Is the necktie set to disappear? Yes, according to fashion researchers | (2024)

Few men actually enjoy wearing a tie. The good news is that it’s going out of fashion. Finally. In fact, fashion experts have said that the tie is likely to be thrown to the back of the wardrobe and forgotten about within the next fifty years.

The Irish Independent reports that in a survey conducted by fashion researchers, 74 per cent of people firmly believed that the tie would eventually die out. Why? Apparently the open-collared shirt is becoming more popular on television and cinema screens, and workplaces are adopting a more relaxed approach when it comes to neck attire.


In fact, a lot of people are blaming the boom in creative businesses, such as Facebook and Google, where formal dress codes are not enforced. Instead, workers are allowed to dress in comfortable, casual clothes. Researchers have also suggested that the rise of ‘casual Fridays’ is also contributing to the decline of men choosing to wear a tie.

The poll, which was carried out for a website, found that more than half of people surveyed thought that the tie would not be seen around offices within the next 20 years, and a quarter believed it would last less than 10 years.

“Ties have been around seemingly forever but increasing numbers of office workers are telling them to get knotted,” said a spokesman for the website.

“The success of businesses such as Facebook and Google, where even the CEO turns up wearing jeans and a hoodie, also seems to have had a corrosive effect on the idea of dressing formally for work,” he added.


The research showed that more and more businessmen and executives are now opting for a suit and shirt with an open collar.

“The tie-less suit creates an impression of a more approachable deal maker, someone who is still business-minded, yet creative and technology-savvy, too,” said the spokesman.

What do you think? Would you be happy to wave goodbye to the tie?

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Is the necktie set to disappear? Yes, according to fashion researchers | (2024)
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