Italian Culture - Core Concepts (2024)

  • Fare laBella Figura
  • Campanilismo
  • Elegance
  • Boldness
  • Flexibility
  • Formality
  • Confidence

Italy is a country in Southern Europe that mainly consists of a large peninsula in the Mediterranean Sea, with two major islands – Sicily and Sardinia. Its land neighbours France, Switzerland, Austria and Slovenia to the north, with the Alps stretching across the northern border. Italy is home to the epicentre of the Roman Empire, the hub of Catholicism and the birthplace of the Renaissance. It has a rich heritage in art, history, religion, cuisine, architecture and fashion. These cultural legacies have been deeply influential in defining Western cultural tradition.

Italian culture continues to be romanticised across the globe, so much so that it can be hard for people to stop recalling clichéd ideas of Italians. Nevertheless, as one of the top 10 exporters in the world, Italy greatly benefits from its cultural products. Indeed, they have become a huge economic asset for the country. Italians have successfully subverted their national stereotypes into proud virtues. Italians themselves are commonly known for being flexible, confident and charming people. Their playful and lively communication style often gives foreigners the impression that they are enthusiastic and appreciative of what life has to offer.

Local Patriotism (Campanilismo)

It took a long time for Italy’s separate states to unify compared to other European countries, and it has been a republic only since 1946. As such, the Italian population continues to be very provincial. People tend to identify themselves by their region, city, town, village or even their ‘quartiere’ (a district within a town). For example, a person from Siena in Tuscany may feel ‘Sienese’ whilst in Tuscany, but ‘Tuscan’ when they are anywhere else in Italy. Connection and loyalty to one’s township or locality is often stronger than one’s connection with Italy as a country. This is not to say Italians are unpatriotic – they are very proud of their nation. Indeed, Italians generally feel their Italian identity most intensely when overseas. However, nationalism is not typically a very strong motivating factor for the population. It is instead often overtaken by the overwhelming spirit of ‘campanilismo’.

Campanilismo describes Italian local patriotism. The word originates from the age-old rivalries between townships, represented in the saying “our bell tower (campanile) is taller than yours”. People’s pride and loyalty to their locality was symbolised in the bell tower for it was generally the tallest building in the area. Today, Italians continue to feel a deep, loyal campanilismo, especially in those towns or villages that are populated by families that have lived in the region for generations. Some places even continue to display their township’s traditional coat of arms.

This local patriotism attitude arose out of a historic and mutual mistrust between Italy’s villages, towns and cities. Until 1860, they were divided as different states that were often at war or in competition with each other. They tended to be self-sufficient and independent, developing different cultural characteristics to their neighbouring provinces. Old local rivalries are now mostly spoken of in good humour. However, the cultural distinctions between different regions within Italy continue to be very noticeable in their dialects, cuisine, daily lifestyles and cultural traditions.

Regional Differences

Sensitivities surrounding the Italian identity can arise in areas where past geopolitical changes have annexed regions and subsumed others into Italy. This is particularly noticeable around the northern region where Italy borders France, Switzerland, Austria and Slovenia. For example, the Italian province of Alto Adige (South Tyrol) was historically incorporated with the area of Tirol above it in Austria until World War I. Its citizens arguably share more cultural heritage with this northern region, having belonged to the German-speaking world for centuries. Today, more people in Alto Adige speak South Tyrolese German at home and in public than Italian, and their Germanic culture continues to thrive.

Also, there are approximately 530,000 Friulian speakers in the region of Friuli-Venezia Giulia that borders Austria and Slovenia, and many Italians living in the provinces of Trieste and Gorizia, bordering Slovenia speak Slovene.1The largest linguistic minority is the Sardu speakers on the island of Sardinia, where an estimated 1.3 million people speak their local language in preference to Italian.2 It should be noted that while there is great linguistic diversity, many people are bilingual or even tri-lingual. They often speak their local regional dialect and standard Italian, as well as the language of the country their region borders.

