I'm a Professional Sugar Baby. Here's What It's Like to Get Paid to Hang Out With Rich Guys (2024)

It’s a warm night in downtown Los Angeles, and roughly 75 Sugar Babies are bonding over unlimited sushi on the top floor of a highrise. They’re decked out in high heels and spandex, but if they are peaco*cking, it’s only for each other; no Sugar Daddies are invited to this annual Los Angeles Sugar Baby Summit.

Brook Urick, a member of the Sugar Baby site SeekingArrangement’s press team, asks the crowd to settle down. She peers through large glasses as she rifles through questions the women have submitted on slips of paper. As Urick pulls them at random, they seem to circle around the same central theme: how do you negotiate financial agreements with Sugar Daddies? Urick seems annoyed by the question itself.

“Sugar Babies aren't paid. They're given gifts," she says bluntly. "If you want to be paid for your time, get a job." She advises the crowd, which is composed entirely of women, (save for two male Sugar Babies — one gay, one straight), to show off “only one body part” at a time and to try to attract a boyfriend-type, but not expect a husband. “People aren't on SeekingArrangement because they want to be on Match.com,” she says. “You need to know that — he's not looking to marry someone.”

The women at the Summit seem undeterred. As Urick tries to answer questions one by one, the crowd grows rowdier and more emboldened, interrupting her frequently to tell their stories. Here are a few of them.

Why Sugar Babies Become Sugar Babies

Anna, who requested that her name be changed, is a 33-year-old platinum blonde with an earthy streak who drove up from San Diego for the Summit. She’s getting her MBA while simultaneously working as an erotic masseuse. Using SeekingArrangement helped fund her move from Utah to California — but she never wanted to rely on it as her sole source of income. “I felt like that if I got to that point, then I might compromise my integrity of what I was comfortable with to be able to pay rent,” she says. “And I never wanted to be in that position.”

Sugar Babies join SeekingArrangement for a plethora of reasons — not just to fund a move, like in Anna’s case. Student debt, rent, mentoring and internships are all reasons Sugar Babies cite as justification. And of course, some are hoping for a serious relationship or husband as well.

“I would like to find someone who's a nice person, who I get along with, and who is willing to help me with where I want to go in life,” says 24-year-old Katelin. “I think of it as more of a gift from someone you're dating rather than a sexual transaction, even though that is part of it.”

The phenomenon of men with power and money using those aspects to attract women is certainly nothing new. Dr. Kyle Livie, a cultural historian and Associate Professor of History at Ohlone College, says that at the end of the 19th century, a phenomenon known as “treating” began to arise, in which shopgirls and other unmarried women with low-paying jobs relied upon men to provide them with money for housing, dinners, in exchange for being an escort.

"Even in a situation where it seemed like women could be independent, they were very much dependent on a patriarchal economic system," he says. "This concept of ‘treating’ was essentially seen as a pathway to prostitution and death.”

The Sugar Daddy phrase itself can be traced to the 1920s, when it became popularized as a slang term for a man who spoils a younger woman financially. In 2006, entrepreneur Brandon Wade launched SeekingArrangement.com in order to serve as a sort of digital matchmaker. The site now has 3 million users worldwide — and its numbers are growing, with SeekingArrangement reporting a 33% increase in Sugar Daddy membership and a 54% increase in Sugar Baby users since 2015. The dynamic still goes mostly one-way: Men are the benefactors, women the recipients.

Jessica, 33, became a Sugar Baby as an alternative to getting into more student debt. “[I was] never going to be able to think about grad school, because who wants more loans when you can't pay off the ones you have? I was driving a crappy car, living in a crappy apartment. It was rough,” she says.

SeekingArrangement likes to promote the narratives of savvy young women like Jessica who are pursuing arrangements as a way to graduate debt-free. They’ve even created “Sugar Baby University”: No minimum GPA is required, and users are encouraged to “join today and get your education paid for by a generous sponsor.” According to SeekingArrangement, it is not an actual university — the benefit of registering as a student is that you get an upgraded membership for free.

Jessica wasn’t a patron of Sugar Baby University, but still used the site to fund her MBA.

