired country name in a fantasy world?
  1. Research Japanese Culture and Language: ...
  2. Use Japanese Words and Phrases: ...
  3. Combine Words or Concepts: ...
  4. Modify Existing Japanese Words: ...
  5. Seek Inspiration from Japanese Place Names: ...
  6. Consult Name Generators and Language Resources:

What is the Japanese name for their country? ›

Nihon and Nippon. The Japanese name for Japan, 日本, can be pronounced either Nihon or Nippon. Both readings come from the on'yomi.

How do Japanese pronounce their country name? ›

In Japanese, we call our country as “ni-hon /nihɔ́n/” or “nip-pon /nípɔːn/”. We express our country name as “日本” using Kanji character. “日” has some pronunciations but we pronounce it as “ni” which is the same pronunciation of a part of “nifty” or “niff” in former (“ni-hon”) case.

What do Japanese people usually call their own country in their own language? ›

While Japanese people usually refer to their country as Nihon or Nippon these days, in early texts, the names Oyashima (mother island) or Yamato (which was written with the Chinese characters for great and wa, see below) were used.

What should I name my imaginary country? ›

Look at names of real countries in the region where you are setting your fictional country, and try to match the pattern. For example, there are several real countries in south Asia with names ending in "-stan", such as Pakistan, Afghanistan, and Kazakhstan. So a name ending in "-stan" would sound plausible.

What is Japan's full name? ›

Japan 日本国 (Japanese) Nippon-koku or Nihon-koku
State Seal: 大日本國璽 (Dai Nihon Kokuji) "National Seal of Greater Japan"
Location of Japan Territory claimed but not controlled
Capital and largest cityTokyo 35°41′N 139°46′E
Official languagesJapanese (de facto)
37 more rows

Why don't we call Japan Nihon? ›

While “Japan” is the official English name—a name believed either to be evolved from the way it was transcribed by Marco Polo or even from the Shanghainese pronunciation, in its native language—there are two official pronunciations for its name: Nihon and Nippon.

How is Z pronounced in Japan? ›

*tip: Japanese [zu] sound shouldn't be [z+u]. You will make [za] sound when you loosen your hands and add [a] after the [zzzz…] sound. You will make [ze] sound when you loosen your hands a little and add [e] after the [zzzz…]

Do 99.2% of people in Japan have Japanese as their first language? ›

99.2% of people in Japan have Japanese as their first language. There are still a few lesser-spoken languages across the islands. f*ckushima lives more on the countryside. Yokohama, a beautiful city south of Tokyo, was one of the first Japanese ports opened to foreign trade, in 1859.

What is Japan loneliness called? ›

Hikikomori refers to both the phenomenon in general and the recluses themselves, described as loners or "modern-day hermits". The phenomenon is primarily recognized in Japan, although similar concepts exist in other languages and cultures, especially South Korea.

What was Japan called in WWII? ›

Empire of Japan
Empire of Japan 大日本帝國 Dai Nippon Teikoku or Dai Nihon Teikoku
• 1940105,200,000b
CurrencyJapanese yen Korean yen Taiwanese yen
Preceded by Succeeded by Tokugawa shogunate Republic of Ezo Occupied Japan Japan
56.0 million lived in the naichi. 73.1 million lived in the naichi.
48 more rows

How are Japanese places named? ›

For most Japanese place names, typically Kanji is used so you can imagine the meaning behind each place based on the meanings of the Kanji characters.

How are Japanese names set up? ›

Japanese naming conventions arrange names as follows: [FAMILY NAME] [given name]. For example, YAMAMOTO Yukio (male) and SATŌ Akari (female). The family name (known as 'myouji' or 'ue no namae') is inherited patrilineally from one's father and shared with other siblings.

Can I have a Japanese name in Japan? ›

Will Japanese people be upset that you have a Japanese name or use a Japanese name? Mostly no - but you might find the especially rare person who does. Think of that person as similar to a westerner getting upset that a non-western person is using the name James or Jane.

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