Geographical Differences

Italians may talk of a social distinction between the north and south of the country. The north industrialised in the latter half of the 19th century and is generally perceived as being more modern, and business-minded. Most of Italy’s biggest metropolises (Rome, Venice, Milan and Florence) are found in the north or centre of the country. Meanwhile, the cities in the south (below Rome) are typically slightly smaller. The south is often associated with traditional family-oriented values and a slower pace of life. Some of these characteristics are clear to see, while others are maintained through stereotypes often associated with each region.

The differences between the north and south may be somewhat reflected in the country's urban-rural divide. Italians from cosmopolitan cities are acquainted with a fast pace of life suited to the industrious and technological environment. Meanwhile, rural areas tend to have an older age demographic and are generally less crowded. Mountainous and coastal areas are often considered touristic for their relaxed, characteristically Mediterranean approach. There may be light resentment between those from rural areas and those from cities; northerners sometimes feel they are economically supporting the south. However, in reality, the differences between the north and south of Italy are dissipating as socioeconomic circ*mstances improve across the country. Furthermore, rural life is on a general decline throughout Italy as there is a persistent trend of migration to cities for employment, particularly among youth.

Reputation and ‘Farela Bella Figura

Italian culture places much importance on an individual’s reputation or honour. It is perceived to reflect their family and upbringing, and is essentially a way of opening up opportunities. In Italy, a person’s honour is defined by the impression they leave on others – ‘fare la bella figura’ (which literally means ‘making a good image’). Fare la bella figura describes the art of making a good impression. It not only refers to a person’s physical appearance, but the aura they project in the way they hold themselves. It should be reflected in everything they do, from what they say to how they act.

The cultural emphasis on making a good impression may be seen as superficial, but that’s not necessarily the case. For example, in the lower class, it often relates to maintaining one’s grace and dignity despite modest circ*mstances. Furthermore, considering a good reputation involves social approval, the ability to accommodate different points of view and appease people with diverse interests is thought to be one of the biggest virtues. Someone who carries themselves with a good image (fa bella figura) is thought to have confidence, style, an elegant demeanour and engaging social skills. In this way, bella figura has almost become an expression of the Italian character.

In accordance with the attention paid to one’s reputation, there is a cultural emphasis on one’s personal presentation in appearance and action. This can lead people to be quite (for example, judging another person by the brand of cigarette they smoke). Italians typically take care to ensure their attire appropriately suits the occasion. For the upper class, this involves wearing fashionable clothes and displaying lavish belongings. Those from the middle and lower classes tend to dress less distinctively, but maintain a neat and sophisticated decorum, looking dapper. Italians’ personal presentation is often noticed by foreigners, who remark on their grace and charm.


As Italian culture has a deep focus on relationships, socialisation is important on both a formal and informal level. Public spaces play a large role in this. For example, piazzas (public squares) provide a place for Italians to mingle without having to necessarily plan an occasion. There is also a popular tradition of taking a gentle stroll through the town in the late afternoon/early evening, usually on a Sunday – the ‘la passeggiata’. This is an opportunity to see the public, catch up with friends and hear the latest news.

At the end of a workday, one might hear people say “Andiamo a fare qualche vasca” (Let’s go do some laps). Despite being a casual occasion, people often dress very well for these little ritual walks. The stroll and conversations along the way are an opportunity to observe others, be seen and leave a good public impression (la bella figurasee above). Informal social events such as these reinforce a sense of community belonging. Older people may sit at cafes on popular streets and watch or wait to be spoken to by those passing. Indeed, al fresco (outdoor) dining is popular as it allows people to enjoy their meal in a social setting and observe the public without being the centre of attention. One finds most main streets have restaurants with their tables set up outdoors in the public eye.


1 Minority Rights Group International, 2015

2 Minority Rights Group International, 2015

Italian Culture - Core Concepts (2024)


What are 3 characteristics of Italian culture? ›

The famous elements of Italian culture are its art, music, cinema, style, and iconic food. Italy was the birthplace of opera, and for generations the language of opera was Italian, irrespective of the nationality of the composer.