She quickly found an arrangement that many Sugar Babies only dream of — a Sugar Daddy who didn’t demand sex, but wanted to help pay for school. “I have not paid any student loans,” Jessica says. “I have one year left and I've already paid the full tuition on one of those semesters.” That benefactor has since passed away, but thanks to her other arrangements, she’ll be graduating debt-free.

How Much Sugar Babies Really Make

When it comes to how much a Sugar Baby makes, or how she negotiates her arrangements, there are no rules, or even common practices. Every relationship and agreement is different, and Sugar Babies and Daddies all have different standards.

Some women will go on multiple dates without expecting to be compensated for their time, and others won’t even meet for a coffee without prior payment. Some Sugar Babies charge by the hour, some have a steady monthly “allowance,” while others still have no concrete agreements with Sugar Daddies and rely on the whims of his “gifts,” a term used to mean anything from cash to paying rent and student loans to buying fancy dinners, handbags and vacations. Some simply want to find a boyfriend or husband who is wealthy and successful, and don’t expect an exchange otherwise.

According to SeekingArrangement’s stats, the average Sugar Daddy is 38 and makes $250,000 annually, while the average Sugar Baby is 25 and makes $2,800 monthly from her Daddies.

“From one, I get $1,500 a month. I see him typically once a month, sometimes twice,” Jessica says. Another Sugar Daddy pays her roughly $700 per visit; some months he sees her only twice, while other months he sees her multiple times a week. The third Sugar Daddy pays her a “monthly allowance” of $2,000 a month, and she sees him twice a week. That adds up to a minimum of $4,900 a month in income. Jessica estimates that between the time she spends on self-promotion, messaging new potential Sugar Daddies, first dates, and maintaining her standing arrangements, she’s working full-time hours.

Jessica’s success seems to stem from her willingness to negotiate with potential suitors. “I normally just start with a base pay-per-visit. I'm not charging by the hour. I feel like if they can't do $400 to $500 to spend some time with me, then I'm not what they're looking for anyway,” she says.

Of the three men who pay Jessica for her company, she has sex with only one. “It may lead up to that someday [with one of the others] but I'm never in a hurry for that," she says. Her highest-paying Sugar Daddy “doesn't sexually function,” but she does do things like go to his house and lounge by his pool naked. “He's an older guy, he's not married anymore. He was big on Wall Street, moved to California, got into real estate, and likes to enjoy his money.” They travel together often, but she always requires a separate room. She says her independence is part of why she’s been so successful.

Jessica has no plans to quit once she graduates. “I'm only 33. I'm now more experienced with it, to where it's a little easier now, not so stressful as it used to be. It used to be, I'd have to have a drink before I even met someone for a drink. Now, I really don't want to work for anybody. I think that’s one thing SeekingArrangements has taught me: I like controlling my own financial destiny.”

Meanwhile, Anna has struggled to get enough erotic massage clients after the escort listing site Backpage was shut down by U.S. officials this past April — an effort to curb sex trafficking and prostitution. Backpage’s demise left thousands of sex workers without a reliable or cheap way to advertise their services, and some, like Anna, have turned to SeekingArrangement.com as a result.

Anna says she averages about $100 an hour, even for overnights that include sex. Compared to the $22 an hour she was making in the financial sector before, it’s a bump — but it’s still less than the $150 an hour she makes for sensual massage that doesn’t involve sex. The emotional labor she has to devote to SeekingArrangement also has her reconsidering. “You have to coddle somebody, and you have to be available to them for hours and hours, and pretend like you're interested in them,” she says. “With escorting, you're paying me to leave.”

While some Sugar Babies are able to secure a decent living through the site, Anna worries that SeekingArrangement is creating a space that is unsafe and underpaid for women. On escort sites, people soliciting sex are expected to verify themselves by doing things like showing their ID, providing information on where they work, and even listing references from other sex workers. On SeekingArrangement, however, there isn’t really any way to screen members as valid or safe — the only policing comes in the form of user complaints, which result in a Sugar Baby having her account paused while the claim is investigated.

