How To Rock a Red Lip - Donna DeRosa (2024)

Never underestimate the elegance of a classic red lip. Red is a power color that can make you look glamorous and feel invincible. It’s a favorite shade of classic Hollywood actresses. Don’t be shy. Read on to learn how to rock a red lip.

Tips for Rocking a Red Lip

Exfoliate – Start by treating your lips to a gentle scrub. You can use a sugar scrub or a wash cloth to massage lips and make them smooth and soft. You want your lips to be in the best condition before you apply lip color.

Moisturize – Use a lip balm first and let it sink in for a few minutes before you apply color. Your lips will look smoother and younger.

Balance – If you are going for a bold, dark red shade, go lighter with the eye makeup. Allow your lips to be the focus.

Outline – Use a lip liner pencil in a shade close to your natural lip color. A nude liner works best for all lip colors. This will help give you a more precise edge to your lips, and prevent the color from bleeding out.

Apply– Use a lip brush for a smooth and precise application. This helps you get into the little curves and contours of your lips, and gives a sharp finish to the edges. You don’t want a messy red lip.

Touch Up – To keep your lips looking their best, bring your red lip color with you, and touch it up frequently. You don’t want to be left with a red ring around the outside of your lips after drinking or eating.

Start Slow – If red lips are out of your comfort zone, ease into them. Red lips don’t have to be bold. You can use a red lipstick as a stain to get used to wearing color. Apply lip balm, then pat lip color on your lips with your finger for a softer look.

Find the Right Red Lip Color for You

Anyone can wear a red lip as long as you find the right hue for you. Red lip colors come in a variety of shades from orange to fuchsia and everything in between. Match the shade to your skin’s undertone.

If you are cool-toned, try a blue-red color or one that is more pink than red.

If you are warm-toned, try a brownish or brick red or one that has more orange in it.

Texture is also important. What type of finish do you prefer: matte, creamy, or glossy? Wear whatever feels most comfortable on your lips.

Famous Reds

Here are some famous red lipsticks that have endured for decades.

Dior 999 – a true red shade that suits most skin tones
Mac Ruby Woo – matte blue red
Mac Russian Red – matte bluish-red
Mac Lady Danger – matte coral red
Revlon Cherries in the Snow – creamy fuchsia
Revlon Fire & Ice – creamy hot pink-red

What is your favorite way to rock a red lip?

Here is a video showing you how to apply a perfect red lip, the Parisian way.


How To Rock a Red Lip - Donna DeRosa (2024)
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