What is the most important part of Italian culture? ›

The Italian culture is commonly associated with art, music and food. It is the homeland of the Roman Empire, the Roman Catholic Church and the main center of the Renaissance, which flourished through Europe for centuries.

What are the core values of Italy? ›

Love in Italy is also friendship, attention, solidarity and the ties that bind both traditional and newly-minted. Love and attachment to people, to nature, art, culture and to work ennobles and energises the best of Italy.

What are the core concepts of the Italian culture? ›

Italian culture is steeped in the arts, family, architecture, music and food. Home of the Roman Empire and its legendary figures such as Julius Caesar and Nero, it was also a major center of the Renaissance and the birthplace of fascism under Benito Mussolini.

What is unique to Italian culture? ›

Italy is famous for the Renaissance and the incredible artists it produced. Italy is famous for its tourism, its art cities and unique scenery. Italy is also known for its language, its opera, its fashion and its luxury brands. It is also known for its football team!

What are 3 taboos in Italy? ›

The most important taboos you should avoid are:
  • Asking an Italian if they have a relative or a friend who's in the mafia. ...
  • Ordering a cappuccino after noon. ...
  • Putting cheese on fish. ...
  • Serving food in different plates. ...
  • Entering a home with an open umbrella or openning it once you're inside.
Feb 6, 2022

What is considered most respectful in Italian culture? ›

It is common for Italian friends and families to kiss on the cheek when they meet, irrespective of their gender. Stand up out of respect when an older person enters the room. It is important to dress neatly and respectfully. Cover your mouth when yawning or sneezing.

What are Italian family values? ›

Italians have a strong sense of loyalty to one another, and the family unit is often the only social unit that is considered to be complete and forever. This is why, in general, Italians spend so much time with their family: the family represents a refuge, a secure place to live, and a source of support.

What are 3 great core values? ›

Integrity, kindness, honesty, and financial security are typical examples of personal core values. Others often see these values as your character traits. For example, someone is known for always doing the right thing likely values integrity.

How do you embrace your Italian heritage? ›

From our culture, to etiquette, and a few true stereotypes, here is my guide to help you embrace the Italian lifestyle.
  1. Think Outside The Box. ...
  2. Drive Like It's A Formula 1 Track. ...
  3. Talk With Your Hands. ...
  4. Don't Just Speak, Sing. ...
  5. Completely Ignore Language Barriers. ...
  6. Be A Fashion Victim.
Jun 19, 2018

What is the lifestyle of Italian people? ›

Italian lifestyle is largely imitated all over the world. It is made up of small and big habits that create a peculiar and sought-after image. Italians value and celebrate all aspects of life, such as spending time with family and friends, eating and drinking well, and enjoying beauty in all its forms.

Why is family important in Italian culture? ›

The family (la famiglia) is the most important aspect of an Italian's life. It provides emotional and economic support to the individual and often forms the basis of their social circles. Italian families on average have become smaller in size over the past few decades as the fertility rate has declined.

What are some cultural facts about Italy? ›

A free wine fountain? 15 bizarre Italian facts
  • Italy is the fifth most visited country in the world. ...
  • All three of Europe's active volcanoes are in Italy. ...
  • Italians invented pizza in Naples. ...
  • Italy has the most UNESCO World Heritage sites in the world. ...
  • Italians have eaten pasta since the 4th century B.C.
Jan 18, 2020

Why is food so important to Italian culture? ›

Why is food important in Italian culture? “Italian People always say “In Italy it is all about food”, well, this is very true! In fact, food represents the biggest expression of our culture as a way to enjoy and socialise around a nice meal, a festival, a family celebration, or an event.

What are Italians mostly known for? ›

When we say Italy, Pizza, Pasta and the famous Rome come to our mind. Italy is worldwide famous for its Art, culture, food, beautiful location, and architecture.

What makes up Italian identity? ›

what is Italian national identity? The answer is a complex one, as Italian identity is made up of traditions, ways of living, thinking and speaking that tie each Italian to the 'Campanile' of the particular town/city/region in which he was born.