“This is to ensure that each complaint is taken seriously and that arbitrary complaints do not affect users who are in compliance with our code of conduct,” SeekingArrangement PR Rep Kimberly De La Cruz tells Money. “We are constantly improving our user reporting tools and employing more artificial intelligence software to keep escorts, prostitutes, attempted underage users and those who violate our terms of service and code of conduct off our site. To even further discourage these unwanted elements, we work proactively to report violators to law enforcement.”

SeekingArrangement maintains that being a Sugar Baby is not sex work, advising women to instead walk the fine line between girlfriend and girl-for-hire. The company has to walk that line itself: if the site admitted to hosting sex worker profiles, it would risk the same fate as Backpage.

Back at the Summit, several women continue to interrupt Urick in order air grievances. They complain they’re being taken advantage of and treated “like hookers,” and ask for advice on what to do.

“If you're getting taken advantage of, maybe you need to reflect on your own behavior and think, ‘Okay, well how am I showing this guy that I'm not really there for him?’” Urick says. If you’re in it only for an “allowance,” as they call the unofficial financial agreements between Sugar Babies and Sugar Daddies, he’ll sense it. “They're not stupid. They have money for a reason.”

Certainly, the article delves into the dynamics of modern relationships between Sugar Babies and Sugar Daddies, exploring the motivations behind joining platforms like SeekingArrangement and the nuances of these arrangements. To break it down, let's cover the key concepts and themes presented in the article:

  1. Sugar Baby Summit & SeekingArrangement: The setting of the article introduces a gathering of Sugar Babies in Los Angeles at an event organized by SeekingArrangement, a platform connecting Sugar Babies with Sugar Daddies.

  2. Motivations and Reasons: Various reasons prompt individuals to become Sugar Babies, such as funding education, dealing with financial struggles like student debt, seeking mentorship, or simply desiring a better lifestyle.

  3. Historical Context: The article touches on historical parallels, drawing connections between contemporary Sugar Baby arrangements and historical phenomena like the concept of "treating" in the late 19th century, where women relied on men for financial support in exchange for companionship.

  4. Evolution of the Term "Sugar Daddy": Tracing back to the 1920s, the term "Sugar Daddy" emerged as slang for a man who financially indulges a younger woman.

  5. SeekingArrangement's Influence: The platform, launched in 2006 by Brandon Wade, has witnessed significant growth, promoting narratives of financially savvy individuals using these arrangements to offset financial burdens, including the creation of "Sugar Baby University" as a marketing strategy.

  6. Financial Aspects and Negotiations: There's no standard rule for compensation in Sugar Baby arrangements. The financial agreements vary widely, from monthly allowances to gifts, trips, and covering expenses like rent or education fees.

  7. Income and Workload: The article provides insights into the potential earnings of Sugar Babies, showcasing varying income streams based on individual agreements. Some Sugar Babies negotiate substantial financial benefits without engaging in sexual activities.

  8. Concerns and Safety Issues: The piece raises concerns about the safety of such arrangements, discussing how the closure of escort listing sites has driven some individuals towards platforms like SeekingArrangement. It highlights potential risks and the challenges of ensuring safety and fair compensation within this space.

  9. Perception and Stigma: SeekingArrangement attempts to differentiate its platform from traditional sex work, emphasizing a fine line between a dating relationship and transactional arrangements. However, some users express dissatisfaction, feeling exploited or treated as sex workers.

  10. Challenges and Reflection: There's a discussion around the challenges faced by Sugar Babies, including emotional labor, safety concerns, and perceptions about their motives in these relationships.

This detailed breakdown illustrates the multifaceted nature of Sugar Baby-Sugar Daddy dynamics, encompassing financial aspects, historical context, safety concerns, and the complexities of navigating relationships within this domain.

I'm a Professional Sugar Baby. Here's What It's Like to Get Paid to Hang Out With Rich Guys (2024)


Are the sugar baby messages real? ›

Being scammed once can often open a floodgate of fake sugar daddies and other scammers contacting you on Instagram or other social media platforms. Don't engage with any messages from strangers, especially if they're offering free gifts, an allowance, or other financial incentives.