What is Italian style known for? ›

The main characteristics that differentiate Italian style from the rest of the world are its attention to details, the manufacture and good quality of the fabrics and items used in each piece.

What is Italy's motto? ›

The Italian Republic does not have an official motto, but it does have a common phrase: "L'Italia e' una Repubblica democratica, fondata sul lavoro" (Italy is a democratic Republic, founded on labor).

What is Italian food culture? ›

The Mediterranean diet forms the basis of Italian cuisine, rich in pasta, fish, fruits and vegetables. Cheese, cold cuts and wine are central to Italian cuisine, and along with pizza and coffee (especially espresso) form part of Italian gastronomic culture.

What do Italians do for fun? ›

Young Italians meet friends on a daily basis, often in the cities' piazzas in the evenings, making frequent trips to bars, cinemas, pizzerias, and discos.

What behavior is totally unacceptable in Italy? ›

Don't point to people: Italians don't like people pointing to them with their fingers. It makes them feel like animals at a zoo. Ask for permission before photographing someone: For the same reason, you should always ask their permission before taking a photo of someone.

What not to say or do in Italy? ›

10 things you should never do in Italy
  • Don't overtip. ...
  • Don't order a cappuccino after 11am. ...
  • Don't put cheese on a pasta that contains fish or seafood. ...
  • Don't cut your spaghetti with a knife and fork, ever. ...
  • Don't order the Fettuccine Alfredo. ...
  • Don't wear shorts, tank top or flip-flops when visiting a church.
Jan 28, 2019

What are the most common Italian traits? ›

The most common Italian stereotypes include a love of pasta, expressive hand gestures, love of family, passion for football, that Italians have a passion for coffee, the opera, and Dante's Divine Comedy.

What are Italian beauty ideals? ›

7 Rules of Italian Beauty
  • 1: Sun kissed skin. Italians are synonymous with beautiful skin and many of us dream to have their sun kissed tone. ...
  • 2: Expressive lips. Italians love to talk… a lot. ...
  • 3: Gold highlights. Tan loves gold! ...
  • 4: Classic eyes. ...
  • 5: Messy hair. ...
  • 6: Bella Figura. ...
  • 7: La dolce vita.

What do Italians value most? ›

What is Italian culture known for? Italian culture is known primarily for the importance of family. Food also plays a huge role in Italian culture, as it brings families and friends together.

What are the gender roles in Italian culture? ›

In Italy the most common stereotype concerning traditional gender roles were “for a man, more than for a woman, is very important to be successful at work” (32.5%), “men are less suitable for doing housework” (31.5%), “it's up to man to provide for family's financial needs” (27.9%).

What do Italians call their fathers? ›

In Italian, you can use papà and babbo to refer to your dad.

What are the 5 most important core values? ›

Five Core Values
  • INTEGRITY. Know and do what is right. Learn more.
  • RESPECT. Treating others the way you want to be treated. Learn more.
  • RESPONSIBILITY. Embrace opportunities to contribute. Learn more.
  • SPORTSMANSHIP. Bring your best to all competition. Learn more.
  • SERVANT LEADERSHIP. Serve the common good. Learn more.

How do you answer what are your core values? ›

In your answer, explain that doing the right thing is important to you in all settings. Discuss how important your values are and the steps you take to make ethical choices. Example: "I define integrity as maintaining your own moral code, no matter who's around.

What are Italian family traditions? ›

In Italian culture, families socialize and celebrate often. Even on a regular day, they'll meet in each other's homes for dinner or head to restaurants together. Food equals love and tradition in Italian culture. If you enjoy Italian recipes, cooking, and eating, you're surely going to love being married to an Italian!

What is the symbol of Italian heritage? ›

The emblem of the Italian Republic is characterised by three elements: the star, the cog-wheel, and olive and oak branches. The olive branch symbolises the nation's will for peace, embracing both internal concord and international brotherhood.

What do you call someone who loves Italian culture? ›

Italophilia is the admiration, appreciation or emulation of Italy, its people, ideals, civilization, and culture. Its opposite is Italophobia.