How do sugar babies usually get paid? ›

Some relationships are PPM, or "pay per meet" — in those arrangements, the sugar daddy gives the sugar baby a specified amount per date. In another type of relationship, sugar daddies give an "allowance" on a set schedule, like monthly or biweekly, either in cash or through a payment app like Venmo.

What are the red flags with Sugar Daddies? ›

They'll sometimes commence the dialog with a friendly or sexy message prior to moving to financial matters. They'll tell you they are wealthy and brag of the money, homes, or autos. If their sentence structure is poor or they earn frequent mistakes in their writing, it's a red light that they can be lying.

How to not get scammed as a sugar baby? ›

To avoid sugar daddy scams, remember the golden rules above: don't answer messages from people you don't know, ignore any messages promising free money, and don't hand out personal details to strangers. If you want to stay as secure as possible online, download Avast One for comprehensive protection.

What are the downsides of being a sugar baby? ›

Sugar dating can involve scenarios of harassment, sexual assault, and the manipulation of financial arrangements to coerce unwanted sexual action— also known as rape. “Sugar dating” isn't safe, and it isn't an empowering system— it is inherently exploitative.

Should I give a sugar daddy my phone number? ›

Requests for personal information: Another way sugar daddy scammers can scam you is by asking for personal information that they can use to hack your accounts or steal your identity. If you're ever asked to provide your sugar daddy with personal details, you're probably dealing with a scam.

What do Sugar Daddies look for in a sugar baby? ›

Aside from the above-mentioned traits, Sugar Daddies tend to look for much more. They like women who are mentally mature, are well-mannered, goal-oriented, have high self-esteem and are adventurous. Another very important trait is that they're able to navigate social situations very well.

Is it illegal to accept money from a sugar daddy? ›

Yes, sugar dating is legal as long as both parties are consenting adults. However, it's important to navigate this relationship carefully to avoid legal issues.

How do you talk about money with a sugar baby? ›

Definitely don't start the money talk straight away! First, take the time to get to know each other on a first date, and have fun together. The key is to focus on building a relationship first and thinking about the rewards after. We'd suggest you keep the topic of allowance for the second or third date.

How do you ask your sugar daddy for money via text? ›

For example , you can say something like “I'm hoping for a monthly allowance. Do you consider that's sensible? ” When no one likes to talk about cash, it's important to always be upfront and clear about your expectations within a sugar romantic relationship. This can prevent any turmoil or uncertainty down the road.

What is expected of a sugar baby? ›

The sugar baby is typically seeking a financially supportive partner. Many sugar babies are university students who use this form of dating as a way to pay college tuition, rent, and other bills. They may also be looking for travel opportunities, gifts, and perhaps mentorship.

What is a typical sugar daddy arrangement? ›

Essentially, a sugar daddy is an older, wealthier man who provides financial support to a younger person in exchange for companionship, and often, intimacy. This arrangement, while straightforward in its basic premise, is layered with complexities that reflect on both personal choices and societal pressures.

How do you become a professional sugar baby? ›

The easiest way to do it is to join a safe and reputable sugar dating site that has many sugar daddies in your area. Such platforms provide all the tools you need to meet a benefactor, and the best thing is that all the men on these sites know that you are looking for sugar relationships, not vanilla relationships.

Are sugar daddy requests on Instagram real? ›

Dr Shaanan Cohney, a cybersecurity lecturer at the University of Melbourne, said that although the 'sugar daddies' are technically real people, they're usually underpaid office workers whose job on the side is to scam Instagram users.

How do sugar daddys send money? ›

According to the Better Business Bureau, the scammer sends the target a check or pretends to transfer money into their bank account, or into a peer-to-peer payment service like Venmo, Cash App, PayPal or Apple Pay.

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In return, Attractive members—sugar babies—receive compensation through one of two structures: pay-per-meet, or PPM, which resembles a kind of freelance escorting, or by allowance. Receiving an allowance, monthly or weekly, usually comes along with a longer-term and sometimes exclusive arrangement.

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