What are the traits of Italian people? ›

13 Common Italian Characteristics
  • Italians gesticulate a lot. ...
  • Italians are loud. ...
  • Italians are very conscious of health and hygiene. ...
  • Italians stick to mealtimes. ...
  • Italians dress well. ...
  • Italians have a strong community spirit. ...
  • Italians are sociable. ...
  • Poor Italian customer service.

What is the Italian philosophy of life? ›

A philosophy based on love, simplicity, company, wellbeing, cheerfulness and tradition. A life that every day rediscovers the pleasure of enjoying what nature best offers.

How can you tell if someone is Italian? ›

Try to find any family documents, such as birth certificates or immigration papers. If you're an American-Italian, the Ellis Island records might help. Try to find your ancestral hometown in Italy, many of the secrets of the past may be buried there. Look for historical census information.

What are Italian moms known for? ›

Many mothers in Italy embrace their matriarchal roles of creating a loving, stable home for their children, and maintaining traditions that revolve around culture, religion – and food. But like many women around the world, the role of an Italian mother has changed with the times.

How do Italians greet each other? ›

The common verbal greeting is “Ciao” (Hello). This is quite casual. People may also say “Buongiorno” (Good day) or “Buonasera” (Good evening) to be more formal. Address a person by their title and last name, and continue to do so until invited to move to a first-name basis.

What are Italian female features? ›

Being Mediterranean, Italian women have very distinct characteristics that set them apart from other ethnicities. Italian women are known to have an intense gaze, olive skin, dark eyes, and dark hair. High cheekbones, a small or Roman nose, long hair, and soft lips are considered beautiful in Italy.

Why is music important to Italian culture? ›

In Italy, music has traditionally been one of the cultural markers of Italian national and ethnic identity and holds an important position in society and in politics.

What is the national dish of Italy? ›

Crowned as the national dish of Italy, Bolognese is one heavy hitter of a meal! Salty, saucy, meaty—Bolognese makes its appearance in Italian and non-Italian households alike across the world.

What is a typical Italian behavior? ›

It is common for Italian friends and families to kiss on the cheek when they meet, irrespective of their gender. Stand up out of respect when an older person enters the room. It is important to dress neatly and respectfully. Cover your mouth when yawning or sneezing.

What are common Italian characteristics? ›

13 Common Italian Characteristics
  • Italians gesticulate a lot. ...
  • Italians are loud. ...
  • Italians are very conscious of health and hygiene. ...
  • Italians stick to mealtimes. ...
  • Italians dress well. ...
  • Italians have a strong community spirit. ...
  • Italians are sociable. ...
  • Poor Italian customer service.

What is the most common eye color in Italy? ›

The most common eye color among Italians is hazel or brown, similar to the brown eyes of Portuguese people.

How do Italians show affection? ›

Showing affection in public is very common in Italy. If you want to show your affection for someone, hold hands while walking together or embrace each other in public. Kissing is the number one way that Italians show affection. They kiss everyone: friends, relatives, children, grandparents…you name it!

What is considered beautiful in Italian culture? ›

Italian women are known to have an intense gaze, olive skin, dark eyes, and dark hair. High cheekbones, a small or Roman nose, long hair, and soft lips are considered beautiful in Italy.

What is the lifestyle of an Italian? ›

Italian lifestyle is largely imitated all over the world. It is made up of small and big habits that create a peculiar and sought-after image. Italians value and celebrate all aspects of life, such as spending time with family and friends, eating and drinking well, and enjoying beauty in all its forms.

What are Italian families known for? ›

Italian family life can be characterized by loyalty and closeness. From the immediate, nuclear family to more extended relatives, Italians tend to remain as a close unit through several generations.

How are Italians in relationships? ›

A true Italian romance is taking things slowly, finding pleasure in dating, and playing a game of courtship. For Italians, the prelude to the relationship is as important as the relationship itself. But don't expect to settle down quickly because they want to make sure you're the right person for them.

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